When I write a bug it becomes the core gameplay

Chapter 197 Mr. Gu is no longer responsible for game development!

Friday, February 7th at 6pm.

The heads of various departments of Nitiantian Games gathered together in a conference room on the first floor of one of the villas to prepare for a meeting.

Wei Chengjie was a little confused, why did he have to hold the meeting during off-duty hours?

If it were in other companies, this kind of thing would be quite normal.

But considering Nitian’s work intensity, there’s no problem at all in having meetings during the day, right?

In this regard, Zhou Yang responded like this.

"Don't ask, just remember that any meeting held at night is a meeting for investors! Just give me some face and support. As for what was said specifically, you can listen or not."

Wei Chengjie was confused.

Although he had been studying the urban ghost stories of Ni Tian over and over again and memorized these rules of conduct by rote, he still did not fully understand its internal logic, and he still had doubts about many details.

In particular, we have not yet fully understood the complex relationship between investors and companies.

However, Wei Chengjie is too lazy to think about these issues. Strictly speaking, his position at this time is "executive strategy", which means he is not responsible for the functional design of the game, but only needs to manage the project and ensure that the game is developed as scheduled.

With Mr. Gu and Zhou Yang here, Wei Chengjie can just do his own work without worrying about the minutiae.

While everyone was chatting away, Lilith arrived.

As soon as she sat down on the chair next to the big conference table, she spoke in a surprising way.

"Today's meeting is nothing particularly important. It is mainly about adjusting the organizational structure of our company.

“As you can see, with the continuous development of Nitiantian Games, our book funds are increasing, and the original small workshop-style structure is naturally not suitable.

"Mr. Gu has also mentioned to me before that he hopes to appropriately use part of the excess funds for investment, right, Mr. Gu?"

Gu Fan wasn't sure what kind of medicine Lilith was selling in this gourd, but he still nodded: "Yes."

Gu Fan did briefly mention this to Lilith before, but Lilith showed a lack of interest at that time and obviously didn't take it to heart.

Why are old things brought up again at this time?

Quite strange!

As a profitable game company, Nitiantian Games has encountered the same problem as many successful game companies before, that is, there is too much cash on the books and they don’t know how to spend it!

Although in the initial design, 70% of the company's funds will be used for the development of the next game, this allocation method was okay in the early stage. Now you will find that this 70% of the funds has been significantly higher than the development Funds needed for the next game.

Take the current situation of Nitian games as an example. Before developing the game "Ascension", Nitian's development and operating expenses had already reached 53 million.

The various costs of the game "Ascension" are roughly more than 37 million, which means that there is a balance of about 16 million from the original cost.

With the popularity and sales of "Ascension", its sales have exceeded 100,000 in the first week since its release!

Based on the selling price of 138 per copy, this game has brought in more than 8 million in revenue in one week.

According to this data estimate, the sales volume of "Ascension" in the first month is likely to exceed 500,000, and it is not a big problem for the subsequent cumulative sales to reach one million.

In other words, a cost of 37 million yuan can eventually earn more than 80 million yuan or even more than 100 million yuan in revenue.

In addition, other games are also continuing to contribute revenue.

Based on this comprehensive calculation, if the development of Nitiantian's next game takes three months, then strictly based on 70% calculation, there will be at least more than 56 million R\u0026D funds!

What game costs so much?

Of course, there is no cap on spending in the game industry. If you are really willing to make those super-large productions, it is not difficult to spend hundreds of millions.

Reversible Paradise has its own national conditions. Lilith is eager to get a lot of negative emotions in a short period of time, so she does not accept a too long development cycle. The game must be released in three or four months at most.

Even if we recruit people frantically in the short term, it is unlikely to significantly improve work efficiency. After all, this is not a simple 1+1=2 problem.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to spend so much R\u0026D funds.

So what to do with these R\u0026D funds? You must think of other ways to spend it.

Of course, the signed contract cannot be violated. It is said that 70% is used for game promotion and research and development, then it can only be used for game promotion and research and development.

But the problem is that "game promotion and development" itself is a very broad concept.

Purchases count as publicity, so does buying a building to advertise the game count as publicity?

Anything related to game content is considered a research and development cost, so does the physical disc of the game count as a research and development cost? Do the peripheral products that come with the physical disc count as game development costs?

Regarding these contents, Lilith's contract does not provide detailed provisions. If you have to pick out the words, in fact, any relevant contents in a broad sense can be forcibly summarized.

The money is just lying around in the company's account. It is better to spend it to use some residual heat.

This was Gu Fan's suggestion to Lilith, and at this time, Lilith obviously adopted this suggestion.

But why exactly is it adopted? Gu Fan was still a little confused.

Lilith clapped her hands: "So, I have decided! Make certain adjustments to the company's current organizational structure.

"Mr. Gu will take the lead to explore new business areas for our Nitiantian Games and expand our territory!

"Real industry, investment, or game peripherals...as long as the industry is directly related to our main game business, you can try to get involved!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Mr. Li, you, the investor, have finally done some personnel work!

However, in the eyes of Zhou Yang, Zhao Haiquan and other old employees, in addition to surprise, there was also deep suspicion.

They looked at each other and saw the same confusion in each other's eyes.

This is completely inconsistent with Mr. Li’s behavior! Is this still the idiot producer? Why did you suddenly start doing human affairs?

There is a problem, there must be a problem!

Sure enough, Lilith changed the topic: "In this case... Mr. Gu will be busy exploring new fields, and naturally he will not be able to take care of game development work at the same time.

“Therefore, Nitian Games will make regular personnel adjustments.

"In order to allow Mr. Gu to work with peace of mind, Zhou Yang! Wei Chengjie! The two of you must take over Mr. Gu's banner and be fully responsible for the development of the game!

"Especially Zhou Yang, I will hand over the design concept draft of the new game to you later and give you three days to perfect it into a detailed game design draft. This game is also Mr. Gu's creative idea. You have to make serious changes. You can't It’s perfunctory.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked: "Then what will Mr. Gu do?"

Lilith explained: "Didn't I say it before? Mr. Gu will be mainly responsible for the development of new business and the management of the company we invested in, "Hell Front".

"Of course, Mr. Gu is still the president of Nitiantian Games. When the company needs it, he can still come back and take charge of the game department's business at any time.

"Of course, under what circumstances is it considered necessary... I will strictly control it."

But these words obviously did not convince the employees present, and they immediately became excited.

"After all, Mr. Gu is no longer in charge of the game department?"

"That won't work, that absolutely won't work!"

"Without Mr. Gu, the game department has no soul! Mr. Li, think twice!"

"Without Mr. Gu, the game department will collapse immediately! So what if we develop new business by then? The game business is the lifeblood of our Nitiantian!"

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't accept this arrangement at all!

Because everyone knows very well that Mr. Gu has definitely played an irreplaceable role for Nitiantian Games to survive to this day!

Without the restraint of Mr. Gu, who knows what Mr. Li, the investor, will do.

Although the current financial situation of Nitiantian Games seems to be very good, the game industry itself is a high-risk industry. As long as one game fails, it will be severely damaged, and if two consecutive games fail, it may lead to bankruptcy.

What will happen to everyone’s bonuses then?

You are not at odds with Mr. Gu, you are at odds with the lives and fortunes of all employees!

Therefore, this resolution was immediately unanimously opposed by everyone in the company!

Lilith's eyes narrowed slightly, her expression becoming very dangerous.

It was obvious that she was becoming more and more aware that there seemed to be some problems with Nitiantian. And these problems will obviously hinder her great cause of collecting negative emotions!

Now these employees only know Mr. Gu but not Mr. Li. Is that okay?

Unexpectedly, I gave these employees a lot of bonuses before, but they failed to win people's hearts...

As the conflict between the two parties gradually became more acute, it was Gu Fan who spoke.

"Mr. Li, everyone, please calm down first.

"I fully support Mr. Li's decision on this matter!"

This made everyone stunned.

Especially Lilith, she raised her eyebrows and asked "huh?" in confusion, which was obviously unexpected.

Gu Fan looked at Zhou Yang and the other people in charge of the company: "I believe that after this period of working together, you have a full understanding of Nitiantian's game design concept. Even if I do not interfere in the development of the game, 伱We will definitely be able to complete our assigned tasks properly!”

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