What kind of job does such a dish play? Go home and raise pigs

Chapter 256 It's not about who is more miserable than the champion, but who is stronger

In the blink of an eye, the time has come to April 27th.

The final time of this year's spring competition is 4 pm on April 29th, and there are only two days left before the start of the competition.

In today's S7, apart from IP, the galaxy battleship, which is thriving, it presents a situation where the top three stand side by side.


The strength of the three teams is about equal. Looking at the configuration alone, the configuration of RNG and EDG is not bad, even more luxurious than WE.

Especially scout, who is much stronger than the original him.

Before winning the championship and after winning the championship, the confidence and mentality of the players are completely different.

But even such EDG lost to WE two to three.

The opponent in the day after tomorrow is WE.

So here comes the question, how can WE He De be able to defeat so many opponents and become the last enemy for IP to reach the top of the S7 Spring Split?

First of all, let's go back to the lineup.

On the order, 957.

Known as Leg Brother.

Leg brother's career is different from that of ordinary players.

The other players all dropped out of high school or even junior high school and came directly to play professionally, so they are very young.

But what about leg brother?

He started playing professionally after finishing school.

In 2014, after graduating from Ningbo City College, Ke Changyu joined WEF and started his career.

And 17 years. is his peak.

The current version is very suitable for him, and he also works very hard. There was a story where he lost eight catties by training heroes crazily for a month.

Efforts will eventually pay off. The 957 of S7 Spring has undoubtedly become the most solid backing for WE. The Shen Kelei Titan tree in one hand has become a thick shield for WE on the road.

But not only that, he has also won a hero like the little murloc Rambo, showing a deep hero pool.

Except for playing Xu Ruoguang, Brother Leg has basically no problems in laning.

Play wild, condi.

He is the famous barbarian king's jungler in later generations, master W barbarian king's unique skill brother.

But don't think that condi is just a dish.

In fact, Condi, named Son of the Dragon, has always been very evil in controlling dragons, and his wild play style is changeable, and he is very good at playing the rhythm of the middle and wild.

It is not surprising that they are called the three wild kings of LPL now.

Xiangguo, Condi, and Mingkai are the current three wild kings.

What? Peanut you ask?

drag it out (sad)

Isn't it common sense that there are four of the three wild kings!

On the mid laner side, as Xu Ruoguang has even sent out invitations, Xi Ye is undoubtedly a very strong mid laner.

The Xiye hero pool is very scary, he was educated by godv, he really worked hard.

Professional players in this era have to face, what heroes can't? Then practice!

It is impossible to show up and say that you don't want to practice, and then proudly say to others, "Oh, I told you that the hero of the male gun is really useless."

this kind of thing.

Of course, it's not about canceling the account internally, so don't be embarrassed.

Xiye and condi are the most important rhythm engine for WE.

And with such an upper middle field, WE's bottom lane team is also not bad.

The brother-in-law added ben, a veteran AD, and a veteran support.

Ben seldom made mistakes. Although the losing game was a bit messy, he had never been a war criminal and would not give him a chance.

My brother-in-law belongs to another ADC like the old thief Sima, and he is also a man with a story.

Brother-in-law Mystic, whose real name is Chen Shengjun, was born in 1995.

Why is it called uncle? Because WE posted a video in 2015, in which mystic and two younger sisters appeared on the scene at the same time, because the younger sister was very cute, so many netizens called him brother-in-law.

My brother-in-law started playing games in 2013. At that time, he joined the aircraft team Green Wings. As a result, the team's results were dismal and there were not many opportunities to play.

The most difficult thing is that in 2014, because of his handsome appearance, he was selected for the LCK All-Star Game, which was still called ogn at the time, but he was unable to turn his economic advantage into a laning advantage, so he was ridiculed as "the empty vase".

At the end of 2014, that is, when the ten sons of Samsung came to China after S4, my brother-in-law also came to LPL and joined WE.

But at that time, WE's starting AD was Sima Old Thief.

In the era when the relegation match had not yet been cancelled, the old thief Sima was known as the "emperor of relegation", and his brother-in-law could only be a substitute for a long time.

A player who is famous in Korea for his looks.

When I came to LPL, it was because I had two good-looking younger sisters.

Because of such things that have nothing to do with the professional performance of professional players, they became famous.

For mystic, it is not a sad thing.

What kind of ending is worthy of this journey of ups and downs?

After a long wait, mystic finally seized the opportunity.

In 2015, WE's starting state was ridiculously poor, not to mention the top laner Aluka, and the bottom laner styz, the female policewoman who had five kills in the first game, also played worse and worse.

But because the old WE generation won the qualification for IEM9, WE2.0 cannot live up to their efforts, so they have to go.

mystic seized the opportunity.

When everyone was ready to see WE's jokes, the double Cs of mystic and Xiye led WE to beat CJ and other Korean teams all the way to the finals.

At that time, WE's league performance was the worst among the twelve teams.

So some viewers joked, "In China, there are eleven others as strong as WE."

Although in the end lost to the North American phantom god, the cult TSM.

But the potential of mystic has finally been discovered.

He's never been one of those glamorous geniuses along the way.

Only the heart that is diligent and eager to win is burning.

WE's current lineup is not luxurious, but their cohesion is terrifying.

This is the reason why they walked in front of IP and competed with IP, the galaxy warship shrouded in the spotlight.

This team is very special, it is the dream and original aspiration that many 60E will never forget.

Xu Ruoguang calmly stood at the top of the .IP club and blows the wind, which is his necessary way to relax every day.

"Although WE is very inspirational, in e-sports, after all, strength must speak."

he murmured.

"Perhaps, it will shatter your dreams."

"But I'm sorry, my goal is only to be a champion."

Trek, find light in the fog.

Who is willing to compromise in silence?

No matter what the opponent's experience is, for Xu Ruoguang, the only thing he can't live up to is victory.

I am very moved by your experience and beliefs, so I will try my best to defeat you and prove that I have stronger beliefs than you.

This is Xu Ruoguang's idea.

What's more...

"Brother Guang, come down for lunch!"

Xiao Wu's voice came from the stairs behind him, Xu Ruoguang responded and walked down the stairs.

In e-sports, the competition is about strength, not who is more pitiful.

Sadly, I have reasons to have to go to MSI.

Xu Ruoguang is sure of this villain.

Time flows and never turns back.

The day before the competition, Xu Ruoguang finished shooting the promotional video together with the WE players, and Xu Ruoguang waited quietly for the final final.

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