Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

[Outside] Holiday with Evelyn Previous

Take off your shoes and when you return to the room you are horrified by the warmth of the air.

It's still in the morning so it's cold outside, but it's easy to spend thanks to the fireplace that's always provided in the room. The heat resistant glass is still caught by the fire (salamander), although it only hurts a little.

"Marie's not here today, but we're gonna make a big deal out of this."

That's what I said when I talked to him, "Why? ♪ I've been leaning my neck in the wind ♪ I grabbed the nearby burning tree, thinking it would be a fire if you went outside.

This is sold for camping, and the Spirit will be happy to give it to you once in a while. Yeah, I don't have any other purpose.

I put on my gloves and then opened the door and gave it to him as he reached out.

Was it a little heavy? Yolo, the cancer and the burning tree fall on the other side. Let's keep the accumulated ashes loose while we lick them with pepper.

He was completely obsessed with the burning tree and stared out of his sesame grainy eyes as he complained, "Clean it quickly".

"Yes, yes, because it'll be over soon. Something like this, all the time."

Round the newspaper, then stand up.

Marie's fireplace is very convenient. Mainly where gas bills are no longer needed to help households.

I was briefed on the structure for maintaining the Spirit, but I don't really understand it by ordinary people like me. All I can do is clean the ashes.

"I wish I could carry this ash into the world of dreams, too. There's a lot I can use over there."

Throw it in the garbage bag whining like that.

Beyond is the world of dreams, and unfortunately we can only dispose of it here because of the constraint (rule) that "food and beverage only" can carry. If I could carry it, I could use it to manage the field and wash the dishes, and besides, I wouldn't have to do the garbage disposal.

Thinking, for example, I heard a hairdryer from the back.

"Oh, Eve's coming to see me today"

Marie has errands at the Magician's Guild even though she's on vacation, and Uridora is also making improvements to the mansion. I was just thinking about spending some time reading a relaxing book and "I'm going to go play," and it was Eve who gave me both hands.

I didn't have a reason to say no, so I made an invitation, but I was nervous about being alone with a woman other than Marie, and now I'm in a little trouble.

"I still can't believe you're jogging in the morning, Eve is a gymnast after all. Let's just wait in the futon while we dry."

That's what I come up with and head to the sunny bed.

My room is one DK apartment with a view of the living room, kitchen, and bedroom. Right next door is the bathroom and toilet, maybe she showered and sweated.

Walking with that in mind, I saw a healthy skin tone at the edge of my sight. Looking back, there's a woman in a hairdryer in front of a mirror, a little.

Worked up back and a big swollen ass. And my blue eyes looked at me in the mirror.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I forgot to close it! Japan is a little narrow, isn't it? I've never lived in this much space..."

"Hey!! Don't turn around normally!

Ba panicked and turned her back, but she closed the door saying "I'm sorry" if she didn't even care. Finally, I exhaled in relief.

Eve is a little too wary, though I knew it somehow. I thought I was just a little worried about spending time with a weakly guarded woman.

No, when you first came to Japan, were you just a little more ashamed? I don't know, they strangled me right away, so I don't know.

Wearing a thin shirt, and pants with visible thighs, Eve came back.

They jogged through winter Tokyo and have a good blood color in the morning. "Sorry about earlier," he waves as he walks past the living room, peeking into the fridge as a matter of course. Somehow, I slipped away from her butt when she turned to me.

"Is this milk? Can I have a drink?

"I don't mind, but why don't you get a little more wintery?

She refused because it was hot and the refrigerator was closed.

When I open the milk pack, I still start drinking it gobbly as it is. I was worried about pointing out my bad behavior, but shall I think about that after I finish drinking?

"Pfft! Hey! Shh! What is it, it's a little sweet though, huh? Hey, hey, what does this say?

The pack pointed to a letter written in blue, so I said, "It says delicious," and I said, "Manama!" She laughed.

You can also choose milk with high milk ingredients these days, so even if you drink it as it is, it is rich and delicious. I also like low fat though.

Walking barefoot with Peta Peta, she sits across from the table. I don't see any sign of putting the milk back in the fridge, and I wonder if you like it.

Well, should I scold you? Let's start with the low level of vigilance that leaves the door open.

"Eve, be careful in the bathroom. It was decent in the mansion over there."

"No, I'm careful, too. But I floated in Japan a long time ago. And... uh, Cuz, you feel safe, don't you?

When I call my name, I get a little confused and wonder what's going on.

I wonder what it means to be more "secure" than that. When I asked her that, she opened her lips as she roared.

"Um, I look sleepy and cheeky, and I take good care of you, and you don't look like some kind of man, do you? Of course I look good when I'm fighting, otherwise I feel like your sister."

My shoulder fell off when I slipped.

Your sister... I'd like you to at least be my brother or my brother. Thinking of it as something like that, I was pointing and counting the elements I thought were my sister.

"You're a good cook, you're relaxed, and you're going to feel some relief. You actually took care of the diamond squad, didn't you? Puselli told me. He said he made it possible to live there."

No, that's our thoughts, or I wanted an employee's hand... Well, it's become a habit to ask how I'm worried and stick around.

But when I heard that, I had something in mind too. I feel like a dangerous sister, secretly.

When I told him that, Eve blew the milk out with one hand.

"Aha, what's that? I'm much older, aren't I? Or do you want me to call you 'brother'?

What do you say? and he peeps in with cat-like eyes, just a little dodgy. She has a habit of keeping her face too close, and I'm not used to it yet.

Upper eyed, she looks up at the ceiling and then squeals "just fine".

As I wondered what was just right, my blue eyes turned this way again.

"I've been worried about it for a while. I don't know what to call it."

"What, about me? Wouldn't it be better if it was the same as usual?

"Hmm, calling me 'cuz you' is a little weird, isn't it? Look, you're small and cute over there. So I'm not uncomfortable, but this way, you're an adult, right? So it's kind of weird."

Oh, when you say that, you sure do.

I've only spent so much time with her in the world of dreams that I may feel even more uncomfortable. Even I feel a little tickled to be called "you".

When I called my name earlier, this is probably why I couldn't say a word. Nevertheless, of course there is no request for the person called, so I decided to leave it to her.

"Isn't it good because it's easy to call? It's just as good as usual, and I don't care if there's anything else that's good."

"That's right, Kitase, Ichiro, Kitase, Kitakita..."

Apparently I'm looking for a sound that's easy to call. But don't just pick the last Katakana guy.

It was going to take a little to pick it out, so I grabbed the newspaper that was nearby and spread the word. Soon, the habit of the Magic Dragon had shifted to me, too.

I'm just saying, I'm sure it's the same for everyone who reads it when it's nearby.

With that in mind, Eve's eyes turned this way.

"Right, let's call it Ichiro. Aren't you a little more grown-up than before?

"Whoa, you've turned into a callout. Even so, have I been calling Eve off since my first day? Of course you can call me whatever you want."

Her eyes turned to this one after repeating it in her mouth just about to.

"Ichiro, what are you playing at today? Jog with me?

"You just went... Unfortunately, I hate exercise in this world. That doesn't change my laziness habits much over there, does it?

Shards and she laughs, drinking gubbi and milk. Then the view of Tokyo was interesting, and it was important to protect the signal - I wonder what kind of accident you were about to have - and the dog followed and was cute, and he told me about what happened earlier.

When you put in a gesture and are explained with a fun look, somehow this one feels bright too.

Her emotions are straight and it seems to me that it gets on the word. Probably because of that.

I put my cheeks on and listened as I hammered him, and he put his arms around me with his fingertips properly.

"So it's fun. Why don't you run with me tomorrow?

"Um, don't get in trouble when they say that. Let me just think about it for a second."

I saw her pointing her lips sooooo hard, and there was something I could think of. Even if she can't speak Japanese, what she can enjoy will surely be an easy place to understand, like the view she saw at the jog.

"It's very expensive when you're running...... er, didn't you see the tower? Shall I show you there today?

"There it is! I want to go, go!

They put their faces close across the table, and just a little bit I turn back. [M]

I knew the distance was close. I worry about it, so I guess I'll be in a position like my sister or my brother.

Nevertheless, I am weak in excited and hopeful eyes. Cough up the paper and put the newspaper back where it belongs. Just on the advertising side, there was a skytree stretching out into the blue sky.

Because you came from the fantasy world, should I give you a tourist guide today? Though I've never been there either when I said...

The milk pack with its mouth open was sometime empty.

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