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Episode 230: Attack Battle Over Oasis ⑥

The woman - the blood buildup (Borzoi) exhaled a koo and freezing breath, looking down at the man at her feet.

Both armor and hair still have mucous trolls, slowly revealing their shapes.

Signs are heavy. Darkness is darker than the hierarchical lords there.

Her hair draped in bundles and her open eyes were golden. My eyes are drawn to the delightful, thin face that dropped my brow butt, and the colour of my breasts and thighs that don't soak in the field. The angle you look up at is even worse.

Beyond that, furthermore, there was a shell that seemed to have dropped fruit. Was the woman laid off from that shell?

Not while I'm guessing. A spear in the back increases the speed of rotation with Hyun-hyung. Zarish shrugged when he saw the imminent state of play.

"... that's my territory."

Just looking at the setup and weight movement, the woman knew she was a formidable enemy. I also knew that Shinigami would accelerate the tip of the ear and probably exceed the speed of sound.

Feeling chilled to death on his skin, Zarish still flashed his sword.


As his mastery trait, the sword he shook exceeds the speed of sound. Back to back with a distorted personality, the skill (skill) in hand was superb enough to be said to be invincible in terms of proximity.

But now, on the white trajectory of being born twofold (for example) - none of the responses were forthcoming. It's like you're turning off water.

Then there is a blood splash from both legs, and the body is similarly wet.

"So did that tree, but the concept of flesh is thin. You still belong in the demonic system. The opponent of this hand wants to attack the spirit..."

"There's no such thing as a mindfulness. I don't know, all I have now is my bad mouth and your creeps. All right, try the stuff. Let's do it together."

I wanted to scream I'd kill you, but the spear that spins directly above you is like a fan looming.

Touch the top of your head, gaggy! and scatter heavy sparks. Due to guardian beast and automated interception (intercept).

Seeing a spear that slows down slightly, the old man dives into time. To those who approached, the blood buildup (Borzoi) waves the spear reflexively to aim at the eyebrows, neck, and legs… but Gaston stood on the shield late after finishing shaking with Bunn about whether he had seen something decisively wrong.

"You don't look bareback. Temehe will be with you if you don't hit him, but 10,000 years of menstrual women."

Kaha the old man had a compelling grin, and the woman's eyes were, by contrast, cold out. Shake the spear without pulling a step with your wretched face.

He shows the accumulation behind his back and passes through his neck muscles shortly after a breath. But it still doesn't hit me.

Gaston's old man is a user of what he cares about. Reading less than a second ahead by looking at the other person's mind, and manipulating his own, deflects the enemy's perception.

A battle survey that I honed over the years abruptly dwelt as a skill. If you use it, you are no less than your demonic opponent, whether you are a person.

Distance reached without reaching out. But Zarish looked up to the battle that left no response to each other's weapons.

"It's like watching monsters fight each other. More than that, just get off my shield. We're gonna blow it together, okay?

"Don't worry about the details. You don't have to leave here."

It's a pretty small realm fight, but we both know that if we pull even one step here, it'll sound later. If you recognize it as inferior, the batter will change next. That's what melee fighting is all about.

But the least frustrating thing was this brave candidate.

"Come on - realm blockade"

Duh! and under pressure, Borzoi bounces backwards. The old man was moving out of the realm at some point, pursuing the woman... he stopped.

"It's convenient to have a barrier. Do you want to use it so you can target the damage?"

"? I just blew it up. It won't hurt."

In response, the old man laughs. To that meaningful look, Zarish frowns. Would you say that there is any way to make use of this?

Gaston muttered, "Well forget it," then pointed his jaw at Qui.

"The menstrual woman seems to be obsessed with you for a long time. Play him for a while."

"Hey, are you gonna push me? There are strangers in the world who prefer jizzy."

The old man laughs, wondering, and walks out to distance himself from the brave candidate. Then the golden eyes stared at Zarish alone.

Slowly his lips are opened, and, uh, his mouth, shown off, has a fine fang growing surprisingly. The depressed tongue is like a hill, and if you suck it, you'll be drunk dry with a gook.

He distorted his eyebrows and glanced at some troll woman.

Armor and hair are more rigid than they were earlier. Zarish wondered if that was the reason for the gradual increase in speed.

I just grabbed the sword, and the old man's voice sounds from across.

"Do you have my advice?

I don't want it.

"Then I'll tell you on my own, if it helps, I'm grounded. You're with that kid, too. Danced by luxurious equipment. Drop the sword or something. Use more skills."

I spit what a fool. I'm wearing a helmet, so I don't think so.

And I wish I hadn't seen Gaston or anything at all. A woman with a smile was already looming in front of her.

Gaggy, giggy, giggy!

A metal sound sounds continuously due to automatic interception (interception). When Zarish waved his sword late, the sound of battle increased more.

The sound of steel touching each other echoes with phosphorus and goes to the battlefield like the sound of phosphorus and bells. When it even began to sound like a constant sensation shoe, unexpectedly it turned into combat music.

Zarish is confused by the fact that he has been added to the music. But I can't take this melody (rhythm) off. Stone in battle was tying him to music.

"Huh! Is this guy playing?!?

The woman, who seems thin in happiness, smiles slightly back at the words. It's not a joke or anything, they seem to like it a lot.

Thanks to this, I no longer serve to protect the Ruby squad, but I don't feel like I'm losing anything.

Slowly the demon opened his lips.

Is this ancient language? The inaudible lyrics had a rustic sound, one that made the world look beautiful.

Swords and spears scatter sparks in a relaxed rhythm, taking the interception brilliantly, slipping through, bouncing, and sending it through with a watery touch.

If I was careful, I would have been captured by this music in motion.

"Oh, seriously. Singing demons. Unusual. But this guy sounds a little sad."

As the old man thinks, the word "sad" suits me well.

The world looks beautiful, but it's a cruel world there. Suffer only to look neatly beautiful and just seek free salvation. It was such a song.

But no matter how beautiful the music is, the pressures looming are real. Biting his back teeth tight, Zarish battles not a step back. No matter how much you block it with a sword attack, the woman won't leave his realm like a nightmare.

As the song increases by about one scale (octave), the spear accumulated behind his back looms beyond the gung and sound speed. When I realized that she was fast enough to brace herself - speaking of which, is this woman speeding up every time she hardens - she was torn in armor by a single letter vertically.

"Damn it! How fast. This woman!

As fragments scatter, they scratch over lost eyes, and even bush and repair materials cover the skin and armor. Stimulation like hot water, but has the effect of rapidly healing the wound.

At the same time, he notices a woman breathing right from the side and leans back on her upper body with a bah. It was the red petals, like blood, that leaked from its lips.

Blue in the helmet. This is a petal that was about to suck blood all over my body earlier.

This timing, distance, time to reach. Given that, we can't activate the realm blockade in time anymore.

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My upper body muscles swelled up and Zarish's sword tip disappeared. Carry out a series of attacks that you think are best in your lifetime, chopping up the petals until they are powdered.

And beyond the shaken, the sword sucked from the flowers was smashed and scattered.

My heart starts pounding.

Put your hand on the wound and a woman is about to open it. He showed off his bright red mouth, and a bloody build-up (Borzoi) smiled distortedly.

- I'll give you all a drink. Zarish.

I felt so whispered, and I was zooed.

The steel is stirred, the wound is licked from the penetrating tongue, and the blue eye is opened to its limits.

Mobilize muscle strength and don't try to pull it off or freak out. On the contrary, he was clutched the other way.

Oh, it's a hug that I think is a nightmare.

The feeling of being sipped (soaked) was soggy and I was about to faint.

His thoughts repeat: I don't want to die, I don't want to die.

No, dying here was his last job. It was my duty. The royals sent them to the battlefield on such terms. You traitor, hunt demons until your life runs out.

But I can't die yet. To die in a place like this, I didn't confess my sins. Let's forgive torture and confessions. Let's forgive all the magic exercises of brainwashing, cursing, murmuring and obedience. But I will not tolerate meaningless death.

Perceive your surroundings like a running lantern. To find information to survive.

Team Ruby is pointing his last demon sword at us. When you screw up, you're going to bury them all together. It's a very sensible and diligent decision. I want to commend you for being great.

Gaston looks at this one and examines Oki laughing "heh". What would that act mean? It's not surprising that the tree doesn't disappear and remains for some reason.

And this bloody woman.

Do you know the former Abandoned Prince and desire noble blood?

What worked for this guy? Which attack was effective? No sword. I can't grasp the image I can guess.

Repeat the battles that have taken place before, instantaneously in your brain.

Protected himself from the petal storm, then Gaston and the demon fought on the shield. Realm blockade on slightness - …….

Thoughts run so I can play bah.

Zarish looked like he woke up from a dream, forcing his helmet off, and then - touched the woman's skin.

Embrace your luxurious hips and arm through your armpits. To that gentleman's embrace, the demon rounded his golden eyes.

The sloppy tongue is still breathing dope and blood. He slowly opens his mouth, even though he remembers the blunt pain from his wound.

"I really prefer a woman who seems to be weak in luck. I have the pleasure of thinking about what to give."

You felt the favor, and the demon snorted.

His mouth is stained with his blood and his lips pass down with saliva. Without breaking his expression when he sees it, Zarish strengthens his embrace more.

"Whoa, you can't call me unhappy anymore with that look - realm blockade"

Whisper to your ear like that, Dossie! and the feeling of being able to play ran into my arms. Retreat the demon and offset the area to remove the threat.

Being that harms him opens his eyes so much that his eyeballs are about to fall, gaaaa! And I cried.

Blood shizuku flows backwards over the armor. The elements that make up her, the blood of the other, are squeezed away, and she hurries and rolls out the spear with one hand.

While the embraced unstable posture, the tip is sucked into his head - just before, it offsets the damage.

All physical and magical attacks in the realm were regulated (rules) that this barrier would eliminate.

Geezy...... Shh!

With a sad cry, the blue in the realm becomes even more intense. The bloodshed must be painful for her. Demons are weaker than they are when they show weakness.

"Not yet, shoot. Eh!

Doe! and the demon swords that could be played spit out their last power.

It crosses Zarish's head, peering into the demon, and is sucked into Gaston's indicated position, the roots of the trees. I don't know how, but I guess I spotted a demon weakness there.

Like a farewell to this life, he whispered quietly.

"If you want to argue with me, you have to exceed the speed of sound in all attacks. Demon (Beast)"


Hearing it, keeping her eyes open, she scatters all the time.

When I turned my gaze back, I saw the scattering of Oki, just like her.

He doesn't know which was the main body right now. I don't even know if I could really stab him in the stomach, but if I looked up, a beautiful blue sky was waiting for me.

The carcasses of the demons turn into dust and disappear into the sky as they chase Borzoi. If death leads people to paradise, where the hell are they demons headed?

Second, I thought about that.

He lost too much blood and apparently passed out standing.

I received juicy repair material on my chest and woke up with that intense pain.

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! Let's just say we tell Veyron soon."

When I picked up the helmet that was falling, Gaston and the others gathered ahead to make contact with headquarters.

Move your powerless body and come closer to them. Then the old man looked back with the expression "Oh, wasn't he dead".

"Damn. It would be a flowing death scene. There's nothing you can do about it like unburning garbage."

"Is there such a flow!... could you defeat the blood buildup (Borzoi) more than that?

"Saa, I don't know. I just disconnected from the demon world. Ask the experts for more information. Yeah, and I got word from headquarters."

This face is not going to say anything again.

Yes Zarish thinks, raises a single eyebrow and waits for words. Whatever the words were, I felt like I would never be surprised.

"The Demons are about to launch a full-scale attack. You did it. We can still have fun."

But his body leaned toward too many punchy words.

The Ruby squad laughed out loud, but it was difficult for the brave candidates to understand where the funny elements were now.

Ha-ha-ha and sigh, looking up at the sky.

The cloudless sky and when will I realize that the sound of the earth is gone too?

Because of my mind, I don't feel like the offensive battle over the oasis has crossed the mountain. It was such a sober sky.

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