Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 215: To the library attached to the university ⑤

Oh, and the roasting sound of meat.

The young clerk turns back Patty on the iron plate, and next to him, the vans are burned together.

The burger shop is everywhere in town, but apparently this isn't the place I know.

Rustic wooden architecture is embellished with American taste and then arranged in a contemporary way.

Even though I thought it was "fashionable", including pop music, I still haven't been able to dispel the shock of "Hamburger Thousand Yen" that I saw earlier. Funny, when it comes to old-fashioned America, cheapness is supposed to sell.

There are many new stores around the university and there are many tourists who set higher prices everywhere. If you don't like that, they'll take care of the school food, but they decided to visit at the invitation of those who guided us through the library.

Looking out the window, the day is only slightly weakened.

Marie and Uridora have totally enjoyed the fall of reading, and thanks to that, lunch is way past. However, it may have been helpful to have had a small number of guests. I think I'll get what I ordered soon for this.

and Marie's loud voice echoes in such a store.

"Yeahhh! A real voice actor is coming!?

The more the glass of water rocks, the more the girl looks surprised. The college students were happy to bring out that look, and drank coke to delude them.

"Well, we're ani research. It's important to have a big event like that a few times a year."

"So-so, the voiceover actually comes and reproduces the line you're making. Even when the director came to me before - was there?

"Talk show. There's going to be a school festival soon, so he and I were gathered over the weekend."

When I break my finger and mention some animated titles I've been involved with before, each time I gather Marie and Uridora's interest.

I don't know, but it's probably a famous piece.

You know what? And when I turned to Kaoruko, he nodded as a matter of course. When you're a social worker, it's very hard to remember the latest cartoons.

With that in mind, Mr. Elf turns his suspicious expression next door.

"Oh, what is it? Does Kaoruko-san know?

"Probably about the Anime Fellowship. There are a lot of circles in college, so I think that's the kind of gathering."

Kaoruko-san is happy to be talked to, she returns so with a grin. He was drinking coke, too, and snorted.

"It's like a place for nerds to say circles, and the room's no different than a rest stop. Mountains, loaded cartoons, comics and games. It's like one of the few activities that makes a report."

"Hmm, it's not like Kaoruko's room. Speaking of which, didn't Marie and Kaoruko have a lot of fun in the game?"

With a hand that had a cheek wand, I finger Kaoruko all the time.

She smiled like a prank and was thrown at her, blushing her cheeks. Perhaps it was because Uridora behaved better than to say she was made fun of.

To deceive you, Hon and Kaoruko cough.

"I love the sword and the magical world. I also like to chat with people and get hooked up with online games. Marie, can we hang out together another time?

"Yeah, sure. I've never touched a game before, so I enjoyed it. Something I could also learn the depth of a healer."

There are women lined up on the bench seat side and Kaoruko, sitting in the center, looks pleased. My shoulders are also at a distance that seems to touch me, and I'm just pinched by two people away from Japan, and my toes shake at will.

Speaking of nerd attributes, what does she do with lily culture? Coffee with a touch of anxiety, but when you see Kaoruko exposed his emotions as happy, happy, it's hard to think about how to be careful.

Apparently, in such a sight, they were finally seen by college students, too.

Fantastically beautiful sights of them laughing without giving in attract only that. They had soulless faces, like watching flowering moments.

Sounds like a senior. He regains his mind.

"What game is it, by the way?

When Kaoruko-san tells the title, um, he groans.

"Same ongae we do or... Wait, that's just good graphics, pretty animal specs. The people who stop you from going too cynical say you're not going to make it."

Much of Marie's face comes to that word. The imminent face of the half fairy elves was something of an invisible shock, and he still leaned back enough to gut the chair.

"? Let me tell you something from a recovering actor, that cynicism matters. It wouldn't be funny if I could clear it easily, would it?

"Hmm? Hmm... this kid's got a cute face and grabs it."

"Right, su. I heard there were a lot of women players, but I didn't know they were playing the same game."

They started to tell you a little secret.

The interaction is interesting and I have a blurry view.

I was pretty worried about interacting with them at first. 'Cause the first time I saw him, he sounded odd, and he was like a bunch of people around. There's no reason not to worry.

But when I asked him to "treat me as a friend," he's doing his best so far. Reviewed, that's an honest assessment.

People with the same taste, that's also a nerd hobby. They can't stop talking to each other.

Perhaps her temperament as a fellow countryman works, as Marie put her face closer earlier. I'm a quiet person, but I live in a dream world.

The pleasure is in that it is the first time for Mr. Elf to have a heterosexual interaction with his age. Given the life ahead, I think you should get used to it at all.

One thing bothered me, I spoke to them pompously.

"If you're playing the same online game, why don't you play with me?

Nh!? and they look screaming, no, no, I shake my neck hard to the side. It's too luxurious, but it's forbidden and fingered.

"Oh, uh... even though you don't want to play games with these mushy men, Kitase. Hey, Marie."

"I don't mind. 'Cause you see, I'm playing with someone with such a sleepy face."

That's what I said, and it touches my arm. [M]

He looked up to me to forgive me for using it, and I shook my neck slightly too. Her eyes are beautiful and she gets sucked up. If you're full of curiosity, it's even worse.

I look into my pale purple eyes and think that I was worried but seemed happy to have a friend with the same taste. After all, the girl moved her lips, "It's fun," along with a flowery grin.

Kaoruko slapped me on the shoulder with a pong, and Marie and I return it to me. I wonder if it means "that's when you two have time" with your fingertips on your lips.

Two of the students held their heads as they glanced back at the table in a slight panic.

"Shit, there's no such thing as a princess, here"

"You can never find out your face. Please don't tell me anything about this, seniors. You know that, right?

"Wah-lah, wah-lah. I'm glad I'm off today, I don't have to be seen by someone I know."

He said bumps with weird sweats, etc.

Nevertheless, they didn't like the way they were reading together, but they got rumored, and they suffered from information cover-ups for a while.

Well, the clerk carries a plate with a big burger on it.

Uridora and the others welcomed him with applause to such volume that the vans were still likely to fall off the equipment. Of course, the price is proportionate, and they have an easy to understand structure: size equals price.

By the way, Marie wants the same cheese as me, and Uridora wants the avocado.

Marie, who tried to eat, opened her mouth "ahem," didn't wear much of a size, and looked up at me adorably with a troubled face.

"I wonder if I could use this knife and fork over here. I think it would be good to use my hands when the amount drops."

"Thanks, I will. We can all eat with our hands."

It is about ten centimeters tall alone and is too big for her to hold.

I don't have much experience eating bread with knives and forks. Besides, ketchup and razors go that way on the table, it's quite a fun vibe.

Marie, who managed to cut it off, was also able to eat her first burger.

But this size and creaminess is amazing.

Fluffy cream mixed with mozzarella cheese and large patties cooked on iron plates are different from regular burgers. Of course the calories are expensive, but the vans that smoked the sauce and gravy are pretty good too.

"Mmm, yummy! I wonder if the bread feels sweet because it contains sesame seeds. It's funny how wild it tastes to be baking."

"It's good... mugg, it's good to eat!

Hmm, this is my first taste, too.

Immediately after eating, the tingling spices ride to the tongue. It uses a lot of pepper and drips with fragrant gravy.

I have the impression that it is filled with refreshing mayonnaise and filled with lots of unique Japanese dishes from the store.

The meat and cream mix to the point of chewing, lettuce and chopped onions entertain the shakes and teeth.

I think this is just a little cheating. They say they have a lot of calories, but as people who eat them, they feel "refreshed".

There came the sweetness of the bread, and it didn't happen that Mr. Elf patted his legs.

"Hey, hey! When I'm a college student, I can't believe I'm eating this. It's really cheating!

"Eat, eat, we're new here, too. Students learn to eat basically."

Having grown an agu and a barren beard, he eats a burger.

They're in a perfectly normal tone, but if you look at Marie and Uridora's face, who look happy eating morsels, they seem to see just a little bit.

Delicious, I guess the way you hit each other on the shoulder just shows a little dazzling.

With that in mind, a ketchup container appears in front of me. An elf with pleasant eyes peeked into his face from beyond.

"Kazuhiro, what do you do with ketchup?

"Mm, thanks. I don't really like the dark flavor...... then would you write the heart mark and 'To Kazuhiro'?

"Me, me, me!!

It suits my nerdy hobby place, and when I ask them to do so in Nori, they still eat up too. The women laughed when they opened their mouths wide to the hamburger they offered.

I don't know, but I also think Uridora's cat stamp for me is valuable.

and so on, and they tangled potatoes in it to make it delicious.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

By the time I got back to the apartment, the sun was completely twilight.

After a day of eating a lot, enjoying Ichigo tree-lining and reading, and having a hobby conversation, Mr. Elf seems to be in a good mood for walking.

As soon as Kaoruko gets off on the elevator and on the halfway floor, my hand will be gripped from the girl. Looking down, she returned a pleasant grin.

He kept holding my hand like that, so he said, "Did you have fun?," he asked, still nodded loudly.

"It was fun. It didn't take long, and every Monday I had plans to play games. Hey, when's the winter comic coming?

Oh, apparently there's even been more events at the end of the year.

Nevertheless, peer magazines and others are also cultures when it comes to Japan's own culture, so maybe it's good to know. Of course, I'm not familiar with it either.

"Huh, huh, Marie seems like she can enjoy doing something that's 'puffy'."

"Oh, I don't like it. I saw the pictures, but I'm embarrassed to give you so much skin."

The turning girl turns to Uridora with a face that looks so unpleasant. I know it raises one eyebrow and puts my lips together, but I'm "just a little interested" in that look.

So shall I push my back properly?

"If Uridora did cosplay with you, would you think about it?

"Huh? Hmm...... right, but you still don't like it, Uridra?

"Say what. Being a magic dragon, I'm better suited to cosplay than anyone else. See, you can make as many elaborate costumes and props as you want."

Ah! and the girl looks like she's discovered something big.

When you look up at me and Uridora alternately with that look on your face, you make me feel very tickled.

The hallway with the lights is much colder with the night breeze already.

But the girl's fingertips were heating up as conflicting.

opens the door properly, turns on the lights in the room, and reaches our room.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back now!

I followed them after they took off their boots and tried to put on a slipper, with an inner crotch toe in front of them.

Lifting her gaze, Marie put her hands behind her and rocked her hips with mojo and fun.

"What's wrong, Marie?

No reply, the girl lifts her hands to banzai.

They hold nature and the girl's torso as they are invited, as they are sought after. The luxurious body tucked into her arms and the girl hugged her neck to reply.

This is probably a reward for having a great holiday.

The flutter and the girl's body floats as she lifts up with her butt supported. Marie's face with the light on her back was dark and she was whispered "thank you" from so close that her nose seemed to touch her.

She touches her lips softly and often I freeze. We're not in sight, but now we have Uridora.

Trying to turn aside with that in mind, she was slammed on the cheek from the girl's fingertips as she whispered.

"No. Something you need to know how much fun I felt. It's Uridra, the black cat. And then there's just me and you."

Do you understand, I'm weak when I can tilt my neck?

Probably any favor, when they make this face, they'll snort. Furthermore, her temperature is transmitted to her in her fall outdoor clothes, and she is sandwiched from both thighs.

Understanding that the loss is getting thicker, the grin and the elf laugh. With seductive eyes and lips, and let's stab the tortoise. Cover your face.

It smelled like a sweet girl somewhere, from her lips that seemed to touch her - she was licked with a pepper.

I'm sure you're enjoying the look on my face when I panicked. From slightly open lips, it is finally softly wrapped......

"You can't see your pants all around."

"Ahhh! Hey Uridora!"

"I was very worried if I should tell you or not, but I should tell you as a dragon. North Se, the elves there seem to have a hobby for rounding out pants. Be careful."

The noisy elf walks toward the dragon as she gets off to the floor where she storms.

It's like a relief, somewhere unfortunate.

How can our elves become more attractive every day? Before changing, I decided to head to the bathroom to wake up my hot face.

I was worried about what would happen, but it looks like you enjoyed your library date safely.

Exhaling into the mirror, apparently I was smiling, too.

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