Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 214: To the library attached to the University •

Whoa, and my voice goes out to me.

The calm wood tone is reminiscent of the Meiji period, with modern chandeliers highlighting the elegance of the indoor.

Is this the browsing room? Even relaxed long tables and chairs make you feel like the times, and you can also see some students.

Glass windows are as high as near the ceiling, and I guess that gives them an open feeling.

I see, this is the top university. It was certainly an impressive creation, such as an atmosphere that could not be tasted in a normal library.

The girl, still clinging to her arm, has been looking up at me.

(Wow! You're an adult library here!

(It's a really calm place! Tastes good and the sun is good. If I played an animated movie in a place like this, it would look like fun!

Yeah, I'll ignore Uridora's suggestion for now.

It's where he talks quietly, but still the girl's excitement doesn't look like she can hide it.

I hear the library Marie went through is in the dark basement. Is it a crystal of witchcraft and knowledge and strictly controlled to never divulge it to outsiders? Then surely there won't be one of the windows.

and was slapped on the shoulder from the rear then.

Looking back, the guiding student points to "it's this way". Returning outside as prompted, the door closed quietly.

"This is the browsing room. What is it? I've got more free weekends, sus, but there's a bunch of critical people out there who haven't decided to graduate or advance yet. So, what kind of books are you guys looking for?

Oh, the round-faced guy is a brilliant hider of his earlier excitement. Thumbs up asking me to do it at that rate, and they gave me my thumbs back.

Marie often worried and turned a more dear grin on him than usual.

"Yeah, I'm looking for field material. I want to know as widely as possible about rice, vegetables and fruits in a calm climate as Tokyo. Uh, Uridra..."

With her gaze pointed, she laughs all the time.

I waved my wear all the time saying that the lead actor today was Marie and hugged her like a sister from behind.

"Heh, heh, my purpose is not to eat. I duly enjoy the books. I rather enjoy the historic buildings."

"Oh, then I guess it really doesn't matter what I like"

Go ahead and nod at me, too.

It's a place I visited today for Marie, and I don't hesitate to stretch out and have fun.

Like us, the students nod, and Marie can flaunt her lips as the flowers blossom. Cardigan floral patterns also look good when she wears them.

"Wow, I'm getting a wuss for some reason. Thank you both for taking the time to guide me. I'm so happy."

That's what I said and touched their hands softly.

If you see him, he's a half fairy elf with an anecdote that you'll never forget.

If you are touched with a glowing grin from that girlfriend, you may be just a little surprised. Emotions pour in here like static electricity runs a little.

Oh, and they opened their mouths, and they couldn't move for a while. Perhaps I am confused by the emotion of the abrupt visit.

They open their mouths slowly, as they follow the hands of a girl walking away.

"No, I'm glad we're the ones who can show you around. My teacher promised me lunch."

"So-so, to a stylish burger shop. Would you like to come with me later?

"Ho, ho, ho, ho."

Whoa, I'm surprised at them for suddenly becoming natural.

I want to go. The way he talks about wanting to go is a sight somewhere close to a friend. Of course, Uridora was the one who reacted the most.

Has Marie's purity and simplicity drained their poison? A man is a very weak creature for a delightful woman, so is that necessary?

I think this area is a good place for Marie. I don't atrophy, apologize, etc., and honestly enjoy it.

Of course she's a kid who can be attentive to her surroundings, but she would have felt sorry for her before.

"When did Marie learn how to enjoy Japan, too?

"Yeah, I've always been taught by you. If anyone tries to entertain you, it's rude to shy away. Now, Ichiro, let's find the book we're looking for before they take a sunny spot."

That's what he said, and he hugged me to my armpit.

I love this energetic, dream-filled elf. I would very much like to secure a special seat at the window.

The girl pushed us back and we decided to head to the book corner.

Well, it wasn't long before a serious girlfriend became a book bug. The sound of turning the page in a constant rhythm is heard at the window where you can enjoy the soft sun.

My eyes matched, and he whispered to me, "It's good to remember the letters, too".

Yes, I'm humble, but I think it's fast enough to wonder if you're really reading it. But they're still absorbing this well.

I guess "memory" skills are effective in this world, too.

In nearby seats Kaoruko and the others are also spreading the book and enjoying a calm time.

But I don't see Uridora.

Funny, I thought she was the one enjoying the book by Marie's side.

When that bothered me, the girl next door pulled her sleeve. The words whispered in his ear were "Tell me what Uridora is reading, too".

The grin of the girl in the sun makes me feel motherly, and my pussy and I blink. When are you getting an adult vibe together?

I get my fingertips shaken small bye and quietly I get up. [M] To do the special assignment (mission) given to me by the girl.

That's why I walk alone in the university library.

I no longer think of it as a library, with marbled hallways, staircases and sculptures decorating walls.

Architecture that loosely depicts the curve, while making the times feel. But it's interesting to smell the book somewhere.

I honestly enjoyed the quiet, solemn space.

Yeah, it's getting a little funny.

Apart from commuting, I don't often walk alone. The surroundings are full of things to care about, and it's fresh that you can walk here as you please.

In a slightly darker place, the lamp-shaped lights were lit, and that was like a fantasy world.

Pomped tables are also good at sunless windows. There are books all around, and the empty chairs seem to promise comfort.

"It would seem nice to spend time in a place like this"

It leaks like that by accident.

There's nobody around, so you'll be allowed to talk to yourself.

I thought so, but there was something moving loosely.

Black and long, hair? And so on and blinking his eyes, the large eyes of the slit length were looking at this one.

I keep my fingertips on my lips and invite you to come.

I couldn't figure it out. When I approached him, he stretched out his little arm and grabbed me.

"That, Uridora. Were you here earlier?

"Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Without giving in, she narrowed her eyes and laughed, letting her tongue peer small from her red-painted lips.

It's a little dark here, with slight dust dangling at the window. In such a place, the black dress with lace decoration is also particularly suitable.

It's modern Japan, but it's like you can feel magic.

"No way, he was using cover-up skills (skills), or something?

"Come on, how'd it go? You missed it when you fell asleep."

If I'd known, I'd have been seated sometime.

Unforgivably, there is a cup of tea on the table, which makes the hot air stand loose.

Is it equal to no school decision for her?

Uridra puts her finger on her glasses and returns her gaze to the tabletop book.

It's strange how things change just because the sights around you change, even though you look the same as you usually do. She seems to have the power to make you forget that this is Japan.

So, I wonder what book Uridora chose.

Turning his gaze with curiosity, there was a line of mathematical books depicting complex symbols.

Various other academic books were spread, such as the back cover of "structural mechanics," as well as history books and engineering objects that might have something to do with warfare, etc.

"Wow, are you reading all this? Maybe I'm trying to remember all at once, or something?


I was given an ambiguous reply that neither Jesus nor No could take. Having given up on getting answers, I decided to follow my obsidian stinging eyes instead. The gaze movement made me wonder if I knew what I was reading.

Move from top right to bottom left so that you lick it softly and move on to the next page… before that, fingertips are sent to different books.

Turn the page gently, find relevance and stretch your fingertips to different books again.

Um, fast. I can tell that regular movements are probably learning at a fierce rate. It's strange that Uridra wouldn't be too surprised to see him like that.

I first took an old book that was nearby, World History Changed by Japan, and decided to date her time.

Keeping turning the page. Often, he can talk in a quiet, library-like voice.

"I didn't expect you to come alone."

I look at her unexpectedly in a solitary voice.

The smile is the same, but is it because of the usual change of vibe?

I hesitate to reply, and I hold the book and wait for her next word.

"Tomorrow I leave the party. But when it's over, we'll rendezvous."

"... Is it about your husband that things are over?

Her eyes finally turned this way.

He has a slight look of surprise in his neat eyes that remind him of a cat somewhere. The smile disappeared and she slowly closed the book too.

"Um, I'm in a hurry to do something about that guy. This magical dragon."

"It's not like Uridora, I don't think. I'm sure it's an important companion, and I think it's very important..."

I just can't breathe.

Her eyes float with swordswallowing colors, which I find particularly scary in dim spaces.

She grinned as she slightly rocked her lustrous dark hair and mocked it.

"That's not who that is. It's not the same as Odora. The instinct to give birth to a child drives you to hold me back?

My lips smile, but my eyes remain swordswallowed.

Signs of being a dragon are there, a look I never even showed. If Marie had been there, she might not have had this look.

"Are you stronger than you?

"You don't want to believe it. Besides giving birth to a child and giving the dragon nucleus to the child. Is the basic strength difference doubled or something? But then..."

When I noticed the warmth and looked down, my hands were wrapped in lace patterned gloves. Her body temperature is just a little high, passing on to the back of her hand.

Distracted by the silky feel, she glanced back again and there was a small wrinkle between her brows.

"I didn't see it that way either. If I had reached out, I might have had a relationship like an obscenity. That's the pain."

I heard the word "painful" clearly.

I guess it's one woman, not a magic dragon, who's here. A woman who doesn't know what to do right and is trying so hard to see a branched path.

"I wonder what you want to do, Uridora?"

"I don't know. I don't know anything about him. He hasn't seen me again, just as I haven't seen him. That's why I can't give you an answer."

Yeah, yeah, I snort a few times.

I have to convey a very important word. Determine her path, and the words that will lead her in the right direction.

I remember a long time ago. It was time for me to duel Zarish, the brave candidate.

She said to me, "Don't kill him unconsciously."

If it weren't for that, I would have kept feeling the burden, and I would have been convinced that Marie could not have been protected without her filthy hands.

That was a really, really important option. She was the only one who knew that, and she showed me the way.

I want to reward you now for that.

"Uridora, you are a very nice woman and everyone will like you. What seems particularly good is that the more you talk, the better you will be. That's how I feel about the lovely woman in it."

Obsidian eyes stare at me. [M]

I guess I'm thinking ahead, trying to explore the intent of the word.

But what I want to tell you is very simple. That's why it doesn't matter how much further you read.

"Have a conversation with him. I'm sure it won't take him three days until he falls in love with you. If that comes off, I don't mind dedicating my favorite pillow to Uridra the Black Cat."

Slowly her eyes open.

I don't know about the Magic Dragon, but I... no, there's something anyone but her can understand.

That, in other words, is her own (Uridra) charm.

Reflection on sunlight increases radiance in the eyes and rarely reveals a slight red flavor on the cheeks. If you noticed, the back of my hand was tied up at Uridora's fingertips.

I was there, and when I accidentally said it, Uridora grows more grinning the opposite of my expression. Though I wonder which sad it is, the earlier worries appear in my eyes as if they have disappeared beautifully.

"Hence. Idiot. Sleeping face, a poor salarier of regular rising doctrine"

"Yeah, what's that? Is that my bad word?

"Well, no matter how much you say it, it doesn't sound like it. But it's funny. As a reminder from my dreams, my worries disappeared."

Oh, I wonder if this is a thank you. A cup of tea magically appears in front of me and entertains me with a good fragrance.

"Hehe, are you going to make me an accomplice, Uridra?

"I know you do. You look serious, but you're actually a bad guy. I don't like it."

Oh, I guess that's too much to buy.

The company still passes this as harmless to humans and animals.

We laugh at each other all the time and enjoy a quiet laugh like a library. Laughs with joy and joy, including aromatic tea in his mouth.

Of course, you don't imitate books, but you don't really want people to see them.

Finished laughing, she turns her beautiful fingertips to the book.

And I opened my lips trying to enjoy the plot.

"We need to make sure we listen to each other very carefully first. With such a difference in strength, you can't get mad at me for cheating a little."

"Oh, this is..."

fingered. There was something quite boneless there.

I wonder what the hell you're willing to do with your eyes on a large-calibre rifle, my magic dragon.

It was a pleasure to see, and she narrowed her eyes and smiled attractively.

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