Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 204: Reconciling a Couple Fights

"Wah, ahhh..."

The girl was wrapping her palms against a shining handicap in the morning sun.

As you wake up your torso, the futon slides off your bare skin. The girl looks down at her sly body, her sleek clavicle, and her eyes open before her shame as if she had changed too much.

Hitting the sun, the black of the eyes slightly faded and approached the blue.

The luminous body is something I forgot a long time ago.

Skin that glows as much as I envy, something I should never have been able to get back. This kind of thing doesn't come true unless it's a dream.

Yes, this is a dream.

However, it is an extraordinarily realistic dream, a dream whose chest begins to pulse dodgy on expectations.

Unable to contain the overflowing curiosity, the girl crawls to the handicap and proceeds. When it opened slightly, the sun spread over the tatami and looked out softly.

A well-maintained and rustic garden stretches, and in the distance, a gardener-like Lizardman walks with his tools in one hand.

The talker was a maid-dressed woman with cat ears, and each other's tails were shaking in a good mood.

It's a different sight from Japan.

overflowing green, and small flowers flock to adorn the path. The sky was as blue as I had ever seen, and the depressed forest had spread all the way across.

She leaks a sigh of sigh, shuddering her body into some emotion, oh.

Such objects can be seen only at a glance.

It's a sight that never existed in Japan, a real fantasy world.

You never get excited and your dreams wake up no matter how much you thrill your chest. This is the world of dreams and where you can enjoy the act of "adventure" again.

The boy sleeping in a futon smiles slightly at the girl who never tires of the view. I can't turn my gaze as manners, but I hear cheering sighs in my ears.

That's a very empathetic emotion for him who loves adventure.

A totally unknown world, a totally unknown culture. The girl - Kaoruko - continued to leak her sigh when she touched them with glory.

Is he about the age of a junior high student?

He is pruning dark hair about above his shoulders, dewning one ear. With a loose face, she has a more accentuated facial appearance when she turns into a young body, increasing the percentage of her hair.

Towards that girlfriend, a young man who had come to this world beforehand spoke.

"Looks like you made it, Kaoruko."

A man wearing a gentle yukata to his shoulder to hide his skin spills a soothing grin. His face, which seems to be strong of will, turns to something soft, and the girl also forgets that she is naked.

Sometimes I look up.

And then I gave him a barbaric voice.

"Uh-huh! Tetsu!? Oh, what, the same face as the student album is moving!!

"Uh, that's my line. No, yeah, of course you can touch me if you like."

Before concealing his body, Peppa and his face were deceived and thoroughly - no, in this world, TOOL - made a non-challenging face.

"Cool, cool! It really looks like someone else already, Mr. Tool!

"Oh, oh... was that ugly, I was"

If you notice, you're even messing with your hair, and apparently you're trying to recreate the hairstyle of the time.

The young man dresses him in yukata while confused. It's like we're back in a worthy relationship at the time of the student, and each other's cheeks loose on that nostalgia.

Dressed and hairstyled, one was satisfied with each other, he showed his teeth and laughed.

"What do you say, it would have been true. Now we finally have a couple fights."

"Yeah, I'm surprised! I'm sorry I've always suspected it was a dubious invitation, Senior Tool."

Kaoruko seemed to have learned it at the time of the student and returned it to his salutation. Nostalgia prevails over discomfort for young people, and they snort stiff and small.

Then, as I recall, I glanced back into the bedroom and spoke to the boy, the guide to this world.

"Kitase, I don't mind you waking up anymore."

"Yeah, I get it. No, really... that was tough."

"Sorry for all the inconvenience. I will make sure of this filling!

The boy, called Kitase, voyed with a sleepy face as he woke up physically with the elf.

Yes, it's been a very long journey so far.

After the shocking confession made at the coffee shop.

Since the truth could not be conveyed in a place that touched the eyes, the place was first changed to the apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Ichi. Kaoruko was crying down due to an unusual misconception, so it was hard to just travel.

Then I would have spent hours explaining.

Thool forcefully theorized that there was a different world in his dreams, but it was as if Kaoru, who did not believe, remained face-turned all the time.

If you think you've opened your mouth, it's a denial word such as "dirty," "unclean," and Mimizuru's towel grows.

When Kitase approaches to get the help boat out, she screams and falls back... so it was also quick for him to get hit. Apparently Kitase is very bad at something called accusations and rejections from women.

Although Marie is the only one who can talk decently, the situation doesn't quite change because it's a little natural.

For example, there was this exchange.

"Gu... Marie, did you sleep with Tetsu?

"Oh, why would I sleep? Of course, only Hiro Kazuhiro slept with him."

Wow and Kaoruko-san cried down, and Marie's beautiful brow distorted into the "incomprehensible" wind at the look of it.

No, no, no! And Kitase is a mistake, or trying to correct an unconscious cover-up, but it's difficult because the liking has already sinked to the bottom of the earth.

No, and when two men are depressed, they finally remind me of something important. By unlocking Marie's ear coverings, she realized she could show the elves' proven long ears.

Seeing its fantastic and beautiful appearance, Kaoruko opened her eyes.

Tears pull in, and finally the counterattack curtain rises.

She forcefully theorizes that this is the proof of immobility, and she snorts in surprise and without a voice. And Kitase in front of her to fold, and Toru slept and showed it was decisive.

The sight of each body disappearing from bed finally led me to believe in something called a paranormal.

- It was a long time.

The persuasion, which took a great deal of time and effort, finally came to fruition, and Kitase, and Toru, exchanged hands with disappointment. What I did was just sleep, but my satisfaction at this time was even worse.

Kaoruko, who shakes into the fantasy world, was delighted to touch the initial setup screen without worrying about them.

By the way, her registered name is set to "Kaoriko," and she pulls out the two livers wondering if she could also use kanji.

Kitase also exhaled a sigh of relief when she was then bombarded with the name "Kazhiho," but was glad it was done with laughter.

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Well, the war on the other hand is getting somewhat glued.

Of course that is a point of view from the Alirai Nation and I do not understand the thoughts of their demonic tribe.

The desert is vast and the number of troops on both sides put in is also high.

At the forefront are three fortifications that lie alongside each other. The Alirai nation produces glued fronts by exchanging soldiers with each other.

If soldiers are put into optimal conditions, the damage will be tilted towards Gedover's side.

But the soldiers carrying supplies along this sandy river still felt that war was a distant world.

The front is a long way off, and that's only a small dispute yet, too.

The animals that are suitable for sand draw loads, and when it comes to the problems that we have now, it's about heat shooting wrapped around our heads with cloth.

"Ah-boo, are you trying to dry us out, Alirai?"

"You can't help it, because we're inferior. Just work. If we don't get there by dusk, it's gonna be really dry."

Leather protective equipment is also sandy, to avoid sun heat as much as possible. The complaining young man has just been gathered from a nearby farmer and cannot handle his sword properly.

That's why I work in transportation, but I still think I'm a blessed person.

Far from the front, we still don't have to figure out what war is. Food and water are abundant, which is why I complain about the heat all the time.

I saw a voyaging young man and a man of good stature spoke up.

"Don't just say it's hot and hot. I have a salt field, so this isn't the heat. I've been making salt."

"Oh, the one made from salt mud? It's gonna be profitable, but why are they at war?

"Because there is no safer place than here," the man replied, laughing so that his surroundings could follow.

I don't know about the war, but I can be free one day just to carry the load. Even in that sense, it would certainly be blessed. The roads along the river are calm as climates and do not suffer from water.

"It sucks around the Uger Peak ruins of Oasis. The fact that there are only fortifications of the old generation makes them unsuitable for stationing on the defensive side. If you run back, now you'll be eaten by the demons of the ancient labyrinth"

"I wish I could throw it away, such an old ruin. You've had enough of your treasure, haven't you?

But in those negative words, those around them shake their heads beside each other.

There's only one big problem.

"The supply route will also die, so you'll never be able to protect it all. But still, I have to buy some time. It's bad. Look, if the enemy holds the demon stone in the ancient labyrinth... you know what I mean?

"Huh!! Oh, you know what? So what, they're buying too much time on the premise of dying?

Only silence returns to the inquiry, and the man groans, "Are you serious?"

If I had been placed in such a place, I wouldn't be complaining about the heat. Probably nodded in the shade of the fort trail and would have rattled and trembled.

When I touched my forehead, the sweat was pulling in at some point.

Did you mean to forget the horrible things? Then the conversation was all about the woman. Men talk about where there are many beauties in the area, another little twist of passion, etc.

Just when the sun arrived directly on top?

Like a flame, people appeared around me unexpectedly.

Pii! And the four-legged beast rang like frightened, and they still can't move. It's too abrupt to understand.

Anyway, it's about a half-day walk from here to the Royal Castle. If you look back, you can faintly see the walls. Too safe a place, I thought to myself what a crisis is about a distant world.

"Well, what the hell..."

And they stepped on the sand, and approached, and passed, and moaned the head of the soldier.

Like a street rain, the sound of bruises echoes around them, and they still can't move.

I could die. No, you won't die yet. It's okay, it's okay. etc and I think their thoughts were extremely peaceful.

The next target is the young man who was complaining about the heat earlier.

"Hey, hey, what..."

A silver blade appeared from his muddy back, and the others were finally able to scream. However, the man likewise said, "Oh, oh!" Though it ends with an odd voice.

The number of troops carrying the load was eighteen.

It will be half right after the start of the fight and zero in a few seconds. In the end, I was alone in getting the sword through properly.

The animal carrying the load in a vivid hand is stiff and exhales rough breath into the smell of blood that can stand in.

After a while there was a four-legged beast running through the sand, along with a burning load.

The Grievance (Ghost) Squad of the Divine.

That's their squad name.

It has a blurry outline somewhere and looks slightly blurry when walked.

One of the gathered together, a man with a mask on his face, opens his mouth first.

"Don't be lukewarm, the royal castle is close."

"They say humans are vulnerable to assault like they are now."

"Don't be alarmed. They respect God. There's a lot of security ahead."

"First of all, we hit the streets where we are supposed to be, and the heart of the capital. I wish I could get one of the royals' necks... but let's assume a long war"

I know the geography around the royal castle.

Their task is to know first and foremost the guardianship of the perimeter. The power of miracles by priests. Investigate the areas that are protected by it, those that are not, and how to collapse.

If a royal family hadn't had an armed escort for twenty-four hours, it would surely curse their bad luck.

Even if this is not the case, it is important to raise public anxiety first. The market dictates that any strong building comes from your feet when it collapses.

No one wants to continue to live in a city that has been slaughtered indiscriminately from day to day.

"Now, each one of you will be assaulted more than this."

"Ma, wait, eh! Wait!"

Blocked by hysterical voices, they all look back in surprise.

The man, slightly smaller than those around him, was dreadfully sweaty under his mask. He spread the stain all over the sand and turned west.

"Hey, you know what? There are horrible signs from the royal castle... yes, not now... all will die. No, you don't just have to get killed."

"What are you talking about? I didn't know you'd notice."

The scolded man shook his body with a victory late.

This little man is superior to any other enemy and has been bought to accompany him on this assignment.

And then finally, the people around us realize it.

I'm here.

In the direction of the royal castle, there is a horrible being that I have never felt.

Mighty demon without interruption, if you like.

No matter how elite you have worked out to the limit, you are intuitive to be made to despair just by being pinned at your fingertips by a mixed nose song.

More and more sweat. They shed.

"No way, I sensed our movement at this distance -!?"

"Stupid! What the hell are you hiding, Alirai country! It's not a priest's miracle, something horrible is watching us!

Squeezing out a voice close to screaming, the Grievance Spirit (Ghost) squad was to taste unprecedented fear and panic.

Just then - …….

Where the Grievances were staring, Kitase et al were shopping in the open air.

With the handed bracelet on his arm, Kaoruko - not Kaoruko - smiled happily.

"I'm out, status screen! Wow, wow, it's a game, this is already Mr. Tool! Look, we're level one!

"Hmm, I still like this. What about Kaoriko? Not really. I don't play games... I'll take care of this."

Tool smiles back like trouble at Shagu Kaoriko, crying out loud and amazing. Nevertheless, it seems that it is not difficult to come to the body at any given time.

A high-tension woman is really cute.

I exaggerated my hands and feet, and with my big eyes I said, "Isn't that amazing?" If they look up, a man gets hit with a corn.

Beise, smiling at how it was going, notices an elf pulling her sleeve a little bit. Ahead of being pointed, Uridora, and Shirley, are looking far away.

Approaching them, Kitase called out from behind.

"What's wrong with you both? Was it something unusual?

"Heh, heh, there's a slightly different rat. I was just telling you that sand country is really busy."

Looking back, the brunette gives her red lips a pleasant shape.

Likewise, Shirley turns her blue sky eyes and reattaches her embroidered eyeband to hide her grin.

Uridora slapped her shoulder at Kitase and Elf, who stared at each other properly.

"Look, look, why don't you just gear up. Isn't it time to launch a labyrinth attack?

They kept pushing their backs and headed back to the bustling mall.

As the war begins, the deal resumes and the citizens enjoy shopping. Whether that would be peace between the bundles had everything to do with the battle to come.

Alirai incorporates the power of the Demon Stone and is well-guarded.

Gedover finished building the foundation for the invasion.

The clashes between the two armies occurred the next morning.

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