Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

[Outside] Christmas with Mr. Elf •

As we were cutting the meat apart, Marie finally came back from the bathroom. In addition, he leans his neck strangely toward Uridora, who leans out the hot air and leans on the futon.

Then I inhaled the smell of chicken all over my chest and it seemed to me why.

"Mm-hmm! Looks delicious! Hey, hey, maybe it's time to eat!? Uridora, stay here, not in the futon forever."

"Before we do that, we have to turn the lights on the tree. Christmas Eve is finally here."

When was it done it was full of twilight outside, and Eve seemed to have begun.

That's right. The girl remembers, squeaking a puffy slipper and rushing over to the tree. When the black cat also popped out of the futon, he jumped straight onto the elf's shoulder.

"Uh, the switch... this. I'll put it on then."


As soon as that happens, light leaks from the tree with the decorations on it. Repeating the brightness, decorations such as red, gold, and white increased their brilliance, and often the two could not move with their mouths open.

I see, there are some things that convince me.

Was this why I was making reflections such as stars and bells? Ming Dai dyes the Christmas tree and brilliance overflows from everywhere.

I'm sure this will temper your chest even if you're not a child.

"Wow, ahhh..."

"Yeah, you were able to decorate it very nicely. Come on, both of you, I wonder if you could carry a plate. If you help me, I'll give you a good glass of wine."

Simultaneously streaming Christmas songs into the room makes them more exhilarating. Filled with emotional music, eyes shine on roasted chicken and potato roasted good aromas, candlelit tables.

The girl looks serious so that she never drops the plate, and the salad, wine, dishes, etc. decorate the table.

Whoa, yeah, there was another thing to decorate.

What I took out of the fridge was a big hole cake.

There is a white and red named cream and strawberries, and a whole hut on the top. Of course Santa Claus is indispensable.

As you carry it around, the light purple eyes of the elf shine as you hold the knife and fork. Slowly putting him on the table, a big applause was waiting for him: Titty.

"Shall I make it delicious then? Merry Christmas, Marie, and Uridra."

"Wow, I've been waiting a long time already! Merry Christmas!"


Apparently, safely, Christmas was greeted with a hail outfit.

I wanted to tell him it was fun. As for me, I put the chicken on each plate while relieving myself.

In a room with the lights down, the two finally hit the roast chicken in the wind. What awaits is the unique fragrance of the bird, which is also made with plenty of vanilla.

Tasty, maybe a little short of the expression.

A neat oil flows into your mouth from birds all over good quality oil. The deep taste of lemons and herbs awaited.

"Hmm...... Huh! Yum...... Huh! What a juicy oil...... Huh!

Marie groans as she carves a cute wrinkle between her eyebrows and closes her eyes. That's the same with the black cat, this one had his eyes round with a rash posture.

The meat is moist and the skin is crispy.

I think this would be the roast chicken, and it's the most flavorful thing I've ever done. The refreshing herbs fall through the nose, and the overflowing oil is still filled with flavor.

It's a flavor you'll never get in a department store or something, and this is why you've lost the option of buying it and going home.

I can't wait to take a long time and continue to smoke potatoes with every oil and flavor. I cooked it until it was crisp, so I'm pulling up the rustic flavor to a few steps.

"Oh, this is delicious already -... Huh! What a fragrant bird. I'm really sick of this. I can't believe I've ever lived without knowing you. If I could rewind my time, I'd cook you an oven for all the birds I've ever met."

Ugh, yeah, I didn't think you'd regret it.

Marie sips a pint of red wine and exhales satisfied. Even that breath leaves a vanilla flavor, so you won't find yourself in a fragrant elf.

Worried about being able to eat, the word disappeared into the stomach as if it were a thing of the past.

Later all that was left was a tummy swollen elf, a black cat, and a half-dozen hole cake. I thought dessert was meant to decorate the table and we would still be ahead of us to eat.

Plenty of delicious meals, plus they beat red wine. Slipping his butt off the chair, the hokey girl was looking up at the ceiling. The black cat is similarly knockout, overbloating her stomach and lying on her back.

But I really like seeing you like that, so I don't say anything about behaving or brushing your teeth. No, of course I know you should say it.

As I opened the firewood stove and hemmed the rest of the bones, vegetables, etc. across the fire, I felt like I saw something outside the window. Hiraki, hiraki, no sound.

Drop by the window with faint expectations. It's already totally dark outside and I guess I enjoy Eve in every home.

Oh, and my breath leaks.

Not a mistake in sight or anything, but something white was descending from the sky. I touched the cold glass in the daytime, thinking, etc., that it had cooled down.

"It's snow..."

The veranda fence had a white layer of about a centimeter, which, although slightly thick, dyed the world white.

Ha, and breathe again. Snow is sober somewhere, and I stare to be sucked in.

When did they do it, Fluffy and Marie were approaching. She hugs me from her cuddly back and looks up into the sky just like me.

From the room I left just for the downlight, I could see something dancing and descending, opening my mouth and staring.

I called out to her like that as I learned the body temperature to pass on.

"It's too late, but if it's good, why don't we take a walk? Sure, just a little bath."

"Yeah, I want to go. I really like the snowy scenery. Looking up, it looks like it's up in the sky."

Then it's settled, so we'll put on a coat or something. While it's good to have a vinyl umbrella at times like this.

As we head outside, we pull the girl's hand and call her off.

And turned to her, who looked surprised, pointing to the ceiling. There was a leash of yadrigi there, showing orange fruit.

Unsurprisingly, the girl blows out small. I laughed at the crease, then offered my lips in the form of a laugh.

"Someone who has no choice anymore. Now, take it away from me. Then let's hold hands and take a walk. Otherwise the snow is going to melt."

Now if you'll excuse me, I whisper and turn my arm around Mr. Elf's back for the good of not refusing. The lips touched are soft and the scent of bath lifting tickles my nose.

He was hugged from his luxurious arm to his back and pressed his lips to see if it meant a little more.

Apparently, a kiss under Yadrigi would have meant promising to marry him. When I think about the walk after this, I haven't been able to tell you the legend, but my thoughts have been decided for a long time.

Ugh, the lips leaking apart leak breath, and the sight shows Marie wetting her eyes. He shivered one reluctantly, then hugged me inside his coat.

"I didn't mean to cheat anymore. Something that my mind can't prepare for. I don't mind not refusing, but I was wondering if you could at least tell me an hour ago."

"Like that administrative work...... Look, Marie, that's the deal, so we can't help it."

Not even in the pattern, the girl leaks the voice "Ah" when she pinches the toe to her finger and turns it up. From my intimate body, I heard the sound of my heart, but it could have been mine.

Then when we exhale hot breaths from each other, we spill a laugh at each other. It's a little miracle it snows at Christmas.

Of course, it's normal in Aomori, and I'd rather say, "I haven't had snow for Christmas in over a decade!" What a news story. That's the opposite of Tokyo.

When the front door opened properly, I finally understood too. Thanks to you for the fire, the room is warm and Marie feels alarmed by the cold.

"Let's go, now the road down there is bright white too. I think we can leave our own footprints."

Marie, looking back to say so, had such a good smile that she could be seen.

My body shakes when I wake up in the morning. [M]

Oops. He didn't think this was an earthquake, etc. Apparently, the girl was shaking her body, and her vision kept shaking left and right.

"Hey, hey, I had this under my pillow. Do you know anything about this?

"What, under the pillow...?

Oh, I totally forgot. Is it natural that I can't turn my head because I'm more asleep than that? In front of me was Marie holding an object wrapped in gift wrapping paper, and anxiously her brow butt was falling off.

Yeah, well, when Marie was in the bathroom last night, I snuck it away. Look, when you sleep, you won't notice because you wear an arm pillow.

Then I woke up and looked serious. [M]

"No way, was that under Marie's pillow?

"Yeah, it is. What shall we do, someone may have entered our room? I wonder what would happen if they knew I could go to the world of dreams. Let's find out if there's anything stolen.

Even more anxious looking, I'm about to rattle out, "No, that's a Christmas present," but I put up with it a lot more with strong self-control.

Silence to think about it for a while, then turn your gaze to her.

"I've heard rumors, too. They have a presence on Christmas night that makes presents on the pillow of a good boy. You call it Santa Claus?"

Wait, what does that mean? Is it true that there are fairy-like beings in this world?

That's not true, and the girl snorts her throat.

And then you care about the contents of the gift, and you say, "Open it. Are you okay? Really?" Ask again and again, then carefully unwrap the wrapping paper.

Then there was a picture book with bright colors in the eyes as well, and the light purple eyes opened up in a circle.

The paintings drawn by overseas people are adorable and look fun with creatures who don't know if they are dogs or rabbits with their hands wide open.

"Wah! Wah! So cute! I don't know, uh, giveaway!? Really? You gave it to me, not a human difference?

Give her the look of hicha and hold her gift firmly in her chest like she knows all her tastes.

And then until about lunch, they showed off "Look, look," and asked me to "read it with you," and I'm sorry, but my cheeks were about to burst.

There's totally snow outside, and the reflected sun dyes the room bright. In a quieter apartment in the city than usual, we totally enjoyed the world of painting books with a yam on the firewood stove.

Of course, Uridora set up the futon for the privileged seat.

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