Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 182: Into Paradise in Eversummer ①

When I opened my eyes, it was a medieval tent.

It's wrapped in blurry lights over the fabric, and I don't think it's time to say it's already morning.

The tent was built with a strut in the center, and if you want to sleep, you can lay about six people down. This is a temporary accommodation until the mansion can be built on its own, even though it is unfamiliar.

"Hmm, no one... is everyone up yet"

I'm the only one who uses the blanket and there's no one around.

Did you sleep last night because of some courtesy and the long driving fatigue of traveling to Izu? I can hear you talking to Boso from the outside, and maybe he took care not to wake me up for a second.

With that in mind, I decided to leave the tent with one abduction.


As soon as I go outside with the curtain behind me, I will lose my temper. [M] A huge lizard in front of me...... no, the Lizardman was exhaling "shiru".

He was moving his throat like a frog, and those were scaled lips, and he laughed nicely. No, I've torn it with Bakri and let him peek at the random pile teeth, should I describe it?

"Mr. Kazhiho, will you wake up? My sisters couldn't wait. They're building a mansion over there."

"What, oh, are you the Lizardman who was in the labyrinth of the Magic Dragon? Speaking of which, I thought you said you'd let me help you."

That's right, I remember having a chat with him the first time I went on an expedition to Uridora's. It was a long time ago, so my memory is nagging, and besides, I don't know if it's the same person because Lizardman's face is hard to distinguish.

Just looking around, people like him are walking around. He holds a handmade spear and looks at the shining sun with his eyes narrowed. It moves slowly like I'm in the sun anyway...... oh is the atmosphere similar to the crocodile I saw in the banana crocodile garden?

"So, what are you guys doing?

"Yeah, they're telling me to take a walk and get used to the environment for now. We can do it in the cave or in the desert, but we need time to adapt."

He pointed forward a little bit, which seems to mean why don't you walk with him? When you take off your shoes and hold them in your hands, they crumble across the river. The water is shallow enough not to reach the knees of something slightly colder.

With that in mind, Lizardman, who was walking next door, looked down.

"I'll even build a bridge here for now. Look, we'll have these fingers on us. You can still cleverly process rope and wood."

That's what I've said and made you look proud. I have decent fingers on my hands. Though the length of my fingers is not so different from that of a human being, my palms look too boneless and small.

"That spear looks handmade, too. So, do you feel comfortable living there?

"Yeah, there's water and there's fish. Besides, it would be amazingly delicious. I envy the rest of them... whoa, it's my bad habit to get off the sidewalk. For now, I'll tell you what I care about first."

When I say that, I come one step closer to the sleigh of. I whispered to my ear to tell him something important, softly wrapped in his shadow.

"A strange atmosphere comes from the ground. It seems that I have such a sensitive personality that I have a glance from Master Uridora."

"Air... what do you mean?

But Lizardman, um, looks up at the sky.

Apparently, I can read the strange air, but I don't know the details because I'm not familiar with anything on the ground. Worm news, though, is no lizard news. There might be something, so I decided to leave it softly in the back of my chest.

Just then, I could see the mansion in the middle of construction.

The vast grounds are still untouched and large quantities of wood are placed around. It was the Lizardmans who were shaping them, and I also asked how they were polishing the stone in the same way. A worker who works for free, so to speak.

And the girl sitting in the chair waved at me.

It's a sun sheltered east house built around the center of the property, and it looks cute with morning looking twills and flowers.

Elves who are rocking their long ears usually wear a magician's robe, but do you mean off today, letting them hang around their feet in a white piece?

Then I'm done, and Lizardman waves away. Apparently he gave me directions, but a demon these days is kinder and more troublesome than a human being.

I walked straight and talked when my voice was within reach.

"Hey, good morning... I guess I had a good night's sleep"

"It's okay, I'm off. I'm sorry I just slept in Izu."

My cheeks get hot when I say it. When I fall asleep, the embrace I feel enthusiastic love from her blushes even now that I remember it. But Marie said, "What's going on?," he said, tilting his little neck, as if he didn't remember last night.

"No, soon Marie fell asleep..."

"I knew you did. Um, I'm gonna have to hold off on alcohol, too. Around my stomach, I must have fallen asleep, right? You would have carried me to your futon, and I am truly sorry."

No, no, I don't mind at all, and I wave a boom.

If you don't remember, you should leave it there. Otherwise Marie would turn bright red and I'm sure she'd roll around the ground for a while.

To be honest, I want to enjoy a natural conversation with her.

"Well, from what I've seen, architecture seems to be going well. Looks like a reliable fellow named Lizardman is here."

"Yeah, it's true. I'm not lazy like a human being, I'm not complaining, and I'm reliable. Yeah, well, speaking of which, I think I decided to build a lake on the other side of the mansion."

Yeah, I guess I heard wrong about something. I can't believe we're building a lake in the second level hall.

I noticed something odd when I was thinking that it would be more or less not large enough, and collecting that much water in bulk... etc. If you look far away, you can't see it. Beyond the pale woods, beyond the hall, there are walls that can be considered the end of the hall.

"............... that?

"Yeah, I'm really surprised too. You said you would expand because you collected many demonic souls, but now you can't call it a hall anymore"

The sweat drips.

No, it's not that big anymore. Originally it was about a few Tokyo domes, but now I can't see the ends without staring anymore. No, I feel that even this pseudo-sky is increasing in height. It's as if we're starting to erode to the first tier.

"... is Shirley a great guy?

That was when I whined. Who was thrown a sharp voice from behind?

"You! Don't call me Master Shirley, fool!

Unexpectedly, when I looked back, there was a woman walking over my shoulder angry.

My eyes are inverting black and white, cutting my hair in a wheaty color around my ears. squeaks pure white armor, a large spear that doesn't fit your length in your hand. As if he were a soldier, his posture was straight, and when he reached the rest stop, he would open his legs wide to make a pass.

But I've seen this woman somewhere...

"Oh, you're not - Cartina?

"Yes, you disrespectful bastard who would call an older woman aside! By and large, you are cowardly from the way you fight. Isn't it something a man would try from the front, cut and throw away!

"If you do that, you'll die. Oh, well, now you're helping Shirley..."

I put "like" on him because he was going to be stared at again, but in the end, he turned to "guillotine" and had great eyesight.

"Help, not! I have finally found a monarch (My Lord) to serve. Oh, you're the ideal one, like I dreamed. Beautiful as a goddess, the grin is gentle enough to wash my heart and stroke my head for even a few things...... Ha, no, that's not how I found the right path as a knight purely, not an evil one!

I was appealed with my right arm open, but maybe this guy is alle, he's just a little sorry. Marie and I stare at each other and snort at each other.

"Yeah, it's true, Shirley was praising you. A fine knight full of loyalty."

"Eh, that's it, too... so uuuuuuuu!

"Yeah, well, I guess he definitely said you were a right-hand man. I thought you said you wanted to be called your sister."

Well, I can't speak a word in person.

After all, he couldn't spot our words as a joke, and for a while Cartina shivered her body around and fell out of her hips. It's like a boxer with his jaw punched out.

"Bubba, Bubba, you idiot! I'm sorry, I have a nosebleed about the benevolent Shirley.

Oh, this is tough. She hastily rushes over with Marie and says, "It's okay," but now she can't get up with her hips off.

But you have the opposite image of Cartina nibbling with her nosebleeds when she was fighting. I used to feel more like this, demonic strength.

He's been pointing his finger at the table, meaning to talk a little bit.

Support the fluttering girlfriend for two and let her lower back down to the chair. And when I poured water into the tea leaves made by Alirai, the surroundings were full of good scents.

Containing it one by one, and Cartina exhaled.

"... Elves and humans, one day I was taken care of. I think I'm probably lucky to still be able to do this. Think of the people who are about to decay. But I'm not willing to give you information about my country. I was going to tell you in advance about that."

"Of course I don't mind that. I'm not the one who helped, Shirley... and we should decide what you want to do. There's no one to disturb it."

Just a little bit. She opens her eyes and then slows her mouth slightly.

Another cup of tea slowly seemed to slip out to the strength of my shoulders.

"I don't know what you want to do, -... I think I've been looking for all the ideals. And he was always moved as a handkerchief without realizing it. So now I still can't believe my own will"

I was going to move of my own free will, but in the end I was being moved of the will of others. Cartina exhales and rubs her fingers between her eyebrows so tired that she has such a past. He still doesn't tell me anything, but maybe he's seen horrible things happen before.

"I'm going to spend some time in this land and then think about the future. At least I'm not giving you back."

I'm sure the last word is true.

Finally, she smiles, and it appears in my eyes as a knightly and riddle. As you spend your time in this peaceful land, you may eventually regain your composure.

I'm relieved to finally remember my plans. [M]

"So, didn't you see Uridora somewhere?

When asked so, Cartina looks back slowly, pointing to the mansion under construction.

Her expression was "What the hell are you doing, building a mansion in the labyrinth," and she also looked forward to a future that she couldn't have predicted in the future.

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Descending is the back alley of Alirai Country, where I feel dark even before noon due to the density of buildings. Looking back, there is much darker darkness than such surroundings, and if anyone sees this, they may remember a mild fear.

But not something horrible or anything else, from which a brunette beauty peeks into her face, followed by a pulled elf girl. The move away from the land, from the second tier, is not long and, as always, makes me think that the magic of the Magic Dragon is deep.

"Thank you for sending me, Uridra. Then will it be dissolved for a moment?

"Heh, heh, I can't thank you enough. Well, we're remodeling the second tier as we move around."

Naturally, her outfit isn't yukata, she's wearing a black dress now. It's a strange thing because even though it's a very different garment from Japanese style and western style, it will look good on both.

Then she offers a black cat. Mi and her torso are stretched and adorable, but this is her user demon. It becomes the eye and nose of the Magic Dragon, and sometimes the tongue to taste the dish. No, the last one might be making the most of it.

When the elf girl received the black cat, she was hugged really hard.

"Yeah, I'll see you later. Bye, Uridora."

Baba waved her hand, and she went back to the darkness again. Soon the space was back to normal, and only the leftover incense of the Magic Dragon was left in the back alley.

Keep your shoulders lined up with Marie in a piece and start walking slowly down the back alley.

"But you were a lot more than willing to make a mansion. That's how exciting the Izu Inn was."

"That would be so. The view was nice, relaxing and, besides, the food was lovely. We stayed in some mansions in Alirai, but I was surprised that habitability wasn't just a matter of size."

Hmm, like I know. Like I don't.

Indeed, in Japan, the land is small, and the buildings are really small compared to Europe and the United States. But the view you can see from the window is magnificent, and even if the room is small, it's hard to feel that way, I guess.

In that sense, they seem to have come to the idea of creating a lake.

"Besides, if you had a lake, you might enjoy fishing, too."

"Mmm! That's interesting. Will you finally show my arm to Mr. Elf?"

"Look, eel, eel. Absolutely. You fish eels. Oh, I'd love to have that deeply flavored dandelion again."

He couldn't forget what an eel dandelion was, until the black cat he was embraced with: "A name!" Shine your eyes as you say.

While we're having such fun stories, we finally get to the boulevard. The sunshine is as cool as a sand country, and the outfits of the people on the road are the outfits that I'm used to.

And there was someone I was used to seeing right next door after I left the boulevard.

The woman, who had put her arms together and kept her back in the building, wakes herself up "at last".

He's a little taller in the head than I am, the boy's body, and he doesn't care about the sun at all, and he's dressed like he doesn't know if it's a shoulder strapped piece or a negligee.

"Oops, you're just perfect. When you meet like this, it's easy to communicate (chat) when you set up a party."

That's what I'm getting close to, but Marie and I open our eyes to that outfit.

I have brown skin and sweat is dripping from my open chest...... I am often surprised that you didn't get numbed by the people who go on the road with this.

I gave up with the girl and exhaled mixed breaths at the fleshy, and navel peeking that I could tell I was working out.

"Hey Eve, you look so rough again today. Then are you looking forward to your upcoming vacation?

"You're welcome! I finally defeated the thief, so I finally got the border restrictions... erm, what is it, the blockade is going to be lifted, right?

Yeah, that's a restraining order.

The thieves who stood in the labyrinth were trying to carry demonic stones to their neighboring Gedover country. In addition, the Alirai Nation issued a ban on leaving the country until it cleared out the traitors who had served in the enemy country.

"It's so annoying that you can't make it to our trip."

"Hit me, Marie said I can't help it. Let's get to Aja-sama Toko soon. Oh, I can't wait, the ocean. Am I going to the ocean?"

In contrast to Marie, who complains with her lips, Eve is in a much better mood to walk ahead. Run and footsteps are light, and that's not enough butt fabric, so loose... oh, you shouldn't look.

That's why we're going to talk to Master Aja, and then we can buy some food like rice, and then we're going to head to the ocean.

The Old Sea, all the way east from here, is metaphorically described as an ever-summer paradise.

It's a place that would take months on foot if it were normal, but it wouldn't be bitter if I had my own skill, the Travel Conductor (Train), who loves to travel.

We still have the S-Class mission of "third tier tread", so we can't stay that long, but Hakam and Aja agreed that it would be a number of days.

If I looked up, the sand country sky was blue, and this one made me think it was just summer.

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