Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 181: Hospitality Inn by the Sea ⑤

What to do after the storm,.

The sumptuous dinner has been cleaned up by the dames, and the living room I looked around is completely pristine.

However, Marie is buried halfway into her seat as if diving into the Tatamata, leading to the Magic Dragon, where she falls asleep and Ibiki. It's a delicious word.

Everyone enjoyed a lot of delicious meals, beer and local liquor until earlier. Apparently, the hospitality of the Hot Springs Inn was fresh, and he was completely indulgent in the uncontested spaces of polite response, spacious and comfortable hot springs, and raised meals.

I guess that's why they have a relaxed sleeping face and a slight grin.

But what about this outfit? Does sleeping in a yukata in big letters undermine the majesty of the Magic Dragon?

Although the spilling chest is supported by the fabric at a critical place, I get more harrassed watching it. If it spills or something, it must be catastrophic.

Of course you are a beautiful woman. But dewy thighs are probably not dressed as yukata.

"Well, we have to get these two to the futon somehow"

Whatever the luxurious Marie is, Uridora looks awfully tough. Though I'd like to keep you from touching me so you don't see it...... you probably can't, this is...

I don't care how it touches my colorful skin, and if I leave it like this - don't catch a cold - I'll be pissed off with the one later that we traveled to the world of dreams alone.

Troubled like that, I felt something slip out of my back. There was an innkeeper earlier, so Shirley possessed my body to evacuate.

Looking back, there was a fluttering woman floating into the universe, making her body translucent like a ghost.

"Oh, I had company! Good, I thought I was the only one left behind."

A reliable companion laughed at me, tickling.

She is loosing her brightly colored blonde hair backwards, her big blue sky eyes pointing this way. I wonder if Kobushi, who grips all the time, means "leave it to me". Then can she carry a drunk?

When I wonder what I'm going to do, I let go of the finger that was grabbing my shoulder and swim straight into the universe toward Uridra. Clothes and hair drift fluffy and appear to be completely unaffected by gravity.

And as it was, she entered with a dark-haired beauty.


I was just a little surprised by Uridora getting up. [M]

I rub my slumber, then I do a big yawn, and then I look up at this one. I wonder if I'm making a V-sign with my fingers means mission success.

"Oops! Oh, I see, if you're unconscious, you can possess and move. It'll be easy to get to the futon and it'll help."

Hmm, my body belongs to Uridora, although I was breasted with a good face. When you get that kind of loving look on your face, you're arrogant, and your back is creepy.

Nevertheless, alcohol seems to remain in the body, thus also a dull movement. He rocks his body several times before and after, and when he manages to wake himself up, he crawls over to the futon with his butt pointed here on all fours.

"Shall I take Marie, then? Look, Marie, it's time for bed."

"... Huh"

When I speak up, I open my decent eyes just a little. One step before falling asleep, no. Are you already asleep for more than half of it?

She probably got used to it too because she held it up every now and then. When I put my jaw on my shoulder, she hugs me from her with her eyes closed and puts my jaw on me the same way. It is comfortable to be snuggled away from the muddy body because of the influence of alcohol or also because of drowsiness.

Her yukata is also slightly messy and I think she would never show it if she were normal. Watching a snug clavicle peek, he supports his back and buttocks and then lifts them up to the lateral support "ok".

Hmm, comfortable to hold. It touches my slippery cheeks and is something that I hug with my soft body, so my drowsiness is going to move to this one.

As I'm going back to turn off the lights on this side later, I have to carry them to the futon first.

As he walked straight out to his bedroom, Shirley, who was crawling, also finally reached the futon. I leave my torso in the futon, and then move on to a comfortable bedding. It's what I'm getting out of the futon with only my butt on my knees, so I'm going to be able to suck my gaze at you... but if you're a man, I'll be patient.

There are two sets of futons available in the bedroom, but we're going to the world of dreams with everyone, so only one of us can use them tonight. So get close to Shirley's side, which is moving, and then stand on your knees on the tatami.

It would be difficult if I dropped it, so I would carefully lower the girl to the futon holding her tight and supportive.

The bedroom is dim although the lights from the living room have arrived. Marie wandered off when it was time to put her head on the pillow, and I froze. [M]

Something soft and puffy sucked on my lips.


My voice of restraint does not reach. [M] On the contrary, the voice opened my mouth, causing Kapo and my lips to adhere to each other.

I can't move because I'm holding her head tight right now. Yet it feels like it bounces brilliantly, and when it conveys plenty of sweet exhalation and even licks it out of its thick tongue......

"Ugh, hey, mah..."

To his abrupt charm, he felt his stiffness and body tense as if he were in middle school.

Speaking of which, does she unconsciously kiss and unconsciously attract you these days? Probably because of alcohol, restraint doesn't work at all.

The other thing that makes me panic is that Uridora is right around the corner. No, now that you're possessed, should I call you Shirley?

That girlfriend is moving her mouth to cover her mouth with her hands and say "wow, wow" with a bright red face, that drowsiness has completely disappeared. Stop staring at our overlapping points...

Hot exhales, wet tongues in saliva, are you so attracted to it that you can't keep an eye on it, I stare at you with a glance as you show off plenty of valleys...... was there a kid here who also unconsciously attracted you?

In such a dim bedroom, licked by a pepper and a girl, I don't feel badly lacking in morality. Of course, I'm not a minor or anything, and I'm officially dating her. But it hurts my conscience to deal with a drunk woman.

But my reason is that as I get my mouth licked from my tiny tongue, I feel it make a noise and collapse.

My vision creeps and distorts because I've been doing this for a long time, and gradually my head boils. Is this due to lack of acid or due to the sweet exhalation of the elves?

Because of their intimacy, each other's bodies hold heat, and even their fuzzy breath becomes absurd.

Their mouths wandered and each other's bodies gradually fell into the futon. Posan and the girl's head rode to the pillow, and I was drawn to be invited as I was held.

When she noticed the smell of sweat, the girl was making Yukata wear only with her own fingers.


The squeaky lips are wetter than the liquid. Is it because you have a darker cherry blossom color earlier and look more plump and thick and attractive?

There is a supple clavicle at the tip of the flaky hair, and from the bright white chest the colour of the girls smells. My breath was similar to mine, rough on small chops, and my light purple eyes slowly looked up. To the kind of eyes you'd expect something from, you're going to be invited to stay put.

I think the humidity in the bedroom has increased.

Even the peeping Shirley, for some reason, that breath is rough. What is different from the look on your face of earlier intrigue is holding your mouth down with your hands and causing your wet eyes to swamp.

The heat released from them slowly makes me sweat and fall from my body. [M] Reason, driven by strong impulses and weakly and continually resisting until then, felt shattered properly.

But at the same time, the girl's head tilts.

The light purple eyes were closed and I threw up a long sigh of sigh as I began to get to sleep.

Apparently, Mr. Elf has exhausted his strength on unfamiliar alcohol.

"Ha-ha-ha... here we go"

I exhaled plenty of sigh and finally squealed like that. It is already a sad voice and a pitiful voice echoes cold in the bedroom. I wonder if you could stop, Shirley, turning your eyes to see that pathetic thing.

It's like a relief, like a disappointment.

To be honest, it's also true that although there are about 90% of disappointments, I wanted to avoid getting more (...) (...) hands on alcohol.

I want to take care of you because you are an irreplaceable, very important woman. But where should I spit out this feeling?

I lay down after I left the lights out and thought I'd go to sleep, but then it was a little hard.

You have to hold onto it to get to the world of your dreams. But for some reason Shirley is shy tonight and doesn't really try to hug her.

I was finally able to get to the arm pillow, but the awkward mouth, the eyes that look up properly, look busy like a small animal. Besides, her drowsiness was totally flying because she had been seen behaving earlier.

"Oh well, I didn't notice because of Uridora's body, but is it embarrassing to hold each other and lie down? I know you don't like it, but I'm glad you put up with me because I'm just gonna sleep."

I think that's a frigid word, while I say it myself. It's just that she understands me, so she'll know there's no harm in it. But for some reason, the look I waited for swelled when I turned my cheeks, something that seemed grumpy.

And I was stared at to say, "I don't know," and I didn't hesitate to put more and more thighs on it.

However, regular Uridora would have taken off her yukata, so that could have helped.

If you look right into the pillow, you'll find a cheap cooler box there. Because it's summer, it's an ingredient to play in the world of dreams.

"Well, finally, the ocean is the real deal. Shirley doesn't seem to like water, but I guess I can't swim?

Dim, dull and snorted from her. I smelled faint sulfur from my hair, and my black eyes seemed to miss only the sushi. You look like a female student on a pool day, sick and touring.

"That's okay, I can't swim. Because vacation is a place to have fun. We always play, you see.... outside the company."

My eyes were rounded properly.

Maybe what about the battle in the ancient labyrinth? You think so, but that's also a play - more of a "not so casual play" because it involves even life.

Otherwise, there is no body.

There are plenty of attractive people in the other world, and more and more people I know as I spend time. So much so that I don't think I have the body to cut it off as just a dream.

"So do you, Shirley. Every time I spend the same amount of time, I find it fascinating. That's why we're going to have fun other than swimming, so let's have fun together."

They pushed her face against my neck, so I can't see her expression. Only the feeling of being snorted out conveys, relaxing the body as it is.

I thought I wouldn't be sleeping right away, but already from the other side, it's sounding like a comfortable sleep. The tide of distant tide seems to be inviting you to sleep somewhere.

The refreshing and quiet sound sounds slowly in my ears.

Unfamiliar spaces, futons and air. And as we keep ourselves, slowly we travel to the world of our dreams.

Ugh, and a deep sleep echoed Izu's bedroom.

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