Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 152: The Third Hierarchy Attack Begins!

The doors separating the floors are embedded with silver and silver gems.

This was obtained from the Hierarchist and is a trick that will never be allowed to open the door unless defeated.

The door is so high that it looks up, something resembling a lattice in the cage is carved as a pattern, and now the gem creates a glow. Together with the heavy noise, the chillies and dust, which represent the course of centuries - no, thousands of years - peel off.

It pours down like black snow, showing a thick cross section of the door, eventually showing the staircase leading to the lower level.

No matter who says anything, the warriors creep through. One of us challenging for a high degree of difficulty beyond our imagination, the inflexible man groaned pompously.

"... because - you're a sleeper, he"

"Shh, you don't know Master Hakam is in a much worse mood?

This is how the full-scale offense opened the curtain, and - yes, I slept. No, I was just stopped on my way home, precisely because of the typhoon, but there's no excuse for that.

Half an hour late, I went knocking down the door with my head down to the upper level. No, and Master Hakam's eyesight was amazing. Of course, it is strictly forbidden for the public to be late, but I would like to give priority to the Japanese side if possible.

Well, it's a third tier to remember.

Once you descend a long staircase, the scenery around you changes slowly.

So far the walls have been simple, but the pattern carved everywhere is a huge difference. The wall painting produces an expression in the light, and it also seems as if you're looking at this one.

"Um, is this a demon? I feel like the first tier cooper is tied to this string."

"Oh, and I wonder if that makes sense. Representing your identity or rank…"

We have to hurry to chase them all. But we often turn our attention to this kind of culture. Rather than the mural itself, it is the nature that makes me want to feel the intentions of the author who created this.

How did you think and make it, and what did you try to leave it for?

I look back as I touch the mural and ask one of the women in the squad.

"Does Shirley know anything about the third tier?

Yeah, and she spreads her neck. Knitting bright blonde hair from left to right, with a decent attitude and good elegance. Around not blindfolded to avoid the eyes, I guess the advance squad is still not close.

When she was the lord of the second tier, she would not know, she might still have been bound to protect the front tier from the ancients.

The elf, looking up at the mural as he walked, shrugs.

"That's a lot of man-made demons. Lots of eyes, lots of arms... oh, and dragons."

"It's like a demonic drawing. To giants, winged men, spiritual bodies... and angels? I can't believe it's mixed up to the existence of the divine world..."

Um, I'm getting more and more interested.

No, of course I know I have to hurry. Down the stairs, me and Marie follow the mural with their eyes.

The Spirit of Fluffiness and Light dances to all sides, and the mural reveals more in its entirety.

"Oh, the numbers are decreasing? Instead, it's getting bigger."

"Hmm, is this human? Build a small settlement... I don't know what it is. This is something painted on top of the town..."

Oh, maybe this is what the divine world is called.

In the days of men there is the concept of paradise (Eden), known as a being that gives rest to the souls of the dead. It also empowers clerics, and they have the role of guiding people.

But the elf looks uninterrupted.

"That's crazy. Until now, I had painted demons and gods, and all of a sudden the concept of paradise came out."

I kind of get what she's trying to say.

Until now, I painted like a drawing, but suddenly people's lives appeared.

With the girl, think carefully about the author's intentions.

"But you had the same concept of paradise (Eden) since ancient times."

"It's still strange to think so. For example, yes... your skills (skills) also help God, don't they?

Yes, my long-distance mobility skills, the guide of the journey (train) is a God who protects the journey and borrows the [efmehe] mediterranean realm that is said to be untied by nothing.

When she nodded to the inquiry, the girl's eyes glowed in purple crystal (amethyst) color.

"If the Gods lived the same age as the demons, as the murals have done, how did they get to the side of people?"

"And the Age of Darkness, the Age of Night, has shifted to the Age of Man..."

The end of the mural was decorated with the battle of demons and gods, the final war. Bright colors are probably the work of a famous painter. We get hit by overflowing energy, and we look up for a while with our hands together.

But it is also possible that this is not true. It was the ancients who made the murals, not carved in the days of the devil, in the days of the night.

The last inscribed letters were the same words I read when I entered the first tier.

The arrow released from the star of dawn crushed the demon.

That blow, which reaches the stars, is not the power that should be in the world.

Those demons who have even lost their thoughts in an instant will eventually return to the world.

Because it was the star of dawn that gave birth to him.

"What a mysterious colour..."

"You're about to get sucked in, into the ancient world"

For some reason, it felt like we touched an ancient breath.

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The third tier, according to reports, has troublesome enemies.

It has the ability to change the way of the labyrinth, and I find it very scary for those who know the labyrinth.

When you lose your way out, people get weak.

Even if an injured person came out, for example, I can still decide that it's okay now. Because I know exactly what it's like to go home alive.

But when the exit path that was there earlier disappears, it will now be a battle against fear. There is nothing worse than a situation in which we have to keep moving forward.

His name is Eglini.

Demons with names are special. Because they have personalized abilities and can fight intruders. No, unilateral flirting and ravaging in his case?

I woke up from a long sleep and the first thing I did was annihilate the advance team. They were frightened, fled, and died.

To that end, Eglini has no great satisfaction. It was just a job.

The only job given to him, that is not to let the intruder go home alive. and even turning it into the nutrient of an ancient labyrinth.

Anyway, this ancient labyrinth is special and drains a lot of energy during its activity.

And now, he was doing his job right.

We are in the process of locking down the big doors and making sure that they cannot be opened.

Explain without misunderstanding that a labyrinth cannot completely trap an intruder. Because it is no longer a labyrinth, such as a labyrinth without entrances and exits.

The route is therefore always present, and the passageways are prepared. But with him, the majestic labyrinth can be done.

Those who have moved on will lose their lives, one by one. After everything is destroyed, this door finally opens. to give birth to the next victim.

But he had only one miscalculation.

That's this guy, Kazhiho, who's been sleeping late.

Stared out of the blurry four eyes, Egrini conceives. We have to choose whether we should end up here, or disperse.

I'm not good at direct combat, but I'm still a fierce fighter who wants to reach level 90. From a human point of view, it has nearly infinite vitality, and advanced witchcraft strengthens the flesh, making it untraceable speed once it moves.

Shaking his long, thin tongue, he - Egrini approached the intruder one step closer. After remembering the taste of people, I became weak in my desire for food.

He has the appearance of a lizard about eight metres long, and walks down the wall and descends to the floor without sound.

It's top speed in just a few steps and passes at a rate that leaves the sound behind. A corner of thought left the boy's panicked expression up, and blowing with shock... couldn't do it.

Is that it? And when I look back in doubt, I see a boy stroking his chest down there. Apparently, I accidentally took it off.

I can't help it, because Eglini has been asleep for a long time, and her body is still dull. Nevertheless, it is also quite a shock to remove those who have such a sleepy face from their opponents.

But he peeled into a situation where he would continue to be deflected, even if he made the same attack twice or three times. Though I didn't show much emotion because I have lizard-like eyes.

And a nightmarish situation awaited me.

We should have done it right, but the boy showed up at a stop and attacked us with a pretty brilliant weapon.

Nevertheless, of course it is not possible to scratch the thick exterior. But I'm stunned at how agile the boy has been catching up on that distance.

- Dreams, nightmares, illusions.

Over time, the accuracy of the attack increases abnormally.

After consulting with a magician-like elf, Eglini's attack on the magic amplifier became more prominent.

Showing both eyeballs, and an attack trying to rip open the back exterior...... Eglini decided to disperse.

Because the longer we go out, the more unpleasant it feels, and it makes us feel like we've stepped into a deep swamp. And strange to other members...... Dark-haired women and somewhere contoured women, something is weird.

Then I think it would be better if we didn't get our hands on it anymore.

Once you climb the wall, you can't be caught up with humans or anything.

... but when will the nightmare clear up? The boy suddenly appeared at the end of his sight and was drained of the attack on the arm grabbing the wall.

You said you climbed 50 meters above the ground at once...

And if you wonder if you have created an unfamiliar being, a flying demon, you will strike again and again based on it. No matter how much you run, no matter where you go.

At no time has the exterior been damaged by the tearing down and the limbs have become powerless.

I'm not sure why I've been in a situation where I've been unilaterally beaten from someone I've always thought was inferior. Occasionally, sorcery attacks are flying in from below, but they are known.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

And then I started making unpleasant noises.

There is an unpleasant noise from the boy's sword, reminiscent of a meteorite flying in.

But this is also an opportunity. Bringing a major attack to bear with pride of agility would also pave the way for escape.

Back on the ground, confronting the boy.

Concentrate all nerves and wait carefully for the moment.

... but when will the nightmare clear up? Suddenly he was stunned by the fact that his surroundings were covered by stone walls and turned into dark sights.

Surrounded by all sides, completely trapped - no, there was only one way out. There's a narrow hole about ten centimeters thick.

An earlier boy's sword pierced him there, and finally he screamed. You can say panic.

Anyway, the sword produced a sound, a dazzling glow, reminiscent of the meteorite's arrival.

That's good!

Stop it, stop it, I am this third tier demon, a gift of absolute death!

Still such an entrance, not a being to be defeated, etc!

Ya, meh, LOL!!!


The crushing blow from the front, and the impending shock of indiscriminate reflection from all sides, blew his whole body to dust, and Eglini died.

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Make a noise with the apple, and the door opens.

There will still be strong ones, as there were strangely awesome enemies, but the third tier has just begun as well.

Thinking about it, the third tier is still a horrible place. I think as I stroke my niggered cheeks, etc.

"Are you okay? Are you sure you're tired from the first fight?

"No, no, I guess it was enough to get used to the shoulders. However, it seems that there are unique enemies in the hierarchy of rumors that will lead the lovely Elf astray."

When she replies so, the girl grins with a grin and charm.

He said earlier that he was fully predicting the lizard rest point and unfolding the trap, but he looks adorable with a big cane in his robe.

"Oh, I'm scared. If I get lost, will you pick me up?

"You should put snacks on the ground for then. It will be a landmark to follow. So, what did you bring today?

Nfu laughed, and took the chocolate out of his nostalgia.

To see that look, though I wouldn't sprinkle it to the ground if I lost my way.

When that opened the door, there were all the other members there.

I was told it was too late, but apparently thanks to my tardiness, I was able to defeat my earlier enemies as well. Thinking about it, I think it's normal to be no-can late.

It's called a rough headlock, it's called a "horrible enemy lost in the way" that we're going to be waiting for, and the world doesn't seem to work.

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