Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 151: Every Typhoon (2)


Vinyl bags make noisy noises in the gusts of varying angles everywhere. The woman with it looked around with her dark hair tucked the way she wanted.

The park trees are heavily distorted and massive leaves are scattered onto the road. Marie, who was also drawn, couldn't walk without turning her back.

A bump, bump, and something hits my cheek, sprinkling rain grains in no time. The sound of the wind turned to a heavier sound, and the elf opened his eyes.

"Wow! It's coming down. It's coming down! Let's hurry!"

"Oh, that's quite a momentum. If you let go of my hand, my little elf might fly."

"No, no, no!

Uridora, feeling so delighted, as she was more and more hugged from her back.

Clouds flowing through the sky are as fast as an earlier river. However, rain grains hit the shirt and it is much more fun than usual to pass on and flow through the skin.

With a loud laugh, and "Ahhh! The scream was as lively as bouncing the sound of heavy rain.

"Oh, I can't believe it rained before the typhoon... There was no point in wearing it."

Take off the clothes stuck in the rain, in the bathroom.

Clothes containing plenty of water are difficult to take off immediately. The skin was exposed to soothing air, and if the droplets dripped with epilepsy, my spine would tremble.

The bathroom light leaked and Uridora was twisting the cock in the shower. The hot water overflows with momentum, and the hot air climbs into the bathroom.

"Hmm, it's a luxury to have warm water soon."

"Uridora, take your clothes off quickly, too. If it's so wet, you can't go in order."

To the girl's words Uridora nods, taking off her gooey, shirt and pants all at once. They show attractive nudity without shyness, and for some reason the girl panics more.

I opened and closed my mouth and complained about it being puffy.

"You must be a little more ashamed. When you go to the sea of Izu, you have to get dressed properly in the dressing room.

"Hmm? Something like that, I don't care if it's in the car. Oh, okay, okay, let's use the dressing room with you."

If you carve one wrinkle between your eyebrows and give Muzuri a grumpy look, Uridora also understands that no matter how much you say it is useless. When I surrendered with a flinch of my hand, he apparently convinced me.

Heavy rains are still pouring on the Gangdong District outside, but the scare moves away a little when touching hot shower hot air.

Rather than that, the girl was starting to look forward to the movie she was going to see, plus making snacks.

Marie laughs out loud unexpectedly when she is drawn and jazzed hot water. Probably because I saw Uridora's fun face.

You wouldn't mind ignoring the sticky paper "You mustn't walk around in a bath towel" all this day. Well, that's what the girl wrote, so if she's good, it'll be good.

Well, the two selected films featured ancient creatures.

I was thrilled to use Kitase's membership card to see if it was okay, but in the end the clerk didn't have to say anything to reassure me.

"But there were no customers during the typhoon, and it was kind of fun."

"Mm-hmm. Things in town have changed. I closed the shutters everywhere and... Ooh, can you give me that peach juice too? Well, Marie's gonna be a good wife."

Uridora narrowed her eyes when she was handed a juice of peaches poured into the glass by a paper pack.

Rinse off the rain thoroughly, and drink peach juice.

The thick tongue, the sobriety and sweetness of the fruit that runs through your throat are all about sweet dew.

Something called a typhoon seems exciting to just spend time indoors. Uridora has never known how to have such fun.

"Mm-hmm. Hmm, Marie is starting to familiarize herself with drinks. I'm not comparing drinks like I do every day, are I?

Marie's shoulders trembled all the time, but she never looked back from the cooking. Nevertheless, my long ears continue to shake, and it's probably a star.

Again, with a refreshing juice in his mouth, Uridora looks out. The rain foot hitting the windowsill seemed to continue to increase its power, roaring, roaring.

Surely this would be scary for a child.

But even if I stay still in the room, that ends up being scary. Beise is overprotective in that sense, but if he was probably spending the same time, he might have done the same thing with Uridra.

- Thinking about it, I've been poisoned too.

Raising a child who was so tired is now turning into fun.

Thus sending the split to the two of us was decreasing, and I was aware that I enjoyed the growth of the changing child every day.

But it's also difficult to break off your legs. That's because both Mariabelle and Kitase feel adorable, like my child. For a moment, I think the day will come when I will let you play with my children. In that sense, the mansion in the Second Floor Hall is ideal.

- Phew, phew, kids say they look like parents, but I didn't know you'd be the first to remember humanization.

The grin of Mamma cannot be stopped by herself anymore.

I didn't think the day would come when I would be a parent idiot, but I couldn't help but be. Let's try to have fun, live and watch it grow.

When I was thinking about that, I smelled like fluff and tenderness.

Somehow close to the smell of potato baking, probably something Marie's been cooking for a while. But this seductive fragrance...

There was something really appetizing about getting out of bed with Mukuri and peeking in from behind.

"Oh, how long have you been in a bath towel? We need to get dressed soon. We'll cover the movie and the guy."

"Wait, wait. I'll get dressed in a minute, so wait!

No, he said he was frightened by the typhoon until just now...

To say more, it could really be taken up, so I ran out again in the Big Big Big.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper in a fluffy fried potato. Then you can cook the perfect dish for watching the movie. It's commonly known as fries.

But never be fooled by this simplicity. I put it on water, dropped the starch, wiped the water thoroughly, and then fried it in cold, hot and two degrees. Then…….

The two smile at the teeth of saku, hoku, and the rustic taste of potatoes.

"Whoa, this is good! Perfect for a movie meal. Hmm, a good cook's elf would make a good wife."

"Heh! I still drill every day. Because Ichiro is good at cooking, right? You can't lose."

Um, let's take the word daughter-in-law naturally... etc., and Uridora penetrates inside. I want to stick it in my mouth, but if I stick it in, they might take it away. Then we'll think about it after we finish eating.

That's why Typhoon's roaring dinosaur movie plays.

By the way, the reason I chose the movie was because there was no concept of dinosaurs in the first place, so I borrowed it with interest.

"Speaking of which, the cooper who went out to the oasis is close to this."

"Wow, look, look, it's big."

This is more real than I expected again, and there are also surprisingly different shapes. Apparently it is heavily divided into carnivores and herbivores.

"People are amazing because they say they're going to make this a business. Oh, oh, herbivore boy, you're so cute with such a long neck."

"Looks different from dragons again. But this will make you look good. I still like carnivores."

They stare at each other and eat potatoes.

Well, the story of the movie is really simple. Something about reviving dinosaurs to make money, but being out of control in a mundane accident, causing panic.

The video was merely borrowed out of curiosity about dinosaurs, but as the story becomes a good place, it turns into something that fits perfectly with this typhoon.

- In other words, heavy rainfall came to their stories, too. with panic.

How, how, rainstorms overflow the intensity without any more, and the unique horrors of panic films strike. That is, a story that savors the fear of being cornered everywhere.

Huge creatures are just hungry, and people become helpless before dinosaurs. And one, and one more, and more victims.

"No more, no more, no more, where's the herbivore gone?

"Hmm, this is quite a combat force. Looks stronger than the top coopers."

Inside the screen, when I finally found the lights I dropped, I was relieved that they were going to get much brighter...

There are giant eyes there reminiscent of reptiles, and the vivid performances that open the pupils are as if they knock the viewer down to fear.

This would be exactly what panic movie horrors are. The technique of relentlessly attacking a place of relief. But I'm afraid of this simplicity again.

"Nhino -!"

Embraced by the girl with disappointment, Uridora makes me feel muzzled and itchy.

If you whisper something horrible right now, you must be able to enjoy more reaction.... but what I think is a strange emotion: "Will Kitase endure this?"

The frightened elf clutches to the rain that hits the window all the time. It's a strange situation where your admiration for Kitase is further enhanced by the breasts you claim, the heartbeat that beats so hard on it.

"Hmm, you shouldn't watch movies with other guys"

"Oh, say what... oh no! Why are you chasing the car!!

and so on, but this panic film falls into the category of conscience. Because the virtuous survive, and when they cross the good border, they tell us that they have widened the blue sky and survived terrible times.

To that appearance, the girl finally exhaled her relieved breath about time.

And then I realized it was Uridora.

When I slapped the girl on the shoulder and urged her to look out the window, there was a sunny world there. A severe typhoon gives us an amazing sight. That's this, clear blue sky everywhere.

"Wow, uh... it's cleared up"

In the eyes of a decent girl, Uridora blows out irresistibly. And when I open the window, this time the rain air pours in more and more.

To that sobriety, the two shook their semi-dried hair looking good.

"Hmm, it feels good."

"Heh, heh, good wind. Is this the guy called Typhoon Passover? Maybe once in a while."

Where did the scared elves go?

He nodded loudly to the dragon's words, and looked up at the blue sky again against the backdrop of the film's staff roll.

On the girl's chest, one little hunch comes to mind.

It's a hunch that the next typhoon is coming, and I'm sure you'll wait excitedly.

shoulder to shoulder, never tired of them enjoying the summer blue skies.

sounded the doorway open properly, and Mariabelle, who was reading the book, stood up from her chair.

Putting a peek in my face is still Kitase in her suit, and she gives me a rare and sorry look.

"I'm sorry you're late. The train home is delayed...... does that smell good to you?

Received a bag from Marie with a bright expression, Kitase sniffs the smell of the room as she looses her tie. The room is filled with plenty of spices and spices.

"Hey, did you make me a curry? Thank you, Marie. I'm glad you're hungry."

"Hmm, I'm sure you thought you'd be late. Now, when you get dressed, tell me about your seat. We have to attack the third tier tonight, don't we?

Uridora, who watched sideways while reading a magazine, makes me smile somehow. To Marie, who stretches her back and doesn't look scared of typhoons.

Drinking a cup of coffee with Zuzu, Uridora smiled small enough not to be found.

Every smell of the typhoon has apparently ended safely.

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