Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Lesson 101: The Immortal King (2)

Shirley, and the boy's disappeared hall......

Changes occur in a cancerous space where no one is present.

The view is distorted like a transparent cloth, and the clams are removed by making noises. Then more than twenty knights suddenly appeared.

At their head stands Uridra the Magic Dragon, and everyone looks around in wonder. Zella, a representative of their Knights, walked over with her cheeks stuck in her face by a fox.

"Ha... Seriously, I couldn't find it from Shirley. What the hell is going on? Hey, Doula, is this magic?

"I've never even heard of it. I can't believe how massive a blockade of signs is, and how completely hidden we are..."

They look at each other, then look at Uridra in a heavily armored dress. He says he used a high level of witchcraft, but from that cool face, he wonders if he's still hiding his strength.

This is what Kitase Ichihihiro asked for earlier. I was wondering if you could make Uridora's blockade more widespread. As a result, only the soul of the boy was taken from Mordor Street, without being distracted from the immortal king.

"Than that, is Kazhiho okay? I've been plucked out of my soul, but I wouldn't be a killer and come back in a little bit, would I?

"That won't happen. There's no way I'm gonna miss this."

Looking back at Rin's voice, the elf girl was pushing her wand to the ground. The tower, which grows in height from the rear, is the only original skill allowed to her, [Tower Watch (Prison Keeper)].

However, dripping sweat indicates that tone is a high-difficulty task on the back.

[Tower watchman (Prison Keeper)] is a skill (skill) that originally expands the range of enemies over time. However, Mariabel had been asked to concentrate considerably in order to follow Ichiro (Kazuhiro), who was further away than expected.

- It's a lot underground. We need to focus our magic and consciousness by narrowing the target to just one wide area.

I don't rely on connecting with him as much as I'm likely to lose a thousand soon.

I know what I said about strength. But still, there are times when it can't be done without absolute success.

The whiter the nails, Mariabelle was binding her magic to the limit. Uridora whispers to the girl who tries to hunt herself down like that to give her advice.

"If it is not enough, it is only by making up for it elsewhere that it is a magic guide. See, try to feel more expansive. I would have done that at any time, even if I didn't look so hard."

Mariabelle blinked her eyes at the advice of feeling him.

I mean, Uridora says it doesn't take a lot of magic. Follow the words honestly from the master, and the girl pulls out her shoulder strength, as she always did. And I looked for him with my senses, not magic.

His smell, his soft signs, his tender voice anytime......

What was he saying when he decided to do this operation? I do think he said this.

"Wouldn't you like to lose sight of it? I'll be up soon anyway, and you know where I'm going."

That's what they said with a sleepy face, something that made me laugh unwittingly. Couscous and the girl laugh, and grin like a clear mind to the ground.

"Damn, I've never heard of such a fluffy operation. Whatever you are, I will succeed."

Do you understand, whispering, his troubled face seemed to float. That's when Mariabelle felt his smell. I remembered that he was always there, right around the corner.

"... bye. Don't let go."

To the words of the Magic Dragon, Mariabel opens her eyes.

I'm surprised it's so easy, and my shoulders lose strength because I'm not afraid to lose sight of it again.

And the hidden power of [Tower Watch (Prison Keeper)] was about to wake up now.

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I don't rely badly on every inch of my foot.

When I stopped to try it, it still didn't change the speed at which it went. Apparently, there's no point in moving your legs.

Speaking of which, I recall the figure of a moving spirit in a movie. They don't go ahead with bumpy feet, and they often travel softly and quietly.

Yeah, isn't that strange to think about? Well, that's fiction.

Looking up at Shirley, the immortal king who draws my hand, I was just about to close my eyes.

Behind the surface concealment, I see terribly cold eyes in slight gaps. Finally figured it out, but apparently Shirley was a woman.

"Hey, is it okay if I talk to you?

But she leans her little neck strangely.

I don't know if the words make sense, but again, let's speak up.

"I want to know about you. I don't know, I don't care if you don't like it, but I was wondering if you could just tell me a little bit."

The vale dances loose, and it touches me.

No, maybe this was the reply. The scene, not the words, came from Shirley.

It was a rich forest there.

There are animals around, deer drinking creek water shaking their necks with burl.

The mountains filling the horizon and the waterfalls far away had rainbows. Apparently the blur and deer were watching it.

If I looked up, the sky was bright blue.

As a person accustomed to the rainy season, you can be refreshed by the sunny sights.

Makes me think that this is a dynamic world of life, and a world that circulates permanently.

She was resting there.

Put on a golden crown and decorate yourself with a beautiful grassy dress.

Queen, the word probably fits.

A rich forest may have given birth to her.

What I thought was a dress pattern is apparently a real grasshopper. Shirley plays a song with her whole body covered, but without wandering.

Do you hold back the activity of life, the world seems to shine in conjunction with singing?

That was a moment.

From a star that shines like a star at dawn, draw long, white lines to pierce the earth.

No sound, no vibration, it raised a flame thrusting through heaven, swallowed the forest, the world.

Uncountable lives were consumed by flames, Shirley screamed, and I saw giant beings raging and crazy in flames.

Leave a voiceless cry, and beings that can be called superorganisms burn down while they see. It is as if it represents the destruction of this land.

- Got caught up in something? Swallow by the flame that knocks that one down?

Shirley is about to perish again if you look at it.

Whoever burns his whole body, turns it into charcoal, and still holds his life in his hands to spare when he tries to disappear. Animals, plants, and other life also held in her chest, and so again, she screamed.

If I had noticed, I would have stood on the cobblestone.

There were several bodies lined up that seemed to be killers (mardals), and they stood in front of them.

So this is how you were taking your soul away and building a new soldier?

I guess that's it for now. Soon my consciousness will vanish and I will wake up in Japan. I wanted to know a little more about your story, but I couldn't help it.

I look back to her for guidance, at least to thank her.

"Thank you, Shirley. It must have been hard, but you showed it well."

But she curiously slipped her neck and pulled my hand.

"Wouldn't you put me in this?

She leads us further into the back to see if we've changed our minds or what.

The door is open from the beginning and creeps through it while being pulled by thin, long fingers. Then a large circular hall awaited. Except in the central square, it is dark, and when you look up, the ceiling is quite high, and the exhaled breath is swallowed up into the space and disappears.

"That's huge. Is this... the arena?

Yeah, and she sweeps her neck sideways.

Apparently, they know what words mean. No, maybe you read my thoughts for a second. That's how much I now depend on her, and I can say it's Shirley's possession.

And she led me to the throne.

of stone construction. It was very large and just in the middle of the hall. Shirley sits soundless, and he stares at this one.

"What, you want me to sit next to you? Uh, sweet of you to say."

Sitting back in the small chair that was there, she convinced herself or turned her face to the front. Apparently, she only shows us a few more stories. Put your hands together, flutter and shake the vale, and the scene floats around.

I was amazed at the sight of the forest being born around earlier and the deer drinking water from the creek. Though it only has a view a little further away, this is probably where she kept singing.

"... were you spending a long time here? Yeah, that's a very beautiful place. I want to dream about it, too."

I felt tickled and smiled.

And also, I think I heard her singing, like earlier.

Even if it's just the soul, I don't expect you to get peace like this. But also, how can she keep rejecting intruders here?

"Wouldn't you like to take me down, Shirley?"

She never answered the query, staring at the distance.

I wonder what you've thought here and spent thousands of years in it.

She just showed me the scene around, without telling me anything.

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Zarish Engel.

Even hailed as the brave man of the future, he stood in the dark and watched the two queues (untouched) from afar.

The expression is just frightening and contains only a little contempt.

He invited the beautiful woman standing beside him with her hair, touching her golden skin, mouthing her to her passionate lips, and stroking the goldsmith on her thin fingers.

"You think you even had a little bird? That's the king of immortality... no, the queen. It's like a mummy, and I can't tell the difference between men and women."

The women laugh at his words and look at the two of them nestled in the stream of fantasy.

At that time, he stepped on the sand as he poked, and an elf with brown skin appeared. She opens her eyes wide to her husband, Zarish, and to the figure of the Immortal King in the distance.

"Hierarchist!? Dear Zarish, what the hell is this place......!

The women around them laugh quietly when they shudder and mock the Eve woman. Eve distorted her face about this place and what Zarish has not told her what she is about to do.

"Well, I'm tired of a soldier. I want my country. Before I do, I need the jewels that are in this land... Hmm?

Fu and Zarish looked up overhead.

He whispers with joy that there is someone there, even though there is only a dark space.

"You finally found it, Mariabelle. Mm-hmm, still a good female horse."

He likes the sight of women waking up to talent.

And another thing, I also like to see a man's face trampled with hope and distorted by despair.

"... do it. Sleeping Queen of Immortality."

The moment I squeal like that to no one, a voiceless scream echoes from the hall.


The black blood vessel stretches across Shirley's body like it was invaded by poison, and the straw boy also looks up with a startling look.

Only one, Zarish, had a pleasant grin at the appearance of a boy trying to crush every soul.

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