Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 100: The Immortal King ①

Making noises with Bakin, the killer finally smashed.

Sprinkle with blue-white flaming scaly powder (Rinpun), and burn with his soul. It was me and Doula staring at each other, not happy to win, but standing still.

Apparently, the annihilation over there is over.

Doula shakes her red hair and looks back at how she comes out of Marie's created position. Now the control of the hall is finally over, the number of enemies defeated is over sixty, and none of the victims are.

Though a feat, the approaching brunette big man, Zella, walks over to Doula without saying anything. He then held her shoulder from behind and looked to the burning sight of the wreckage (without).

"... Is the warrior dead? Let us pray that we may reach Paradise."

To the words, she snorts.

A killer was one who was taken away from Shirley, the hierarchical lord.

Perhaps the soul has been used and turned into such a demon.

Was it the best?

If there was a way to save him, what should I say to him and his family? When I dived into the invisible thought of such an exit, I was held in soft hands.

I have eyes that resemble purple crystals (amethysts) when I look to the side, and they turn a smile that I notice. I didn't say anything again, either, but I watched the flame go away.

Flames are so beautiful that they seem to be souls themselves.

Like every funeral, everyone keeps praying for the best until that moment when it burns out.

The scaly powder (Rinpun) danced to the universe, and that became the last goodbye.

They pile the table with rust and books, trying to fill their sights.

No, of course I'm not interested in studying. It is the elf girl who needs to go to the book, and I have the role of watching the blur. [M]

Though I thought so......

"I need your help. I can't see it alone."

That, apparently, has been asked to do your job.

If you look up, you have Marie who rocked her long, white hair and tilted her little neck. And the look on his face was, "You're gonna help me, right? Seems to be asking."

"Shall we share then? If I hadn't done anything, they'd have done the other job anyway."

If you look behind your back properly, you can see them working from an open door. They're just sweating to base the hall they just dominated.

At work, women and children like us seem to be disturbed and asked to investigate this small room.

I wonder if it's a consideration from adults that kids should be playing over there. In my case, the contents are grown up... well, it's a corner, so should I be sweet?

No, this may also be a notice from everyone. and so on and I think while reading ancient books.

If you're working on something, it'll probably make you feel better. When I turned my gaze on the girl, she turned away like she was in a panic... but yeah, I guess I should switch to the usual me instead of putting on a dark face forever.

He exhaled and turned his gaze toward the book in front of him.

There is more to think about. The biggest challenge will be how we should attack this hierarchy.

"Well, I wonder when you'll have Uridora's signs blocked. I can't talk to Zera or Doula about boulders."

To no one, there was more and more sitting next to me. The dress is only from shoulder to clavicle, and the eyes resembling Uridora's obsidian turn this way.

"Then it is logical that no hierarchical lord will come out because of me. Don't let the one who comes to get you."

"Uridra is amazing. Although I don't find it very amazing at the moment because I've been watching her cook all the time."

Marie takes the book out of the shelf says so very normally, not disgusting or anything. I agree with that for me, and she has a strong impression that she is more of a discerning and attractive woman of joy and sorrow than a magical dragon. Because he knew it, Uridora was not angry, but had a whole adult grin on her.

Turn the pepper book.

The string at the top of the ancient language is trying to teach us stories long ago. But don't read, just follow the letters with your eyes. I want to sort my head out by turning my thoughts to places that have nothing to do with now.

Will Shirley, king of immortality, come soon?

Or will you ask how it goes for a while?

There can be both.

Assuming there are multiple spiritual bodies named Shirley, it's not strange to come and see how it goes if you can use it. In fact, because Shirley, who was supposed to have perished in the past, was resurrected.

Talking, for example, Marie, sitting in the front, has raised her face.

"That's right. If you thought something was wrong, you were already conflicted at that point."

"Yeah? What do you mean?

Apparently, the girl is not serious about deciphering the book either, so she puts her cheekstick on and makes her thoughts circle with this. Is it your usual habit to try to grab a cup of tea, and when I see nothing there, I rise naturally.

I didn't know you forgot to take care of them because you couldn't afford them.

Marie peered in from the top as she was removing her hand pan from her bag. I hear the girl's thoughts have finally come together.

"Conflict is where you can resurrect but you don't show up. Then you'll be afraid of something other than being defeated."

"Yeah, other than getting knocked down. Then you don't want them to know where you are... you two, the usual amount of sugar or something?

I get snorted at by the women. The lack of heart or happiness may be due to the calming of my atmosphere rather than tea, etc.

Pour in a water bag and think while having the Spirit of Fire (Salamander) boil the water, as usual. I don't care, but your forehead is just fine for putting the pot on.

Well, Marie's insight is pretty sharp.

The only reason you don't show up is maybe if you can attack the stronghold, you can't keep immortality.

Think about it. Am I the same? [M] This world will bring me back to life even if I die. But what if they knocked you down when you're in Japan?

Of course, I'm not willing to try, but it's equally likely that hierarchical master Shirley has secrets.

Place the cutlery and cup in front of the two of you, and then also hand out the biscuits. Yeah, this kind of preparation calms you down.

"... Oh, did you know that and want some tea?

"Mmm, welcome. Oh, yummy. I knew biscuits were the best in butter."

"Hmm, I don't even want to throw away the chocolate. When it melts into thick and black tea, it makes you wonder."

I also learned that their calm atmosphere was causing their shoulders to lose strength. That's right. Sometimes you just date a garden.

Well, even for me, this hardened my mind.

Apparently the immortal king takes his soul away. Then I will travel to a secret place where I will not die in this world.

I don't care what happens if you go to bed.

"Shall I try then? But if you don't come near me, you can't even hit me with your hand."

"Um, then be careful. Perhaps his signs cannot be perceived by any skill. Same goes for Marie's first skills."

I snort cocklessly at her words.

The worst part is that the immortal king will appear as soon as we spend time in Japan. When he comes back again, it can be that Zera and Doola's squadrons have been wiped out.

Then it would be better to keep your hands on it while you still can.

Though not asking in depth, Uridora seems to be making predictions about the immortal king. Otherwise you wouldn't be giving me such a warning. Warnings based on the assumption of appearance, etc.

She's still a sweet woman. And so on, I turned the book around.

One last problem remains. That's in terms of "how I'm the only one in contact with Shirley".

No, wait...

"Well, maybe it's easy to do that, too. Uridra, can I just ask you for one thing?

When I told her the thought, "I see. Smart as ever," and so on.

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The rebels, who kept moving, stopped on their feet simultaneously.

Some people look at each other and stick their fingers in their earholes.

"Mmm, the back of my ear feels refreshed like the barometric pressure is clear."

"You've disappeared a big sign on the west side. What do you think's going on?

The chief questioned said, "Shut up and look forward. The beings that were putting pressure on this labyrinth seemed to have disappeared, and they seemed to be trying to fool them.

Steel-colored eyes blink a few times. The companion waits, and sounds the instructions around.

"... we need to be sure. Get him out."

"Stop it, I have some bad feeling. At times like this, you're gonna hit my ass."

But unworded thieves are ignored by them.

The thief, who had grown a jawbeard in such an attitude, exhaled as if frightened, shrugging his shoulders. Having lived long as a thief in the land outside, he is apparently hated by his fellow countrymen as well.

So it's time to start the story.

Their companion, the Dark Sorcerer, begins to draw blood letters to the ground, filling the area with cursed words, and sending a curse to those who can die.

The ancient labyrinth has already begun its activities, and all you have to do is eliminate the intruders anymore.

The singing, which shakes the air, eventually awakens the immortal king who sleeps at the bottom of the earth. By order from them, he'll start moving soon enough.

Maybe this is what the story should look like.

The page is turned, and the audience stares at the invisible muscle path ahead without leaking a voice.

Although it would be a life-threatening appreciations.

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Immortal King.

A bridge that connects the spiritual world to this world.

Although the nomenclature varies, it is mostly feared like a reaper. But they look different from my eyes again.

Put together a transparent garment resembling a vale, sew cobblestone gaps, and slowly represent yourself.

He has a large, bent back, but still about three meters tall, and has a surface covering on his face that allows the sickle to overflow outward with no gaps.

Thin hands and feet look like both women and men, and if they had not weighed at all, they would have walked this way. They feed their toenails to the ground and walk like crawling through the ground. Not a single sound, just silent Shirley approached.

"Hey, this is another nightmare."

Didn't you notice this way until you uttered the word?

No, I might be different again, living in the present world. He..., Shirley turns his neck this way and exhales his freezing breath.

The Hierarchist may have been just a little surprised.

Earlier halls were not as popular as they were, and there was only a cavity of cancer. I found the soul of interest for him, though, so don't you have that much trouble?

Well, what does it feel like when you're sucked on your soul?

The stretched hand is translucent and the vale rocks like a wave even though there is no wind.

Shall we go, Shirley?

Reach out and grab him, or her fingers.

Only slightly unexpectedly Shirley tilted his little neck, and soon his soul was pulled out. I get dragged out of the tip of my finger to peel, and my goosebumps develop in that unspeakable sensation.

- It's so easy, it's something that goes all the way.

What I heard from the rear would be the sound of the body falling.

Well, either way, this is a dream for me.

Whether it's a good dream or a bad dream, that never changes.

And I got pulled over and started diving to the bottom of the ground.

So, shall I show you?

Sleep on the second level, tell your story.

When that smiled nicely with pleasure, Shirley still leaned her neck wonderfully.

Apparently I'm only a little different. [M]

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