Villains Template

Chapter 530: helpless

The speed of thinking is faster than the speed of physical perception, and it is crucial that time flows eight times faster in Tony Stark's conscious space than the outside world.

Sufficient resources, extremely precious peace, and talents who can restore technology through technology itself, these are things that the human empire lacks.

Now, everything is there.

Although 24 hours were verbally left to Earth civilization, the Empire of Humanity did not do anything during this period.

The Astral Army soldiers in full power armor drove the surviving citizens away from the devastated city, but instead of letting them go, they stuffed them into several high-rise buildings, squares and the like a few blocks away from the battlefield. The place.

This caused the population density of those places to soar instantly, crowded like the holiday scenic spots before the epidemic, the bus and subway during working hours, all kinds of scolding and crying constantly, but it quickly subsided and became silent, some There are only unconscious coughing and heavy breathing, and even the cry of a child will be covered by the mother's mouth to prevent the cry from spreading.

Because the Astral Army soldiers fired a few shots into the sky, although the sound of the laser gun was only a slight blasting sound caused by the expansion of the air caused by the heat of the muzzle, there was a certain difference compared with the familiar gunshots of the American emperors, but in The survival and life of the American emperors made them sensitive enough to such movements, and immediately lowered their voices, otherwise they would become too obvious.

Refer to Pavlov's dog for specific principles.

On the helicarrier, the piercing alarm sounded again, and Nick Fury, who was busy with other things, had to put down his work, hurried to a certain area, and asked the researcher: "What happened again! "

The advent of the empire is an unprecedented shock to the entire earth, a challenge to human cognition and power structure, and the fate of human beings is unknown, just like the Indians didn't know the colonists' ships What brought them was slaughter, hatred, slavery.

Ironically, it is also the Indians who threaten the entire human civilization this time.

The turmoil caused by this news is very intense. There are big or small incidents happening almost every minute. In the past, most of those incidents needed to be handled by S.H.I.E.L.D. , because whether those events are dealt with or not has nothing to do with the fate of mankind.

"It's the opponent's battleship, and the energy index of the opponent's battleship suddenly soared." The researcher wearing a white coat said, and handed over a tablet, the originally smooth lines on it suddenly rose exponentially, breaking the preset in one second. The peak has reached some extremely dangerous level, and it is still in the process of soaring.

"Conclude!" Nick Fury said darkly.

"The main battery of the opposing warship is charging." The researcher said a sentence: "In our intelligence data, we know very little about the people above us, and from the only satellite photos, it may be just One of the naval guns."

Although it has the ability to kidnap the global communication network, it is not impossible to hijack and paralyze human satellites, but the Empire did not choose to do that, allowing human satellites to observe their fleets, but human beings have nothing but warships. In addition to its appearance, the understanding of the imperial side is zero, and various commonly used detectors cannot obtain results in the detection of imperial warships.

It's not that the human detectors are malfunctioning, but that the Imperial battleship is blocking its own signals.

Obviously, the Imperial Fleet did it on purpose, deliberately letting Earth humans know about them, fear them, and spread this fear, lingering in the cloud of doomsday.

"What do they want to do!" Nick Fury gritted his teeth and said, "I can't wait for even half of the twenty-four hours to pass now!"

But no one could answer Nick Fury's question.

Until a beam of light fell from the sky, turning Manhattan, where the original Stark Building was located, and several surrounding blocks into fly ash, the heat released caused the collision of the air to set off gusts of wind, but it was blown out less than ten meters away. It was fanned out by Yue Si with a light wave of his hand.

The original bustling block has disappeared, leaving only a flat ground. The soil melts and cools rapidly under the high temperature, forming a flat and huge open space.

Immediately afterwards, a blue energy stream shot over the open space, and the space was torn apart again, forming a huge space gate.

The cosmic Rubik's Cube excitation device originally located in the Stark Building was dismantled and transferred. The one used to activate the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was a higher-power device. A stable portal opened, and a pyramid emerged from it and slowly landed on this piece. Sitting on the open space facing north, it is very solemn.

This pyramid is built with vibrating gold as the skeleton. The overall height is 999 meters. It has nine floors and eight collections. The top is a magnificent Gothic temple. , The average person climbs the stairs from the bottom to the top in one breath, and the knees don't want it, the meniscus is estimated to be worn out.

"Unlike the Egyptians who used the pyramids as tombs, the Indians' pyramids were used for sacrifices, and the most common ones used in sacrifices were humans." On the Helicarrier, Agent Hill told Nick Fury. Ray said.

Through satellites, they saw on the screen what was happening in what was originally called Manhattan, the pyramids that had fallen from the sky, and the crowds being driven away.

"I hope that after 10,000 years, they have abolished this custom and have not inherited this culture." Nick Fury looked at the dense crowd on the screen and said worriedly: "Or, the use of human sacrifices. , it was invented by their offspring who stayed on Earth, and they didn't have this habit in their culture."

However, things obviously did not develop as Nick Fury envisioned. People were driven to climb up the pyramid. Every floor, doors on both sides of the pyramid steps opened, and some people were forcibly forcible. Diverted, people were stuffed inside the pyramid.

In a secret base somewhere, a group of high-level officials from the US Empire watched the live broadcast.

General Ross pointed to the huge pyramid on the monitor, and said to the military adviser: "If you use mushroom eggs, can you blow it up?"

After he finished speaking, General Ross licked his teeth, only to feel that his teeth were sore. He said the above sentence with a bit of self-sacrificing joking meaning, as long as people with normal thinking know the current situation. The situation, the human side has no chance of winning. It's not that the human side threw mushroom eggs at that place, but it was intercepted by the other party using some unknown technology.

It can be said that all the resistance forces and all the confidence have been lost when the most powerful weapon that humans rely on has failed.

He felt an unprecedented fear now, even more fearful than seeing a talking tree on the battlefield before, which made his teeth sore, and he couldn't control his nonsense.

The person who is a scientist said: "All human long-range weapons have all failed, all aircraft, missiles, rockets, all have failed."

After speaking, the scientist pulled out a virtual projection—after the second Stark Expo, many companies purchased the virtual projection devices of Stark Industries. The Pentagon has no shortage of funds, and of course it will purchase such supporting facilities.

"This is the gravitational model of the earth. After the Indian fleet appeared, the gravitational force of the earth was disturbed by them, and then the atmosphere of the earth was affected, causing all human research in aerodynamics to fail." The scientist Pull out the projection models of the sun, the moon, and the earth: "The tidal phenomenon is formed under the action of the gravitational force of the moon and the sun, and the atmospheric circulation is also affected to a certain extent. The emergence of the Indian fleet has inserted a gravitational system into this system. Variables, even if they do nothing, existence itself is a gravitational and weather weapon."

"The aerospace technology built by humans based on the previous gravitational environment and meteorological data has completely failed in the attack of the enemy. In the past few hours, flight accidents have occurred all over the world, not to mention fighter jets or bombers, we Now even the helicopter cannot guarantee that it will take off safely."

"The most affected are the long-range missiles. If there is another war between humans, it may be the battle between infantry tanks and the air power is basically scrapped."

"Rockets also don't break through the atmosphere normally, and humans lose the ability to leave Earth."

Hearing the scientist's statement, the whole group of people present felt fortunate, because they came by car instead of helicopter, otherwise they would not know where to lie now.

As for the more distant future, such as the future of mankind, they did not think that far, because the big hand that can really decide the fate of mankind does not lie with them, but with those people in the sky.

Funny to say, the reason they're meeting here is because the Chitauri, the enemy they are now facing, are another force that eliminated the Chitauri and protected Earth from invasion.

The information that Nick Fury had mastered and that Yue Si had meticulously concocted had already been announced. They knew the origin of the Imperial fleet and had no hope for their own future.

"Despite previous experience, supercomputers, and industry support, we quickly built data on the affected atmospheric model, and then modified various parameters of our aircraft and missiles based on this data."

"However, this data is very fragile, and they only need to change the arrangement and distribution of space battleships a little bit, and they can make all our work fall short."

What followed was a long silence.

I don't know who said it, maybe it was General Ross, maybe it was someone else: "I hope we can be like the Indians and leave a reserve of our own at the end, even if we are kept in captivity like livestock..."

This sentence made the office fall into silence again. One of the things that Anglo-Saxon pirates are best at is to put the evil things they have done on others. What they have done, others must have done.

"Supreme Mage!"

Looking at the huge pyramid that fell from the portal, a group of mages in the Supreme Sanctuary in New York looked at the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, who was wearing a yellow robe and immortal style.

Originally, they gathered to resist the Chitauri invasion, but they only expanded with the Chitauri's vanguard, and cast some spells to solve the Chitauri who accidentally broke into the Holy Sanctuary. Flying chariots, they don't need to intervene in the next thing. The astral army swept away the invaders with high efficiency, and when the mothership of the Chitauri was bombarded by a light spear, the Chitauri fought. The units all fell to the ground in short-term dormancy.

But what happened next exceeded their expectations. Yue Si's declaration, the light spear used to level the ground, and the huge pyramid, and the act of taking people as sacrifices in exchange for magic power, all violated the mages' beliefs. consistent conduct.

A group of mages are going to save people with magic swords. There are millions of people locked in the pyramid. The magic world will no longer communicate with the real world, and no longer interfere with human society, and it is necessary to take action at this time.

But Master Gu Yi stopped them.

"It's all over."

Gu Yi said with a relieved smile, as someone who can afford the position of Supreme Mage, she has lived long enough to witness the rise and fall of civilization, the establishment and development of countless kingdoms during this period. Extinction, she is no stranger to the cannibalism of human As long as human beings don't destroy themselves and collapse the entire civilization, she doesn't care about the rest.

As I said before when I negotiated with Yue Si, there were two world wars and countless massacres. Except for the black magicians who took the opportunity to collect souls and magic materials, there were almost no traces of magicians taking action. This is the reason.

On the premise of not using the big killer, the possibility of human beings wanting to play their own extinction is lower than the possibility of extinction brought about by the invasion of the dimension demon.

"Supreme Mage, Your Excellency..." A Mage hesitated, she wanted Mage Gu Yi to express her attitude.

"As I said, everything is over. The mission of the Supreme Sanctuary and Kama Taj to protect the earth has ended. From now on, the mission of protecting the earth is no longer our responsibility." Master Gu Yi Pointing to the huge pyramid, he said: "Next, humans will protect themselves from the hands of the Dimensional Demon God, and three or more pyramids will be responsible for replacing the role of the Supreme Sanctuary."

"Since then, there has been no Supreme Mage anymore. The responsibility for guarding the human homeland is no longer undertaken by an individual called the Supreme Mage, or a small group such as a Mystic Mage, but belongs to all human beings."

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