Villains Template

Chapter 528: dream and reality

Tony Stark opened his eyes sharply, panting like a drowning man.

It was like a person who was suddenly awakened by a nightmare when he was sleeping in the middle of the night.

"My God... what happened to me, you won't give me artificial respiration just now, I hope it's Agent Romanov." Tony Stark looked around and found that his teammates were covered in scars and face Blood, even Hulk is gray, but there is no black widow Natasha Romanov.

"Hey, Stark."

Seeing Tony Stark's poor-mouthed appearance, Captain America couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling. From the look of him, he knew that his body was fine.

"Hey, you won't really kiss me!" Tony Stark was a little nervous.

Although Captain America and Thor are both good-looking, with tendon flesh, they attract both the opposite **** and the same sex, but he does not include him, he only likes women.

Even when he was young and frivolous and the most unrestrained, he never tried a man.

Even if he knew that artificial respiration was a necessary rescue method, he couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart.

"No, I just gave you an electric shock." Captain America made a circle on his chest with his fingers. He didn't know the official name of the Ark reactor, and said: "When you came back from the wormhole, the light on your chest went out. Well, it should be your energy drain, the Hulk caught you, but you also went into suspended animation, and it was Thor who electrocuted the light on your chest with his hammer, charged it, and you Just woke up."

"What about the battle, is the battle over?"

Hearing Captain America's explanation, Tony Stark breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked the question he was most concerned about.

"We won, we fought off the invaders."

Captain America said: "After you flew back into the wormhole carrying the mushroom egg, Natasha turned off the excitation device as soon as possible. When the wormhole was closed, all the Qitarui combat units were shut down."

Although the city was destroyed in the battle and the casualties were very serious, at least they repelled the alien invaders and foiled their plot.

"we won."

After saying this, Tony Stark's expression relaxed a lot, but he still kept his posture of lying on the ground. After all, he faked his death just now, and his body needs a certain amount of time to recover.

"That's great, I mean we did a great job, guys. I'm suggesting you don't go to work tomorrow, how about giving yourself a day off? Have you ever had kebab? Have a home two blocks away? Arabian kebab, I haven't actually tried it, but I thought I might give it a shot, if it wasn't torn down in battle."

"It's not over yet."

Thor suddenly looked somewhere, it was the direction of the Stark Building.

The culprit of this incident, Loki is still there now. He was dumped by Hulk before, and there was a set of collisions between heaven and earth. Now he is lying half-dead.

"Loki, you failed. You have to go back to God's Domain with me for trial. I hope you can wake up a little bit." Thor said to Loki. Although it sounds fair and just, it is actually his defense of Loki. .

The damage caused by this war, if Loki is judged on Earth, will definitely not end well, but returning to Asgard will be different. Everyone's equality is a trick to fool people in Asgard. Guardianship is fundamentally unworkable, and there is a distinction between superiors and inferiors, and the existence of classes.

Although Loki was adopted, he was legally the second prince of Asgard. Even if it was because of the previous rebellion and the introduction of Chitauri soldiers, he would be locked up for a period of time at most.

Even if he lives in prison, his living conditions will definitely be more comfortable than ordinary people's homes. The cost of food and clothing is in accordance with the royal family's standards. Apart from the restriction of freedom, it can be said that he is completely on vacation.

Listen to songs, read books, eat three meals a day, and keep fruit and pastries.

"Okay, okay, I surrendered." Loki just lay on the ground like that, even if the blood of the royal family of the frost giants made his physique different from ordinary people, the few times he was dropped still caused severe pain all over his body, but his face He didn't show the slightest bit, still maintaining the elegance of the prince and said: "Can I have a glass of wine?"

He desperately needs alcohol now to numb the nerves and reduce the pain the body has to endure.

After a chaotic battle, everyone was exhausted. Natasha, the black widow, called SHIELD for support. Loki, who had surrendered, needed to be temporarily guarded and imprisoned. The disposal of a class of loot requires negotiation and exchange of interests from all parties.

The corpses of Chitarians, energy guns, flying chariots, and Leviathan troop transports all over the ground are excellent ways to study alien technology, and even accompanied Tony Stark back from the wormhole, There are also some fragments of the Chitauri ship.

A large part of the future development of earth science and technology will be obtained from the analysis of this part. Even if it cannot be completely imitated, it can point out the direction for the development of human science and technology.

Stepping on stones to cross the river is the truth.

Because the place where the battle took place radiated outward from the wormhole, that is, the Stark Building radiated outward, so before others, such as the U.S. Imperial Army, Tony Stark collected the A few things, such as the fragment of the spaceship, were immediately transferred to the warehouse in the Stark Building.

After being busy with some finishing things, such as handing over the psychic scepter to the SHIELD action team, Loki was escorted by another action team, as well as dealing with the cosmic Rubik's Cube, with SHIELD and other The unit is wrangling.

After finishing these things that were more tiring than fighting, Tony Stark brought the rest to the Arabian BBQ restaurant. Although he tried his best to recommend it, he just passed by here often and didn't taste it. He didn't know the taste of this restaurant. How, recommended only out of curiosity.

Although it was affected by the fighting, the Arab barbecue restaurant was not damaged too seriously. The chefs and waiters in the store were unharmed, and they only needed to clean the storefront to entertain guests.

For the Avengers who choose to eat at their own store after a life-and-death crisis, the owner of the Arab kebab shop is very different, but they rushed to make a table big enough for them and did enough for them barbecue sandwiches.

Until this time, the group of people really got a chance to rest. Originally, the victory of the war was a thing to celebrate, but they were all tired and didn't want to talk. They basically put it down after a bite. Only Thor and Bruce Banner only has the energy to eat a little more to supplement his physical consumption.

Of course, in addition to physical exhaustion, there is also mental exhaustion and mental exhaustion, such as Captain America, all kinds of bullshit, shameless negotiation that shocked him greatly, and he couldn't help but produce the "Mommy Fake" ah, how did this country become like this".

And Tony Stark was holding the barbecue sandwich, frowning all the time, and suddenly said: "Guys, am I still in a coma, what I hear and see are hallucinations, you, including me Are the sandwiches in your hands fake?"

"Hey, Stark, why are you asking that?" The first person to react was Bruce Banner sitting next to Tony Stark. He put down the food in his hand, wiped his hands with a tissue, and looked at Tony Stark. stark.

"In my memory, what I experienced is different from what you told me." Tony Stark squeezed the sandwich in his hand, and the feedback felt so real, but he felt a burst of falsehood: "In other words, in my memory, there are two pasts, one is very bizarre, but very real; the other is what we know and have a common memory, that is, our present, which gives I feel very false."

Black Widow and Hawkeye looked at each other and made a judgment: "Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, after all, you are just a person without formal training, your personal psychological state is not suitable for you to enter the battlefield to fight such a fierce battle , even almost died once, this kind of psychological problem is very normal, and you need correct psychological counseling now."

Black Widow Natasha said: "Remember what I said about you, which is why Nick Fury refused you to join the Avengers program in the first place?"

"Of course I remember." Tony Stark muttered, and Black Widow's evaluation of him can be said to be polarized, recognizing his ability and denying his character.

"That's where the problem arises," said Black Widow. "Self-sacrifice is never something you would choose to do, it's not something you would do as a playboy. You put on your iron armor and become Iron Man, All that was done was to atone for the past and to get more attention."

"And you, a playboy, a billionaire, chose to make sacrifices for others, put yourself in a dangerous situation, on the verge of death, this is something you never even thought about before, your mental state must be Affected, such as doubting your own existence - if you suspect that everything in front of you is false, including the barbecue sandwich in your hand, why not try it yourself?"

"Take a sip, you will know its texture, temperature, taste, and you can judge whether it is real or not."

After listening to Black Widow's words, Tony Stark solemnly put the barbecue sandwich to his mouth, took a bite, and after chewing and swallowing it, he made his own judgment: "I personally feel that the cheeseburger tastes better. "

Then Bruce Banner got his hands on Tony Stark, held his head, made him face him, and looked in the direction he was pointing: "Tony, where you should be right now shouldn't be an Arab The kebab shop, but the hospital, your condition is very bad, I even doubt that you can act normally now if there is any strength to protect you."

"You were on the verge of death, did you know that the real memory you are talking about is the marquee phenomenon, a phenomenon caused by your brain's self-protection behavior. When you wake up, the memory of the revolving lantern phenomenon deviates from the real memory, so that you have that kind of cognition."

Throwing away Bruce Banner's hand, Tony Stark said, "I'm fine, man..."

Before he finished speaking, a sense of powerlessness struck, and Tony Stark leaned back and was supported by the quick-witted Bruce Banner.

The store owner came over in a hurry. Tony Stark, a big man, had a problem in his store. No matter what he thought, it would affect his business. It is possible to go bankrupt in minutes, and there is a high probability that he will be imprisoned. disaster.

But the Avengers say it's Tony Stark's personal health, not the food at his store -- although from their point of view, the store also has a grilled sandwich smell. It's a miracle that it can continue to drive.

"How is his condition?"

Yue Si stood in front of a dormant cabin and looked at the person soaked in it through the transparent observation window. The culture medium suspended the person in the culture cabin. Various pipelines were connected to his body, from the back of his head to the spine. Everything from the chest to the limbs.

And that person is Tony Stark. After the incident, he was transferred to this place, and the steel battle suit on his body was also replaced by a professional training cabin. He will sleep here forever. .

The Empire's life extension surgery extended Tony Stark's lifespan to 350 years old, and his heart problems were also resolved, getting rid of the shrapnel and the Ark reactor.

What Tony Stark's consciousness data enters is not just a "matrix virtual" but a pocket universe with complete logic, that pocket universe is transformed by the cosmic energy of the planet eater. Filling, built according to the supercomputer matrix, can be regarded as a kind of reality, a miracle that cannot be achieved by data operations.

In order to take care of Tony Stark's aesthetics, Yue Si also specially made this dormant cabin red and gold.

"Because he has just entered the pocket universe, his cognition is still stuck in the past, and the memory we instilled in him, the world we shape deviates from his cognition, and he perceives that there is a false place in the reality he is in, pocket The rules of the universe quickly filled the gap."

The mechanical priest in the red robe said that he or she was specially responsible for recording Tony Stark's brain activity. After that, a large number of technologies that the Empire could not figure out the principle of will be handed over to Tony Stark for analysis. , and he sorted out a complete technology tree to solve the situation that the empire is not short of technology but lacks technology.

For example, the loot of the Qitarians in the virtual world, and the spaceship fragments added to complete the logic.

Tony Stark's ability to accomplish technological wonders is more precious than being a superhero.

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