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Chapter 465: missing effects

While Stark Industries and the U.S. military did their best to keep the news down, there was hardly anything that made people love it other than money, and neither did Tony Stark.

Stark Industries is a behemoth, it has countless competitors, and each of them can't wait for Stark Industries to go bankrupt tomorrow, and then tear off the tenderest piece of meat from the corpse of this huge group to eat, Stark Industries' most remarkable A signboard Tony Stark suffered, how could they not fall to the ground, after getting the news through people inside the military, they immediately turned their hands to various media.

To put it inaccurately, the media are like vultures, feeding on people's suffering, pain, joys and sorrows, and they are the ones who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos, because there is no news that can challenge people's nerves to report, they will lose their presence. Room for their own value - news hits and newspaper sales are directly related to their wallets.

No matter how much they touted Tony Stark on weekdays, when there was this big news, one by one, the news headlines were replaced by the disappearance of 'Tony Stark' and repeated reports.

Tony Stark's previous high-profile approach also ushered in a backlash at this time. The stock price of Stark Industries plummeted, and the stock prices of its competitors were optimistic and out of control.

Even though Tony Stark was the driving force behind the disappearance of the attack, Obadi, a friend of Tony's father Howard, stood up for the first time, held press conferences for several days, and spent money to buy the headlines of several newspapers to promote it, but Still unable to restore the decline of Stark Industries.

This made the big bald Obadi really worried. He originally thought that if Tony Stark disappeared, he could take over, take over the Stark family's legacy and become the head of Stark Industries, but he didn't expect the shares Before he could get it, his wealth had shrunk by 50% of the bonus, and he really shot himself in the foot.

It’s not only Obadi must take this responsibility.

On the S.H.I.E.L.D. side, Nick Fury was so anxious that he wanted to scratch his head, but unfortunately he was a black braised egg with no hair on his head, so it felt a little worse to scratch.

Among the shareholder representatives of Stark Industries, several of them are the spokespersons he elected. The pressure on Obadiah is because the loss of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s property is too serious. If this continues, it will have to reduce some unnecessary. The cost of the agent's coffee has been changed from freshly ground coffee to instant brewed coffee, the air conditioner in the office area has to be increased by two degrees in summer, the private use of buses is prohibited, and the number of safe houses he has set up around the world is reduced.

This is one of the reasons, and also that Tony Stark is one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the only son of Howard Stark. Although Tony Stark spends a lot of money on weekdays, he has Pepper Potts and Big Pepper. The bald Obadi handled the beginning and end behind the scenes, ensuring that Tony Stark did not have an illegitimate child outside, and then the woman brought the child to the show to conduct a paternity test, and then filed a lawsuit to ask Tony Stark for a huge amount of child support, and then Use this alimony to be a rich woman, and abuse your children while spending time with your new boyfriend.

Tony Stark really has three strengths and two weaknesses, and the Stark family is really the last.

Regarding the disappearance of Tony Stark itself, out of the agent's own instinct of doubting everything, Nick Fury did not think that it was a temporary attack by some indescribable elements, but a deliberate long-term attack. Conspiracy, set up an ambush on the road that the U.S. military convoy must pass in advance, and then take it down in one fell swoop and wipe out the convoy.

After learning of Tony Stark's disappearance, Nick Fury immediately obtained photos of the scene of the incident through internal intelligence, as well as other relevant clues - such as the military Humvee that was sifted and dug out from the body of the soldier the warhead, the shrapnel excavated.

Through the analysis of these things, Nick Fury confirmed this, because it is not a good thing that a group of indescribable molecules can obtain. The alloy analysis results of the shrapnel show that it is a high-end weapon produced in the United States, basically They are all reserved by the US emperor for their own use and will never be sold.

It is obvious that someone inside the US imperialists secretly funded this attack. Although the US imperialists often do this kind of thing, it is the first time that it has been used on their own people, or on important people.

As for who is behind the scenes, Nick Fury has two guesses. According to the detective's first rule, if there is no one behind the scenes in an incident, it depends on who can make the final profit in this incident.

One is Stark Industries' competitors. In the history of American imperialism, this kind of thing is not uncommon. If commercial competition is not enough, it will directly eliminate competitors from the physical level. Now Stark Industries is the dominant player in the high-end military industry. It knocks down and can keep many families full.

Don't you see? In the past few days when the stock price of Stark Industries has plummeted, the stock prices of many military industrial companies have increased successively, especially Hanmer Industries, which has previously launched new smart mobile communication equipment, and the limelight is even more temporary.

Especially after obtaining samples of MPhone, many US intelligence agencies have recognized the value behind this smart device, and have conducted one after another with Justin Hammer and other relevant personnel. It is hoped that Hammer Industries will leave a backdoor in the product, allowing relevant departments to collect users' personal chat logs, stored data, voice communications, file transfers, and personal social network data.

Then, with constant wrangling, the scope expanded to include details of email, instant messaging, video, photos, stored data, voice chat, file transfer, video conferencing, login times, and social networking profiles, in an interview with Justin Hammer. Knowing what Hammer Industries was going to launch next, they even gave Hammer Industries an order in the form of an order to allow them to monitor what a person was doing on the web in real time.

A sprawling secret surveillance program was established around new smart devices and the internet, and Hammer Industries rose to prominence - S.H.I.E.L.D. got in on the act, as the king of agents, he knew smart devices better than any other department. Its role and intelligence value, Coulson was dispatched early to make contact.

On the day of the press conference, Coulson clearly went for the 'mechanical exoskeleton', and only after being rejected did he show his real intention...

In addition to this change, orders have continued to be placed with Hammer Industries, filling the needs of all parties during Tony Stark's disappearance and Stark Industries' decline. As far as Nick Fury knows, Thunder General Ross We have already expressed our needs to Hanmer Industries and hope that Hanmer Industries can carry out special research and development.

The second object of suspicion is the people around Tony Stark, or people inside Stark Industries.

This point has to be mentioned that the customs of the American emperors and Huaxia are different. People in Huaxia think that making a will is a bit taboo. Usually, it is the old people who know that their time is short and will ask someone to make a will. There is an explanation behind it.

The American Emperor has the habit of making a will early. As long as some family members have an idea, they will invite a lawyer to make a will to divide their property and leave a certain percentage to their spouse, children and family members.

After all, in the free America, every day of the gun battle, people are alive, and they may encounter an accident one day. Making a will early can avoid some unnecessary troubles. The things that go with each other, the neighbors who used to be like a family will have a lot of quarrels because of the place of a brick.

Tony Stark is now alive and dead, and he can only be considered missing temporarily. Once it is confirmed that he is dead, Tony Stark holds shares, patents, villas, luxury cars, etc. in Stark Industries. Such will be divided according to the proportion in the will, divided to the famous person in the will.

Nick Fury obtained Tony Stark's will. On the premise that he has no children, there are four people who can inherit his inheritance. The luxury car collection and the like were given to his friend Colonel Rhodes, company shares, Patents, villas and the like were given to Obadiah Stan, his secretary Pepper Potts, and his bodyguard Happy.

These four people are all suspects. Colonel Rhodes accompanied Tony Stark to the Middle East, and he knows the itinerary best; the other three people, as long as Tony Stark dies, they can get property in units of 100 million .

Therefore, Nick Fury sent people to investigate these four people early, hoping to find clues and find out who was behind the scenes.

Of course, during this period, he did not relax his thoughts of finding Tony Stark's whereabouts. He sent several teams of elite agents to investigate. The military also conducted investigations radiating outward from the attack site. During this period, he encountered indescribable elements. Many exchanges of fire, many deaths.

Movies like "Saving Private Ryan" that talk about false humanitarianism can see the behavior of American imperialists, using the lives of other people's children as the price to save the children of a model family that has been established.

Although they are all people, the value of people is not the same. Tony Stark's survival is worth sacrificing the lives of these American soldiers.

Of course, there are many firefight incidents that can be avoided, and many of them are just ordinary people, but everyone understands the tone of the US military. It is not enough to describe them as barbaric, rude and inhuman, and then arouses the resistance of the local people.

The American soldiers brought 'seed oil' and 'democratic', representing the light of mankind. If you resist them, you will be evil, and then many civilians will be turned into indescribable elements.

Justin Hammer was also one of the driving forces behind the spread of Tony Stark's disappearance. A little money was exchanged for a plunge in his rival's stock price, a surge in his own worth, and a big The order of the pen comes to your door, and you can do more with one stone, so why not do it.

For example, now, as the president of Hammer Industries, he is now negotiating with General Ross about the weapons project.

There seemed to be a knife hidden in General Ross's eyes, and the sharp light seemed to cut Justin Hammer apart: "Listen, the kid named Hammer, I know that Hammer Industries must be hiding some new product, still experimenting. The middle ones are fine, I need the powerful ones."

"I don't think Hammer Industries' products can help you for the time being, General." Although he knew that the mechanical exoskeleton project was no longer a secret and had been leaked out in many ways, Justin Hammer said secretly: "Han The product research and development of the application technology department has entered a blind spot and cannot continue to the next step. Among the technologies that have been conquered, except for the part that has been demonstrated that can be used for military use, the rest of the researched things can only be involved in the civilian market…”

"MPhone? It's really the top among civilian products! My daughter took a day off to line up at the franchise store in order to buy the last one." General Ross stared at Justin Hammer's eyes and said murderously: "Listen, Justin Hammer, I don't care what technical bottlenecks or blind spots are in Hammer Industries, what I know is that I need to deal with a big guy, I need powerful weapons, Tony Stark is not there, what Stark Industries can come up with It's good, but it's not up to my standards, that's why I came to you."

The iron-blooded backbone of the army has a characteristic, that is, speaking is like giving an order.

Justin Hammer said that If you really need certain weapons, the Applied Science and Technology Department can set up a research and development project according to your requirements... However, the proceeds from the opening of the civilian market have not been returned, and Hammer Industries has not Ways to allocate sufficient funds to invest in research and development. "

"This is enough, a technical person doesn't have to think so much." General Ross looked at Justin Hammer with red eyes and said: "The U.S. imperial government gave me a special fund, except for the operation fund, the rest of the money All I put into the technology R&D of Stark Industries - that money has belonged to Hammer Industries since this year, but I want to see new products in the shortest time possible."

"I take the liberty to ask you, what's the name of the guy you're dealing with?" Justin Hammer said tremblingly, as if captured by General Ross.

General Ross breathed a sigh of relief and slowly spit out a word: "Hulk!"

General Ross presided over the research of the "Super Soldier" program in the early days - later in an experimental accident, nuclear physicist Bruce Banner, who was also in charge of the project, was exposed to a large amount of gamma rays and turned into the Hulk (Hulk). )—According to the information left by the Captain America experiment, when Steve Rogers transformed into Captain America, in addition to the injection of super soldier serum, he also irradiated a large dose of radiation, a Bruce Banner professional with multiple degrees The counterpart, in charge of this project is more suitable.

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