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Chapter 464: The disappearance of Tony Stark

Coulson smiled gently like a professional salesman, but his words were not so polite. He said directly: "According to the information we have obtained, Hammer Industries is developing a new type of weapon..."

"It seems that among my people, in addition to the spies installed by the FBI, there are also your people. I really don't know how the people in the personnel department reviewed it." Justin Hammer closed the speech that he had skimmed through and handed it to After reaching the female secretary, he pointed at Sang and scolded Huai and said: "So you are the legendary 'relevant department'. It is reported that you are involved in any major event, but you have never left a name - and I have some connections in the Ministry of Defense, but I didn't listen to it. Said the name of your organization."

"We are a special organization affiliated with the International Security Council, not a functional department of U.S. imperialism." Coulson said: "I am here to inquire about the new type of weapon. If it goes well, we can carry out invest."

For things like mechanical exoskeletons, it's not just Tony Stark who sees its potential value, the same is true for S.H.I.E.L.D. - S.H.I.E.L.D.'s financial source is not only the funding from the World Security Council, but also experience Industries, such as holding a certain percentage of Stark Industries' shares, engaging in some investments, etc., and holding some patent revenue.

What is now certain is that Hanmer Industries' "Mechanical Exoskeleton" project has no investment from major foreign customers, and it is still in the stage of self-financing. SHIELD decided to add the last one.

Of course, this is also because in the early days of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the agency of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury only existed as easter eggs, and did not invest too much in managers, so the performance of some personnel was similar to its role as a The setting of the world's largest secret service organization does not match, that is, the style cannot keep up.

Justin Hammer looked at Coulson and said, "I've handed over this project to my staff, which I don't know about—and today is the launch of a new Hammer Industries product, if your department Want to order some MPhone, or want to know about other products from Hammer Industries, my secretary will talk to you in detail..."

"Okay, it's time for the press conference, I'll go ahead." Justin Hammer finally tidied up his clothes and drank some water to moisten his throat.

In a round of applause, Justin Hammer walked to the front of the stage. On the projection screen as the background, the original Hammer Industries logo was hidden and replaced by a brand-new, more metallic Hammer Industries logo.

"Some people say that Hammer Industries is not an arms industry, so why does it launch civilian products? What I want to say is that the original intention of Hammer Industries has remained unchanged, that is, to make the lives of the American imperial people better."

"In the Middle East, in North Korea, in Somalia, there are people who hate US imperialism in many parts of the world, and the weapons produced by Hammer Industries are used by our soldiers to eliminate these enemies who threaten the security of the American imperial people. , for peace."

"And Hanmer Industries launched a civilian product, in the same way, to make the people of the United States live better, and let people's lives enter the era of intelligence."

Although the people in the audience seemed to understand, but under the leadership of "Tuoer", they all applauded - after all, in the eyes of the American imperial people, the supreme interests of the American imperialists are political correctness, and Justin Hammer 's speech cuts to this point.

Justin Hammer smiled, and the paragraph just now was the content of the speech: "Every once in a while, a revolutionary product appears, and then everything changes. It can be said that a person can witness a trans-era Luckily enough, Hammer Industries will be rolling out several of these products over the next period of time, and today is just the first step in the future that Hammer Industries is opening..."

"I know there's a lot of smart mobile communication devices on the market, the ones called 'smartphones' - oh my god, they really live up to their name, not only are the operating systems not smart at all, but they're lower IQ." Justin Hammer took out a popular cell phone from his pocket - taped the brand with electrical tape, and although anyone who knew it knew what kind of phone he was holding, doing so would avoid some legal consequences. Dispute - said: "Let me see what it has, phone calls, text messages, emails, built-in mini-games, and a little Internet function; the keyboard on the small fuselage takes up two-thirds of the area, and the screen Only a pitiful little - are you satisfied with this?"

Justin Hammer suddenly pointed to a female reporter and said: "Ms., if you were given a device, it had a 4.7-inch touchscreen without a keyboard, an 8-megapixel camera, and when the memory was full, it could store up to 200 songs. 2,600 songs, a music player, video recording, phone calls, excellent Internet capabilities, and an open operating system—are you excited?"

The female reporter who was targeted stood up, thought about it, and said, "I'm excited."

"Listen to your tone of voice, it's obvious that you don't trust my product." Justin Hammer said: "However, when you actually see my product, you will really be moved. Just by the touch of your fingertips, you directly connect your The phone I'm using now might even be broken."

"I'm looking forward to it." The female reporter responded with a smile, and then continued, "Can I do an exclusive interview with you after the press conference is over?"

Justin Hammer laughs: "Of course, I'm looking forward to..."

Yue Si, who was watching the live broadcast in the R&D base of Hammer Industries, frowned, subconsciously scratched the hair on the back of his head, and said, "The body has put something in Justin Hammer's head, that sentence is very immediate. Do you have a visual sense? If you let him put on a black turtleneck sweater, baggy jeans, round-frame glasses, and a beard, and then shave his hair into a dangerous hairline... "

The words are divided into two parts, one for each table.

Although Tony Stark was inspired by the Hammer Industries mechanical exoskeleton project, he was going to build his Tony Stark steel suit to compete with Hammer Industries on related projects, and then use his genius The industrial prowess of Brain and Stark Industries defeated each other with dignity.

But after just re-establishing the project and completing an outline, Tony Stark had to put down his work, left the United States and went to the Middle East.

At this time, he is not Iron Man, just Tony Stark. He must also take on the work of Stark Industries. It is also one of his responsibilities to make revenue for the company. At this time, he is no different from an arms dealer. Must demonstrate the superiority of their weapons to their target customers in a harsh battlefield environment.

Of course, even in a harsh environment, Tony Stark still showed his incomparable arrogance. When introducing his new weapon to a pair of army generals, he used a very insolent but just right speech, covering an entire mountain range. The explosion, which stretches for several kilometers, can still set off a shock wave that blows the hat from the top of the person's head. Everything shows that the performance of this weapon is very good, so this group of military bosses happily signed an order of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Sales speeches written by professionals, products that people cannot refuse, and salesmen with sufficient weight, there are almost no people in the world who can refuse under the premise of three-pronged approach, so there is no accident to sign a contract After the big order, Tony Stark happily drank the chilled wine and got into the military Humvee to the airport, but it was not the one the military arranged for him.

The black colonel, Tony Stark's best friend, came over and tried to persuade Tony Stark to change his car, but he choked back with a few words instead.

I have to say that the Iron Man in the movie version is much better in character than the one in the comic version. When I saw the three soldiers in the car, they didn't say a word, because of myself, a big man they usually can't get in touch with, they got into the car. The atmosphere was very dull, so he opened the topic in a half-joking way.

Not only did he answer the cop in the passenger seat's tidbits about himself, but when he learned that the driver was a woman, he was not stingy with compliments—just compliments from a playboy's point of view.

The soldier sitting next to him asked him to take a photo, Tony Stark readily agreed, and the soldier took out the latest Mphone and asked his comrades to help take pictures. At this time, the convoy happened to be driving to an uninhabited place. In order to avoid the entire army being wiped out in an attack, they also kept a considerable distance from the convoy behind. The sergeant who was playing with the Mphone suddenly frowned and said: "Hey , your Mphone is broken and nothing shows up."

"Impossible, I spent an extra two hundred dollars to buy it from someone who was lined up to buy it. It was shipped by air with our latest bulletproof vest. It hasn't been used for a few days!"

The soldier who got together with Tony Stark and showed a 'V' gesture quickly took it, but found that his mobile phone screen could no longer display any images, and some were just a bunch of color blocks.

"Things from Hammer Industries...failures should be the norm." Although Hammer Industries' 'Mechanical Exoskeleton Armor' project refreshed himself, Tony Stark still looked down on Justin Hammer, who was more talkative than hardworking. , so there was a bit of sarcasm in his words, but he didn't think so much when he aimed at the phone screen:

"It's not that it's broken, it's that someone turned on the high-power communication shield, and the electromagnetic interference caused the normal operation of the phone... oh shit!"

Speaking of which, Tony Stark couldn't figure out what happened, even if he had a neurological disorder and endocrine disorder, and hurriedly shouted: "Someone attacked! There are terrorists!"

It was already too late, the military vehicle driving in front of them had been blown into a ball of fire, and the sound of bullets hitting the bulletproof body made everyone's heart tighten. The on-board machine guns on the military vehicles that were not blown up began to fire at the surrounding enemies.

The soldier who was going to take a photo with Tony Stark didn't even want his mobile phone. He took out a box from the bottom of the car seat, opened it and took out a bulletproof vest and put it on Tony Stark indiscriminately: "Wear it. Get on it, Mr. Stark, stay here and don't go out."

After saying that, the soldier, who had obviously not experienced several wars, loaded his bullets, got out of the car cursingly, and fell into the shrapnel of bullets and artillery shells just like the two before.

Tony Stark was terrified by the threat of death. The noble gentleman who was graceful and calm disappeared, and was replaced by an ordinary human whose life was threatened and panicked.

When the two sides are at war, it is undoubtedly an unwise choice to hide in the car, even if the body is bulletproof, but it can't stop a few bullets, and one RPG can let it know what a person is, cannonballs, etc. The main target is them, because vehicle-mounted weapons will always be a bit more deterrent than a soldier's gun.

And compared to people, no matter how small the car is, it is also a big target in the eyes of the enemy, especially if there is no driver or the tire is blown out, it is a living target at all.

So Tony Stark casually put on his body armor, pushed open the door on the weaker side, stumbled to the side of the road, hid behind a rock, and took out his own independently designed anti-fall and shock-proof from his pocket. , Anti-interference three-proof mobile phone.

But even if his mobile phone is anti-interference, there is no signal at this time, and he can't make a call for help.

Just as Tony Stark was frantically controlling his phone, a missile hit and plunged into the sand without immediately exploding, giving Tony Stark a chance to take a look at the missile, ironically. Yes, the words printed on the missile are "Stark Tony Stark thinks about escaping at this time it is too late, let's not say whether he can make the correct action in this situation. , the heavy body armor on his body had already slowed down his lack of exercise, and when he struggled to escape backwards, the missile exploded, and the shock wave directly sent Tony Stark flying out, countless shrapnel Fly around...

Never get hit by a weapon you sell - advice from Yuri Orlov.

A few days later, the news in the United States turned from the smart mobile devices launched by Hammer Industries to the news that the head of Stark Industries, the famous playboy, had disappeared in the Middle East.

Tony Stark's American convoy was attacked, and no American soldier survived, but no whereabouts of the **** or part of his body were found among the bodies.

Although there is a high probability of an accident, if the body is not found, the US imperial side cannot easily declare Tony Stark's death, because as a capitalist, he is involved too much behind his back.

After the news was spread, Stark Industries' stock plummeted by 30 percent, and the evaporated market value was a number that many people would never dare to imagine in their entire lives.

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