Villains Template

Chapter 428: Universal fusion material: Gauss

Just when Yue Si and the Dragon Slayer Magician were at a stalemate, he heard a bad wind blowing behind his ears, and a heavy sword that only appeared in games and comics slashed.

After the door-like epee slashed on Yue Si's head, it did not achieve any effect. Instead, the entire body of the sword shattered, revealing the essence of his magic wand.

It was the magician who gave Yue Si this look behind his back. He held one end of his magic wand like a sword. The magic shields on his body were layered on top of each other, like a set of heavy armor covering his whole body. Wrap it up.


Yue Si remembered very clearly that he just killed the magician with his heat vision, and the entire upper body of the other party was evaporated, obviously he couldn't survive.

But now the place where his half corpse lay is empty, replaced by a lively magician, the magic power is condensed around the magic wand again, and changed into the appearance of a cannon barrel - that is, the ancient red-clothed cannon. That kind of tapered silhouette with slender front and back.

There is magic power condensed in the muzzle, forming a ray that shoots out and hits Yue Si. Even if he has the super high magic resistance, he is still staggered.

"Resurrection magic?" Yue Si guessed that although he had never seen a reincarnator with the ability to revive all the way, he didn't mean he didn't meet him if he didn't.

It's like a writer who quit his job with a monthly salary of 1,200 yuan and a half-yearly payment. He can only make a living by typing at home, but outsiders don't know what the writer is doing, so they spread the word. A certain street writer doesn't have a job, so he eats his old age at home, causing gossip among the neighbors.

"Oh la la la la la..."

Yue Si quickly punched, knocking the dragon-slayer magician in front of him and flying backwards. Then he punched the magician with a forehand. With his superpower, those magic shields and tiles were nothing. the difference.

When Yue Si's fist hit the magic shield, the side seemed to be a rune flashing on the magic shield of the armor, forming a shock wave, resisting the power of Yue Si's fist, and at the same time using the reaction force Push the magician away from Yue Si, like the reactive armor on a tank, relying on active explosions to resist the power of the shells.

But after flying for a distance, a blood mist suddenly burst out from behind the magician, a large hole appeared between his chest and back, and fragments of ribs and internal organs burst out from the wound on his back.

Although he tried his best to improve his defense, the magician's magic shield was still unable to resist the ultimate power.

"Kacha", after blasting the magician, Yue Si's fist suddenly cracked, spewing out a few streaks of blood, and then healed under the powerful self-healing ability.

The punch just now was the main body and the substitute punching together. The superman's steel body was fine, but the substitute could not withstand the power of the magic explosion.

Although it seems that he can't even take one of Yue Si's moves, the magician is the last batch of powerhouses in the team battle world. The magic reactive armor used to resist Superman is also unusual. The substitute is injured and fed back to the main body. , that's the scene.

The body of the magician who fell to the ground instantly disintegrated into a compound, which was erased from the concept of life by Yue Si.

Since you can be resurrected with only half of it left after being beaten, then if your existence is conceptually erased, can resurrection magic still work?

"Roar of the Fire Dragon!"

The Dragon Slayer Magician's attack came again. After being beaten by Yue Si's quick punch, he actually healed himself in an instant. The fire of the fire dragon was gathered in his body, and then spewed out from his mouth, with his hands tied in front of his mouth. In the shape of a tube, a magic circle emerges in the palm, and when the flame passes through the palm, it is compressed and bundled into a bundle, like a yang electron cannon, coming towards Yue Si Hongsha.

Yue Si raised his hand to block the fire dragon's breath. The high temperature and turbulent magic power turned his hands red, and the bones and blood vessels of his hands were reflected in every detail, and even the space was distorted under the high temperature.

With force under his feet, Yue Si pushed the fire dragon's breath to kill the Dragon Slayer Magister. After approaching a certain range, the sweet death condensed energy of the substitute gathered in his hand, condensed into the shape of a ring gear and light wheel, and threw it at the reincarnator. And go.

"Eight-point light wheel!"

The Dragon Slayer Magister was cut in half by Yue Si's pirated eight-point light wheel, and the two corpses fell to the ground.

On the other side, the magician was resurrected on the spot, the wounds on his body disappeared, even the clothes were intact, not even a trace of stains remained.

"Are resurrection items so common? And so strong that they can even resurrect regular deaths?"

"The price to pay for resurrection is inconceivable. They resurrected so magnanimously, which shows that they have something to rely on." Yue Si thought: "Then, it is possible that their resurrection did not rely on props, but their teammates. Ability, reverse time? Reality replacement?"

Yue Si remembered that when he searched for this team, there were three of them, and now there are only two of them who came forward to fight him, and the third person disappeared in front of him at some point.

With super hearing and super sight turned on, Yue Si found a reincarnator on the first floor. He was the third person who disappeared. He hid in a lead-plated cabinet and tried to use the lead layer to isolate Superman's exploration.

Ability: Game field.

Description: Create a field within a certain range, and teammates and themselves can share forty times the opportunity to be resurrected in the same state with full health. After that, the realm will be invalidated.

After all the magic traps he made were broken and destroyed by Yue Si, the reincarnator entered the prepared lead cabinet by transferring magic. Calling their captain, with the combat power shown by Superman, I am afraid that only the captain who is also "Superman" can resist.

However, the captain who turned into a giant of light was fighting against the alien beasts transformed by Wei Lai. He couldn't use the communicator in human state, and the connection with them was cut off, so he couldn't know their current situation.

Yue Si kicked through the floor, entered the floor where the reincarnator was, and then smashed the cabinet where the opponent was hiding with a punch.

Super vision is indeed restrained by lead, but it can only be done if it is thick enough. In the comics of "Injustice: The God of Humanity", Batman and his party avoid Superman's inspection, but hide in an underground mine of lead mine, That lead cabinet with a thickness of less than one centimeter must be too underestimated by Kryptonians!

This floor is also within the scope of the game field. The body of the reincarnator in the lead cabinet disappeared, and a man full of blood appeared on the spot. Before he had time to respond, he was instantly evaporated by Yue Si's hot gaze.

The Dragon Slayer Magister Reincarnation and the Magician Reincarnation came from upstairs, pouring all kinds of means on Yue Si, but that didn't stop Yue Si from killing their teammates again.

And Yue Si also kept killing these three reincarnators with great interest to see where their resurrection limit was. The methods of killing them were also switched one after another. Several characters of "Criminal Syndicate" switched back and forth, trying different ability.

When the last chance to be resurrected had been used up after being killed, the Dragon Slayer Magister Reincarnation finally contacted his captain in the team channel:

"Captain, there are monsters!"

The dragon killer and the magician reincarnation fell back and forth, completely dead and had no chance of resurrection. Yue Si showed the true nature of the alien beast and killed the reincarnator, and the reincarnation used the last of his life to kill him. His captain sent a message:

"Captain! There are monsters - no, they should be alien beasts!"

After the information that was neither completely right nor wrong came out, the life of the reincarnator was taken over by Yue Si.

At the same time, Yue Si also received a piece of information, which was the "Alien Beast Vibration Wave" emitted by Wei Kuanglin's incarnation, which contained information about the two lights he learned and collected during the battle. Giant's information.

It is through the form of "Alien Beast Shock Wave" that 100% information exchange can be achieved between Alien Beasts to achieve the goal of higher-intensity evolution.

"Damn, get out of here! You ****"

An angry curse resounded between the floors, echoing in Yue Si's heart, and then through the window, he saw endless rays of light lit up, reflecting everything into white, turning the darkness that originally belonged to the night. Disperse, as if in the daytime.

A tall figure appeared again. It was the giant of light incarnated by the captain. This time, he showed his strength unabashedly and wanted to avenge his teammates.

The captain clasped his hands together, the energy of light was emitted, the beam swept across, and high-rise buildings were cut off in the middle, causing violent explosions, and the flames shot into the sky.

"Really fun!"

When the light swept to the building where he was, Yue Si showed a huge alien beast, breaking through the shackles of the floor.

With a body that stands above the sky, covered with spiky thorns, with a head like a giant dragon and a tail like a long snake, with an endless dark breath, if there is one word to accurately describe that terrifying figure, it is only "devil".

After Yue Si appeared, he did not fight that Ultraman immediately, but soared into the sky and flew towards outer space.

The range of activities of the reincarnator is limited to a certain range, which is quite a large area for a human-sized reincarnator, but the captain has become an Ultraman, and his body has grown to a scale of fifty meters. For him, it has shrunk several times, which is equivalent to the area of ​​a standard football field turned into a thousand-foot mansion.

But for Yue Si, there is no restriction on the scope of activities. He belongs to the jurisdiction of the Multiverse Administration and is not subject to the control of the main **** (reincarnation) space. Hang him out of range.

Just like Tom in Tom and Jerry, he is usually beaten by Spike the bulldog, but once a rope is tied around his neck, Tom can tease him freely outside the bulldog's range.

The range of activities of the reincarnators is like the rope on the neck of the bulldog, which firmly ties them and restricts their movements. No matter how fierce they are, they can only have fighting power within a certain range.

Since I can get stuck, why should I risk my life to fight you?

When Yue Si was about to fly out of the boundary of that range, Ultraman suddenly teleported to the front of Yue Si, the two collided, making a bang, like a crack in the sky, a shock wave spread out, shaking the sky. of clouds.

After flying upside down for a while, the two charged towards each other, a dark energy gathered in the claws, and a light energy condensed a light-blade arm knife at the elbow, facing the flying Ultraman and Xenophobia. The dark claws were broken, the arm of light was broken, and a spark burst out from both sides, leaving a scar on the other side.

And this wound healed under the influence of their respective dark and light energies.

Ultraman's energy is released, and a personal version of the eight-point light wheel is condensed, and it is divided into eight parts, shrouding Yue Si in eight different trajectories.

Yue Si gathered energy and concentrated it in his mouth, and the scarlet energy beam shot out from his mouth. With the swing of his body, it swept away all the eight-point light wheels like a sharp sword.

He shouldn't be too familiar with the atomic breath. He changed the way of using energy, and the effect was the same.

Yue Si was about to rush towards Ultraman when his figure suddenly drew a broken line in the air, avoiding the impact of a beam of light from the bottom up - "That's it?"

On the ruins on the ground, an Ultraman stood there with his hands crossed. He was the one who sent the beam just now, but it seemed that his condition was not good. With a beam of light, the color timer on his chest has begun to glow red.

It was the Ultraman Reincarnator, relying on the captain's energy delivery, he woke up, and even if he was seriously injured, he could transform for a short time.

After the rays of light that seemed to have exhausted the last bit of strength, the Ultraman Reincarnator flew into the sky and charged towards Yue Si at the highest possible flight speed.

The captain also rushed towards Yue Si, as if he was going to copy Yue Si with the Ultraman Reincarnator.

Will Yue Si let them get their way? He's not With one turn, he avoided their route and let the two collide.

But before the two Olympics had an air accident, the captain Ultraman threw something out. Before Yue Si could see it clearly, the object transformed into a phantom of Ultraman, looking at the patterns on his body and the facial features The outline and the shape of the color timer are impressively Ultraman Gauss, known as the universal fusion material.

"It happened!"

Seeing this scene, Yue Si felt bad.

Ciro + Dyna + Gauss + Pajila's Shield = Ultraman Saiga - officially recognized as one of the strongest Ultraman warriors.

Ultraman Jestis + Gauss = Ultraman Regardo - known as the strongest warrior in the legend.

Now the captain Ultraman has taken out the power of Ultraman Gauss, obviously preparing to play fit.

"How can you get your wish!"

Yue Si made the villain's standard speech, and then fired an energy bomb at the location where the two Ultramans converged.

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