Villains Template

Chapter 427: Ultraman vs Ultraman

As Superman's counterpart, Speedmaster Carl Elle is the opposite of Superman not only in physique and identity, it can be said that in addition to having similar appearance and abilities, the two are completely two sides of a mirror, similar but opposite.

The emblem of the Al family from Superman is an uppercase "S"-shaped sign, which symbolizes hope and continuation; while the uppercase "U" of Speedmaster represents ruthlessness and advocacy for strength.

It is also the refugee who was exiled to Earth after the explosion of the parent planet Krypton. Superman's home planet was due to a rigid system. Even if the Kryptonians perished with the parent planet, they would not think about changing themselves; The stars fled in droves, but were killed by Super's parents in order to prevent their son from being a competitor.

After entering the earth, Superman was adopted by the infertile farmers Kent and his wife. The simple Kents cultivated Superman into a kind and upright person; while Superman forced the rogue couple Kent to adopt him.

After growing up, various abilities awakened, and Superman, who regards the earth as his home, chose to become a hero and guard this place; while Superman killed the Kents after reaching a certain age, chose to become a super villain, and chose to use power to dominate All, at the same time, because of the yellow sun of the solar system, he was trapped in the earth, and this planet became his cage.

And apart from the yellow sun, Speedmaster has almost no shortcomings, and restraining Superman can actually enhance his power.

It can even be used to coerce Superman's family and affection, which is simply not available here in Superman.

But Speedmaster is nothing but power, just an incompetent person who relies heavily on power.

After hanging up the character card, Yue Si changed his body and appearance, and turned into a tall, blue uniform and a red cape. He then used the spray of this world to print on the chest with the words "Ai'er Family" The part of the U"-shaped logo was changed to the "S" shape with a red letter on a yellow background of the Eyre family, disguising the Speedmaster as Superman.

By the way, the English name of Superman is called "Ultraman", which is the same word as "Ultraman" of Ultraman, and also means "Superman". When Tsuburaya filmed "Ultraman", he also wanted to be called "Ultraman". Superman", but because of copyright issues there is "Ultraman".

When the Superman Reincarnation asked the death question, Yue Si's answer of "Ulu Dragman" was not a lie, because at that time, in order to avoid the situation of overturning the car when he first met, he gave himself the character form of "Speedmaster".

So what can be foreseen next is not only Ultraman vs Ultraman, but Ultraman vs Ultraman, Ultraman vs Ulu Dragman.

"It's night now, the sun is on the other side of the earth, very good, very good!" Yue Si took out a piece of kryptonite, put it in the palm of his hand, and pressed his hands together, the whole piece of kryptonite was crushed into powder by the tremendous force. Then it was inhaled by Yue Si.

"Is this what it feels like to surge in power!"

Although it is only a trivial piece of kryptonite, the improvement it brings to "Supermaster" is very strong. Yue Si has the confidence to rely on his own strength to push the moon, and this is not an illusion after the surge in strength, but it can be done. of.

Beautiful cartoon characters, just don't talk about (physics) physics.

Through super hearing and super vision, Yue Si found a team of reincarnators and entered the floor where the opponent was.

That is, the team of the reincarnator who sent him a turtle qigong before. The rest saw Yue Si's figure from a distance, and thought it was their teammates who came back, the same figure, the same clothes, the same It is normal for people to be mistaken for others because of their abilities, and their very similar appearance.

And the samsara who strengthened the Saiyan bloodline sensed Yue Si's qi, and immediately became very alert, and reminded aloud:

"He's not the Superman we know!"

But his reminder was too late, a reincarnation had already moved forward to meet him, and was punched through his chest by Yue Si, and then the sweet death punched, turning it into a pool of mucus.

Then he quickly came to the next reincarnator, and smashed his fist towards the opponent's head.

"King Kong is not bad magic!"

The whole body of the reincarnator bulged, as if inflated, the whole person swelled a little, the loose clothes became very close to the body, and the skin also took a layer of metallic color.

Yue Si smashed the reincarnation person's head with a punch, and he actually stood still and withstood the punch, except that the floor at the bottom of his feet was broken, and his feet fell into the floor.

Then, the reincarnator threw his fist at Yue Si, and hit a sonic boom with a gust of wind on his fist, hitting Yue Si's face, making a sound of gold and iron interwoven.

This punch made Yue Si's head tilt back slightly, but it was nothing more than that.

Yue Si grabbed the reincarnator's arm with his backhand, and smashed his head with a hammer on the opponent's forehead. With a powerful force, his lower body pierced through the floor and got stuck in the middle of the floor.

Then the eyes gathered energy, and two red high-temperature beams were emitted from his eyes and hit the reincarnator, but only made his body turn red, like flames swimming in the flesh, but did not cause damage to him.

"Is King Kong not bad? I think it is the body of Zhenjin!"

Relying on the ability of X-sight and super-sight brought by Speedmaster, Yue Si scanned the body structure of the reincarnator and found that every cell of his was perfectly fused with a certain metal, and the metal structure was like a Organelles are generally an inseparable part of his body.

When he physically strikes it or has a thermal sight, that part of the metal absorbs kinetic energy and heat, stores it in the molecular structure, and is then used by the reincarnator.

The stronger the attack on this reincarnator, the stronger the energy he stores, and the stronger the counterattack.

The nature of this metal is undoubtedly Marvel's vibration gold. This reincarnator does not know whether it is using technology or practicing some kind of exercises to absorb the vibration gold and turn it into an indestructible body.

It is actually very simple to crack the body of Zhenjin. There are many examples in Marvel. Zhenjin has special oscillation characteristics and can emit oscillating waves of specific frequencies and wavelengths. Ulysses Crowe in the comics used vibranium as a weapon and developed a sonic weapon to destroy vibranium creations with vibrations of the same frequency.

If this reincarnator is a whole piece of vibranium, it's fine, but he is just a human who has absorbed vibranium, and if he suffers from that kind of vibration, his whole person will be disintegrated from the cellular level.

The second is to use force to break it and break it with an attack that exceeds the upper limit of vibration gold. Captain America's shield is made of vibration gold. It is known as indestructible, but it has also been broken several times. Slashed with a few knives.

The third is to reshape the molecular structure of vibrating gold and weaken its physical properties.

It just so happened that Yue Si's body had obtained the character card of "Ultron" and the body of the other party's vibranium. He had a thorough understanding of the physical properties of vibranium, no matter what method was used.

"Special Card: Crime Syndicate"

"Character Status: Sea Overlord"

"Explanation: The main world Sea King is located in the same body of Earth 3. The ability is to breathe underwater, control water with the help of tridents, and issue sound waves of different frequencies to command fish and aquatic mammals."

"Remarks: It's a trick that hits the street as soon as it comes out."

Like the sea king in the main world, the sea king of the crime syndicate is also a lack of drama, and the ability is very tasteless. In the cartoon of "Evil Eternal Incident", he walked out of the portal majestic, and then threw himself to the ground in the next frame. .

But his ability to emit sound waves of different frequencies came in handy. A high-frequency sound wave went down, causing the vibrating gold in the reincarnator's body to resonate, smashing his whole body into dust.

Although Yue Si has other ways to break the samsara, the act of smashing the enemy with a roar is more handsome.

The Saiyan reincarnator came to Yue Si and pointed out with his index finger, "Dong Dongbo!"

A white light emanated from his fingertips and hit Yue Si's face. The violent explosion overturned Yue Si. Although Hai Bawang was strong, he was not at the level of Super Bawang.

Originally, the Saiyan Reincarnator planned to use this move to save his teammates, but one step later, his teammates were shattered the moment he shot.

The next moment, the Saiyan Reincarnator was punched in the face. The power of this punch could not do anything to him, but it was a conceptual attack, and his body instantly collapsed into a compound.

Yue Si, who was lying on the ground, took back his stand-in—Sweet Death had grown to a very strong level, and his fist speed was unstoppable.

"It's really dangerous, I almost got hit!" Yue Si touched his forehead. Except for some dust, the Saiyan Samsara's attack did not break through his defense.

No matter how weak Haibawang is, the "THEONE" card he has been hanging on is very powerful.

So far, all five members of this team have been wiped out.

When he hit the team to which Ultraman Reincarnation belonged, Yue Si sent Wei to come and let him contain the two giants of light. It was enough to be able to solve even one of them, even if he couldn't beat the other party. , was beaten to death by the Ultraman justice group, and he had to hold on until the color timer of the other party turned on the red light, at least three minutes.

This is also the reason why Wei came to see the two reincarnators and made a fool of himself, in order to delay the time and let Yue Sihao take the opportunity to clean up their teammates

When those people saw Yue Si's disguised appearance, they immediately activated various magic circles. One after another magic chains mixed with curses fell on Yue Si's body. They were broken by Yue Si's hand, and then instantly vanished. The magic power that collapsed into the foundation dissipated into the air.

The magic attack on the soul can't even make Yue Si dazed. Even if other magic methods don't work, it will form a little light and shadow, but the soul magic has no light and shadow effect at all.

"How is it possible, how can my magic and curse fail!" The magician in the team exclaimed when he saw the fireball he sent was cut by Yue Si with a knife.

It is recognized that Superman's magic resistance is low, but this Superman can wave his hand to disperse the magic, that's why.

"Could it be that the main **** space has eliminated the weakness of Superman's low magic resistance and restraint by kryptonite, that's terrible!"

This question could not be answered, because Yue Si was too lazy to tell him that he was an Ultraman rather than a Superman. Superman's low magic resistance does not mean that Superman's magic resistance is low. In the comics, Speedmaster kryptonite is hard to carry Black Adam His skills are not cowardly at all, and even shattered the jaw of the super villain who possesses the power of six Egyptian gods.

Even though the magician instantly put up layers of invisible shields for himself, he was still smashed by Yue Si's fist. When the fist hit him, the magic wand in the magician's hand suddenly turned into a long spear. The shape of , horizontally in front of him, blocked Yue Si's punch.

"If you want to learn high-quality magic, you must train your body like iron and steel. Don't think that I am a weakling as a magician. The magician of the new era is this kind of civil and military cultivation!" Curse, magic, etc. It didn't work on Yue Si, so the magician madly superimposed buffs on himself. All the tenacity, giant strength, toughness, and defense were added all over again, raising his own strength to a very terrifying level, and he could even briefly interact with Superman. wrestling.

"The Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!"

When Yue Si and the magician were at a stalemate, a reincarnation attacked from the back. Dragon scales appeared on his body, which brought a strong defense. The magic flame was wrapped around his fist, showing a terrible destructive power.

However, Yue Si had seen their battles before, and analyzed their respective abilities with the corresponding Batman character state "Night Owl".

As the father of the DC family, the guarantee of sales, as long as Batman has the information in advance, he will definitely find out the weakness, and then formulate a series of measures to counter it. As a corresponding character, Ye Xiao is also the kind of step Look at the three The last look, it is the kind of thirty steps, this kind of character in the Warhammer universe is a natural choice for Tianqi.

Loaded the character template of "Night Owl", Yue Si analyzed and listed three plans A, B, and C, including all possible changes, and made countermeasures, Yue Si is now using A - That is, all the way to the past, "Supermaster" plus the ability of "THEONE", as long as you contain the giant of light that will always cause miracles and can't beat it, you will be happy, no enemy can defeat it.

The hot sight shot out, the upper body of the magician was evaporated, he turned around and swung his fist to block the attack of the dragon killer, and then opened his mouth to breathe out a cold breath. The strong wind blew the magic flame with low temperature. .

The Dragon Slayer Mage let out the roar of a hot-blooded young man, and his body had more and more characteristics that belonged to the dragon. The joints were reversed, the muscles were swollen, and the scales that covered the body like armor had a bronze-like metallic color, and then More violent flames ignited from his whole body, forming a cloak of wings behind him, and the tiny ice crystals condensed by the cold in the air were re-melted and evaporated by the flooded flames.

And there was a faint flash of electric light in the firelight.

It wasn't that he had mastered the ability of lightning, but the ionization phenomenon that the air produced at the extreme high temperature.

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