Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 260 - A Nostalgic Encounter

Right now, Athan stood against the mirror, giving a good look on the black waistcoat under the white long sleeves before he donned the trench coat on his clasp. 

'What a fine, high-quality fabric is this— comfortable and cozy at long last.'

Not even the technology and skilled artisans they had in the Dysnomia Empire had this kind of asset.

Moreover, it was harder to deny that he looked so good in it. Even without taking into account the accessories, he looked good with the garment he had.

There were so many of them that pleased his eyes, especially the combination of the fashion presented to him from the portraits of men and women shown before him in piles of paper.

One thing came into his mind whenever he thought about the fascinating creations that blessed his eyes.

'I should bring them all, and might as well have several blueprints with this and spread it across the Dysnomia Empire— an exclusive one.'

In the middle of it, most of the clothes found in here— especially from the women's apparel— garnered his attention as he remembered Mystique wearing several silhouettes and styles he had no idea existed.

Even then, she started opening up an apparel business up the Northern Territory and spread its awareness and what she had brought after she caused a commotion to the Imperial Capital— like a brand new debut to the society.

It received huge praises, and now he saw with his two eyes that so many creations blessed him, and he couldn't wait to take his hands of it.

'Even those smartphones… Almost everyone has it. I suppose what Mystique said was true after all. ' Thus, he couldn't help but take a look around them, and pondered, 'But what is her connection to this strange world I'm in?'

He shook his head and set a new objective for himself.

'I'll get as much information as I have here...'

After which, the sales clerk came to him with their stares left blank and stood before him, waiting for his orders. With them was luggage filled with what he instructed.

'Wait... I remember this kind of luggage, the one at auction...'

But he didn't expect it would be a lot, and he had more concerns to think about for now. 

'I'm glad that I have more storage in me, and high-quality at that.' 

Fortunately enough, he had to hypnotize them, and now he started to monopolize the place for his convenience; if possible, then he would've taken everything this place had to offer, but he doesn't have that much time.

Now that he was good to go, he then packed everything he needed, and before he left the boutique. He put on his gentleman hat and his shades, looking at the hypnotized. 

"Thank you for your great services."

Soon as he left, he chanted to break the hypnosis and shuffled his way to the other places his instinct told him where to go.

'I suppose this should be a good disguise.'

People walked past him like it wasn't much of a problem, which then he thought that it was a successful plan he had.

The towering buildings lean enough to withstand the brazen winds and ground tremors was also one of the projects that he couldn't visualize before as it would take an amount of effort. Even building a castle was tedious, to begin with, it.

Until now, it took away his breath as he couldn't stop the series of realizations that it was possible.

It might be a dream, but with what happened, he thought that everything was real. 

'Something happened during Arnold's process. Well then, even if it isn't, he now saw her clear vision, and he would make it happen regardless.'

He now had the liberty to quench his curiosity as he continued to marvel at the place he was in— bustling, thriving, and he couldn't help but think about the bizarre future developmental plans Mystique had in mind back then.

'How come Mystique is associated with this world?'

But throughout his day wandering, his eyes caught the nature motif on its frontage as what seemed like a cafe. Through the windows, he saw how ambient and pleasant the atmosphere was within.

It didn't help him at all with the aromatic roasted beans and freshly baked bread going adrift to his nose by the time the door was about several inches away from him.

But before he came in, he thought that he didn't have any currency. A part of him was thinking about hypnotizing them once more, but with so many people around, it would only take a toll on his power.

'This cafe sure thrived as much as the busy street… Must be popular among humans here...'

He was already lost in his thoughts the more he hesitated but got cut off in a jiffy when a man behind him had a subtle clear on his throat.

"Is there something I could help you, good Sir?"

Like his heart skipped a beat as his eyes widened. 'That voice!' When he turned around, he was surprised to see the man with deep familiarity.

Even though he wore a cap and an apron that covered his uniform, and the platinum blond hair and striking blue eyes he had, that face imprinted his mind.

Though more so out of hostility of what recently happened.

'Jackal! Why is the— Am I… In an enemy—?!'

The moment Athan's pale became grim and pale at the same time, the man before him scrunched his face like he was worried about him.

"Good Sir, are you not feeling well? Should I call for some help?"

Still, he couldn't understand much of what has left of his lips moments ago, but with his genuine concern and gesture knew that he bore no ill will.

He had no idea if this was illusory magic or whatever he could think of as of now. But ever since he arrived here, he sensed little to no magic. 

Even if this perfected imitation would require so much mana, or so at least he wondered.

Yet Athan still had no response, which opted the other to move close, and he backed off when the latter came close.

Jackal had the face that got irked a tad bit, but he took a deep breath and composed himself like he acted professional as soon as the customers by the porch had their attention glued to them.

'No, this isn't good! I need to calm down; I'm not in danger.'

This time, he assessed the man before him, and one thing caught his attention, especially a small glass plate to his left chest pinned to the apron with a name.


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