Athan ended it rather quickly as the uproar was alarming enough that he couldn't make a fuss any longer, lest more troubles came his way: be it the patrols in the area or more of his goons.

He stood amongst the fresh pile of corpses, which got themselves drowned with their blood, now cold and limp. 

'I feel like I've had my fill. Have humans ever tasted this great?'

The pungent smell was sweet, tingling his taste buds, and he couldn't help but give a lick on the smears of his lips, the lingering taste of the metallic rusts remained. 

'I think I wasn't much of a mess...' He leered at his robe, with blood all over him. Which opted him to look around, looking for decent clothing. 'Oh, that would do.'

Upon looking around, there were no signs of imminent danger and made use of the time to move with swiftness.

From there, he stripped one of these men, who died with a swift death and wore the long sleeves and trousers. The outfit was too tight for him, most especially around his chest, shoulders, forearms, and thighs but not that he could complain about now.

A little twist in his harm and back, and if he did more than he could, then it would've torn apart. 

'I need to endure this for a while, and hopefully, look for an apparel shop.'

He placed his clothes in the pouch that he had and wiped off the blood in his hands with a spare fabric.

'What kind of footwear is this? So black as my hair, polished sheen too.'

Moreover, he couldn't take his eyes off the glimmers and the rich luster of gold on the accessories everyone had like bracelets and rings. 

He knew he dealt with the wrong one. 

Not that it was new to him.

Though he threw the idea how bizarre it looked. 'I need to imitate them if I'm going to stay here a bit longer.'

Athan wasn't familiar with infiltrating new places to him; however, he had to do it if he wanted to dwell without any problems.

But this place was far too much.

'His Grace, Arnold, said be careful and stay unnoticed.' He kneaded his forehead with a deep sigh. 'Right off the bat, I've already encountered one.'

He didn't dilly-dally any further as he went on and walked out to the open street.

Soon as he walked to the pavements, everyone, if not most, had their eyes on him.

"What an awe-striking young man, should I tell my daughter about this?"

"I bet you'd leave your husband for him."

They even took a stop, murmuring with their cliques, and even a giggle came from their lips.

He could only understand not much about it, but it didn't stop there when the ladies got stunned in their stead and stared at him.

"Oh my gosh! Who is this handsome man strolling down the street?" 

"Hey! Hey! Have you seen him? Is he new here?"

"He's literally come out from a fiction, miss thang! He's a fine man; I'm living."

"W— Who is that beautiful man? It's the first time I see him."

"Is he a cosplayer or something? Look at that and some of the things he wore!"

"Maybe a model?"

"I think so too."

"Girl! I feel like I have a new crush now. I'd faint in a heartbeat."

"I'm ready for procreation."

So far, he pondered that most of their comments came from awe and fascination, with their gestures and gaze showed so much and he was well aware like how the noble ladies back at social gatherings.

There was something in common, at least.

But that only came from the women of any age, and sure turned out different when it came to men.

"Dude, what the hell! Why is this man here? I feel like a potato in the street."

"I don't know. Damn, get him out of here."

"B— Babe, let's go. We don't have much time here now."

Not long enough, it caused a little tension among them but he paid no mind to it.

Foremost, Athan had a little twitch on his eyebrows as he could pick up a few words from the same ancient language he thought back then.

Ever since Mystique paid tribute, he thought of getting more information about it but it was that hard.

Right now, it only paid off a little bit, but better than nothing at all.

Especially when they pointed out his eye color.

"That's a rich red color, like blood."

"I know right? Maybe like a contact lens?"

Then his gut instinct crawled to him when they began to pull out the smartphone, similar to Arnold's, and pointed at him. He knew it was no good, and then he brisked out of the pavement.

If not upholding Arnold's advice, then he would've done differently; never did he think that their actions would turn out a big deal, and he couldn't afford to waste effort.

His heart pounded so loud against his chest; also, he wore the glasses in the midst of it.

'Where in the hell would I be able to find them? Have they come here already? Where is she even—?'

After which, he glared at the store that had mannequins and stands that displayed an array of clothing. 

While gasping for breath, he pondered like he saw a glimmer of hope. 'A boutique!' 

There on, his ears perked up from the sudden chime; the door opened as soon as one of the customers got out. Then, he entered and looked around.

The cool ambiance suited well with the smell of the myriad clothes displayed around him.

'This place is so organized, neat, and pleasant to the eyes despite the decent space it had.'

About a few people were inside, including customers and somehow the sales clerk was in it with uniforms.

"Welcome, dear customer! Is there anything I could assist you with today?'

Athan turned to the side and noticed a young lady he assumed was a sales clerk who went close to cater to his queries.

But then, he found himself in a predicament when he didn't speak similarly and fluently as them.

Without any choice, he made a gesture and tugged at his clothing. All he hoped for the best was that she would understand it.

The lady parted her lips as she gazed for a while, then slowly nodded. "Oh, we have a surplus of luxurious suits that would suit your taste! Please follow me."

'This won't do. I need to make my life easier.'

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