Video Game Empire

Chapter 616: Internet Conference (2) - Quora

() "In just one hour, the teenager has done a lot! He posted a message for help, chatted with friends for a while, quickly browsed today's news, ordered a takeaway, and bought a pair of sneakers!

The boy's story ends here. Are you a little disappointed, thinking that life in the future should be like a Hollywood sci-fi movie, full of intelligent robots, virtual reality technology and the like!

Well, that may be life in fifty or a hundred years. Compared with now, we will only have one more computer in ten years. And for those who already own a personal computer, more precisely, it should just be an extra network cable to connect the Internet world!

But it is this cable that will bring about a great revolution! Yes, this is a new **** revolution! Old rules will be broken and new rules will be born!

Those who cannot adapt to the new changes will become lost and eventually even eliminated! And those who dare to surf the tide will become the new heroes of the industry! "

Li Xuan's speech speed suddenly accelerated and became a little excited.

"The five things that the Chinese teenagers did through the computer just now are the two things I'm going to talk about below. The Internet will bring us two subversions - the subversion of information dissemination, and the subversion of business models!

Most of us have a very narrow social circle, nothing more than relatives, friends, classmates, and colleagues. I call it acquaintance socializing. Corresponding to socializing with acquaintances is naturally socializing with strangers.

Before I entered the venue, I overheard a conversation between two college students who passed by me. One of them, who seems to have an ham radio station, told his friends that in the dead of night last night, he managed to get in touch with a radio station owner in Jack Slovakia on the other side of the Atlantic!

Two strangers separated by thousands of miles met through radio waves. As usual, the two will send cards to each other as proof of this successful connection!

This is a real-life example of strangers socializing, but for most people, this kind of thing has nothing to do with them, they are limited to a small circle around themselves!

But the Internet will change all of this. Any two people who have never met, or even thousands of miles apart, may intersect because of the same trait! For example, the Chinese teenager who posted for help in the previous story.

Before he enrolled in Austin, he may have met a large number of Austin alumni who enthusiastically answered his questions through the quora website!

Someone would tell him which cafe on campus has the best coffee, where the cheapest place to rent a house is, how perverted the fraternity's entrance test was last year, and how terrible the amount of extracurricular reading in which class was taught!

This is the wonderful Internet, the wonderful socializing of strangers! Maybe you love reading The Moon and Sixpence, but your friends have never heard of William Somerset Maugham, the English writer. They only like football, they only like to pick up girls!

Now you don't have to worry, because there are countless people on the Internet who also love literature. Fans of The Moon and Sixpence have created a private discussion group on the quora website. So far, this group has joined 107 book fans from 14 countries and regions!

They might live in Paris, where Maugham was born, they might live in Heidelberg University in Germany, where Maugham studied, they might live in London, England, where Maugham first published, or they might even be a block away from you without knowing you.

But what is certain is that you are not alone! "

Li Xuan's speech came here, and for the first time, the audience remembered the warm applause! Many people have heard that Li Xuan is carrying private goods. It turns out that this website called quora really exists. But so what, it's not easy to find a friend who has the same interests and hobbies as you, so there is such a cool website!

Another well-known domestic Zhihu in time and space, part of the original idea came from quora, a website founded by a former Facebook employee. However, the original source of the quora website in this space and time was the online technical discussion community within the Oriental Research Institute.

So far, the Oriental Research Institute has successively established technology R&D centers in Hong Kong, the Mainland, Taiwan-Taiwan, Japan, the United States, and Europe. In order to promote communication among R&D personnel, the Oriental Research Institute has specially set up an online forum.

Under the deliberate guidance of Li Xuan, the entrepreneurial atmosphere within the Dongfang Group is very strong. The company not only does not prohibit employees from carrying out second-time entrepreneurship, but also helps everyone to relieve their worries as much as possible. It is in such a good atmosphere that all kinds of strange ideas have the opportunity to take root.

A researcher from the Hong Kong R&D Center of the Oriental Research Institute suddenly thought of one day, is it possible to develop a discussion community limited to academic exchanges into a professional Q&A social networking site?

The knowledge quiz variety show "Who Can Be a Millionaire" on Asia Satellite TV has made Hong Kong's concept of "knowledge is wealth" deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! But how can knowledge be more easily transformed into real wealth?

The researcher's plan to answer the questions for a fee was actually favored by a venture capital manager of Eastern Ventures. As for why the first question-and-answer social networking site in this time and space is also called quora by coincidence, it is also Li Xuan's credit that you don't need to guess.

As for why Li Xuan has an intersection with this small website, that's another story. Anyway, it's all coincidences. "oranser" - "question or answer", this is the reason why Li Xuan named the website "quora", a new word, and everyone else thought it was a good idea, so they passed it unanimously!

It has been 18 months since the birth of the quora website. It has become famous in Hong Kong, but it is still unknown in the world. It is precisely through this global Internet conference, and also through the mouth of the famous Li Xuan, to make a huge exposure for quora!

Li Xuan believes that after today, the quora website will definitely be known by more people, attracting more curious eyes to try it!

For Li Xuan, who has experienced the era of Internet explosion, he should not have too many website ideas in his mind. But not every successful website in later generations can be moved out immediately now.

After the governments of various countries headed by the U.S. government began to support and promote the development of the Internet at the national level, the Internet began to attract more and more attention.

But relatively speaking, the Internet infrastructure is still very weak. For example, the network bandwidth, that is, the data transmission speed, is still very low. At least like video and live broadcast technology, it is still a long way from commercialization.

The reason why quora was selected by Li Xuan to promote at the Global Internet Conference is that it is very suitable for the current development stage of the Internet. For the Internet operation model, most people first think of the Yahoo model and the Google model.

The Yahoo model is to attract huge traffic through Internet content, and then attract advertisers through traffic, and use advertising fees to achieve disguise. The Google model is to attract traffic through search engines, then use keyword bidding to accurately sell advertising spaces, and finally realize the same in the form of advertising fees.

This is the free Internet model that everyone often talks about, but the Internet is not really free. Whether it is bandwidth, content or search technology, huge investment is required.

Take a video website in another time and space as an example. On the one hand, the popular TV dramas, variety shows and other content purchased by the website require huge copyright fees. Buyers buy a lot of bandwidth. So don't look at the video sites' annual advertising revenue, but they often still lose money after removing operating costs!

And quora has a huge advantage in that it does not need to pay for its content acquisition, and even gets a part of the revenue from it. On the other hand, quora also has very low demand for expensive bandwidth. The current quora website is almost still a text-only website, and the function of uploading pictures has not yet been opened.

This makes quora's operating costs very low, and a venture capital is enough to burn it for a long time. After all, in later generations, whether it is domestic Zhihu, Douban, or foreign quora, you will never hear that a single financing is hundreds of millions, and then the next round of financing will start in less than half a year. !

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