Video Game Empire

Chapter 615: Internet Conference (1)

() The first Global Internet Conference was held in the auditorium of the University of Texas at Austin. After the brief but enthusiastic opening ceremony, one of the highlights of the first day of the conference, Li Xuan, as a special guest, will give the first speech at the main venue.

"After the steam engine and electricity, the third technological revolution has come! What is a revolution? China's Mao said that a revolution is not a dinner party, but a riot in which one class overthrows another!

The French apparently agree with this view. They sent Louis XVI to the guillotine 100 years before Mao was born! Now that the Internet revolution is here, who will it send to the guillotine? "

Li Xuan's first impression on many people who have come into contact with him is not bad. He is always so gentle and approachable. Especially with the dramatic increase in personal wealth, there seems to be less and less of a thing for him to actually pull his face down.

But today, Li Xuan gave the audience a different feeling from the past. The serious face, the slightly cold voice, and the first words in the opening words all give people an invisible sense of oppression!

It is said that scientific and technological progress is the gospel of all mankind, why is it suddenly associated with the barbaric and creepy guillotine? The venue was silent, and many audience members even frowned slightly. On the contrary, the reporters in the interview area suddenly have their eyes lit up, and they have a sense of excitement about making a big news!

Li Xuan took the expressions of everyone in the audience into his eyes and continued: "Some people may think that my first few words are grandstanding, because I am going to imagine how fast and how fast our life will be in the Internet age ten years from now. Convenient and beautiful!

Well, now let me go on a time travel journey, travel back ten years to 2010, and spend an ordinary hour with a Chinese teenager surnamed Li who lives in Houston's Chinatown! "

With Li Xuan's sudden change of tone from cold to bright, everyone seemed to be able to penetrate time and space and see the world ten years later. Behind Li Xuan, a huge projection screen suddenly appeared. The lights in the entire venue were dimmed, and a beam of light hit the white curtain.

This is a cartoon of a boy who is somewhat similar to Li Xuan, sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard. And some viewers who observe meticulously may even have a little doubt from the details of the comics.

Because the display screen of this computer is as thin as paper, it is not like the current computer display screen at all! Is this the new technology in ten years?

There was a professor from the University of Austin at the scene, and his brows were furrowed much deeper than the average person. Because he not only understands computers, but is also an expert in the field of LCD! Judging from the patent layout of the Oriental Research Institute in the field of liquid crystal in recent years, he has no doubt that in the world ten years later, the liquid crystal display will replace the current mainstream crt display.

Thinking of this, the professor's frowning brows could not help but stretch out, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth. Because he is more interested in this speech! From just a small detail in the first comic, it can be seen that the speech of the legendary richest man on stage was not a wild and eloquent nonsense.

His speech is likely to be a reasonable guess by the Oriental Research Institute on the development level of the global IT industry ten years from now! This has a very high reference value for the entire it industry!

"This surnamed Li has just returned home from school, and he is facing a major decision in his life recently - which university should he apply for?

Harvard or Yale?

Well, as a learning monster recognized by the American people - Chinese, his gpa score must be enough! "

Li Xuan said that he said this in a slightly self-deprecating tone, and there was a cooperating chuckle in the venue. This is the stereotype that Americans have about Asians, especially Chinese, with excellent test scores, but poor sports and arts levels.

At this moment, the picture on the projection screen flickered, as if the lens in a movie was slowly approaching from a distance, and finally it was frozen on the computer screen.

"He and all his friends are die-hard fans of the Cowboys. How can they go to the New England Patriots' territory? This is a betrayal of their beliefs!"


Several enthusiastic students in the venue even whistled, clearly agreeing with Li Xuan's point of view. The Patriots and Cowboys are the top teams in the NFL. Every season, the showdown between the Cowboys and the Patriots is called the National Derby of the United States! So taunting the Patriots in Texas is absolutely the greatest political correctness!

"For the sake of his beliefs, the teenager passed the ivy without hesitation. Well, then we can only choose the public ivy! Not bad, not only does Los Angeles have sunshine all day, but also meet Hollywood beauties!

But... the public universities in California have no tuition discounts for Texas students, and the consumption level in Los Angeles is too high! In the end, the teenager resisted the temptation of Hollywood babes and silently opened the website of the Austin campus!

The Austin campus opened its official website a few years ago, and of course it has not closed down ten years later. In addition to the school profile on the official website, there are many new features. For example, you can directly download the various forms required to apply to the Austin campus! You no longer have to worry about missing out on your favorite university because your resume is not standardized enough! "

The speed of the slideshow suddenly accelerated, but everyone present had a strong sense of familiarity. The content of these cartoons is fantasy, the content of the website of the official website of the University of Austin after ten years. Since we are here to hold the Internet Conference, there are almost no people present who can't use the "Navigator" browser under the aol company. The general framework of the browser used by the boy in the comic is very similar to that of "Navigator".

It's just that the browser in the comics is obviously much more refined than the "Navigator 30" that everyone is using now. However, many of the people present are Internet experts, and it is impossible for everyone not to understand the importance of browsers to the Many people have even studied the "Navigator" browser in depth, and even developed similar browsers themselves. device. It's just that in the face of the crushing market share of "Navigator" and the continuous optimization of new functions, it failed to make much splash!

And everyone's judgment is obviously not wrong. The last of this series of comics finally gave a close-up of the browser icon. There was a good-natured chuckle in the venue, because it turned out to be "Navigator 13" in the comics.

In the next ten years, if aol company conducts a major version update every year, wouldn't it just be "Navigator 13" in ten years?

Li Xuan's story continues.

"Although the teenager decided to make Austin the number one target for his application, he was still very unfamiliar with the university and wanted to know more about it! So he opened a website called quora, which is a professional online knowledge quiz. website!

The teenager soon posted a new request for help on the website called quora: 'What is it like to go to college at ut-austin? ’

Although his request for help cannot be sent out, it is impossible for other people to give an answer within a few seconds! So he decided to do something else first, like chat with friends. That afternoon baseball game, his last goodbye hit, really handsome!

So the boy went to an online communication software called icq, and he couldn't wait to show off his wonderful performance to friends who didn't watch the game..."

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