Video Game Empire

Chapter 596: Li Xuan's guess

In a society of free speech, the media is definitely the most troublesome opponent for the government and officials. Apex Novel, the two reporters of the Washington Post at the time, even brought Nixon down from the presidency of the United States.

Of course, even in the United States, which is known as the beacon of democracy, political correctness in news reports has always existed. Therefore, when thousands of demonstrators occupied Wall Street and when Snowden kicked the prism door, the mainstream media in the United States turned a blind eye.

As a colony, Hong Kong has never had anything to do with democracy and freedom in the past 150 years. However, since the issue of Hong Kong's return has been settled, the British Hong Kong government has quickly become the vanguard of Hong Kong's democratization process. It can't wait to let Hong Kong people who have never touched the votes immediately learn to elect that trick.

This kind of naked double-labeling of faces will naturally lead to strong opposition from the mainland. This is also one of the biggest contradictions between China and the UK after the transition period

In fact, the purpose of the British is to put it bluntly, that is, bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. Since I'm doomed to lose Hong Kong, don't think better than the British. Only by creating trouble for the future SAR government as much as possible, so that the successor cannot manage properly, can it prove that Hong Kong's departure from the UK is a wrong choice.

It has to be said that the British Empire, the **** stick that has been stirring up international politics since the 19th century, is definitely a good player in this regard. The reason why there will be political division in Hong Kong in the future is, on the one hand, due to the loss of self-positioning and the imbalance in mentality of Hong Kong society after the rapid economic development of the mainland, on the other hand, it is also related to the seeds planted by the British .

However, Hong Kong is the base camp of Li Xuan and the Oriental Group. Anyone who undermines the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong is bound to be an enemy who harms the interests of Li Xuan and the Oriental Group. From this perspective, Li Xuan and the mainland have the same natural position. This is also the premise of Li Xuan's willingness to cooperate with the mainland to guide public opinion in Hong Kong in his private agreement.

After nearly ten years of expansion, Li Xuan's influence in the Hong Kong media industry has become very strong. Asia Satellite TV, the core asset of ATV Media Group, firmly controls nearly 60% of Hong Kong's viewership share, and has been keeping tvb under its control in recent years.

In addition to Asia Satellite TV, the top-rated TV station in Hong Kong, ATV Group also owns three newspapers, Ming Pao, Hong Kong Economic Journal and Tiantian Daily. After Mr. Cha decided to transfer all the shares of Ming Pao, Li Xuan spent a lot of thought and finally pocketed the newspaper, which has been the most credible newspaper in Hong Kong for many consecutive years.

Apart from Ming Pao, the Hong Kong Economic Journal, which is majority-controlled by Li Xuan, is the largest financial newspaper in Hong Kong. In recent years, although the letter newspaper has begun to face strong challenges from the newly established Economic Daily, it has been able to firmly maintain its market share by virtue of its rigorous newspaper style.

As for Tiantian Daily, it takes a completely different line of popularization from the more serious Ming Pao and Xin Bao. Relying on the powerful news resources of ATV Group and its own reporting style, the daily circulation has exceeded 300,000 copies, becoming the second largest newspaper in Hong Kong after the Oriental Daily.

Naturally, the power of such a powerful combination should not be underestimated. Therefore, after the intervention of the Oriental Group, the "Rose Garden Project" promoted by His Excellency the Governor of Hong Kong has fallen into a dilemma. Of course, Li Xuan will never admit that the wave of public opinion brought by ATV Group stemmed from his behind-the-scenes deals with the mainland.

Whenever ATV Group makes a big move, the usual practice is to put on a coat representing the public opinion of Hong Kong, so this time is no exception. The Governor of Hong Kong has always been the Governor of the United Kingdom, not the Governor of Hong Kong. Therefore, His Excellency the Governor's policy will naturally not be based on maximizing the interests of Hong Kong.

This gives the ATV Group an excellent reason to attack the Hong Kong government. For example, the Rose Garden project promoted by His Excellency the Governor of Hong Kong this time has a total budget of hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars. Such a huge cake will naturally be looted by countless people.

The local consortium in Hong Kong, as a local snake, already has the advantage of the right time and the right place, not to mention the strength of the Hong Kong construction industry itself is absolutely strong. You must know that if there is no butterfly Li Xuan to disrupt the situation, the only thing that can be done in Hong Kong after the 1980s is the real estate industry.

Although real estate and construction cannot be directly equated, they are definitely the most closely related industries. Hong Kong's real estate tycoons are almost filling up the whole of Hong Kong with skyscrapers. And every skyscraper with a height of 100 meters requires extremely high construction qualifications to ensure that the quality of the building will not be a problem.

But it is against this background that it seems to be extremely competitive, the local Chinese consortium in Hong Kong has only won 20% of the dozens of contracts that have been bid. One can imagine the dissatisfaction of the real estate tycoons. Of course, when ATV Group guides public opinion, it can’t be for a handful of billionaires, but to make every audience and reader feel Only when your own vital interests are damaged can you maximize the resonance of everyone

What are the benefits of a local company winning a contract? As the saying goes, meat is rotten in the pot. If a local company wins a contract, it will surely bring more job opportunities to Hong Kong. When a foreign company wins a contract, it is equivalent to losing money to outsiders.

Therefore, in addition to criticizing the Hong Kong government for not coordinating with Beijing in advance and adding additional political risks to the whole project, the media under the ATV Group, including Asia Satellite TV, Ming Pao, and Hong Kong Economic Journal, also severely criticized the Hong Kong government as the governance of Hong Kong. However, under the guidance of such a round of public opinion in the past to seek the well-being of Hong Kong people, the Hong Kong government has completely stood on the opposite side of the six million Hong Kong citizens.

At this time, the mainland side cooperated very well, saying that the development of the situation has exceeded the decision-making ability of the Hong Kong government itself, and it is required to directly negotiate with the London side. I'm not really angry that the British Hong Kong government spends a lot of money.

Because even if there is no rose garden plan of the current Hong Kong Governor, the British will definitely find other reasons in the future. In short, they will never leave a large amount of cash for the future SAR government to take advantage of. Because the worse the performance of the free-succession SAR government, the more the British can show the merits of Hong Kong.

Li Xuan guessed that Beijing's real intention was to gain additional benefits in other areas through this negotiation. For example, to break China's unprecedented political isolation on the international stage since the last year's riot. And without the support of the Hong Kong people, if there is no endorsement from the mainland government, the Hong Kong government's new airport plan is likely to die.

However, since His Excellency the Hong Kong Governor proposed the Rose Garden Project last year, the Hong Kong government has devoted a lot of energy to this super project in the past year. If the project fails, just to cancel the dozens of agreements that have been signed before, the Hong Kong government will need to pay liquidated damages as high as several hundred million Hong Kong dollars. What's more deadly is that this will also cause a serious blow to the credibility of the Hong Kong government and even the British government behind it.

Therefore, Li Xuan can already foresee that the final result of the Sino-British wrestling this time is likely to be the last concession from the British side. Because time is not on the British side, and Beijing will win as long as the stalemate persists.

After the British bow their heads, it is natural for the Chinese government to invite the British Prime Minister to Beijing to sign a memorandum of understanding. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the second second in the Western camp after the U.S. imperialists, has visited China in person, and the political isolation of China has naturally collapsed.

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