Video Game Empire

Chapter 595: China Hi-Tech Investment Fund

What is the concept of 2 billion US dollars for China in 1990? In 1989, the total amount of foreign direct investment actually utilized in China was only 33.9 billion US dollars. Apex Novel, x From the beginning of this year, the level of attracting foreign capital is basically the same as last year. That is to say, the investment of the Oriental Group is worth the efforts of the whole country.

However, although the investment scale of Dongfang Group this time is very grand on the surface, if you analyze it carefully, you will find that it is actually quite different from the traditional investment attraction in China. The foreign investment projects that were attracted in the past either used the market for technology, attracting large companies from Europe, the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries to build joint ventures; or they used cheap labor and land resources to attract overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia. capital, and transferred their factories from other places to China.

But Dongfang Group is different. Among the total investment of 2 billion US dollars this time, there is not much money actually used to build the factory, only 300 million US dollars. The money is mainly used to continue to build the deep-sea special zone into a global manufacturing base for the production of televisions, monitors, VCD players and other audio-visual products within the Oriental Group.

In the Nanhu Development Zone of the Deep Sea Special Zone, Dongfang Group has built a large-scale manufacturing base with an annual output of 10 million picture tubes. With the continuous expansion of the global personal computer market, icon's demand for computer monitors is also rising.

In addition, Dongfang Group has been increasing its efforts to develop new markets such as Southeast Asia. In addition to counterattacking Japanese TVs in the United States, rca's TV products have also launched fierce hand-to-hand battles with Japanese companies in overseas markets. The annual production capacity of 10 million kinescopes has begun to make ends meet.

Moreover, rca has shut down almost all its manufacturing plants in North America through resolute industrial transfer. This part of the lost production capacity also needs to be made up by new factories in Asia. Therefore, the Oriental Group decided to start the investment plan of the second phase of the industrial base. In addition to increasing the annual production capacity of picture tubes to 20 million, it will also deploy all the audio-visual products in the Oriental Group, such as TVs, monitors, VCD players, etc. Deep Sea Special Zone.

Since Dongfang Group has always liked to outsource in the end manufacturing process, although the company's investment is only 300 million US dollars. However, the collective investment of all enterprises in the entire industry chain that can be driven by its agglomeration effect is likely to exceed US$1 billion. This is what makes the Eastern Group really strong and attractive

In addition to the 300 million U.S. dollars invested in the industry, the remaining funds of 700 million U.S. dollars will be used by the Oriental Research Institute to establish high-level technologies in the deep sea, Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and other regions in the next three years. R & D Center. In other words, a large part of the money will be used to purchase various high-end equipment and instruments required for scientific research, which need to be imported from abroad.

Therefore, from the perspective of driving the domestic economy, the approach of the Oriental Research Institute is far from the immediate effect of directly spending money on the construction of factories. However, Dongfang Group is taking the road of a research-oriented enterprise that climbs the scientific and technological tree, and is not prepared to invest too much energy in the production link at the end of the industrial chain. In fact, Dongfang Group does not mean that it does not invest in industries at all, but that it has invested heavily in projects such as wafer fabs and tft LCD production lines, which are still unable to settle in China.

As for the remaining US$1 billion, Dongfang Group will jointly establish the China High-Tech Industry Investment Fund with the Ministry of Electronics Industry, the National Science and Technology Commission, the Guangdong Provincial Government, and the Deep Sea Special Zone Government to support the growth of domestic high-tech enterprises.

The nature of this medium and high-tech investment fund is completely different from the previous state-led "863 plan". It is more like a venture capital fund jointly participated by the coalition government, and ultimately aims to pursue commercial profits.

Li Xuan has always hoped to build another Silicon Valley in Asia. Although the current technological level of the mainland is backward, its huge population base and complete industrial and technological system determine that this is the place most likely to replicate the Silicon Valley miracle. .

It’s just that China’s national conditions are completely different from that of the United States. The United States was originally a country controlled and promoted by capital. China is different. Almost all high-tech talents in China are now employed in state-owned scientific research institutes and universities. Without the support and participation of the government, the Oriental Group alone would not be able to play even if it had more money.

On the other hand, although the central government has already shifted the focus of its work to economic construction, it has not actually said that it plans to increase investment in science and technology, education, etc., and promote economic development through technological progress. The government has chosen another simple and crude way to build factories, railways and high-rise buildings.

The ratio of state investment and scientific research funds to the entire national economy has not only not increased in recent years, but has been decreasing. This has also directly led to a large number of scientific research institutes that have gradually fallen into difficulties since the 1980s. The above allocations are not even enough to pay wages, let alone take money to engage in scientific research.

Li Xuan has money and the country has people, so he hopes to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. By introducing capital into the country and using venture capital to activate the domestic scientific research field. For the country, this is equivalent to the Oriental Group spending money to support a large number of talents to engage in scientific research. For Li Xuan, through this medium and high-tech investment fund, it even has the opportunity to monopolize all high-end technologies in China, thus laying an indestructible foundation for the future development of the Oriental Group.

Therefore, the Oriental Group has generously invested as much as US$1 billion in the first phase of this medium and high-tech investment fund. And if it can really achieve the effect expected by Li Xuan, then the Oriental Group can mobilize another 2 billion or 3 billion US dollars of follow-up investment at any time.

Although the investment plan of the Oriental Group is somewhat different, it is not just a lie, but it will indeed provide real money of 2 billion US dollars. The deep-sea special zone, which has been extremely active from the mayor to the mayor, naturally ate the most fertile piece of this huge investment cake.

The reason why the deep-sea special zone is so active is actually very different from its position. It was originally a product of the reform and opening up policy, and it can be said to be a natural reformer. If even the policy of reform and opening up fails, then the special zone is bound to cease to exist.

Therefore, after the central government was caught in an ideological debate, the Shenhai Special Economic Zone was naturally under strong pressure from conservatives, and urgently needed a booster to boost the cause of reform and opening up. The Oriental Group is the best choice to change the situation, so the SAR government has been very attentive from the very beginning.

To a certain extent, the investment negotiation between the Deep Sea Special Zone and the Oriental Group does not only represent itself. When the SAR government encountered difficulties that it had no right to answer during the consultation, it could just reflect the situation to the central leadership.

Only in this way can the leaders who originally supported reforms have the opportunity to issue specific instructions on the grounds of supporting the overall development of the national economy, so that those who are capable of solving problems can join in and coordinate with the Oriental ~ This is how the agreement between the Oriental Group and the mainland was reached

Of course, in addition to some agreements that can be made public, there are actually some tacit understandings between the two parties that are not convenient for publicity. For example, Li Xuan and the Oriental Group will unswervingly support and maintain Hong Kong's prosperity and stability during the special transition period, and resolutely fight against all malicious destructive forces.

Without communicating with the domestic side, the Hong Kong government suddenly proposed a large-scale infrastructure plan "Rose Garden Plan" centered on the construction of a new airport at the beginning of the year. The mainland has expressed strong dissatisfaction and boycott. The original position of Asia Satellite TV and many mainstream newspapers under the ATV Group was to support the Hong Kong Governor to a limited extent through the "Rose Garden Project" through large-scale investment in infrastructure construction. Revitalize Hong Kong's economy. But now, their views can be silently changed

For example, ATV's famous political talk show "Three People", in a recent episode of the column, a guest pointed out that a large-scale project like moving mountains and reclaiming sea to build a new airport is a huge schedule for construction. 's test. Once the delay in work causes the construction period of the new airport to be delayed until after 1997, without the consent and blessing of the mainland government, the new Hong Kong SAR government is likely to refuse to assume the responsibility for performance.

For the construction party, it will undoubtedly be a disaster. Therefore, the potential risks of the new airport project are far greater than everyone thinks. The Hong Kong government originally arranged for a tender to be held the next day, but it was temporarily postponed because of this analysis. Because many international contractors preparing to participate in the bidding, have raised the need to re-evaluate the risks of the project. To be continued.

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