Video Game Empire

Chapter 540: Oga Norio's Anxiety

There are always shadows on the back of the sun. If there is no evil in this world, there will be no justice and goodness. Italy and the United States have Mafia, Hong Kong has Xin-Ngee Ann and 14-K, Taiwan has Bamboo-Lian Gang, Si-Hai Gang, and Tiandao League, and Japan also has three famous gangster-society organizations.

The most familiar to the Chinese is naturally the Yamaguchi-gumi, known as the world's largest gangster. In addition to the Yamaguchi group, there are two other social organizations in Japan that can be as famous as the Inagawa Society and the Sumiyoshi Society.

Among them, the home of Sumiyoshi Club is located in Tokyo, and its main source of profit is the operation of underground casinos and drug dealers. However, as the Japanese government's crackdown on gangster organizations continues to increase, Japanese gangster societies, including Sumiyoshi Association, have begun to transform into corporations and corporations, and are gradually whitewashing most of their names. assets.

Of course, if the underworld really develops into a normal enterprise, it won't be called the underworld. They just changed the bottom line of picking the law naked from the original to wandering on the edge of the law, thus making it more difficult for the government and the law to convict them.

Some people say that only in a democratic society can real underworld organizations emerge. Because the rights of the government in a democratic society will be greatly limited, and there is no ability to determine life and death. As long as the club bosses can afford the high legal fees, lawyers can always find loopholes in the law to help their employers get off the hook!

Japan is an extreme manifestation of this situation. As a defeated country in World War II, the original militaristic government was completely purged by the United States, and the rights and authority of the new government after the war were greatly weakened.

Although the mafia in the United States is famous all over the world. But at least not dare to play their own flag aboveboard. The Japanese gangs are much more arrogant. For example, in the Fukushima nuclear disaster caused by the tsunami after the earthquake in later generations, the Yamaguchi-gumi and other social organizations organized rescue operations in an open and honest manner at the first time. Even their rescue efficiency is far more efficient than the slow response of the Japanese government.


Daga Noiro frowned when he looked at the report in hand. He had faintly felt a black hand before, hiding in the shadows and quietly attacking Sony. But now that he has seen the detailed information collected and summarized by his subordinates, he is more certain about his judgment.

A month ago, Hong Kong newspapers published the first report that Asian Films' new film "The Diary of a Husband" was hit by piracy, and its box office in Southeast Asia and other places was severely hit.

And then, the Japanese branch of Asian Pictures. Just like the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department made a report. The culprit behind the film copyright leak was a small leader of the Sumiyoshi Society. He bought the manager of a movie theater in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward by Sony Cinemas, thereby obtaining a film copy of the new film "The Diary of a Husband" that is currently being shown in Japan.

The reason why Sumiyoshi will take aim at the movie "The Diary of a Man". To a large extent, it is also because this is the darkest dark horse in the recent Japanese film market. With the starring Zhang Guorong's high popularity among the vast number of teachers and girls in Japan, as well as the love light comedy theme that appeals to female audiences, the box office of "The Diary of a Husband" has risen steadily since its release in Japan.

But Japan's intellectual property protection is still very perfect. So this little leader of the Sumiyoshi Society is trying to reduce his own risk. Deliberately split the domestic film in Japan, and turned to the Hong Kong film of the Raptors crossing the river. Moreover, after the production of pirated video tapes and vcd discs, they are not sold in Japan, but rely on the overseas branches of Sumiyoshi to export a large number to Southeast Asia where the protection of asset rights is weak.

Although the copyright leak of "The Diary of a Husband" was related to Sony from the very beginning, Oga Norio didn't notice such a small thing at first. As the CEO of Sony, a world-renowned electronics giant, he has to deal with very heavy tasks every day.

And Sony's initial reaction. It was only the cinema company involved that issued a statement in support of property rights protection, and at the same time actively cooperated with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. The movie theater manager involved was dealt with.

However, the film copyright leak incident did not stop because of this, but it has intensified. In addition to "The Diary of a Husband", there were soon two other Hong Kong films released in Japan that had copyright leaks. Although this time it has nothing to do with Sumiyoshi Club and Sony Cinemas, the way of breaking the law is almost the same.

As a result, conspiracy theories quickly appeared in Hong Kong newspapers. Some columnists pointed out that the successive appearances of Hong Kong movies and the outflow of copies after they were released in Japan were by no means accidental, but probably driven by some powerful forces behind the scenes. .

And these films whose overseas box office was cut in half have a common feature, that is, the copyright has been bought out by Dongfang Commercial Company, and there will be no videotape version in the future. So the mastermind behind the scenes has come to the fore. This is a dark battle between the emerging vcd player and the old VCR.

As a multinational company, Sony's response speed is still very fast. When it found that the focus of the matter had risen from the original copyright leak to the format dispute, Sony headquarters immediately issued a statement to remove itself from the evil hands. Because once it is poured into the dirty water of secretly supporting piracy, it will be a serious blow to Sony's global reputation.

If only the media in Hong Kong were hyping this matter, Sony would not have taken it too seriously. Because the coverage of Hong Kong media is very limited, it can only create some storms in Hong Kong.

But things quickly got out of control further, because in Southeast Asia, Taiwan and other places, pirated vcd discs about European and American music and movies appeared again. So the American media also began to report on this incident, and Oga Norihiro, the CEO of Sony, finally noticed this incident.

Because many of the pirated music vcd discs flowing out of the Asian market are music copyright products of the cbs record company. The cbs record company was acquired by Sony not long ago, so Sony is actually one of the main victims of piracy.

However, in the US media news reports, Sony did not get much public sympathy. Because in the United States in 1988, the anti-Japanese wave began to ferment rapidly.

Since the Plaza Accord, the yen has appreciated rapidly against the dollar, which has allowed Japanese companies to rapidly increase their overseas purchasing power. And last year's "Black Monday" stock market crash hit the U.S. stock market hard, leaving the valuations of countless U.S.-listed companies at a low point.

This naturally led to the Japanese, who have no shortage of money in their pockets, to carry out various mergers and acquisitions in the United States. Seeing one American company after another, one American high-rise building after another, being taken over by local tyrants from Japan, Americans are naturally very uncomfortable.

Because the Japanese come to the United States to spend a lot of money, naturally they are not here to do good things. Japanese companies have acquired American counterparts in order to eliminate competitors and thereby increase their market share. And this usually means that many Americans will be taken away from their jobs.

Because of large-scale layoffs after mergers and acquisitions, it has almost become the practice of many large companies. At the beginning, in order to obtain the support of rca's internal employees for the acquisition offer, the Oriental Group also specifically promised not to carry out large-scale layoffs.

However, it is difficult for companies acquired by Japan to avoid the fate of layoffs. Therefore, Japan's image in the eyes of Americans is rapidly deteriorating, and in order to ensure its own sales and ratings, the American media naturally has to cater to the needs of mainstream public opinion.

Therefore, a representative Japanese electronic company like Sony has a bad image in the American media recently, not to mention that Sony has just acquired the cbs record company. The Columbia Company (cbs) not only publishes music but also the famous Columbia Pictures and CBS.

Sony's acquisition of cbs record company is actually just a tentative, its real purpose is to annex Columbia Pictures. But Columbia Pictures, as one of the eight major Hollywood production companies, if it is captured by Japanese capital, it will not be good news for the American film industry tycoons who are very vigilant and resistant to even Wall Street capital.

Therefore, at this juncture, all kinds of negative reports about Sony will start to emerge overwhelmingly, as long as there is a little guidance from people with intentions. For example, a large number of pirated vcd discs appeared in the Asian market by the cbs record company, which was considered to be a bitter trick by Sony.

Because Sony just decided not long ago to abandon its own beta format, which means that it admitted that it has lost the battle with jvc's recorder format. Beta and vhs have been competing for ten years before, and it is estimated that no one will believe that Sony will admit defeat now.

Since you can't get much benefit from it, it is also a good choice to let your competitors not be able to get more profits to grow yourself. And the emergence of vcd player, it happened to give Sony a chance to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

If Sony can set a fire and cause a fierce battle between VHS recorders and VCD players, it can buy more time for Sony to launch more advanced follow-up products. So from this perspective, Sony has ample motives for evil.

After various reports that were unfavorable to Sony appeared in the American media, Dianxiong Ohga immediately attached great importance to it, and immediately asked his subordinates to understand the cause and effect of the matter. (To be continued.)

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