Video Game Empire

Chapter 476: World Wide Web

The Internet has been around since the 1960s, but it hasn't caught on quickly. One of the important reasons for this is that it is not easy to access and disseminate information on the Internet for a long time.

Until Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (http), a new set of hypertext transfer protocol (http) was used to link the information in different computers on the network into a large network that could be continuously retrieved from each other.

Hypertext is not actually invented by Tim Bonas-Lee himself. This concept has been proposed decades ago. By the mid-1980s, the research on hypertext in academia was relatively mature, and more than 100 related papers were published every year.

It's just that everyone still studies hypertext as a new type of text. Knowing that Tim Berners-Lee had a flash of inspiration a few years later, successfully applied the concept of hypertext to computer networking, and developed a new set of file transfer protocols.

The World Wide Web and the Internet are two different concepts. A network of computers all over the world networked together is called the Internet. The World Wide Web refers to the information collection of all web pages, sites, and servers that use the http transmission protocol. Before the birth of the World Wide Web () and the http protocol, the mainstream file transfer protocol in the Internet was the ftp protocol.

"Li, this is a WYSIWYG hypertext browser we wrote, through which we can access the World Wide Web server that we have opened in advance!" Li Xuan, who was standing behind him, explained. "We only need to enter the correct URL in the address bar, and we can easily access the server set up at the Hong Kong headquarters!"

In fact, Li Xuan is no stranger to these concepts, but he still looks like he is listening carefully. After Cario finished typing the URL. Hit the enter key. The browser page began to jump, but due to the speed of the Internet in this era, Li Xuan waited for two or three minutes before a new and concise page finally jumped out.

The entire page has only three lines of words, the top line is the welcome word "Welcome to Oriental Online!", and the bottom is two lines of underlined headings.

"These underlined statements represent a new hyperlink! Just click on it with the mouse. You can jump to another brand new page!" Cario said and clicked on the title of the second line, "Eastern The Institute successfully opened the World Wide Web! ".

Two minutes later, the new article was displayed on the browser. Kallio didn't dwell too much on the short article content either. Instead, he quickly found the same underlined word at the end, "Next: "Welcome Mr. Li Xuan to the Cambridge Laboratory!".

He continued to click with the mouse, and after the browser finished refreshing, it again jumped to the second press release. This is a hypertext link. All the information on the server can be linked together organically.

And hyperlink settings. According to the requirements of the information uploader, it can be arbitrarily inserted into the web page at will. For example, Li Xuan noticed that in the second press release, the first word "Li Xuan" that appeared was also underlined. So Cario quickly clicked the underlined word "Li Xuan" again, and the browser page slowly refreshed, and a small introduction about Li Xuan's characters appeared.

This simple operation will be used by many children who are still in kindergarten in later generations. But in 1986, it was a new technology enough to cause a sensation around the world.

"Congratulations on the completion of a great invention, I believe that the entire history of the Internet will be changed because of this! Unfortunately, the current Internet is still too monotonous. If there is another photo of me in this biography, it will be more like a A resume!" Li Xuan pointed to the article on the screen. Funny smile.

"Your request is not difficult to achieve, you only need to improve the html language and add a graphic identification program! In the future, our web server can become fully illustrated and text-rich, and even with software support, it can be published Audio and video information, this is our next direction!" Cario said in a relaxed tone.

The World Wide Web has a strong inclusiveness, which is why it can rapidly rise and become a mainstream application of the Internet in the future. Li Xuan naturally knows what kind of an all-encompassing virtual world the World Wide Web will be in the future!

"Thank you for your hard work. Next, while further improving the World Wide Web technology, I hope that the new achievements can be shared with the whole world as soon as possible. So I decided to open the World Wide Web technology to the outside world for free, so that everyone can know it. Charm!" Li Xuan suddenly announced a decision.

According to the employment agreement signed between the Oriental Research Institute and the R&D staff, all the research results obtained during the work are owned by the Oriental Research Institute, and the developers only reserve the right of signature. As the owner of the Oriental Research Institute, Li Xuan naturally has the right to arbitrarily dispose of the World Wide Web () technology.

"Really? This is a good idea! I have a friend who works at the Internet Architecture Council, I can contact him and let the Internet Architecture Council help us promote the technology!" Cario said very happily, he naturally I hope that my results can be used by the most people, and free is undoubtedly the best means of promotion.

"Our Oriental Research Institute will donate money to establish a non-profit organization, the World Wide Web Consortium, to promote technology!" Li Xuan shook his head and said.

The Internet Architecture Council that Calio spoke of did have a lot of energy. Last summer, the group invited 250 of the major computer industry players to a global conference to promote the agreement.

Protocol is the basic protocol at the bottom of the Internet, which defines the standard of how electronic devices connect to the Internet and how data is transmitted between networks. It is the large-scale promotion of the protocol that has truly laid the foundation for the unimpeded interconnection of the entire global Internet.

It's just that Dr. Cario, although an excellent technical expert. This life has a good chance of stealing the title of "Father of the World Wide Web" from Tim Berners-Lee, but he is certainly not a shrewd business operator.

Oriental Research Institute is a for-profit business company, while Li Xuan is a capitalist. The reason he was willing to invest heavily in the development of World Wide Web technology was not for the sake of good deeds.

The reason why Li Xuan is willing to open the World Wide Web for free is to put a long line to catch big fish. If he can control the development of the Internet industry, Li Xuan will have the opportunity to make profits from other aspects in the future. In another time and space, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, but it was Netscape that really dug the first pot of gold from the World Wide Web.

The company that developed the world's first commercial browser came just 16 months later. It was successfully listed on Nasdaq, and the total market value on the first day of listing exceeded 2 billion US dollars.

According to Li Xuan's plan, the development team of Dr. Cario at the Cambridge R&D Center. Mainly responsible for the research and development and improvement of the World Wide Web technology including http (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), html (Hypertext Markup Language), and url (Uniform Resource Locator). As for the commercialization of the World Wide Web, Li Xuan will organize another professional team to take over.

When Li Xuan's plane left London's Heathrow International Airport, a non-profit academic promotion organization, the World Wide Web Consortium, was incorporated in London. And the first thing after the establishment of the World Wide Web Consortium. It is an initiative to the Internet domain experts all over the world. I invite everyone to gather in London for a Global Internet Conference.

Of course, such a big move would cost a lot of money, but the World Wide Web Consortium, with its deep pockets, doesn't have to worry about money at all. Because as early as its first day, the Oriental Research Institute donated a huge sum of 10 million pounds to it to maintain its operations.

Money can be tricky, and with the World Wide Web Consortium willing to reimburse travel expenses, these industry experts are naturally very welcome. To have such a platform where you can speak freely and communicate with each other.

So the World Wide Web Consortium has successfully attracted most of the attention of the global Internet field. And the opening keynote speech of this session of the Global Internet Conference. It was Dr. Calio who, on behalf of the Oriental Research Institute, first publicly introduced technology to the world.

In another time and space, Tim Berners-Lee introduced technology as early as 1991, but it wasn't until Netscape launched the Navigator browser in 1994 that the development of the World Wide Web really entered the fast lane.

In many cases, the fragrance of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. If a good technology is to be quickly accepted, it also needs to have an excellent marketing plan to promote it. In another time and space, the reason why Tim Berners-Lee wanted to develop the World Wide Web was to solve the problem of confusion in the management of various documents and materials in the unit he worked for, the European Nuclear Physics Laboratory.

At that time, Tim Berners-Lee's superiors approved his proposal to use computer technology to solve the problem. And Tim Berners-Lee lived up to expectations and took out the World Wide Web system in a very short time.

But CERN is not a computer laboratory after all, and it is impossible to provide too much support for a project that does not belong to its own research scope. Therefore, the early development of the World Wide Web in another time and space was almost completely selected by history only by virtue of its own technological advantages without external help.

With Li Xuan's intervention, the World Wide Web in this world gained a world-class stage at the very beginning of its existence. You must know that in order to maximize the influence of this global Internet conference, the World Wide Web Consortium paid for the conference cost as high as 2 million pounds.

The entire conference lasted only three days, and everyone was originally planning to come and talk about the future of the Internet. However, under the deliberate arrangement and guidance of the organizer, the technology presented by the Oriental Research Institute at the opening conference took away all the attention from the very beginning.

After this Internet Conference, it became a research and discussion meeting on this new technology! The Oriental Research Institute and the World Wide Web Consortium have long been well prepared, not only providing dry papers, but also preparing a real networked World Wide Web system for everyone to experience.

After the conference, the topic of the World Wide Web ( ) spread rapidly to the whole world as the participants returned to China, becoming the hottest topic in the entire Internet field this year. And through the heated discussions in the academic world, the World Wide Web Consortium has successfully aroused the interest of Fleet Street in the United Kingdom. The World Wide Web quickly became a popular new term in technology and began to be passed on to the entire society by British newspapers.

Of course, even if the technology has a bright future, it still needs a gradual process of development if it wants to truly enter the lives of ordinary people. The development of the entire Internet is by no means an overnight thing.

Another time and space, Netscape's Navigator browser, was able to open the curtain of the Internet frenzy in 1994, a very important reason is that the US government is vigorously promoting it behind the scenes. After Clinton entered the White House in 1993, he proposed the "National Information Superhighway Project", which made the Internet a popular concept in the United States at that time.

The premise of the rapid development of the Internet is the gradual improvement of basic communication facilities. And this has been out of the scope of a company's ability, and must be promoted at the national level. Although the World Wide Web Consortium ignited the first fire in the United Kingdom, Li Xuan's real target is still the United States. There is the largest market in the world, the leader of capitalism.

Although the World Wide Web is a relatively academic thing, although it can satisfy the curiosity of the public for the latest technology, it is too high-end and boring for ordinary people. Everyone is more willing to watch the lace news of football stars and movie stars, so in fact, at the beginning, although the British media covered topics such as the World Wide Web and Internet conferences, they did not occupy the main page.

And at this moment American TV station suddenly stepped in. A professor at Stanford University said in an exclusive interview with a TV talk show that the United States has fallen behind the United Kingdom in the field of Internet. The professor believes that the reason why the World Wide Web technology was first invented by the British is entirely because the US government has not paid enough attention to and invested enough in related fields.

The TV station is the first of the three major public television news networks in the United States, and its influence is naturally unquestionable. The latest response is the British media. The former empire on which the sun never sets has surrendered its world hegemony due to two world wars, and the former little brother of the United States has come back to ride on his head, but the British are still in their bones. There is a hint of pride.

Now even the Americans themselves admit that the UK is already ahead of the UK and the US in the Internet field. Fleet Street will naturally not miss this news, which will give the British Empire a face. Immediately, a number of British newspapers reprinted the views of the TV station and began to re-hype the topic of the World Wide Web.

And the World Wide Web has also risen from a purely emerging technology to a problem in the face of the United Kingdom and the United States. Therefore, the American media naturally did not show weakness. While attacking their own government ruthlessly, they did not forget to fight back against the British.

So the topic of the World Wide Web not only did not cool down, but continued to appear in various comments in the media. (To be continued..)

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