Video Game Empire

Chapter 401: Bigger Trouble in America (2)

"Li, look at this report, the wind seems to be changing!" Charlieson handed Li Xuan a copy of the New York Post that was just published today. ≥,

The New York Post was one of the most active newspapers in reporting the pollution incident, and it published several articles bashing the company. In this article published today, their focus is no longer limited to the company, and they seem to want to involve Li Xuan and Dongfang Group as well!

This article made a bold guess. Li Xuan and Dongfang Group probably knew that there was serious pollution in the Taiwan branch as early as a year ago. Because according to Nixon in an interview with the New York Post, when Dongfang Group cooperated with the company to build a picture tube factory in mainland China, it has sent visiting groups to the Taoyuan factory for detailed inspections.

The author believes that the investigation team of the Oriental Company, after so many inspections, could not have discovered the fatal loophole in the Taoyuan factory, because the company did not make any cover up at that time. When Dongfang Group launched a blitzkrieg takeover war against the company, Li Xuan suddenly threw out this important handle, forcing the company's major shareholders to quickly submit.

Because if this pollution incident is stabbed out, the company's stock price is likely to be cut in half, then shareholders will suffer heavy losses. At that time, the Oriental Company used a premium acquisition to allow these shareholders to get out unscathed. Therefore, in the transaction acquired by the Oriental Group, there is likely to be insider trading that damages the interests of minority shareholders!

Last year, Orient Group completed a complete acquisition of the company at a price of $51.5 per share and a total cost of $5.22 billion! At that time, the industry's comments on this price were high.

But in the past year, the company has sold off a series of non-core peripheral businesses such as the aerospace department, the insurance department, and the blanket factory. Quickly recovered up to $1.25 billion in cash.

The broadcaster has become independent from the company and is preparing to go public on the New York Stock Exchange. Wall Street investment bank valuations for broadcasters. up to $4 billion.

Since the beginning of this year, the US stock market has entered a new round of bull market cycle. The financial data of the company is very good. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Qiniu's listing, it has obtained a good valuation.

The value of these two aspects alone has reached 5.25 billion US dollars, which has exceeded the total cost of the acquisition of the company by the Oriental Group. And the company's remaining assets in the home appliance sector, including televisions, video recorders, etc., can be worth $5.6 billion.

Therefore, many people thought that Li Xuan had taken advantage of the acquisition, but now it seems to be a very beautiful move. And some people were clearly dissatisfied with the result, so an attack on the company and the Eastern bloc began.

Do Americans really care about a pollution scandal created by one of their overseas subsidiaries? Not necessarily! The pollution incident didn't happen in the continental United States, and everyone had spare time. Might as well be concerned about whether the New York Giants can make the playoffs this year!

The exposure of the incident is only because some people need some pretext to launch an attack. Most of the American media that reported on the pollution incident did not even bother to send several reporters to Taiwan-Taiwan where the incident took place to conduct on-site interviews.

"It seems necessary to shut up this Nixon as soon as possible!" Li Xuan said with a frown.

"We have collected some evidence. During his tenure in the Taiwan branch, he did accept bribes from a number of upstream suppliers! But these Taiwanese suppliers are not willing to testify!" Charlieson shook his head slightly helplessly and said. .

"The U.S. Overseas Anti-Bribery-Bribery Act shouldn't be in the hands of foreigners, right?" Li Xuan continued after seeing Charlieson nodding, "Give me the information on these suppliers. Come and think of a way!"

Perhaps out of consideration to avoid causing social panic, the Taiwan authorities have been very strict about the progress of the investigation into the pollution incident at the Taoyuan General Plant! So as long as Nixon can also keep his mouth shut, the United States will soon have a lack of follow-up news. And let this event cool down quickly.

"Gentlemen, we really got into big trouble this time!" Chairman Bradshaw pushed open the door with a gloomy expression and walked in. "I just got the news that someone seems to be lobbying the MPs and gentlemen. Re-open the investigation into the acquisition of the company acquired by the Oriental Group last year!"

This is really bad news. Li Xuan and Charlieson were speechless for a long time after listening to it!

"Do you know who is behind the scenes?" Li Xuan asked softly in a low voice.

"We have been investigating before, who encouraged Nixon to speak, and finally tracked down an environmental charity organization! And this charity organization's donation list includes many Wall Street tycoons! According to Congressman Schumer this time The information revealed to me, the team in charge of this lobbying also seems to be inextricably linked to Wall Street!" Bradshaw said.

Li Xuan always thought that this attack might be another competitor of the Oriental Group, but he did not expect it to be Wall Street! What is their purpose?

"Not long ago, I received a call from two old friends in the investment community, and they both hoped to acquire some shares of the broadcasting company!" Bradshaw continued to say to Li Although the TV station is affected by the cable TV Despite the strong challenges of TV, CBS and CBS, it still tenaciously maintains the No. 1 viewership share in the United States, and its profitability is also very stable! Therefore, the company that is about to go public is definitely an excellent investment target!

But Li Xuan doesn't think that the big guys on Wall Street are only targeting a broadcasting company! There is a lot of mouth-watering fat on the Oriental Group! For example, Oriental Research Institute and Oriental Game Company, major Wall Street investment banks including Salomon Brothers, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, etc., have offered Li Xuan an olive branch, hoping that they will run these two companies to go public in the United States .

And like the computer park company that has been listed on Nasdaq, the Oriental Group has also firmly held the absolute controlling stake. A number of investment funds have already expressed their hope to acquire a part of the equity from Orient Holdings. But now that the new round of bull market in the US stock market has just begun, and the stock price of Computer Garden has been rising all the way, it is not wise to transfer the equity now.

Maybe some people on Wall Street hope to collect evidence against the Oriental Group by investigating the acquisition of the company acquired by the Oriental Group, so as to force Li Xuan to give up enough interests! (To be continued..)

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