Video Game Empire

Chapter 324: chips

???After the recording of the program, Li Xuan hugged Bill Luoman warmly before walking out of the studio. Chasing the reckless wasteland, you have to catch your eyes quickly. And Li Xuan's chief public relations consultant, Peter Gilson, watched the entire recording process outside the studio.


He nodded in appreciation to Li Xuan. Although the host Bill Luomen did not conduct the interview according to the question of the program script, Li Xuan's on-the-spot performance was obviously not bad. In particular, his series of self-deprecating and self-revelation made the audience feel through the show that Li Xuan is an ordinary person with flesh and blood, no different from other young people of the same age.


In fact, no matter which country you are in, the mentality of hating the rich is widespread, and the idea of ​​a large income gap is more serious. In the eyes of ordinary people, the rich are not the same as themselves. They live extravagantly and love to enjoy themselves, and often use money as a bargaining chip to grab some power that they should not enjoy.


Therefore, Li Xuan needs to narrow the distance between himself and ordinary Americans. He should not become special because of his wealth. The TV station's "Meet the Media" column is just the first step in Li Xuan's overall image-building plan.


Under the arrangement of the public relations team, he will also accept interviews with other media one after another. And Li Xuan, by constantly appearing in front of the American public, allowed himself to gradually become part of American society, thereby downplaying his foreigner image.


Leaving the studio of "Meet the Media", Li Xuan did not leave the broadcaster directly, but continued to communicate with Grant Tinker of the broadcaster.


In later generations, domestic audiences had the deepest impression of the TV station than that "Friends". In fact, since the late 1990s, although it was able to stabilize and compete with CW, it began to fall short of its ability to compete with CBS and CBS, and its ratings have become the tail end of the three major public networks for many years. Back in the 1980s, the current TV station is still a well-deserved leader in the American TV industry.


"Li, speaking of which, the TV station would also like to thank your Asia Satellite TV for providing us with an excellent ace show!" Grant Tinker complimented Li Xuan.


He was referring to the third season of the American version of "Who Can Be a Millionaire" on TV. Under the company's matchmaking, the program was selected by the TV station. Grant Tinker then specifically commissioned the redesign and packaging, which he worked closely with show producer Ron Michaels. Make it more in line with the tastes of American audiences.


Ron Michaels is a gold medal producer in the American television industry. As early as 1975, he created the late-night variety show "Saturday Night Live" for the television station. And this classic show was still the ace show in another time and space until Li Xuan was reborn.


Under the part-time job of Ron Michaels, Li Ke became an instant hit after "Who Can Be a Millionaire" was officially broadcast on TV. It has become a brand new viewing tool for TV stations in the past year or two. Therefore, Li Xuan can fully bear this thank you from Grant Tinker.


You must know that when ATV sold the copyright at that time, it only charged a copyright fee of 750,000 US dollars. Including the bonus of the additional viewing and gambling agreement, the total income of ATV Group is only 3 million US dollars. The copyright of an entertainment program can be sold for tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars, which is amazing enough for most Hong Kong people. But compared to the profits made through Who Can Be a Millionaire. This copyright fee is only a drop in the bucket.


"I would also like to thank the TV station for its help to Hong Kong ATV. Through exchanges and cooperation with the TV station, Hong Kong ATV can have the opportunity to use the experience of internationally renowned media companies to quickly catch up with the world's first-class media organizations!" Li Xuan also said with a smile.


ATV's Huang Xizhao, Zhou Liang Shuyi and others. Indeed learned a lot of advanced things from the company. For example, the system of separation of production and broadcasting that ATV has implemented for more than a year has been very perfect, effectively reducing the production cost of TV dramas.


"Grant, the Oriental Group's advertising plan for the next year has begun to be formulated. We hope to continue the good cooperation with the TV station!" Li Xuan said.


Grant Tinker's face couldn't help but bloom with joy. Aikang Computer Company, Dongfang Game Company, and Computer Garden Company, which are affiliated to the Oriental Group, are all big advertising players, and the annual advertising and marketing expenses in the US market are as high as tens of millions. Dollar.


In particular, Ikon is the top sponsor of MLB and the NFL, and TV sports channels are also one of the main broadcast channels of the NFL. And Li Xuan bought every Friday night NFL night game in one go. Live broadcast advertising slots for multiple time periods.


"Of course, as one of the most important partners of the TV station, the Oriental Group is willing to contribute to the brand promotion of the various companies of the Oriental Group!" Grant Tinker said sincerely.


"Thank you! At that time, our company's advertising plan for this year may be different from the past. Before, each subsidiary acted separately. From this year onwards, we will change it to the unified coordination of the head office.


While promoting the new products of each company, we also hope to establish the overall healthy, progressive and responsible corporate image of the Oriental Group among American audiences. To this end, we specially invited Yabo Public Relations Company to formulate a detailed plan, hoping to get the company's support at that time! "Li Xuan said with a little deep meaning.


It is undoubtedly the media that can have an important influence on public opinion, but don't take all media organizations as real fighters for defending freedom, democracy, and democracy. Whether it is the three major public television stations, or the major newspapers in the United States. In fact, they are all for-profit business and they all need to be responsible for their boss's profits.


And big clients like Dongfang Group, who hold a lot of advertising fees, are naturally the targets that various media companies need to try their best to win, which gives Li Xuan enough room to operate. For example, Grant Tinker, who was sitting across from him now, received Li Xuan's slightly meaningful look. Very tacitly smiled and nodded.


Of course, this does not mean that it will endorse its customers indefinitely because of advertising costs. At least it still needs to maintain the objective and impartial coat of public television stations. After all, this is the cornerstone of the survival of television stations.


Of course, since the TV station has charged you a lot of advertising fees, at least they won't take the initiative to trouble you. They still have some faith. But if the customer himself broke the shocking scandal. For the sake of their own reputation, the TV station will definitely turn its face and deny it immediately, and step on it without hesitation.


What Li Xuan needs is that in the next acquisition of the company, the American media should not deliberately stir up public opinion and make all kinds of malicious speculations about Dongfang Electronics. To this end, Li Xuan specially planned the group's advertising and marketing expenses in the North American market in a unified manner, and prepared to use the US dollar as a bargaining chip to communicate and coordinate with the major media groups in the United States. (To be continued.) xh118



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