Video Game Empire

Chapter 154: Unified 1 Procurement

At the beginning of the conference, Du Wenqiang, the president of Dongfang Game Company, delivered a warm speech. He earnestly hoped that all partners could cooperate with Dongfang Game "Jing" sincerely and achieve greater brilliance in 1981. . Fastest update access: .

Afterwards, Han Peng, the president of Dongfang Electronics, also briefly said a few words about his vision. When he was about to finish speaking, he gave Li Xuan a look. Li Xuan shook his head, he was not interested in this kind of limelight.

After that, the meeting turned into a 'exchange' meeting where everyone was discussing heatedly. Because all the interests have been negotiated before, everyone present is more relaxed and comfortable today.

"Mr. Han, can you talk about Dongfang Electronics' excellent experience in procurement and inventory management, so that we can also learn from it!" said a boss sitting below, which immediately attracted a lot of echoes.

"Since everyone is interested in the internal management process of Dongfang Electronics, this is not something that cannot be kept secret. I would like to ask Director Kwong to share with you a little experience of our ︾∫, m. He is in charge of purchasing and inventory. You know the specific situation better than I do!" Han Peng pointed at Kwong Jingrong and said.

Kwong Jingrong nodded to everyone. He has been in charge of procurement since he first joined Dongfang Electronics. Most of the suppliers present were negotiated by him.

"As Mr. Han said, there is nothing special about our operation of Dongfang Electronics. The logistics procurement uses the supply chain procurement mode commonly used by European and American companies! Compared with the conventional procurement mode, the supply chain procurement emphasizes that the manufacturer and the Suppliers are good partnerships.

We hope to establish a long-term cooperative and win-win relationship with you. So when picking a supplier, it's like picking a wife. We will be very cautious and hope to find a better half to live with! "

Kwong Jingrong's witty remarks caused everyone to chuckle.

He continued: "Since the supplier is the wife of Dongfang Electronics, we will naturally give full trust after we have selected it. Of course, if some lucky people use this trust to shoddy, seek some cooperation. Unreasonable profits, then we can only choose to divorce!

Another feature of supply chain procurement is information sharing. Our procurement method is never one-time 'one-off' large batches, but small batches and continuous 'continuous'. Among all the bosses here, those who have cooperated with Dongfang Electronics before must know that Dongfang Electronics usually places an order within five days or a week.

Dongfang Electronics has not been able to achieve zero inventory management for the time being, but we will try to reduce the inventory time of raw materials as much as possible. Thereby improving capital turnover efficiency and reducing operating costs. And all suppliers can also know the recent production plan of Dongfang Electronics in real time, so as to adjust their supply rhythm! "

Although Kwong Jingrong said that, the quality "sampling" inspection of Dongfang Electronics is actually very strict. Once the quality of the samples found by "spotting" does not meet the specified standards, Dongfang Electronics will re-inspect the entire batch of supplies from this supplier. If the problem is not serious, then a rectification warning will be issued to the supplier. If the quality problem is really serious, the contract will be cancelled immediately and the loss will be recovered.

Last year, Dongfang Electronics took three suppliers to court. Although the amount recovered is not even enough for legal expenses. But it's a huge deterrent to other suppliers who are getting away with it.

"Nowadays, the people of the world are not old, and many people just do a one-shot deal, and they can deceive one to one! The quality of the samples provided when negotiating the contract is very good. When the actual supply was made, the civet cat was replaced by the prince, and I suffered such a loss once.

Last time I entrusted a trading company to import a batch of cables, but the other party 'made' fraud. I know it was produced and found that each reel had copper wires except two ends. In the middle, iron wire was used to charge the numbers. So much so that every time I buy goods, I have to send someone to check again and again before I dare to pay! "A boss shook his head with a wry smile.

He just finished. Lu Qintian stood up and smiled at everyone. Then he said: "Lisheng, Mr. Han, Mr. Du, I want to make a request, I don't know if it is too presumptuous! Everyone knows that my Lu's Electronics Company is mainly responsible for the production of display screens for Dongfang Games and Aikang Computer. screen and monitor.

But everyone may not know that the same CRT picture tube was purchased from Sony and the company, and their quotation to Dongfang Electronics was 5% to 10% lower than our Lu's Electronics. So I have always had an idea, I hope Dongfang Electronics can let us, the cooperative manufacturers, also join your procurement system and act together. After all, as a big company, Dongfang Electronics has more confidence than us wanderers in price negotiation! "

After Lu Qintian said this, several other bosses who had similar experiences soon expressed the same request. Li Xuan and Han Peng looked at each other and smiled, Mr. Lu Qintian did a good job.

Important components such as picture tubes are directly purchased by Dongfang Electronics from the original manufacturers. In addition to accepting a large number of orders from Dongfang Electronics Company, Lu's Electronics Company also produces some TV sets for export.

However, Lu's Electronics' purchase volume is obviously not as large as that of Dongfang Electronics, and the discounts obtained when purchasing will be much less. Lin Qingtian raised this issue a few days ago, hoping to further reduce the production cost of the company.

However, Li Xuan thought more deeply. What he saw was the control of the whole system. If Dongfang Electronics can uniformly dispatch all procurement actions in the entire supply chain, then it can not only greatly enhance its influence on all enterprises in the system, but also undoubtedly have more confidence in external price negotiations.

So Li Xuan asked Lu Qintian to bring it up at today's supplier conference, and as expected, several other bosses had similar views.

"The CRT picture tube that Boss Lu mentioned just now, Dongfang Electronics now orders more than 50,000 units from Sony and the company every month, which is much more than Lu's Electronics Company purchases.

At the same time, we also have an LCD purchase contract with Sony, and we have a lot of cooperation with the company in the semiconductor business, so compared to Lu's, our overall price negotiation ability is stronger! "Han Peng explained.

He glanced around everyone in the audience. Cai continued to smile and said: "As Director Kwong said before, Dongfang Electronics and everyone here are partners. Since they are good partners, it is also necessary to coordinate and help each other. If you feel that in the procurement process, you can borrow Dongfang Electronics. A piece of tiger skin can reduce costs. We must cooperate fully.

I think it's better than this. We, Dongfang Electronics, should set up a procurement coordination meeting. Enterprises in need can join as members, and everyone can realize resource exchange and information sharing! "

"It's a good idea, we Lu's Electronics are the first to join!" Lin Qingtian said with a smile.

"Also count us as a place in Advanced Electronics. Lao Lu is only 10% worse. We have a few items that are more than 20% higher than Dongfang Electronics!" Qiu Yonghao, the boss of Advanced Electronics, who was sitting in the left corner, waved his hand and scolded with a smile.

After that, more and more people began to agree, and some company leaders who had never thought about this matter, after thinking about it, felt that there were no advantages and disadvantages. So they simply joined the procurement coordination meeting.

"Since everyone has this will, this matter is settled for the time being! Later, we will find a special time to sit together and discuss the details of the articles of association of this procurement coordination committee! My opinion is that it is either not done, Since we have done it, we cannot let the association become a mere formality, we need to serve every company that joins, so that everyone can get real benefits from it!" Han Peng said firmly.

After the meeting, Dongfang Electronics specially prepared a sumptuous banquet. The wine table culture has always been an important way for Chinese people to deepen their feelings.

Li Xuan was sitting at the main table, and Lu Qintian was seated on his left. Can sit next to Li Xuan, the big boss of Dongfang Electronics. Lu Qintian is still very honored, which also reflects the close relationship between Dongfang Electronics and Lu's enterprise from one aspect.

"Lu Sheng, have you considered building a picture tube factory by yourself?" After drinking for three times, Li Xuan suddenly asked Lu Qintian.

Lu Qintian put down his chopsticks. With a thoughtful expression on his face: "Lisheng, I must have thought about it, but our Lu family has neither so much money nor money. We don't have this technology and 'door' way!"

"This month, the board of directors of American company Peter Charlson accepted the invitation of Dongfang Electronics to visit Hong Kong! Dongfang Electronics plans to cooperate with the company to build a new picture tube factory in Asia. If Lu Sheng is interested, you can also participate!" Li Xuan said. Lu Qintian said with a look of surprise.

The picture tube is the core component of televisions and computer monitors, as well as arcade displays. Dongfang Electronics' sales of arcade machines and computers are rising rapidly, and the purchase of display screens is also increasing.

The company is the largest television manufacturer in the United States. In recent years, life has become more and more difficult. Under the impact of Japanese manufacturers, the company has almost lost all overseas markets other than the US market.

Even the US company, under the constant pressure of the guild, has simply closed its three factories in New Jersey and Indiana since last year, and gradually shifted its production capacity to Mexico, where production costs are lower.

Many say it is not the 'highly' competitive foreign companies that are killing American industry, but the powerful American trade unions. Especially in an election year like last year, the guild, which holds a large number of votes, is undoubtedly the target of political figures from all sides. And the series of political promises they made to the guild leaders sold out the interests of the factory owners.

Dongfang Electronics just purchased a large chip packaging and testing factory in California from the company not long ago. The company seems to have a lot of illusions about the Asian market, especially the Chinese market that has just thawed with the United States, so the two sides began to come together.

Li Xuan simply 'revealed' a few words to Lu Qintian, which made the other party's face full of joy. At this time, the bosses of other wine tables came over to toast with wine glasses. Although they all let Li Xuan do whatever they want, they toast themselves. But Li Xuan can't help but give face, not drinking at all, which will undoubtedly hurt the face of others.

Seven or eight people came down, and Li Xuanjia also drank several glasses of wine together. He saw that there were still people coming up to toast, so he said hello to Han Peng and others, and 'urinated' and escaped ahead of time. ;

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