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‘go away? ‘

‘Du big brother, where are you going? ‘

100 Hua Princess heard that Du Yuesheng was leaving for a while, and her hands subconsciously grabbed Du Yuesheng’s clothes corner.

‘This little girl, won’t it look at me this Emperor? ‘Du Yuesheng watched the 100 Hua Princess reacting in this way.

I can’t think of this Emperor as handsome and charming.

Unfortunately, you are late!

Du Yuesheng is not yet in a mood to think about the love of his children. After all, Yu’er is still waiting for me…

‘Nothing, this Emperor has something to do, and will come back in a few days or half a month. ‘

‘when the time comes I must go to the undefeated empire to find you. ‘

After Du Yuesheng whispered a few words to 100 Flower Princess, he looked at Shi Tian who was standing in the distance.

A few steps across and walked to Shi Tian.

Du Yuesheng looked at Shi Tian who was injured, and took a Healing Medicine Pill from his arms to give to Shi Tian.

‘Shi Tian, ​​next I will rescue Shi Hao and they will follow them to the undefeated empire waiting for me! ‘

Shi Tian ate the Healing Medicine Pill that Du Yuesheng gave him, and the place where he was injured recovered instantly.

‘what? ‘

‘No way…’

‘I want to follow you, I want to avenge the villagers of Stone Village. ‘Shi Tian’s angry expression shouted in his mouth.

‘boom! ‘

Du Yuesheng’s Dragon Sword quietly attacked, and fiercely strikes directly behind Shi Tian’s back.

‘Brother Du, you…’ Shi Tian was suddenly shot by Du Yuesheng, and the whole person instantly passed out.

Du Yuesheng looked at Shi Tian, ​​who was knocked unconscious by the back of his knife, and then raised his hand to Bai Qi’s body.

‘Baiqi, you follow them to the undefeated empire, you should know how to do it? ‘

‘Yes, Heavenly Emperor! ‘Bai Qi took the unconscious Shi Tian body, he answered Du Yuesheng.

‘well! ‘

‘Blue eyes White Dragon, come out…’

Du Yuesheng reached out a hand and moved towards the void to play a purple card with a scary Demon Beast on it.



For an instant, accompanied by the purple card appearing in the sky, rising winds, scudding clouds.

One after another surprised Heavenly God thunder continuously emerged from the sky, a huge black hole appeared in Space-Time.

‘what is that? ‘

‘As if something horrible is coming out? ‘

For a moment, everyone on the ground looked at the black hole that appeared in the sky, and they all felt a terrifying force from the black hole.

‘Yin! ‘

A long and overbearing roar of dragon roar passes the sky from inside the black, and along with the roar of dragon roar there is a horror Demon Beast.

A horrifying dragon might suppress Heaven and Earth from this Demon Beast that appeared in the sky.

‘Dragon? ‘

When this terrifying Demon Beast appeared in the sky, everyone below was shocked.

‘Dragon, it is Divine Dragon Race. ‘They felt the pressure erupting from the Demon Beast.

It is the unique dragon might of the blood moon continent Divine Dragon Race. It can be said to be invincible.

‘Who is he? ‘Undefeated Aotian looked at Du Yuesheng standing on the ground holding Tu Longbao’s sword.

At this moment, he was really shocked by the horror of Du Yuesheng, after all, even Divine Dragon could summon appear.

This is completely beyond the reach of ordinary forces, although this Divine Dragon is not a real’Divine Dragon’.

But the imposing manner that emerged from it was definitely Peak’s existence in Yalong Race.

‘Wow ka ka!’

‘So handsome…’

‘This is the Blue Eyed White Dragon? ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the white-eyed White Dragon that appeared in the sky. His two eyes were also attracted by the appearance of the blue-eyed White Dragon.

After all, he has only seen it in the “Game King” anime.

At this moment, it really appeared in front of myself, how shocking it was.

‘boom! ‘

Du Yuesheng’s feet crossed the sky next, and in the next second, his whole person descended directly over the head of the blue-eyed White Dragon.

‘Yin! ‘

The blue-eyed White Dragon watched Du Yuesheng descend on his head, and it also let out a dragon roar roared into the sky.

‘Come! ‘

Standing on the head of the blue-eyed White Dragon, Du Yuesheng waved a hand while looking at the 10000 terracotta army below.

In an instant, the 10000 terracotta army disappeared on the ground, and a purple card appeared in Du Yuesheng’s hands.

‘Li Yuanba, come up! ‘Du Yuesheng ordered Li Yuanba, who was standing below with a silly look.

‘Yes, Heavenly Emperor! ‘Li Yuanba held the hammer and stepped across the void, landing on the back of the blue-eyed White Dragon.


However, Li Yuanba came to the back of the blue-eyed White Dragon instantly. The white-eyed White Dragon kept emitting roar, and his body shook violently.

Who is Qingyan White Dragon?

That is the Dragon Race bloodline race, the status can be described as noble, most people don’t want to ride him.

At this time, a mortal Li Yuanba appeared on the back of the blue-eyed White Dragon. It must be very unhappy.

‘All right! ‘Du Yuesheng looked at the blue-eyed White Dragon who kept roaring, and it also understood the meaning of the blue-eyed White Dragon roar.

‘Yin! ‘

The white-eyed White Dragon yelled at Du Yuesheng and stopped the roar, but it glanced back at Li Yuanba.

‘go! ‘

‘You wait for the undefeated empire to come back! ‘

‘bang! ‘

After hearing the order from Du Yuesheng, the blue-eyed White Dragon spread its huge wings and quickly moved towards Dongfang and leaped away.

‘big brother! ‘

‘Du big brother …’

‘Heavenly Emperor! ‘

Suddenly, accompanied by the blue-eyed White Dragon flying into the sky and disappeared, the 100-flower Princess, cold, and several people shouted.


5 澶 ╀ 箣 钖 庛 €

Two silhouettes appeared on the edge of a cecal path, one exuding Emperor aura all over, and a treasured sword behind his back.

A about 12 years old, born with a sharp mouth and shrunken cheeks, a sickly face, skinny, holding two 2-pound hammers in his hands, in a terrifying imposing manner to suppress Heaven and Earth.

‘fuck! ‘

‘Damn undefeated Aotian, this old bastard, next time I see him must beat his shit out. ‘

Du Yuesheng couldn’t help cursing in the heart, he and Li Yuanba 2 rode the green-eyed White Dragon all the way.

But after flying for 3 days and 3 nights, I saw the nearest village and went down to inquire.

They are still some distance away from the Cang Yan Gang.

So they continued to come non-stop, and finally ran out of the undefeated mountain range.

‘Good smell! ‘

‘Heavenly Emperor, do you smell it? ‘

The moment when it came to the trail, Li Yuanba in the front stopped, and a smell came from his nose.

People are iron rice or steel. Although Li Yuanba is brave and extraordinary, he is a mortal body.

What Li Yuanba said, and smelling the scents in the air, Du Yuesheng felt that his belly was empty.

Although Martial Artist can reach their realm without eating and drinking for a month, the body still needs to replenish some energy.

‘go! ‘

‘Let’s check it out…’

Du Yuesheng looked at Li Yuanba, who looked like a child, and replied with a smile.

“Really?” Hearing this Li Yuanba overjoyed, child is child, overjoyed to hear that there is food.

“Naturally, will the Heavenly Emperor lie to you?”

With a light smile, Du Yuesheng and Li Yuanba have been around for a while. He feels that Li Yuanba is very honest and cute.

It is a pity to die on a thunderstorm night in history.

Unfortunately, Du Yuesheng once asked if he could recover Li Yuanba’s injured brain.

But the answer is that the characters produced by system are completely based on history and cannot be changed, but repaired.

This makes Du Yuesheng very helpless…

“Hehe!” Hearing this, Li Yuanba, who touched his lower abdomen, carried a big hammer, smiled, and quickly moved towards the front.

PS: No. 2

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