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‘ding! ‘

‘Blessing to eliminate! ‘

The moment the system sounded, the power blessed on Du Yuesheng was disappeared.

‘Hey, if you bless forever! ‘Du Yuesheng felt the disappeared power in his body.

That kind of power to master the world is really fascinating…

Du Yuesheng gathered his mood and said to Bai Qi and Li Yuanba 2 people: “You two are going to one side, this Emperor has something to ask Cang Yanxue.”

Du Yuesheng held the Tu Longbao sword in his hand and looked at the silhouette of the blazing blood that hugged his thigh.

‘boom! ‘

Cang Yanxue was directly stepped on the ground by Du Yuesheng with one foot, and an extremely cold voice echoed in his ear.

“Say, is it true that the dark old saying is true? Was my discipline actually killed?”

“You can not answer, but if you don’t answer now, I will let you shut up forever.”

Du Yuesheng’s murderous aura burst out completely covering Cang Yan’s blood, and the Dragon Slaying Blade was already raised in his hand.

These series of actions by Du Yuesheng have already explained what he meant.

Even if Li Yuanba didn’t kill Cang Yan blood just now, Du Yuesheng would kill him with a knife.

‘Do not kill me! ‘

‘I said…I said! ‘

Cang Yan’s blood saw that the Dragon Slaying Blade was about to land, and he quickly wailed and begged for mercy.

He didn’t want to die, he was less than 20 years old, and he had a good time waiting for himself.

Cangyan Blood quickly replied: “None of the people we caught in Stone Village were killed, although I don’t know which one of your recipes fell to the ground?”

“Your discipline, he hasn’t died yet, and Old Hu said in secret, if you go to the Cangyan Gang headquarters, you will definitely be able to bring back your discipline intact.”

‘Oh! ‘

‘is that true? ‘

Du Yuesheng heard that Shi Hao was okay. A big rock in his heart was a relief.

‘It is true, you have to believe me! ‘Cang Yan blood quickly nodded up.

He looked at Du Yuesheng’s appearance, he believed that this person would definitely not kill himself, and he was relieved.


“so you….”

With a sound of pu chi, the Dragon Slaying Knife in Du Yuesheng’s hand suddenly burst into rays of light.

A knife of lights instantly enveloped the body of Cyan Flame, and the entire body of Cyan Flame Blood lay directly in the pool of blood in a second.

Along with the death of Cang Yan blood, Bai Qi and Li Yuanba 2 in the distance also stunned.

Bai Qi couldn’t understand why Heavenly Emperor, he could not help asking: “Heavenly Emperor, he has already made the truth, why should he be killed?”

‘hmph! ‘

‘easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark ‘

Watching the Dragon Slaying Blade slowly swallowing the blood of the blazing blood, Du Yuesheng said: “Dark old man was killed, he should have avenged the dark old man. If he died in our hands, he would be a good loyal hero .”

“But he didn’t do this at all, so he only died. Such a person is either timid or cowardly, or an extremely threatening character.”

“If this person is alive, we will be accidentally bitten by him at any time, although this Emperor is not afraid.”

“But if you can solve it, try not to bother…”

Du Yuesheng drew out the Dragon Slayer knife inserted into Cang Yan’s blood chest and wiped the blood on it with his hand.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations player’ Du Yuesheng’kill the little monster and get 100,000,000 Spirit Points. ‘

‘ding! Congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ for beheading the dark old man and getting a top-grade medicine pill of Hundred Venoms Immunity. ‘

After killing Cang Yan’s blood, system’s answer was in his mind again.

‘Rubbish! ‘

Du Yuesheng heard that killing Cang Yan’s blood exploded something, not as good as other mobs.

Du Yuesheng lowered his head and glanced at the blood of death. He suddenly remembered the most critical issue and patted his forehead directly.

‘Lying trough! ‘

‘Oh shit…’

‘I actually forgot to ask him where is the address of the Cangyan Gang? ‘

Du Yuesheng was originally unfamiliar with the blood moon continent simply, and was at a loss as to what Cangyan Gang was there.

However, when Du Yuesheng turned around and saw the 100-flower Princess coming, he was undefeated and the others.

‘Yes! ‘Du Yuesheng’s mind was divine light flashed, and he didn’t know where the Cangyan Gang was.

The undefeated Aotian must know…


Du Yuesheng held the Dragon Slayer Sword and flashed to the ground, a flash appeared directly beside the undefeated Aotian.

‘What are you doing? ‘Undefeated Aotian looked at the Du Yuesheng silhouette that suddenly appeared beside him.

He was also taken aback, and the silhouette stepped back quickly, looking at Du Yuesheng with fear in his eyes.

‘hehe! ‘

‘Undefeated old man, I ask you something…’ Du Yuesheng looked at the undefeated Aotian who took a few steps back.

He is very helpless, is he so afraid? See how scared you look?

daddy doesn’t eat you…

‘You have to ask…what? ‘Undefeated Aotian heard Du Yuesheng want to ask questions, he stuttered.

‘Do you know the Cangyan Gang? ‘Du Yuesheng asked directly.

‘know? ‘Undefeated Aotian nodded, then asked: “Are you going to the Cangyan Gang?”

‘Correct! ‘

‘As long as you move towards the undefeated mountain range and fly all the way to the east, you can fly out of the undefeated mountain range. ‘

‘After continuing to fly for a while, he almost entered the Cangyan Gang’s territory. ‘Undefeated Aotian told Du Yuesheng the address of Cang Yan Gang completely.

But in the end he reminded: “Although I don’t know why you want to go to the Cangyan Gang, I also advise you to say,’The Cangyan Gang is not easy to provoke.'”


“Although the Boss Cangyan Gang doesn’t have much reputation, there are still some powerhouses in it.”

Leng Yan on one side heard the conversation between the two, and he also stood up and spoke.

‘Oh! ‘

‘Is Cangyan Gang terrifying? Are there many powerhouses? ‘Du Yuesheng heard two people’s words.

He was very interested in this unknown Cang Yan Gang, hoping not to bore me.

The powerhouse in Du Yuesheng’s eyes is completely upgraded, explosive equipment monster.

He was also afraid that there would be fewer monsters in the Cang Yan Gang, so that there would be no fun.

After Du Yuesheng thought for a while, he turned and walked to the 100-flower Princess standing aside.

Du Yuesheng walked to the 100-flower Princess, looked at the flushed-faced 100-flower Princess, and said softly: “100-flower Princess, can I ask you something?”

‘can! ‘

‘What do you want 100 flowers for? ‘

100 Flower Princess heard Du Yuesheng’s words, she didn’t have any hesitation in her mind, so she opened her mouth to answer Du Yuesheng.

‘Uh! ‘Du Yuesheng was also amazed by the speed of 100 Flower Princess’s answer for a second, but immediately returned to calm.

Then, he looked at Shi Tian in the distance, and said, “Next, I’m going to Cang Yan to help. Which one will ask you to bring back the Undefeated Empire to take care of him for a while.”

PS: First

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