Unlucky black cat

Chapter 223: The undead who is good at using firearms

Chapter 225 The Undead Good at Using Firearms

Quack, quack, quack.

Early in the morning, the piercing chirping disturbed the sleep of many residents.

When people opened the curtains, they saw crows in twos and threes, parked outside their balconies.

What's going on? The crows from Luotai City have flown to our Chongming City?

Some people who like to create topics immediately exposed the photos online.


All kinds of discussions ensued.

I also saw a crow, sitting on the top of the tree in front of my house.

me too.

I have one here too!

Hey, where did all these crows come from?

I remember that I heard experts from some local stations say that this is a phenomenon of animal migration caused by extreme weather.

Experts, can what experts say be reliable?

Then Luotai City was invaded by monsters.

I think this is more of an omen.

Brother, it's the 21st century, and it's still an ominous sign. I think these crows are probably the superpower of some extraordinary person. Perhaps they are spying on the entire city.

So, our Chongming City will also be invaded by monsters?

No, I just bought a house in the city center yesterday, and I still have thirty years to pay off the mortgage.

Hahahahaha, the messenger of God has arrived!


Ask, what is the current mortgage interest rate?

Well, it seems to be about four o'clock.

Ha, if you owe the two million for thirty years, don't you have to pay back 4.4 million? What kind of loan shark is this?

Hey, don't tell me, the superiors are going to lower the interest rates on existing mortgages. From now on, if you owe two million for thirty years, you will only have to pay back four million. The bank can only make a mere double of the profit, and it will make you cry at the loss.

You can't say that. The interest rate you get when you deposit money in the bank is higher than 2.50. State-owned entrepreneurs still have a conscience.

What a conscientious person.

I suddenly like hearing crows cawing.

Cry, scream. Let the world listen to this warning bell of disaster and no longer be afraid of this prophecy of doomsday!

Um, is this the Feitian Spaghetti believer's club?

That's right! My dear siblings, do you believe in the great flying spaghetti?

Ahem, stop making trouble and be more serious. Our Chongming City is indeed not peaceful recently. It's a coincidence that these crows came.

One thing to say, one thing to say, indeed.

Pure passerby, indeed.

So, have you all heard about the eight-armed boy yesterday?

The white-haired boy with eight arms?

I think he looks a bit like an urban legend in Luotai City.

What legend?

The lucky white boy, it is said that anyone who meets him will get three days of good luck. Some people even captured the other person's image with a driving recorder. Unfortunately, these posts were later deleted.

Well, from what you said, I seem to have seen similar articles before.

And do you still remember that in the monster report related to Luotai City, a reporter once photographed a girl with eight arms?

Hey, are they the same eight arms?

Yes, so is there any connection between the two?

Hey, isn't it obvious? Since there are eight-armed boys, of course there will also be eight-armed virgins.

Crap, when you tell me that, it's really reasonable.

Hehe, thank you for your reward.

Anyway, I really have a bad feeling.

The crows gather together, the eight-armed boy.

The difference between us now and Luotai City is probably only the plague of rats and monsters.

Well, can't you find it?

Lying alone in the dim room, Jiang Sheng, who had transformed into a cat shape, silently shook his tail.

It is using insects and puppets to find the whereabouts of Three Thousand Resentments.

However, the other party's concealment methods are really clever.

So much so that the black cat couldn't catch the clue at all.

Dong dong dong.

The door to the room was knocked rhythmically.

Jiang Sheng also recovered his scattered perceptions.

Come in.

The small cat demon speaks human words, making the atmosphere even more mysterious.


After a few seconds.

Xing Tai used the key to unlock the door bolt.

He led the two men into the house.

Yes, because Jiang Sheng is not suitable for showing his face.

So they sent a girl to pick up the two spiritual caretakers who came overnight.

Serial number three and serial number four.

Users of Along the River During the Qingming Festival and Changxin Palace Lantern.

Hey, you are the cursed black cat, you don't look dangerous.

Wait until the door is closed again.

A middle-aged man wearing a leather jacket, black sunglasses, and a canvas bag on his shoulders.

Then he walked straight to Jiang Sheng, raised his hand and touched the cat demon's head.

My name is Wang Yanlin, and I am the manager of the Qingming River Scene.

After saying that, before the black cat could reach out its claws to fight back.

He had already retracted his arm and stepped aside.

It made the cat demon feel like it had eaten a fly.

Uncomfortable and unable to delve deeper.

You, don't do anything in the future.

With no other choice, Jiang Sheng had no choice but to issue a warning with dissatisfaction.

Then he shifted his gaze to another person.

He was an ordinary-looking young man with an extremely inconspicuous temperament all over his body.

He was dressed in gray and black and was holding a suitcase in his hand.

Seeing the cat demon looking over, the latter nodded calmly and said something.

My name is Zhao Haiqing, and I am the temporary manager of the Cursed Changxin Palace Lantern.

Well, welcome.

Black Cat also bowed his head calmly and responded.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Sure enough, introverts are easier to get along with.

Cats don’t like humans who have no sense of boundaries.

Ah, I only slept for two hours all night. I'm really exhausted.

After introducing himself, Wang Yanlin immediately slumped down on the sofa.

Then he took off the canvas bag behind his back and put it aside.

Zhao Haiqing stood silently and didn't speak again for a long time.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

Until Wang Yanlin lay on the sofa and closed his eyes lazily and said.

Hai Qing, please let me rest for a while. Work requires a balance between work and rest to be efficient.

Get up, we need to understand the situation first.

In front of Jiang Sheng and Xing Tai, Zhao Haiqing put his hands in his pockets indifferently.

But I'm really sleepy. The production team's donkeys can't be used like this.

Wang Yanlin used a pillow to bury his head.

He accused angrily.

Do you still have labor laws in your eyes?

Bang bang bang bang!

The next moment, Zi Jiang Sheng looked in shock.

Zhao Haiqing had already fired four bullets from a silenced pistol.

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