Unlucky black cat

Chapter 222: The Battlefield of the Ancients


Listening to Li Guoguang's vague answer.

Jiang Sheng's eyes flickered.

Director Li, could you please be more detailed and accurate? What kind of legend is it specifically?

All legends, any legend.

There was a hint of weakness in the old man's words.

Heaven, hell, the west, the sky, as long as you can think of myths and stories, you can basically find the prototype there.

So, you mean.

The black cat standing in the room narrowed his pupils.

There are many gods and demons fighting with each other inside Yumen?

Jiang Sheng doesn't like chaos.

I don't like complicated chaos even more.

No, you still don't understand what I mean.


Li Guoguang immediately rejected its idea.

In short, let me say it again, what is in the door are just prototypes of some myths and legends, not real myths and legends. All records about gods and demons are imagined by us humans based on our own social structure. We think, The relationship between them is logical. However, in fact, there are no rules at all between gods and demons. They are chaos, the purest wilderness, and the most complete prey of the jungle. They are extremely powerful, so there are no taboos. We cannot Understand their language and thoughts, and even gods and demons are unilaterally defined by humans. Therefore, what exists on the other side of the door is definitely not a force. If you have to say it, it is better to regard it as The ancient battlefield is better.”

Or is it a jungle?

Black Cat thought for a while.

Then he added.

After hearing this, Li Guoguang nodded in affirmation.

It can be understood this way, but the jungle is not as savage as that place. Because the things in the door will not hunt just for hunger. They will hunt for the sake of hunting.

Hunting for the sake of hunting.

Do whatever you want.


Jiang Sheng could only think of two adjectives for such behavior.

some time afterwards.

Li Guoguang chatted with Jiang Sheng for a while about the live video uploaded online.

Yes, it was photographed this morning.

The scene of the black cat fighting with Three Thousand Resentments.

The old man first pointed out a few points, Jiang Sheng's flaws exposed during the battle.

Then he said that these pictures would not have much impact now.

Then the black cat doesn't have to take it to heart.

Because the country's policies have changed.

This generation of officials seems to be very enterprising.

There is a vague ambition to expose the supernatural, and even let the whole people investigate and report criminals together.

But you have to eat the food one bite at a time.

The road must be walked step by step.

The process of disclosing supernatural powers must also be done step by step.

Otherwise, if we take too big a step, it will easily cause panic among the masses.

The current intention of the superiors is to let out a little bit of news.

Therefore, Jiang Sheng's situation has become just right.

It can also allow people to participate in discussions.

You can also observe the direction of public opinion.

People won't bite the truth yet.

Isn't this the best reference sample?

Moreover, Jiang Sheng's personal image seems to be more likable.

It is the first supernatural product that ordinary people are familiar with.

It is indeed the most appropriate choice.

Although I don’t understand why the heart in the spiritual tube suddenly became bigger.

But because I don’t know anything about the official thinking.

Therefore, Jiang Sheng also accepted the old man's relief.

Well, in short, I will pay attention to avoid crowd activities recently.

Because of the shame of having to make up for the trouble, the cat demon's tone softened a bit.

Haha, it doesn't matter. You just need to act as usual during this period. After all, I still have to trouble you about Three Thousand Resentments.

Li Guoguang smiled, but his voice was slightly complicated.

To be honest, he doesn't support the openness of supernatural beings.

Because he doesn't believe in human nature.

Why did the pillars of fire rise into the sky, why did the normal high-rise buildings collapse, and how were the residents who fell unharmed? Is it a pipeline leak, or was it construction deficiencies? What caused everything now, and what prevented a large number of casualties. Audience friends , I am investigator Li Xiaolin, please follow me into the mystery of the fall of Yama Palace.

Oh, that's quite impressive.

At night, sitting in Sanqianyuan's temporary residence.

Xu Ming watched the TV while eating dinner.

Because he couldn't go out after being wanted, he was always very free during this time.

Pipeline leaks, project deductions, these reporters are really good at finding reasons. Could it be that the Spiritual Management Office taught them to say this?

Xu Ming straightened his head nonchalantly and stuffed another chicken drumstick into his mouth.

Well, let me say three thousand. Your fried chicken legs are really good. Are you interested in opening a fried chicken restaurant?

Chewing the chicken with big mouthfuls, the doctor gave Sanqianqian a thumbs up in an inarticulate voice.

And three thousand resentments.

Then he glanced at him slowly.

Stop talking while eating.

Hey, where did these rules come from?

Xu Ming tilted his shoulders depressedly.

The next second, he reached out and opened a bottle of beer.

Hmm, as expected, fried chicken tastes best when paired with beer.

The Spiritual Control Department is suspicious of me.

Watch the news reports on TV.

Wei San, who was sitting aside, suddenly said something meaningless.

It's obvious.

Sanqianyuan calmly picked up the rice.

Otherwise, you should have received several calls by now.

You mean to say that there is another hidden story behind this news?

Xu Ming swallowed the food while his thoughts were racing.

It's not that there's a problem with the news, it's that they have already started handling public opinion before I received any inquiries.

Wei San responded with an unceremonious side glance.

Three Thousand Resentments, what is your plan?

Don't worry.

The young man with a deep voice smiled and looked up.

Just wait two more days and everything will be clear.

Hey, I really don't want to go on a business trip.

On a plane late at night, an unshaven middle-aged man held a magazine in his hand.

With a pair of dead fish eyes, he looked out the window through his thick bangs.

Then you ask for leave.

An indifferent young man sat next to him.

In his hands, he was wiping one firearm after another.

“What’s the use of complaining after getting on a plane.”

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