A hot knowledge, the last ninja Fan Ma called a senior, his own village was just bombed to the sky.

Fan Ma pointed to Natai on the ground, sighed heavily, and said:

“Our Uchiha family is originally the family that the country of thunder moved to. It’s time to communicate more.”

“Look, didn’t this hit someone from my hometown? I’m really embarrassed.”

The third generation of Lei Ying felt sick in his heart, but he forced a smile on his face.

Hearing that Erwei from the village had broken into the Land of Fire, he led people from Yunyin to rush over quickly, just to meet Natai.

“Natai, you are always inexperienced, such an obvious trap…”

The third generation of Lei Ying sighed in his heart that he hated iron for being weak.

Third Raikage squinted his eyes, thinking about the fighting power of the ninjas present.

He looks rough on the surface, but he actually has an extremely delicate heart.

“This old man is fighting against Uchiha Fanma. In a short time, I’m afraid the solution will be solved.Never fight. ”

“Bruby’s state is really too unstable. If you borrow the power of Eight Tails, there is a high probability that you will go berserk… Bringing him is nothing more than just to support the scene.”

“Tutai and the others, facing Hatake Sakumo, it will be very difficult…”

The two giants just smiled hypocritically, and the third generation of Raikage said politely:

“It’s okay. The ninjas in the village are ignorant and will always be punished.”

“However, she also received the punishment she deserved, so let me take him away too.

Fan Ma nodded, stretched out a hand, and gestured for the third generation of Raikage.

The two generous hands held each other heavily.

Fan Ma and the third generation of Raikage increased their strength almost at the same time, but neither of them was willing to let go of their hands, and the atmosphere gradually became dignified.

The strength of the handshake continued to increase, and Fan Ma’s blood energy and Lei Ying’s chakra began to erupt.

The third generation of Raikage’s chakra sizzled in the air with a ferocious electric sound.

Fan Ma’s thick blood was floating in the air, exuding killing intent.

Just the aura of the two of them caused deep cracks to crack the earth.

Yunyin and the others also looked terrified. They had never seen a ninja who could compete in strength with the third generation of Raikage.

It was obviously just a handshake, but these two people created a life-and-death battle.

Tsunade and his team who rushed over happened to see this scene.

Jiraiya’s eyes widened, he turned to look at Tsunade, and complained expressionlessly:

“As an old friend for many years, I still suggest that you change your boyfriend. This bastard is becoming less and less human.”

Before Tsunade could say anything, Orochimaru said lightly:

“No matter what aspect Fan Majun is, he is much better than a frog from Mount Miaomu.”

Following the arrival of Tsunade’s group, Raikage III and Fan Ma looked at each other, and the two began to unload at the same time.

The hearts of both parties were full of fear, and they sighed in unison:

“This uncle, what a powerful force!”

“This kid is even stronger than me!”

Chapter 62 The war ends

The two big hands finally let go.

However, the tense atmosphere has not been relieved in the slightest.

Both Konoha’s side and Yunyin’s side maintained a state of full vigilance, waiting for the next negotiation between the speakers of the two parties.

The Third Raikage coughed, pointed to Natai who was no longer alive and dead on the ground, looked at Fan Ma and said:

“Then, the old man will take a step first.”

“Please go ahead.”

He didn’t choose to stop the third generation of Raikage from taking Natai away. This was a decision Fan Ma made after careful consideration.

Eight-tailed Jinchuriki, the third Raikage, the soil platform, and the future fourth Raikage are not such easy-going guys as Sand Ninja.

If a conflict breaks out with the third generation of Raikage, his side’s combat power will not be dominant.

Most importantly, a dying Natai is useless to Fan Ma.

It is actually quite difficult to absorb tailed beast chakra by predating blood energy, and it is far from achieving the effect of the Hungry Ghost Path.

The reason why he was able to absorb a large amount of Shukaku’s chakra was because this cat raccoon was too outrageous.

Shukaku maintained a posture of flesh and blood, and swallowed Fan Ma into his body, and after his own chakra was swallowed, it did not turn into sand or return to Jinzhu Riki’s body. get it out.

Encountering this kind of tailed beast like a Lentouwa is a rare opportunity.

The third generation of Raikage took a deep look at Fan Ma, picked up Natai with a big hand, carried it on his shoulder, and retreated with Yunyin.

And in his heart, he was analyzing all of Fan Ma’s information at top speed.

“Konoha, has another ninja who carried the tripod appeared… It’s still from the Uchiha clan, it’s even more troublesome… But, fortunately, it’s from the Uchiha clan…”

The tense relationship between the Uchiha clan and the high-level Konoha is common sense in the ninja world.

After all, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan fought with the first generation of Hokage back then, and the scene was so grand that no one in the ninja world knew about it.

And the third generation of Raikage led such a large group of people, marched directly into the territory of the Fire Nation, and rushed all the way to rescue Natai, but they were not stopped by Konoha.

Anbu, who only had a few Konohas, followed from a distance, doing necessary information collection work.

The third generation of Leiying sneered in his heart, and said with emotion to the Yun Yins beside him:

“A powerful ninja will naturally ask for more resources and a higher status than other ninjas. This is especially true for ninjas from the ninja clan. After rising, all the ninjas of the clan will rely on him.”

“And when this kind of ninja has conflicts with the high-level people in the village, it’s time to speak with strength.”

“If the shadows in the village can’t suppress the ninjas who have different opinions, then the village will be divided.”

“We don’t have those nonsense things in Yunyin Village. The main reason is that I am Yunyin’s strongest ninja!”

“So, my son, you have to practice hard for me! I didn’t train you to let you and the ninjas in the village do those tricks!”

“You have to work hard to cultivate and become stronger, and in the future you will lead Yunyin Village to become the strongest in the ninja world!”

The third generation of Raikage was talking, and then he waved his hand and hit his son next to him hard, and taught him a lesson:

“Look at that UchihaFan Ma, you have such strength in your early twenties, look at you, you are complacent when you just became a Jonin! ”

“How’s the Thunder Dunn Ninjutsu practiced? Even using the Thunder Plow Hot Saber with Lao Tzu is still so reluctant!”

“You go back and give me a good reflection! Practice hard!”

This future fourth-generation Raikage covered his head, but a trace of unwillingness and fanaticism ignited in his eyes, and he responded loudly:

“Yes, father!”

And Fan Ma looked at the back of the three generations of Lei Ying leaving, and he was also thoughtful.

The three generations of Raikage, who are in their forties and at their peak, are definitely qualified to compete for the first person in the “King Class”.

Fan Ma’s previous information on the third generation of Raikage only remembered a few scenes of him fighting Naruto in Nine-Tails Chakra mode in a dirty state.

The performance of the third generation of Raikage in a dirty state can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

Although he was able to withstand the Immortal Art Spiral Shuriken, Naruto easily dismantled his own ultimate move “One Kanshou”, and it didn’t look that strong.

And Fan Ma, as a physical master, deeply understands how the so-called dirty state has a great influence on the three generations of Raikage.

The third generation of Raikage was controlled by Pharmacist Dou at the time, and a scientific researcher like Dou couldn’t understand this top-level physical ninja at all, so he could only rely on the basic panel to forcibly attack, which was a waste of money.

What’s more, the third generation of Raikage in the dirty state is not only restricted by the dirty soil, but also not in his normal peak state.

Fan Ma’s eyes were deep, trying to recall more information about the third generation of Raikage.

“What Yao said…Three generations of Raikage cut off its eight tails, but it fell to the ground before making the last move…Then, the single hand didn’t hit Yao.”

“That is to say, the real Ichikanshou seems to have the power to kill the eight tails…”

“And when Hachio recalled the wound of Raikage III, he also said that it wasn’t caused by Tailed Beast Jade…”

“That means that the third generation of Raikage has the speed to avoid the Tailed Beast Jade, or has the defensive power to resist the Tailed Beast Jade…”

“Sure enough, I still need to continue to practice… There are still many heroes in the ninja world…”

Fan Ma put away his thoughts. The matter of improving his own strength still needs careful planning after returning to the village.

Walking up to the crowd, he said with a smile:

“Then, this war should come to an end.”

A group of people have different attitudes. This war with the country as the unit has baptized the hearts of every ninja who participated in the war.

Tsunade didn’t say much at the moment, but just came over and hugged Fan Ma’s arm, smiling happily.

Ziraiya looked preoccupied, silently thinking about his future.

On the eve of this war, he had already been summoned by Mount Miaomu, and the Great Toad Immortal gave him a mission to find the Child of Destiny.

However, the content of the mission was vague. It only said that fate had changed, and the Son of Prophecy was immersed in darkness, and he needed to be rescued…

Orochimaru had an indifferent look on his face, but there was also anger hidden in his heart.

As the commander of the Urenin battlefield, the third Hokage ordered him to forcibly attack Urenin, which made him have strong doubts about the village.

“Is this the so-called will of fire?”

Minato’s face was tense at the moment, and Kushina looked at him worriedly.

For Fan Ma’s coming to save him, he was naturally full of gratitude in his heart.

It’s just that he was still thinking, if Fan Ma was held back by something at that time, what would happen now?

Namikaze Minato hated the feeling of being powerless to protect the one she cherished.

A group of people embarked on the return journey back to Konoha with different thoughts.

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