This is the war. Although it is over, its impact has only just begun…

Chapter 63 Love Clan

Konoha Hokage meeting room.

Nara Shikayama led a group of Nara clansmen to sort out Anbu’s report, sum up the main points, and compile a briefing.

In the past few days, there have been too many important pieces of information.

The third generation flipped through these bulletins with a blank expression on their faces, but more and more smoke spewed out of their mouths.

“Although the war against Sha Yin and Yu Yin has ended, the war in the village has just begun…”

In this war, no matter what, there is one existence that cannot be ignored, and that is Uchiha Fanma.

“The safari troop led by Uchiha Fanma has killed 1,300 sand and rain ninjas…”

“One tail of Sand Hidden Village was killed by Uchiha Fanma, and Sand Ninja has retreated.”

“Yuyin Village was bombed by a huge amount of detonating talismans, and the entire village was wiped out.”

“Three generations of Raikage have not yet clashed with Uchiha Fanma, and have withdrawn from the territory of the Fire Nation.”


The third generation looked at the “Uchiha Fanma” who appeared frequently in the information, rubbed his brows, closed his eyes and meditated.

The result of this war is barely acceptable for three generations.

Ebizo and Renzhu Rikifuku of Sand Ninja Village were killed and suffered heavy losses.

Yuyin Village and Hanzo were even blown to ashes together, and have since been removed from the ninja world.

From a macro point of view, Konoha has effectively repelled these invaders, stabilized Konoha’s position and reputation as the number one in the ninja world, and did not lose face.

However, Konoha’s losses were equally heavy, but there were no important casualties, so the losses seemed relatively small.

Nearly half of the Konoha troops on the Rain Hidden Battlefield were lost., This is still the result after Orochimaru adjusted his tactics.

Since the beginning of the war, the hidden sand battlefield has been facing an extremely difficult situation.

Even though Bai Fang launched a desperate attack and achieved good results, it still couldn’t cover up the terrible casualties caused by Shou He.

Two-thirds of Konoha’s troops on the Sand Hidden Battlefield were lost, and the deputy commander, Kato Junya, died on the spot.

The number of casualties of Konoha ninjas is far more than that of sand ninjas.

The Third Hokage opened his eyes, thinking about the post-war pension work.

However, he couldn’t calm down, and his thoughts returned to the Uchiha clan.

“Uchiha clan…how should we deal with it…”

Since this war, Sandai and Fan Ma have conducted several transactions, which reflect the see-saw and temptation between the Uchiha clan and the Hokage clan.

On the eve of the war, Uchiha Fanma strongly participated in the selection of commanders, taking away the opportunity that the third generation originally wanted to give to civilian ninjas.

At the beginning of the war, in order to limit the connection between the Uchiha clan and other ninja clans, the third generation used Kushina’s freedom to trade with Fan Ma.

Let the Uchiha clan independently assume the source of troops, and transfer away the grown-up civilian ninjas.

In the later period of the war, Sha Yin mobilized Jinjuriki, and under pressure, Sandai once again used secret techniques to trade with Fan Ma.

The third generation looked at the battle report in front of them worriedly, feeling a little troublesome.

“It’s good for Uchiha Fanma to gain military exploits, but the distance between him and the village is getting farther and farther…”

The fact that Danzo coaxed Uchiha Fugaku into the defense, and then let Erwei Jinchuriki sneak into the defense line, caused the Uchiha as a whole to riot.

Uchiha Setsuna keenly discovered the problem after Fuyue led the troops back to the village, and was furious on the spot.

Staring at a pair of kaleidoscope Sharingan for a moment, he brought all the Sangodama of the Uchiha clan to find the Third Hokage.

After being scoured by Fan Ma’s blood and nourished by the battlefield, the Uchihas have regained the gnawing temperament of the Warring States Period.

Dozens of pairs of three-pointed jade and a pair of kaleidoscopes, exuding cold pupil power, directly hit the door. The third generation once thought it was the Uchiha clan’s bright card rebellion.

Although the third generation has absolute confidence in winning Uchiha Setsuna, but faced with dozens of pairs of Sangodama and Fan Ma who has not returned, he still chose to dismiss Danzo.

Uchiha Setsuna was very dissatisfied with the dismissal, and demanded that Danzo be imprisoned or directly executed.

In the end, Uzumaki Mito, who had been living in seclusion for many years, stepped forward to mediate the dispute.

And Uchiha Setsuna faced Uzumaki Mito, and showed his face-changing on the spot.

He said on the spot that he would not be an example, and kindly exchanged a few words with Mito about the homework of the Warring States Period, and then led the clansmen to retreat.

What really worried the third generation was that such a big incident happened before Uchiha Fanma returned to the village.

“I don’t know if Uchiha Fanma can restrain his emotions… Uchiha, indeed, is a family that can quickly gain strength through war.”

The third generation recalled the second Hokage’s evaluation of the Uchiha clan, trying to find the root of the problem.

“The Uchiha family is a family of love. No family has a deeper love than the Uchiha, so the Uchiha sealed the love.”

“Once the Uchiha clan obtains love, the feelings that have been fettered will be liberated, and they will gain power beyond ordinary people.”

“And this extreme love is the root cause of Uchiha’s difficulty in dealing with it. Once Uchiha has gained love, once he loses love, extreme hatred will surge in his heart, causing his whole temperament to change drastically.”

“When people of the Uchiha family feel frustrated and painful, the brain will secrete a special chakra, which will act on the retina and cause changes in the eyes, thus awakening the Sharingan.”

“This is the pupil that reflects the soul, and it is also called Sharingan by the world. Sharingan is synchronized with the power of the mind, making the person who opens the eye stronger quickly, but it relies on the power of hatred in the heart.”

“Most of the Uchiha clan are delicate-minded people. Most of those who have awakened the Blood Wheel Eyes are swallowed by the power of hatred and strong emotions, and fall into evil ways.”

“The deeper the darkness in the heart, the stronger the pupil power, and the more difficult this Uchiha is to deal with…”

In his heart, the third generation compared Uchiha with the evaluation of the second generation, and nodded involuntarily.

But thinking of Fan Ma, he sighed heavily, feeling powerless in his heart.

“Teacher Tokena, I have met an existence that is even more troublesome than Kaleidoscope Uchiha…”

According to Anbu’s report, in this war, almost all the Uchiha troops led by Fan Ma opened Sharingan.

As for Uchiha Fanma himself, although he did not open Sharingan, he has a blood succession limit that has never been seen in three generations.

The existence of blood energy was mistaken by the third generation for the Uchiha clan’s blood-successor limit that had never appeared in the world.

And the strong malice in the blood made the third generation feel that the darkness in Fan Ma’s heart was far deeper than the moment he opened the kaleidoscope.

“Sigh… I can’t let down Teacher Fei and the first generation of adults…”

The third generation is not afraid that the Uchiha clan will seize Konoha’s rights through elections.

During the establishment of the village, the Uchiha clan did not have good ninja clan, and the reputation has always been poor.

After the battle between Senju Zhuma and Uchiha Madara, he died of serious injuries not long after, triggering the first ninja world war.

In Konoha, many ninjas who lost their relatives and companions in the first Ninja World War have resentment towards Uchiha.

After all, Madara is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

And the security department established by the second generation even tied up the Uchiha clan and took awayThe source of Uchiha’s power.

Now, although the Uchiha clan has returned to the battlefield, the leader Fan Ma has fallen in love with the eldest princess of the Senshou clan.

Thinking of this, a smile finally appeared on Sandai’s face, thankful that he did not stop Tsunade and Fan Ma’s contact at the beginning, this is the power of bonds and emotions.

As long as Tsunade is in his heart, the Third Hokage is still his teacher. Then, the possibility of a rebellion among the Uchiha clan is not great.

“Teacher, why didn’t you choose to marry Uchiha and Senju back then? This is the truly brilliant move…”

The Third Hokage sighed, and began to plan for the distribution of benefits after the war…

Chapter 64 Fuyue, a sophomore in middle school

The land of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Setsuna with his hands behind his back, humming a tune from the Warring States Period, walked around the clan land.

“Good day, good day, good day for Uchiha…”

This old man, ever since he heard that Fan Ma beheaded a tail, he smiled every day, and his face became kinder and kinder.

“You know, Patriarch Ban didn’t open his eyes until he was twelve years old, and he just had a kaleidoscope when he was twenty…”

“Although Fan Majun is already twenty-three years old, I think he has more room for development than Patriarch Ban!”

“Fan Majun’s strength has improved too fast…”

While thinking in his mind, Sha Mo walked towards the ancestral hall with his hands behind his back.

As Madara’s number one fan, he knows all about Madara’s affairs.

After comparing Ban’s and Fan Ma’s growth history, Shan Mo was ecstatic to find that at the same age, Fan Ma was not much worse than Ban.

Belonging to the Uchiha clan is another macho from the sky.

As for the fact that Fan Ma didn’t open his eyes, Su Mo took the initiative to find a reason for him:

“Although Fan Majun didn’t open his eyes, he has awakened the limit of blood inheritance that the Uchiha clan has not had for thousands of years!

This is a symbol of the prosperity of the Uchiha clan again! ”

In a sense, what Setsuna said was correct.

Fan Ma’s predatory blood energy was indeed evolved by sacrificing the Sharingan Chakra, and it can be regarded as related to the Uchiha clan.

Shu Mo hummed a ditty all the way, walked into the ancestral hall, then his face changed, and he said coldly:

“Now, do you understand your mistake, Fu Yue?”

Because Fuyue believed Danzo’s words, he led his troops back to Konoha, and put Fan Ma in a situation where he might be pinched by two tailed beasts.

When Su Mo heard about it, he became furious. He scolded Fu Yue severely and punished him to go to the ancestral hall to reflect on himself.

Fuyue maintained the posture of Dogeza, with his forehead firmly pressed against the ground, and responded loudly:

“Patriarch, I really know I was wrong. I’m sorry for Brother Fan Ma, and I’m sorry for Uchiha!”

“I shouldn’t have believed Shimura Danzo’s words, I almost caused a catastrophe!”

“However you punish me, I will accept it!”

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