“Iskandar. Alexander, O legendary conqueror king. ”

Sighing, looking back on it, Webb felt as if he was summoning Iskandar and things began to unfold strangely.

With the concept of enchantment, his understanding of magic, Weber has always felt that the spirit is at best a puppet of the summoner. It is only by relying on the magic power supplied by the magician that it is difficult to stay in this world.

Puppets, puppets, supposedly demons are supposed to be like that. In that case, the Servant on its extension can probably be imagined to be similar to the existence of the owner.

But…… The heroic spirit that appeared from the summoning array, the sharp eyes that seemed to be burning like a roar, just a glance made Webb lose his soul.

Because at the moment when the four eyes met, Webb relied on his little animal-like instinctive intuition. Realize that it is an opponent who is more overwhelming than himself.

The big man standing in front of him is full of oppressive existence. The thick body odor emanating from that muscle-rumbling body also made people hide their noses, and Weber didn’t understand it until this moment. This guy has completely surpassed the common sense of heroic spirits and demons, and is a real big man.

The heroic spirit that is summoned by the Holy Grail will not only be a spirit body, but will also obtain a physical embodiment of the things in this world, and this knowledge Weber also knows. However, it was neither a virtual image nor a shadow, and the undoubtedly real thick muscle mass blocking in front of him was full of threatening feelings, which was really beyond Weber’s imagination.

In addition, Webb hates big men.

For this reason, there are two points.

First, Webb’s figure is relatively thin.

That’s right, although because of excessive magic learning since childhood, I don’t have time to exercise, so that my body is thin and tall. Such physical qualities Weber actually do not feel that it is a weakness, or that it is Weber’s pride to prioritize honing the mind over the body.

Second, it may be because of the influence of a certain sentence from the East, he always feels that his mind is simple and his limbs are developed.

That is, he and Iskandar have a bad relationship, or he is beginning to regret participating in this Holy Grail War.

“I said, you’re my master, right?”

The second time he asked, looking at Weber, Iskandar also felt that his host seemed to be a little too petite.

He asked in a rough voice that almost shook the earth from the roots, a volume that could never be heard, and could even make people lose consciousness when they were oppressed.

“Yes . . . Yes, yes! I…….. No, I am! Webb your Master. Vervette! No, it’s like this! It’s your Master! ”

Although it was no longer good in every sense, Webb tried as desperately as possible to bravado against the muscles in front of him. Then again, he suddenly found that the other party’s physique was bigger and more coercive than just now.

“Well, since the contract is complete. So boy, take me to dinner right away. ”


Not understanding what was happening, Weber couldn’t help but answer stupidly again.

“Food, I mean food, I’m so hungry!”

Repeating impatiently, Iskandar patted his eight-pack abdomen.

“I’m hungry, host, take me to the best place in Fuyuki City!”

As if Matsune’s thick steel wrist had directly grabbed Weber, Iskandar and Webb, like Alice Phil and Artoria, were heading towards the most famous snack street in Fuyuki City.



The castle of the Ma Tong family is in this ancient castle that was newly renovated by Motoyanagiin.

“Teacher, I’m not dreaming, am I? I actually… Really can see you again. ”

The girl who spoke was about twenty years old, she was tall, and even if she walked, her posture was straight, giving people a tall feeling.

As the heavenly sound outside the window hit, the girl’s slightly curly long hair floated in the air, and with the armor made of leather and metal on her body, she looked even slimmer.

The carefully made leather gauntlet did not hinder the movement of the slender fingers in the slightest, the left eye was as deep as the night sky, and the right eye seemed to reflect the blue sky, and the girl’s eyes turned out to be the left and right two-colored gold and silver demon pupils! (Hecterochromia)

That is, one of the disciples of the Yuanyanagi Temple – the demon Hephastion.

“Hephaestion, I didn’t expect that Yanye would summon you.”

The reason why he changed the spell of the Ma Tong Yan Ye was mainly because Motoyanagi Yuan did not want to see the Lancelot who had lost his mind, and was also surprised by Hephaestion’s appearance, and Motoyanagi Yuan lifted up the Ma Tong Yan Ye to the end, and then looked at the girl in front of him.

“Although I am your teacher, based on the principles of the Holy Grail War, I still have to ask you.

Hephastion, my disciple, my position this time is Saver (Savior) Savior, a third party independent of black and white.

Even so, are you willing to abandon your wishes and support me as always? ”

As the night light spilled into the room, Motoyanagi could smell the fragrance of iron on Hephaestion’s body.

It stands to reason that when describing girls, people usually use flowers, gemstones or words of praise, and some people like to use painting, music and art to describe them.

But in Hephaestion’s body, you smell rust.

Its own existence is a sword, an armor, a shield, a military, and Hephaestion’s body is entangled with domineering and murderous aura on the battlefield.

That is, a woman born military.

Rationality is always more important than sensibility, and Motoyanagiin doesn’t know what Hephaestion’s choice will be.

However, it didn’t matter, after all, the woman in front of him was his most cherished disciple, and no matter what the girl chosen, he would respect the other party’s wishes.

Even if it is a battle, it is never soft to fight with the other party, and complete this bond that belongs to the two of them.

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