The heavenly sound struck, the light of the Dragon Gathering Moon was so shining and bright, the silver hair, the eyes deeper than the violet, the delicate face even Doctor Roman had to admit that it was very attractive, plus the magic staff placed next to the naked feet, the magical girl named Meili was quietly eating the food prepared for her by Chaldea.

Or rather, she was eating while looking at Dr. Roman who was silent beside her with interest.

“It’s hard to imagine, Solomon, that the person who summoned me would be you.”

Elegant movements and proper etiquette make one marvel at this court master worthy of Camelot, and the innate aristocratic etiquette is amazing.

Ten fingers flowing jade, cherry-colored lips gently took a sip of tea, Meili in front of people outside Motoyanagi and Artoria, but fully exerted the dignity of the eldest lady.

The clairvoyant mage with the crowned spirit base is not a joke, of course, she can see through the essence of a doctor named Lomani Achman, and she can’t figure out why such a wantless guy should participate in the Holy Grail War.

His wish should have been fulfilled.

“Don’t call me by that name, Melly.

The Chaldeans now knows my identity is gone, and I am just an ordinary human being who existed as a Roman doctor. ”

Shaking his head, as an ordinary human Doctor Roman did not have the talent to be the lord, that is, the heroic spirit he summoned was Meili, a person with full scores for independent mobility, otherwise he would probably have died now due to the withering of his magic power.

Rao is so, his current physical state is also a little reluctant, but he is already out of breath after saying a few words.

“It’s really boring bad fun, but I respect your choice, so I’ll call you Roman.”

Nodding, Melly stood up and flipped through Roman’s book on the shelf.

Suddenly, the girl’s body was stunned, and then her fingertips ran across the cover of a certain book, pausing for a moment at a speed that ordinary people could not detect.

“Huh, see?”

He has been following the footsteps of a man, and Dr. Roman has always been very curious about the existence of that person.

He wanted to know, he wanted to know, he wanted to find out if that legend was true.

That, the legend called Motoyanagiin, the court sage of Camelot!



“The Oldest King? It seems that the old man’s companion this time is a great character. ”

The Tosaka family mansion stands in a small mountain town in Fuyuki City. In the laboratory that was blown out of the surface by the furious magic, the humble king Fu Tigeng. Pendragon looked at an unusually magnificent golden figure standing there. It is something that can even make the stars and the moon appear dim, like a god-like brilliant majesty.

Even the mystery containing the entire British could not have any effect on the heroic spirit in front of him, and in turn, the huge silver dragon body of the king was actually suppressed by the other party.

Secretly sighing at the greatness and invincibility of Gilgamesh, he felt a familiar taste in the other party’s body.

The man who had been entrusted by him with responsibility, who had been entrusted with everything, who had been given to his heart.

“Win, this war, we won!”

He could no longer feel the anger of the wound and the pain of the wound at all, and all that was in Tosaka’s heart now was the fear of that overwhelming sense of majesty.

Looking at the god-like Gilgamesh and the silver dragon Futigeng, he did not expect that he and Yanfeng Qili actually summoned two kings respectively.

The oldest king, Gilgamesh of the hero king.

King of Humble, King of the North, the incarnation of Britain, Voltigon. Pendragon.

With the help of these two kings, it would be difficult for him to lose this Holy Grail battle.

“Humans lying on the ground, who allowed you to raise your head and look directly at King Ben?”

The defiant words overlooked the world as always, the crimson eyes seemed to burn, and the mother shining did not care about the Tosaka Shichen and Yanfeng Qili on the ground, after all, no matter what, the so-called imperial lord was meaningless to her at all.

In contrast, she was interested in the dragon in front of her.

“Slightly, a little familiar.”

Clearly remembering how the man had saved himself from the world when the cyclops attacked, Gilgamesh understood that the owner of the self-detonating dragon’s heart was the dragon in front of him. (Chapters XLIV, XLV. )

“The king’s name is Gilgamesh, his best friend, and you, the silver-white dragon.”

Under the arrogant voice is full of confident expressions, in fact, I just want to know that person a little more, even if there is a little more news, at this time, Gilgamesh’s heart is actually very panicked!



Finally successfully summoned, Webb. Virvette himself is looking forward to ending the day with great pride.

Unlike last night’s laborious and annoying preparations, tonight I should have been immersed in the comfort and fatigue of completing righteousness, while lying in bed contented.


Why is this happening?

In the windswept Xindu Citizen Park, Webb, a lonely man curled up on a bench, still does not understand what went wrong and his plan was completely overturned.

The summoning succeeded. It can be said that it is a very satisfying and exciting feeling.

At the same time that the summoning is achieved, the situation of the summoned Servant also flows into Webb’s consciousness. The rank is Rider. Although it is outside the three major knight ranks, the basic ability value is also fully above average. It’s a super hero.

The moment when I saw the huge silhouette slowly emerging from the white smoke summoning array. That sense of exuberance made Weber almost excited.

Even in retrospect, that feeling is still fresh in my mind.

But now, but now?

Looking at the big man in front of him, Weber felt that his whole person was not very good…

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