"Aren't you going to eat?"

Luo Tianyi shook the last candied haws in front of Bai Sumu's eyes.

This candied haws is delicious, so delicious, she hasn't eaten such delicious candied haws for a long time.

Three yuan, candied haws that still taste so delicious, it was the first time she ate candied haws that tasted like childhood after graduating from elementary school.

Candied haws that used to cost one yuan are now generally priced at five or six yuan, and the expensive ones can be shamelessly sold for ten yuan, which is not delicious.

The candied haws for three yuan is not only cheap but also delicious, which is a conscience.

"Well, you can eat, I'll taste it."

Bai Sumu looked at Luo Tianyi's face and said with a smile.

"I eat? Do you taste it?"

Luo Tianyi tilted her head in doubt, and blinked her eyes in confusion. The moment she closed her eyes and opened them again, Bai Sumu quickly approached.


The image of Bai Sumu was reflected in the green pupils, now Luo Tianyi understood what Bai Sumu meant when she said she ate it and he tasted it.

The last candied haws was given to her while he tasted the candied haws on her lips and in her tongue.

"Hey, you're so naughty."

Luo Tianyi and Bai Sumu separated, bit off the last candied haws and rolled his eyes at Bai Sumu.

"If a person is not lustful, then he is still a person." Bai Sumu said confidently, "And it's not bad, I even wiped your mouth clean for you."

"I have paper, okay, you didn't wipe it clean either."

Luo Tianyi touched his mouth, there was sticky candy on his mouth, and he knew that Hei Xiu was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

"Then I'll wipe it for you again. I'll definitely wipe it clean now, how about it?"

Bai Sumu licked his lips as he spoke, if it wasn't for his good looks, passers-by would definitely think him a hooligan and pervert if they saw him like this.


Luo Tianyi took out a tissue from his jacket pocket and wiped his mouth.

It is not necessary to let the cat lick the candied haws residue on the mouth.

Judging from the behavior of Maomao just now, it can be seen that Maomao doesn't only move its mouth, maybe it also moves its tongue.


"Don't be shy."

"Squeaky can't."

Luo Tianyi rubbed Bai Sumu's face vigorously with both hands.

When Heixiu was a cat, rubbing his round head was very comfortable. After he became a human, his head was not round, but it was still very comfortable rubbing it like this.


Bai Sumu was a little disappointed.

How can this kiss and small mouth be considered astringent, the real astringency should be that a moment in the spring night is worth a thousand gold, okay?

However, since Tianyi said so, he couldn't force it.

Forget it, if you can't, then you can't.

Cherish Tianyi's current innocence, although he can't guarantee that Tianyi will grow from innocence to maturity like Miku, Aling, and Feifei when he becomes an adult, but judging from his experience with Miku, Aling, and Feifei, Tianyi probably cannot escape this rule.

It is pure and lovely before eating the marrow to know the taste, but after the eating marrow knows the taste, it becomes dirty and charming.

Girls and boys are actually the same, they are both special, the only difference is that boys are not very good at pretending or hiding it, but show it straightforwardly, girls are different, especially can act.

Even if you know everything, everything you know, and everything you don’t understand, you will still pretend to be stupid in front of boys, and even pretend to be innocent in front of girls.

The wind is a little noisy today.

Bai Sumu pressed the hat to prevent it from being blown away by the wind, and the cat ears on his head were exposed.

He and Tianyi were sitting on a bench in the park, which was the park where he and Miku used to come here to feed pigeons and help parents watch their children when we were in high school.

I don't know why, but all the pigeons were stewed, or they were not released today, and there were no pigeons in the park.

There are no pigeons, and few people.

He, Luo Tianyi and a few other elderly people walking in the huge park made the once bustling park look deserted.

Probably the weather today is not very good, so don't come to play.

Seeing the desertedness of the park that he hadn't been to for a long time, Bai Sumu felt a little lonely.

Time goes by too fast. In just three to two years or just one year, many things have changed. In a few years, things may change.

What happened to college.

"Tell me, you used to be so small, why is it so big now?"

Bai Sumu gestured to Luo Tianyi's previous height, and then gestured to her current height.

"Don't you think what you said is the most suitable for you?"

Luo Tianyi looked at Bai Sumu like a fool. She gestured with both hands to the size of Bai Sumu's cat, and then patted him on the head.

Cricket, a small cat has turned into such a big cat monster, this change is called great.

She is developing normally, and Hei Xiu, who has become a refined person, can be regarded as abnormal development.


Bai Sumu nodded in agreement, he has really changed a lot from a cat to a human.He evolved from a single cat to a ready-made cat. This change was even unexpected to him.

"Let's go back."

Luo Tianyi felt his nose was sore from the cold.

"Well, go back."

Bai Sumu naturally took Luo Tianyi's hand.

"and many more."

Luo Tianyi avoided Bai Sumu's hand, and just when Bai Sumu thought she was going to put a glove on her right hand which was not gloved because of eating, she took off the glove on her left hand.Then she leaned against him, stuffing her two small hands exposed to the cold air into his pockets.


Don't you feel tired walking like this?

Bai Sumu opened his mouth, hesitated for a while, but still didn't say the boring words.Tianyi did this all the time, she was thinking why he is not a straight man, he knows very well, so he should stop talking to spoil the scenery.

Seriously, no matter how dull he is, if he is dating Miku, Aling, or Fatty, he should know what to say, what not to say, what to do, what to say. Things can't be done.

Even if he is stupid, he doesn't know, just looking at his date with Fatty, he will completely learn from Fatty, he will do what Fatty does.After all, when he was dating Fatty, he felt like a woman and Feifei was like a man.

She takes the initiative in many things, while he is passive.


PS: Before I knew it, I reached 100 million words, and this is the third book with a million words. Good!This book probably still has a long storyline, but the next book is originally scheduled to be a warm fantasy daily article, like Natsume, but I want to write Pokémon again.Let's talk about it when the book is finished, because there may be other ideas.

Vol.465 College Life Is So Happy: Chapter [-] From "Love Live!" to "Stones;Gate"

The Spring Festival is getting closer and closer.

Bai Sumu is getting more and more uncomfortable at home.

Because the father-in-law and mother-in-law knew what he was, they were not as polite as before, and became very rude to him.

Either let him get the remote control, or let him find the scissors, or help take out the trash, and turn into a human to help pick up the vegetables.

Bai Sumu wanted to fish, but he refused to listen to his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

No way, the cat was under the eaves and had to bow its head.

Most of the time he is in the form of a cat at home, but a few times he will turn into a human, either helping to cook, or preparing to go out to buy vegetables with his father-in-law or mother-in-law.

When Bai Sumu goes out with Luohetu or Su Qingming, he inevitably meets neighbors who are curious about who Bai Sumu is.Luo Hetu and Su Qingming didn't say anything false about a relative's child, but said frankly that this was her child's boyfriend.

It is better to tell the truth than to lie.

Luo Tianyi can be regarded as a well-known singer, some people in the community know her and know her a little bit.The fact that Yan He and Luo Tianyi are dating the same person has already spread in the community, making people chew their tongues to pieces.

Let this lie be exposed, and let me gossip again.

Bai Sumu wished for the omnipotent system for nearly three months. Finally, his foster father of the system imprinted something like a "ideological stamp" on the people in the community, so that they would not say that it was reasonable for him to open a harem. But let them ignore this matter.

If no one reminded them, they would not have thought of it.

It's a pity that his wish is to make people all over the world think that it is reasonable for him to hug left and right. Probably the system thinks his wish is too much, or the system has limits, so it has become a reward for this task.

Bai Sumu knew that he had to be ready to be pointed at when he opened the harem, but he could accept being pointed at, but he couldn't accept Yanhe, Aling, Tianyi, Miku being pointed at.

As Bai Sumu often went out with his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and occasionally with Tianyi, he quickly got to know the elders and aunts in the community.

Young people don't pay attention to the affairs of the community, but some old people are free, either get together to gossip, or get together to have fun.

When he was a cat, he often listened to his uncle and aunt talking about this house and that house in the tree, but he didn't expect that after becoming a human, he would become the protagonist in their words.

If not everyone in the community knew what Mao Mao looked like, he really wanted to turn back into a cat that punched the uncle and kicked the aunt.

Fortunately, although he can't do it himself, he can encourage the cats and cats in the community to do it.

Cats can do this, dogs can't do it, and geese can't do it.

The reason why the dog can't do it is that it can do it, and it can be served on the table. The reason why it can't do it is that the uncle and auntie catch the neck of the goose, and the goose has no fighting power.Cats are different. Cats are flexible and small, and no matter whether they scratch or bite, they will not be beaten to death like a dog biting a person.

A biting dog cannot be kept, but a biting cat can be kept.

Bai Sumu and Luo Tianyi went out again, this time it was no longer just the two of them, but they had made peace.

The three made an appointment to go to the movies together. If Xinhua and A Ling hadn't returned to their hometown, they actually wanted to go to A Ling again.

According to Miku, she went to play at Rin's house in the extreme east, and after the winter vacation, she "returned" to the extreme east, either to catch up with IA and Gumi, or to hang out with Rin.

Bai Sumu knew that Hatsune Miku was avoiding him. The reason why he avoided him was very simple, just like he avoided Miku before he was super strong, super stable and super durable.

Back then he couldn't stand birds, cough, cough cough, he couldn't stand Miku, now Miku can't stand him.

"It feels like everyone is going home for the New Year, so calm."

On the way, Luo Tianyi looked at the streets without many pedestrians and the shops that were mostly closed and sighed.

"Well, everyone has gone home for the New Year."

Yan He remembered that there were a lot of traffic on this road on weekdays, and occasionally there would be a traffic jam. Today, not only was there no traffic jam, but there were not many cars.

"Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, for sure."

Bai Sumu thinks this is normal.Luoshui City has a lot of out-of-towners. Those who can go home to celebrate the New Year at the end of the year must go home to celebrate the New Year. Those who cannot go home to celebrate the New Year will not wander outside in these two days. The main reason is that there is nothing to do. , Many shops are closed, even there are few places to eat.

"It didn't feel like this before."

In Luo Tianyi's memory, the Luoshui City in her childhood was always bustling and bustling on the New Year's day, instead of being so deserted like today, so deserted that it felt like an empty city to her.

"The past was the past, and now is the present. Look at your little one before, and now you have become such a big one. From a little fragrant pig to a second senior brother, Luoshui City has changed abnormally."

Bai Sumu touched Luo Tianyi's head. Tianyi often rubbed his head when he was a cat, and after he became a human, he also rubbed Tianyi's head from time to time.

Don't worry that touching Tianyi's head all the time will make her bald. Beautiful girls don't get bald. If they do, Tianyi's routine of not waking up during the day and not sleeping at night should have been bald long ago.


When Yan He thought about the things in his childhood, he felt a little nostalgic.It was when Heixiu was younger, and although Heixiu was not around, she and Tianyi didn't know Aling yet, but at that time the Chinese New Year was really happy, and I could feel the strong flavor of the new year, not like As it is now, this year is getting more and more boring, and the more I watch this Spring Festival Gala, the more I don’t want to watch it.

It's all 2016.

It's 2016 in the blink of an eye.

Yan He doesn't really want to think about where the time has gone, but during the New Year, he can't help but recall things about time.

Little she grew up, her parents got older, and her grandparents and grandparents got older too.

Can time slow down a bit.

Thinking of her grandparents and grandparents, she couldn't bear it, and she didn't want time to go back like this.

On the road of life, there are always people who have to go first. No matter what, one day we have to say goodbye.

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