[Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] now has a certain reputation, but unfortunately the name cat ⑨ is not well-known.Some people are not familiar with the name Mao⑨, and roughly know that Mao⑨ publishes a song on a small website Bilibili that they have never heard of, so they take it for granted that this person and this song are not very popular, and they can be used to write lyrics Cover, say it is your own original song.

Even if someone has heard this song and questioned it, they can delete the post and criticize it.

Even if there are too many people who question it, and the critics can no longer control it, they can still insist that although the song is someone else's, but he/she wrote the lyrics, half of the song is his/her original.

If it doesn't work, then you can still go to the original work to ask for a license or buy a license reluctantly.

The current station B is the largest same-sex (Daba) exchange website for flower planters, full of philosophy and freedom.Although the popularity of station B is not high because there is no relationship with the circle, station B without uncles is much better than station B with uncles.

The otaku culture is strong, and the website is either ghosts or ghosts, which is completely unlike the future B station that is full of life Vlogs.Many UPs have dreams, and there is no ×× big challenge.

Station B at this time is undoubtedly poor, a real small broken station, but the B friends on the website are rich in spirit.

In the future, under the leadership of my uncle, Bilibili will grow bigger and bigger, get out of the circle, and become richer and richer, but Philosophy, Mad declines, the living area dominates, pan Two-dimensional makes Two-dimensional become less and less.The money seems to be too much, but the spirit seems to have become poor.

I always feel that on the surface it is talking about station B, but in fact it is talking about the development of the times.

Bai Sumu woke up and yawned.

Some things are better not to think about. The more you think about it, the more troubles you will have. Although Jianzheng is a happy thing, the more deeply you are in politics, the more pessimistic you will be about the present.To put it in one sentence, "How can we do well in politics with such insects?"

It was after twelve o'clock in the evening, and Yan He who was beside Bai Sumu fell asleep at this time.

Bai Sumu habitually wanted the cat to step on the milk, but he gave up after remembering that this was peace.

You can't step on milk with a steel plate. For a cat, stepping on a steel plate is worse than stepping on a bed.At least the bed has a mattress, which is much softer than a steel plate when stepped on.

Go find Tianyi, Tianyi hasn't slept, go to torment her, and go to see Xinhua after torment, Xinhua probably hasn't slept either.This time is Schrödinger's sleep time for A Ling. A Ling didn't sleep when he didn't run to A Ling's bed, and A Ling fell asleep after he ran to A Ling's bed.

Let's pamper Concubine Luo and Concubine Xin tonight.

Volume 254: She and Her Cat: Chapter [-] Heavily Sinful

The winter mission is over, and the spring mission of Baisumu is here.

[Spring Mission 0/1]

[Dating expert.Complete ten dates with girls.Reward: A suite in Luoshui city]

For this spring mission, Bai Sumu has no problem with dating, but it is the winter reward of this mission that makes him feel that there are some problems.

The reward is a suite in Luoshui City?

This Luoshui is the Luoshui of Luoshui City, or the Luoshui of the Luohe River, a tributary of the Yellow River.

Although he thinks that the system will most likely reward him with a house in Luoshui City, what if the system gets sick and tricks and rewards him with a house near the Luo River.

Over the years, the system has played tricks a few times a year, releasing some inexplicable tasks that are full of inexplicable slots that make it difficult or impossible to complete, or rewarding some inexplicable and full of slots.

In the four-dimensional pocket of Baisumu, there are some rubbish things, such as broken bamboo dragonflies, arbitrary doors that cannot be opened, and useless time baggage...

If these items could be repaired, they would be artifacts. Unfortunately, the system did not tell him how to repair these items until now.

Dating is a dream for Bai Sumu, this spring, he will definitely go on a date with Le Zhengling.Not only does he want to date Ah Ling, but he also wants to date Xin Hua, Yan He, and Tian Yi.

How to conquer Xinhua, Yanhe and Tianyi, to be honest, he didn't have any good ideas.

It's a good idea to have to break the law.

It's not that there are no strategy plans that don't violate the law, but it just feels too scumbag, and one mistake will lead to a bloody finale.

For this reason, on how to attack Xinhua, Yanhe, and Tianyi, Bai Sumu approached Hatsune Miku to discuss carefully and without fear of being beaten.

"You really want to die."

Hatsune Miku knew that Bai Sumu came to him not to torture her, but to hope that she would help him make a plan, so that he and other women could torture her fist and win.

"Miku, please. You, as the master of the harem, no matter what, I need three thousand beauties in the harem, so you can be called the master of the harem."

Bai Sumu's daily life is unreasonable and strong, and he eats peaches, peach trees, flat peach gardens, and the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang.

"Do you think I really want to be the master of the harem?"

Hatsune Miku looked at the ceiling helplessly, why did he put such a scumbag on the floor.She finally understands those little girls who have been cheated into nothing by scumbags. If they don't really like and are really stupid, who would be a dog licker.

What an idiot I am.

Hatsune Miku has a clear understanding of her own position. She is an idiot. If she is not an idiot, then she will not like Bai Sumu. It's time to be an emotional electronic ghost and break up with Bai Sumu.

It's a pity that she was reluctant to break up with Bai Sumu, really reluctant.

Xiaobai said he was a succubus, but he didn't know that he was a succubus.

She is like this, A Ling is like this, and Yanhe is like this.

[What should I do if my friend's cat becomes a spirit and becomes a human?Waiting online, very urgent. 】

【What should I do if I like a friend's cat?Waiting online, very urgent. 】

[Is it possible for a human to fall in love with a cat?Waiting online, very urgent. 】

[Why are flower growers monogamous? 】

[Which countries in the world are polygamous or polyandrous? 】

[Is it bigamy if two wives are not married? 】

Words and the browser messages in the mobile phone are no secret to Hatsune Miku, the electronic ghost.

It's just that about Yan He, Miku didn't tell Bai Sumu, until now Bai Sumu didn't know that he was a cat demon, let Yan He find out.


Hatsune Miku looked at Bai Sumu with a playful smile, and felt very angry.Why, why is this guy looking for another woman, and I want to help him.Why can't I be more cruel, beat him with chicken and eggs, cut him for eternal cure, the end of blood.

If Tianyi had castrated Xiaobai when he found him, he wouldn't be the scumbag he is now.

No, no, no, if Xiaobai is not a scumbag, then he is a Debu cat who only knows how to eat, eat, and has no women in his heart.

If there is a choice between a Deub cat and a scumbag, she still chooses a scumbag.Because she believes that no matter whether Xiaobai is a Debu cat or a scumbag, she will fall in love with Xiaobai.But compared to the flamboyant scumbag, the scumbag without that kind of worldly desire makes her feel more uncomfortable.

Xiaobai is a scumbag, she can date him, get married, be a husband and wife, and become the master of the harem.Xiaobai is a Debu cat, so she and him are likely to be more than friends, and they will never reach the reality of lovers.


Life is not easy, Miku sighed.

"What's the matter, why are you sighing, sighing will make you old and wrinkled."

Bai Sumu smiled and touched Hatsune Miku's forehead.

"I made you so angry." Hatsune Miku held his chin in one hand, organized his words, and said, "There is something, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Don't talk."

Bai Sumu said without thinking, he thought Miku wanted to scold him, like "I have a sentence about MMP, I don't know if I should say it or not".

"It's about making peace."

Hatsune Miku looked at Bai Sumu with mockery in his eyes.

I've already mentioned this name, are you sure I won't?


Sure enough, as Miku expected, after hearing the name Yanhe, Bai Sumu, who didn't want to hear what Miku said, asked her to speak.

"You are really sinful."

Thinking about what to say, Hatsune Miku sighed again.

"I have committed a lot of sins? What have I done? How can you stain people's innocence out of thin air."

Bai Sumu thought that Hatsune Miku was joking, and he still looked like he was laughing.

"is it?"

Hatsune Miku smiled, this smile gave Bai Sumu a chill, and Bai Sumu vaguely had a bad premonition.Soon he knew from Miku's next words that his hunch was correct.

Yan He knew that he was Bai Sumu!

This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Bai Sumu, he never expected that Yan He would know that he was Bai Sumu, a cat who had become a spirit, and Ah Ling's boyfriend.

"Really, you're not kidding, are you?"

Even though Hatsune Miku said the words and the browser search history on the phone, Bai Sumu still couldn't believe it.

No way, Yan He knew that I was Bai Sumu, when did he know, and how did I expose it, could it be that...

"That's right, it was the day when Yan He was ill, she found you when you were taking care of Yan He. That night, she found a lot of news about the cat demon on the Internet. Tell me, are you guilty of serious crimes? I like you, Ah Ling likes you, Yan He likes you too, Yan He still likes you as a cat."


After hearing what Miku said, Bai Sumu was completely speechless.Indeed, he has committed a lot of crimes, and Yan He actually knew that he was a cat demon, and what made him even more unexpected was that he knew that he was a cat demon and still liked him, and he still liked him in black.

People can't, or at least shouldn't.But this is peace, and the one I like is him, so should I or shouldn't I?

"So, if you want to attack, first attack Yanhe. If you attack Yanhe, maybe you can let Yanhe take care of A Ling."

Although Hatsune Miku doesn't really want to help Bai Sumu open the harem, she knows that it won't work if she doesn't help Bai Sumu. She wants to deal with A Ling. That might be a play.

Even if there is no play, one more peace can also give more strength.Three cobblers can stand up to Zhuge Liang at any rate.


PS: Regarding Bai Sumu’s reputation, first of all, it’s true that he usually writes a lot of songs, but most of them are contributed by Tianyi and Miku. His reputation in the circle is not low, but his reputation outside the circle is not as good as Tianyi’s , Miku they are tall.

PS2: [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu] This group is popular, and Miku is also popular. It does not mean that other members are very popular, especially Bai Sumu, who has never contributed too many songs. Most of the songs he wrote are from Tianyi and the others. in cast.People other than fans and some fans who only listen to songs will not get to know him.

PS3: In 2013, Bilibili was really a small website, and although the network was well developed, I didn’t expect it to be so developed, and just about anything could become popular.And although it is said that Bai Sumu has many songs, most of them are V songs, and other non-V songs are also under the name of Lezheng Longya. [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu]'s popularity is aimed at Xu Song, Ben Xi, Xu Liang and others, but the popularity of Bai Sumu, who mainly writes songs and doesn't sing much, will only be understood by more caring fans.

PS4: As for cover songs and lyrics, not many people pay attention to the popularity of original songs. Some songs are very popular in the Far East, and they can be copied in China, let alone Maojiu, which they have never heard of at station B. people's tune.They don't know about Bai Sumu's songs at Station B, but they occasionally learn about them in other places such as Tieba, QQ, Weibo, etc.

PS5: If the protagonist wants to become popular, his uncle has to come to Station B to drain traffic, like Jia Ran, or he has to sign a contract with the company to get traffic.In short, [Gongshangjiao Zhengyu], Miku, Tianyi, Longya and others, Bai Sumu is a stinking song copyer, and his account is only two songs "GASSHOW" and "Longevity".The heat is really not high.

Volume 255 She and Her Cat: Chapter [-] Stupid

Yanhe knows that I am Baisumu, Yanhe knows that I am Baisumu, Yanhe knows that I am Baisumu.

At three o'clock in the morning, Bai Sumu was stuck in Luo Tianyi's arms, all he could think about was peace on the other bed.

Luo Tianyi and Yan He were sleeping head to head, and Bai Sumu raised his head to look forward, and he could see the sleeping Yan He.For some reason, after Yan He knew that he was Bai Sumu, he was in a panic.

Fear.jpg (Black Shout Limited Edition)

Bai Sumu huddled in Luo Tianyi's arms, a picture of himself leaning against a corner and trembling naturally appeared in his head.

Cats like to step on milk and don't like to step on steel plates, but for the sake of rain and dew, they still step on steel plates occasionally.

It's just that after knowing Yanhe from Miku and discovering that he is Bai Sumu, he probably won't have the courage and mood to step on Yanhe's precipice for some time to come.

Bai Sumu knew in his heart that Yan He liked him without a doubt, otherwise his fat man wouldn't be willing to let him hang out with her after knowing that he was Bai Sumu and Ah Ling's boyfriend.

It can be said that liking him is like liking him, and he is afraid and dare not step on the steel plate, but not daring to step on the steel plate, these are two different things.

Even if he knew that he was going to make peace with Tie Tie as usual, there might not be anything wrong with Mua Yanhe's face, but he was just flustered and scared.

No way, who told him to play "CS:GO" before, as we all know that "CS:GO" players are timid and lustful.

Having said that, although he was a little panicked, he still had to attack if he wanted to make peace.

Now that he knew that Yanhe had a crush on him, he couldn't miss this opportunity to attack Yanhe. While attacking Yanhe, he also had to completely attack Aling.

Ah Ling is really obedient, well-behaved and cute, but she listens to everything he says.

It's just that he said he was going to open a harem, and he didn't think Ah Ling would listen. If Ah Ling would listen, then there was something wrong with this world, or there was something wrong with Ah Ling.

Don’t even think about attacking Tianyi and Xinhua, the harem line needs to be divided into four steps. The first step is to attack Yanhe, the second step is to attack Tianyi, the third step is to attack Xinhua, and the fourth step is that you are all my wings. .

How to attack, Bai Sumu's plan is very simple.

One word, stickers! (convinced)

Yan He had a crush on him, and had thoughts of polygamy, a relationship with a cat, and even the extreme idea of ​​abducting a friend's cat and imprisoning him.

Since Yanhe likes him so much, he can rely on Yanhe's love for him to attack Yanhe without fear, and say to Yanhe, "You came at just the right time".

Miku's evaluation of him as "sinful" is absolutely correct, he clearly knows that everyone will be hurt if he walks in the harem.

The probability of a bad ending is far greater than a good ending.

However, he is really unwilling to let him give up the harem line, and now he can't take the single female lead line.If we talk about two heroines, with Miku on the left and Aling on the right, then he can make Miku and Aling get along well, why can't everyone become his wings.

Love is either single-minded or half-hearted, there is no possibility in between.

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