Chapter 270 Nine Past Memories and Strange Talks

In midsummer, the sky is always clear, with a dark blue background and white clouds gathered together...a bit lazy.

Looking at the sky, Beiyuan couldn't help but think of himself when he was a child. At that time, he often ran to a lawn somewhere in the mountains, lay on the grass, and stared at the clouds in the sky in a daze.

At that time, the countryside was not as prosperous as a big city, there were few public facilities, and the overall living atmosphere was lazy...

Perhaps because of the relatively remote location of my hometown, many dilapidated old buildings can often be seen around the small village where Beiyuan's family is located...

Young people who are able to live in big cities will not choose to stay in small villages all their lives... Those buildings are mostly left by them...

In their eyes, the houses that carry the memories and history of their ancestors are not as attractive as the prosperity of big cities...

The houses are empty, and they sit alone on the edge of the village, looking a little pitiful and quiet. Sometimes, Beiyuan will sneak into those buildings to play alone...

Even though he was alone, he was surprisingly bold...

Compared with the lively gatherings of friends, at that time he preferred to be quiet and lonely.

Speaking of those old houses... Kitahara seems to have thought of something...

The house of Beiyuan’s hometown is located on the edge of the village, close to the mountain forest on one side, and also close to the only shrine in the village…

Not many people usually go to that shrine, and it is basically located in the mountains...

Beiyuan would sometimes go there to play...

And in his impression...

He... once made a friend in God...

However, perhaps because he hasn't seen each other for a long time, he is a little unclear whether that friend is Sazuki Qingkong when he was a child or something else...

I just remember that every time he went up the mountain to the temple, she was always wearing a bright priestess costume and had a nice smile.

Thinking of the shrine, Kitahara couldn't help recalling an event in winter that left a deep impression on him...

He clearly remembered that it was snowing heavily that day, the world outside the window was dark, and the door was constantly shaking due to the strong wind and snow...

He had never seen such heavy snow, and he felt as if he was trapped in a small house.

The world was silent, only the sound of wind and snow blowing densely, and sometimes the sound of something moving seemed to sound outside the window.

He remembered that at that time, for some reason, he was suddenly worried about the friend he knew in the shrine, so he proposed to his grandma that he wanted to take her home to live.

But at that time, my grandmother, who was always kind, rarely showed a serious expression after hearing the friend in the shrine she said she knew.

He can't remember exactly what she said at the time...

I just know that her expression at that time was terrible...

Since then, Grandma has not allowed him to go to the shrine, nor to the mountain that supports the shrine.

And after that heavy snowfall, grandma often used some weird runes in the house and carved them on the trees around the house.

Thinking of this, Bei Yuan let out a soft breath.

It seems that the friend I knew at that time should not be an ordinary human girl...

I didn't expect to be so feminine when I was a child...

Fortunately, I was relatively lucky at the time, and I was not too "obsessed with women", otherwise the grass on my grave would almost grow taller than the tree...

The mountains are always full of all kinds of spirits and scary ghosts. Beiyuan remembers that when he was young, his grandmother strictly forbade him to go out at night, and when the sunset was approaching, he was ordered to go home quickly and not follow strangers Running around, at that time, she would often tell him about the various taboos and horrors in the mountains.

She told him that there are many missing people in the mountains...

They are some lost people who strayed into the hidden land of the gods. After their bodies die, they don't know that they are dead, so they will turn into ghosts and walk in the mountains, looking for any possible place to go out.

There are also some people who were killed and thrown into the wilderness. They possessed terrible resentment. Their souls were distorted by hatred and turned into terrifying evil spirits who resented all life. In the places where the corpses rotted, they quietly waited for the human beings who strayed into their predation range. , and then killed them in an extremely brutal way.

If we say that the two kinds of ghosts mentioned above belong to that kind: ghosts that may escape if normal people encounter them, they are not so scary.

Then the most frightening ones belong to those mountain ghosts who died because of some weird rituals, or were sacrificed humans...

They are the real source of disaster in the mountains. Wherever they walk, there will be ghosts everywhere. As long as ordinary people encounter them, they will basically only end in death.

And such a terrifying spirit body can only be suppressed through corresponding rituals, or a shrine is built for it, and it is enshrined with flesh and blood on a regular basis, making it a patron saint.

In fact, the idea that the mountain is full of evil spirits is shared by almost everyone in the village where they live...

It is said that the only shrine in their village was built to enshrine the scariest creature in the mountains near the village and let it protect the village.

Thinking of this, Bei Yuan seemed to be taken aback for a moment.

He suddenly seemed to remember what his grandma said to him on that snowy night...

She seemed to say: "I said, why does that lord never ask for sacrifices and offerings... It turns out that she has already chosen you as a sacrifice... You brat, you really messed up a big deal!"

Frowning slightly, Beiyuan suddenly thought that when he was in middle school in his hometown, he would occasionally feel something staring at him not far away.

At that time, the self had basically never been to that mountain and the shrine again. After all, he had become a childhood sweetheart with Sazuki Qingkong, who was filled with even more terrifying resentment...

Thinking of this, Bei Yuan seemed a little funny.

The reason why I was not captured by any ghosts when I was a child may be thanks to Sazuki Qingkong...

After all, although she didn't become red-eyed at the time, she already possessed a terrifying inspiration...

At that time, she was basically as terrifying as the evil spirits created by rituals...

Bei Yuan, who was playing with her, naturally no evil spirits would dare to approach her.


Briefly recalling the memories of his childhood, Beiyuan's sense of anticipation for returning home is also stronger.

He also vaguely remembered that his grandma used to work as a witch in the village, and she would preside over any ceremonies held in the village.

So when I was young, I often heard some weird stories from my grandma, and he only listened to it as a bedtime story...

Looking at it this way, in fact, my village may not be as quiet and peaceful as it looks on the surface...

And who knows if there is some unimaginable darkness hidden beneath its beautiful surface?

The previous Xishi Mountain is the best example...

Bei Yuan shook his head...

It may be because I have been exposed to too many scenes and tasks related to rituals recently, and my heart has become a little sensitive. I always feel that there may be some unknown secrets hidden in those unknown areas... can there be so many red-eyed creatures?

Instead of worrying about those ceremonies, it's better to think about what gift to bring to my grandma when I go back...

uh... almost forgot one thing...

If I go back this summer vacation, I may encounter a summer festival held in the village...

At that time, the village was very lively...

At that time, Beiyuan might meet some old classmates. I remember that in middle school, they always looked down on Beiyuan, who always liked someone alone, and thought that even if Beiyuan went to high school, he would definitely not become popular.

They even made a joint bet that Bei Yuan would never find a girlfriend in high school...

Thinking of this, it seems that he remembered something interesting, the corners of Beiyuan's mouth slightly curved...

He suddenly felt that bringing Qianhui back this time might not only be used to make the elderly happy...


Summer always makes people feel hot, even in the early morning, after a long walk, sweat will still seep from behind.

Fortunately, the scenery along the way is very good...

Not just trees, but people...

People in this season always wear very little, especially some girls with good figures. Although they wear well-regulated school uniforms, they always use various methods to shorten the length of the pleated skirts to reveal their white and tender thighs.

There are both fat and thin, and the body is filled with the smell of strong perfume and anti-perspirant spray... When passing by, it always makes people feel refreshed.

These girls who grew up in the city may be happy...

After all, they are not like Qian Hui, who were tortured by various terrible rituals before they became red eyes, making life worse than death.

They also do not have a strong inspiration, the world in their eyes is real and false, and they cannot see those truly terrible things.

Beiyuan shook his head, and looked away from some prominent places of those girls...

I don't know why, ever since Tamazama left a mark between the eyebrows that day, he especially likes to pay attention to some places on girls...

And at the same time, I will subconsciously give it a corresponding evaluation in my heart...

He was a little helpless.

Tamamo-mae, who lacks the "pure" part of the tail, may be inclined to the other end as a whole, that is, desire...

For this, Kitahara didn't have a good solution. Even if she told Takahashi Chihiro, she would be very happy to let him comment on her figure... instead of helping him remove the mark.

As for the other girls, let alone...

They basically hope that Beiyuan can be more lecherous...

This way they can get it quickly...


When I came to the school, I was still familiar with those people and the familiar atmosphere of the class. Sazuki Haruka, whose alias was named Akiyo, had changed his name to Sazuki Haruka again through authority at some point. At this time, it was like Like a well-behaved good student, he obediently listened carefully in the seat next to Beiyuan.

As for her real name, she was seriously writing something... from time to time she giggled like a little fool.

As for what she wrote...

When Beiyuan first came to the classroom, she had secretly glanced at it, and she immediately spotted it.

Then he saw this shy little guy, blushing and put away the diary-like notebook with a swish.

However, Beiyuan has roughly read the title of her diary.

"Daily Observation Records on Kitahara-kun's Physical Data"

【Today, he stood up again...】

Real name, who did you learn this bad habit from?

Also, what does your first sentence record mean?

I have serious doubts that you installed surveillance cameras in my room...


"Hey, hey...Fatty, do you still remember the famous strange story of Qingshi Literary School?"

"Huh? Don't disturb my sleep."

"Have you forgotten?"

"How could I forget that when I heard that strange talk, I almost scared the shit out of me..."

"Um... not so exaggerated..."

"Tsk, it's really not that exaggerated... But why are you mentioning that scary thing?"

"Recently, it seems that someone went to that place again..."

"Huh? What did you say?!"

"I said, someone went to that place again..." The classmate who spoke was very short and thin.

Hearing what his partner said, the boy with a tired face suddenly regained his energy... He subconsciously glanced around, then lowered his voice.

"No... no way..."

"it is true…"

"Who will go to such a terrible place?"

"Don't you know the recently famous despiritualist?"

"You know? But what does that have to do with that place?"

"It's related, it is said that there are some unclean things in that place, and one of the ways for ordinary people to become spiritual masters is to catch those things..."


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