My mentality collapsed... the whole person became strange...

that feeling...

Just as Tokugawa's real name is a beast that has been hidden for a long time, at this moment it finally revealed its sharp fangs!

"Hehe..." Beiyuan laughed. Although he is now in a female body, the tone of his smile sounds cute, but this does not prevent his will from being conveyed...

"If that's the case, then bark twice and let me hear... my good dog..."

"Wow... woof woof..."


Looking at Taicang's leaving back, Beiyuan thought deeply...

Using fear to control Taicang is not a safe method...

But she is not flustered, after all, this is just the beginning...

She also knew that if Taicang had no absolute strength to resist her, she would not do anything that would cause her dissatisfaction...

After all, she is a smart person...

And the smart people who can live here are most afraid of death...

Chapter 180 IX

Tokugawa Masamune knelt on the ground, she looked ahead calmly...

There, the teacher who taught music was tremblingly teaching her a lesson...

She didn't understand why Tokugawa's real name, who was usually weak, would become so strong at this time...

Even though she had never bullied Tokugawa's real name, at this moment she felt a vague sense of oppression coming to her...

This feeling, only those powerful nobles in the royal family can give her this feeling...

At this time, Tokugawa's real name, no, it should be Beiyuan, he raised his hand and looked at his slender arm...

Still a little skinny...

He was thoughtful.

Even a princess is not as happy as I thought...

Even food and accommodation are far inferior to other nobles...

In the Tokugawa family, the little guy is also at the bottom of the food chain...

"You... who are you..." A voice of fear suddenly sounded in his heart, and Bei Yuan smiled slightly.

Finally willing to talk?

Although it is said that Kitahara took control of Tokugawa's real name's body, it is only temporarily taking over... If she struggles violently, she can still regain her body...

This body still belongs to Tokugawa's real name...

Feeling the fear of the little guy in his body, Bei Yuan spoke slowly in his heart...

"We just talked last night, didn't we?"

"Last night?" Tokugawa's real name was stunned for a moment, and then she slowly opened her eyes wide and realized...

"You turned out to be..."

"Well, I'm Beiyuan Ting..." Beiyuan smiled slightly, but it surprised the teacher who was teaching her.

There was panic flashing across her face, she was actually a little afraid of Tokugawa's real name at this time...

At this time, Her Royal Highness is far superior to other princes and princesses in terms of aura...

Kitahara didn't know what the music teacher was thinking, but even if he knew, he wouldn't pay too much attention to it. After all, he took over Tokugawa's real name's body, and he did it to complete the task...

If he can use the power of the royal family, his affairs will undoubtedly become much more convenient...

The little guy is not liked by the emperor, and he doesn't have any influence behind him. He looks really weak and is no different from an ordinary civilian...

But Bei Yuan is not her...

"If there is something that can be used, then use it without hesitation..." Bei Yuan looked at his little hand.

Even a weak body can still do things that others cannot...

He's not as weak as Tokugawa's real name...

Since the identity of the body he took over is a princess, he will not let go of the power that the princess can exercise... Even if others don't give it to him, he will take the initiative to take it...

In the ancient times of neon, it was not that there was no period when women dominated...

For example, the distant Dao...

The rulers of Daao are basically women...

If Tokugawa Zhenming is willing, Kitahara can make her life better...

However, he is not invincible in this era...

Various great clans also existed in this era...

For example, dragon pattern, for example Takahashi...

Thinking of Takahashi, Kitahara thought deeply...

Thousands of times in this era should still be alive, right?

She may still be Takahashi's priestess, repeating the cruel ritual...It is difficult to escape...

If I try to save her...


Then he shook his head again, not thinking about that.

The current him doesn't have the strength to provoke those big clans...

After all, they are in control of spirit creatures...

Moreover, Takahashi Chihiro performed the ceremony according to her own wishes...

At the beginning, she still had some sense of mission. For the sake of Takahashi's future, she was willing to sacrifice herself for the ceremony... Later, it was also because the negative emotions were really out of control, and this broke out...

If she doesn't want to, she can escape at any time...

So even if Bei Yuan wants to save her now, he can't do anything...

It's better to think about how to complete the task of Tokugawa's real name...

He looked at the mission panel in front of him...

On Tokugawa Mama, there is only one mission...

【Please find the evil spirit in the palace...】

"Evil ghost... It seems that this place is not as safe as imagined..."

Beiyuan was inexplicably emotional...

After Tokugawa Masamune knew Kitahara's name, she stopped talking, as if she was thinking about why Kitahara wanted to occupy her body, and also thinking about whether her body would not belong to her in the future...

Bei Yuan didn't care about her silence, but kept adapting to the changes in his body...

Different from the strong and powerful body before, Tokugawa Masamune's body is very soft, like a cotton candy...

So now Beiyuan can only strengthen his body simply through spiritual energy...

She reached out and squeezed the flesh on her arm...

Still a little skinny...

But this is the first time I know what a girl's body feels like...

He subconsciously looked at his chest...

Although the body is petite, it is unexpected...

Then...he suddenly felt a blur of consciousness, and he almost lost control of his body...

" don't want me to look around..." Beiyuan was a little embarrassed...

At some point, Tokugawa Mama's resistance was beyond his expectations...

That's right, it's your own body after all, so it can't be messed with by others...

Beiyuan was thoughtful, and then he spoke in his heart.

"Although you won't let me touch it, sometimes I can't avoid it..."

"North... Kitahara-kun is a boy..." Tokugawa Masamune's shy voice finally rang out.

"'s like this, so I'm a little curious about girls' bodies..."


Tokugawa Zhenming was silent for a moment, as if she didn't want to stay on this topic for too long, she asked slowly.

"Kitahara-kun...will you keep using my body?"

Bei Yuan laughed.

"Don't worry, your body is still yours. I just use it for a while, and I'll leave when I'm done..."

"This...that's it..." As if he was relieved, Tokugawa Masamune's tone seemed to be a lot easier.

"Yeah." Bei Yuan looked at the teacher who taught music...

"Tokugawa-san, is your daily life like this?"

"Hmm..." Tokugawa's real name seemed a little quiet... She spoke softly.

"After all, I am the princess of the Tokugawa family, and I need to learn many things before I become an adult..."

"That's it, it's really hard work..." Beiyuan felt a little emotional... He just learned about Tokugawa's real name's daily homework from Taicang. In addition to going to a special girls' middle school, there are still a lot of tasks to complete after returning...

Music, etiquette, flower arranging, cooking, this girl who is clearly in her youthful period spends her entire day on these things, and she doesn't even have time to go out to play...

From this point of view, the princess Tokugawa's real name is really living a miserable life...

He just learned from Taicang that among all the princesses, only Tokugawa's real name was treated like this, and the reason was because of her mother who was born in an oiran...

It can be said that in this huge palace, everyone hates her...including her mother who is said to be beautiful and outrageous...

As for the other princesses, although they also have studies, it doesn't matter if they study or not. After all, they will marry the rich and powerful in the future, and live a life where they don't have to do it themselves, but servants serve them...

And the prince is not to mention...

So from this point of view, at present, there are enemies around me...

Kitahara thoughtfully...

So what I have to do next, in addition to solving my own affairs, I also have to deal with the problems around Tokugawa's real name...

Well, that Taicang just now was a good breakthrough...

It is also a good way to collect a bunch of puppies who can only wag their tails at themselves...

Then she got up straight away.

"Princess...Your Highness?" The music teacher looked over in confusion.

"Let's end today's class here first... Teacher, you have worked hard, so let's go to rest..."

"But..." The music teacher wanted to say that it was only halfway through...

"You've worked hard... Go and rest..." Bei Yuan smiled at her.

"I see..." The latter immediately shrank his head, quickly put away the tools, and left.

Bei Yuan looked at her back indifferently, expressionless.

"Beiyuan-kun, it's wrong to treat the teacher like this...Be polite..." In her heart, the girl said in a daze.

"I'm already very polite. You see, I saw her teaching too hard, so I asked her to rest early... I'm being considerate of her..." Beiyuan explained to her like this.

What he said was Tokugawa's real name, and she was taken aback for a while, although she knew that there was nothing wrong with what Beiyuan said, but... always felt that something was wrong...

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