
Amidst the loud noise, the bed made of mahogany broke directly...

The splinters are flying...

However, the expected corpse did not appear, instead it appeared in the field of vision...

It's a piece of human skin... was a box wrapped in human skin.

And that stench is coming from inside the box...

When Bei Yuan saw the box, he froze for a moment.

Didn't encounter any evil spirits?

But what is that box?

Bei Yuan didn't hesitate, since he had achieved this step, he had to go to the end.

The starry sky factor wrapped his hands like gloves.

Then Beiyuan directly opened the human leather box.

Then, the pupil constricts again.

Because in the box... there are all kinds of instruments of torture, and there is even coagulated blood on the instruments of torture...

A strong stench hit his nostrils, making Bei Yuan dizzy for a moment.


dong dong dong...

It seems that the sound of something running suddenly sounded behind Beiyuan...


The coldness instantly clings to Beiyuan's neck skin... accompanied by an extremely strong stench piercing into the nostrils...

It turned out that a hatchet with bloodstained surface appeared on his neck...

A strong premonition of death appeared in his heart.

Bei Yuan had no doubt that as long as the machete hooked lightly in the next second, his head would be easily chopped off.



Just when Beiyuan was about to use the starry sky factor to wrap his neck, and use ice dust to freeze the hatchet and its owner together...

A crisp weapon strike sounded suddenly behind him again.

Then Beiyuan felt the hatchet on his neck was bounced off...

He turned around immediately and saw...

The beautiful man who was attacked by him before did not know when he appeared in the room again. He was constantly waving the long knife in his hand to resist the crazy attack from the opposite side.

And the object of his battle...

Beiyuan's pupils shrank...

It was a

No... Judging from some physical characteristics, she should be a female...


However, her two arms have been completely replaced by various instruments of torture, ropes are wrapped around her neck, and her face is blurred, making it impossible to see her appearance clearly...

And in one of her hands...

The hatchet that was about to cut off Beiyuan's neck just now is one of the instruments of torture in her hand...

She is the ghost of Muyin, the witch who presides over the punishment and rituals of the Zuoyue clan, and is also the most terrifying evil spirit hiding here.

First, ask for votes!

Chapter 140 The Other Half

In the small room, the ghost of Muyin was fighting crazily with the man, sparks shot out and scattered in all directions, and the knife in his hand almost turned into an afterimage, which was hard to see with the naked eye.

For a moment, there was a stalemate between the two...

The surrounding furniture was all shattered and exploded in the aftermath of the battle, and a random blow with Qi Jin would punch a big hole in the wall.

Taking advantage of the confrontation between the two, Bei Yuan wanted to leave here immediately...

After all, these two monsters are too strong, he can't beat either of them now...

It might be better to use Bingchen, but he felt that at most he would seal them for a period of time, but doing so would instead focus the eyes of the two on himself.

This is not wise.

Although he felt that the man should have no malice towards him, he would not gamble.

So, with Xiao Qingkong behind his back, he took another look at the two people who were fighting, then turned and left the room.

He is going to go to the Pavilion of Younv next.

The daughter of Muyin has already appeared, so Younu, whose identity and status are far more important than her, may also be here...

But it might not be there, after all, if Zuoyue Qingkong is You Nu, then she should still be in school now, not this place.

Speaking of which, this place was originally part of her spiritual realm...

Although I don't know why she hid this place in the spiritual domain, but I think coming here should be the same as Takahashi's Xishi Mountain...

So if you continue to explore, you may encounter the real body of Sazuki Qingkong...


Beiyuan subconsciously glanced at Xiao Qingkong who was lying on his back.

What exactly is her function?

At this time, he has almost stepped onto the air corridor leading to the Younv's Pavilion.


Ahead, in the pitch-black Pavilion of Younv, a figure suddenly walked out slowly.

She gave a soft laugh and looked a lot like a kind big sister.

"I found you..."

In the spiritual realm, anything can happen.

For example, Qingshi Middle School, which is now shrouded in a spiritual realm, can be imagined, after experiencing today's incident, Qingshi Middle School will definitely suffer very serious injuries...

Students and teachers will die a lot...

Similarly, this also means that the matter of spiritual recovery will appear in everyone's field of vision and can no longer be ignored.

Beiyuan didn't think about what the Qingshi Middle School would look like after this incident, nor did he think about the changes that would happen to the world after the supernatural recovery became known to everyone.

He just wants to live now...

At least in the hands of the person in front of him.

"I found you..."

Her voice became extremely gentle, which was completely different from the Sazuki Qingkong that Bei Yuan knew before.

If the previous Zuoyue Qingkong was mysterious and mysterious, then the Zuoyue Qingkong in front of her is more like a gentle and temperamental girl.

Beautiful and elegant, with an unimaginable affinity.

The light red hair hangs down to the waist, and the red headband is tied with a bow at the back of the head...Holding up part of the hair, revealing the fair neck and small ears.

The dark golden eyes are filled with a gentle smile that makes people melt when they look at them. Compared with the previous Sazuki Qingkong, her eyes are more like human eyes.

She was wearing a light red bathrobe with a white chrysanthemum pattern imprinted on it.

Raise your hands lightly and put them on your waist.

The steps are moving, revealing the cute feet wearing clogs, and the white cotton balls are falling on the clogs.

As if sensing Bei Yuan's gaze, Zuoyue Qingkong reached out to touch the bow on the back of her head with some embarrassment, and she spoke softly.

"This is what I worked hard to tie... I saw that boys outside like girls to do that, so I simply tried it..."

She seemed a little afraid to look at Bei Yuan, her little face was flushed.

"So, it should be okay, right?"

Her voice rang in my ears.

But Beiyuan's gaze was extremely serious, he stared at Zuoyue Qingkong in front of him, his body tensed...

He didn't answer Sazuki Qingkong's inquiry, because he didn't know what to say now.

"Ah... I'm sorry... I almost forgot that Beiyuan-kun and you are guests, so you can't let the guests wait outside..."

As if thinking of something, Zuo Yue Qingkong made a fist with her right hand and tapped on the palm of her left hand. After saying this, she raised her head.

"Beiyuan-kun, can you come in and sit for a while?"

Beiyuan looked indifferent, he touched the small head of Xiao Qingkong behind him, and said:

"What if I refuse?"

"Beiyuan-kun, you don't seem to have the ability to refuse..." Zuoyue Qingkong was still smiling, but her smile made Beiyuan's heart tighten at this moment.

"Okay, I'll go in with you..."

"Well, Kitahara-kun actually doesn't need to be so nervous, I won't hurt you..." Zuoyue Qingkong tilted her head, she seemed to be serious.

But how could Bei Yuan, who was used to seeing her changing demeanor, trust her?

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat him, he would have wanted to run away immediately...

I thought it would never happen, but...

Bei Yuan took a deep breath...

He told himself in his heart...

Now that you're here, let's accept the reality and take this opportunity to see if we can find anything useful.


Zuoyue Qingkong's room is also located at the highest point of Younv's Pavilion, which is also the deepest part of Younv's Pavilion.

The interior of her room is a bit simple, and there is not even much decoration, which is completely different from the room of the daughter of the hidden eye.

A tea table, a bed, an ancient painting, and a young girl.

It's just that there are two guests in this room today.

Beiyuan carefully looked at everything in the room.

This room is really not like a house that a cute girl would choose to live in.

After all, it is too crude.

Compared with the place where girls would live, this place is more like the place where a hermit who sees through the world lives.

It is not enough to ask for how much furniture, just to make your life more comfortable...

"This is the first time that other guests have come in to my place, the shaman has been here before, but she won't stay here for long.

After all, in their eyes, I am just a sacrifice...

It doesn't take long to get along with me.

Anyway, that's what I ended up with..."

"Maybe I haven't spent as much time with them as I have with you. After all, we have grown up together as playmates."

After saying this, she looked around again.

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