In this way, the whole army returned triumphantly, and returned to the camp to drink cold beer, eat barbecue, and post photos on the Internet to brag about their military exploits.

Afterwards, it was found that the information was wrong. The Afghan village did not seem to have gathered terrorists for a meeting that day, but was just holding a wedding...

——No matter how many times you fight mindless security battles like this, what kind of correct experience can you accumulate?

In short, although the machine gunner in the back seat of the green leather car only had human body stroke marksmanship, he still beat the robbers away with his crushing firepower advantage.

Passengers on the Greyhound bus ran over to thank Akiyama Hui after escape, and begged for a ride to the nearest town—although these motorcycle robbers were polite, none of them Killed, but the engine of the bus was damaged by the bullet, and it could no longer drive.

And this place is not in front of the village, there is no store in the back, and the mobile phone has no signal, so they can't even call for help.

——In the United States and most European countries, except for major cities and rural areas other than tourist resorts, telecom operators can only guarantee the existence of 2G signals in small villages and towns at most, and even 3G signals cannot maintain stability, let alone 5G signal is up.

As for the open areas on both sides of the road, it depends on whether Musk's star chain is used.

However, the area where the Greyhound bus was intercepted and robbed was obviously not within the service area of ​​Starlink, so there was no signal at all.

Although they can stay where they are and wait for a ride, on the one hand, they have already been exposed to the scorching sun and are about to suffer from heat stroke, so they won't be able to hold on for long; Will you go back and forth...

Therefore, they felt that they didn't ask for two masters for one thing, so they simply asked Qiu Shanhui again.

Regarding the prayers of these poor people, Akiyama Megumi hesitated, and out of humanitarian considerations, he agreed with 50.00%, allowing the women and children on the Greyhound bus to take a short distance in his green leather car to the front Get off at the nearest town.

As for the men... Megumi Akiyama instructed them to try their luck in the "Uber Succubus" RVs behind.

I believe that these succubus ladies should not mind doing a few business deals on the road—as for whether these men will be emptied of their credit cards and bodies by the succubus during this journey...that is their own business.

Chapter 214, Journey to the Western Town

Continuing east from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the road is basically a large desert with cliffs and sandstones.

In short, it is generally the desolate scenery that is common in western films, with red rock landforms everywhere, deep canyons, rock arches, steep pinnacles...

Both sides of the road are dry sandstone with no grass growing, and further away on the horizon, there are Sierra Nevada and Vasaki Mountains covered with ice and snow all the year round. The basin between the two mountains is the largest salt lake in the United States, "Great Salt Lake". , which is about the same size as Qinghai Lake in China.

——Probably because the cowboys who were active in the western United States in the early days were generally rough and uneducated. In the western United States, many place names were very sloppy, such as the Central Valley, the Great Basin, the Great Salt Lake, etc. , It's so straightforward that people can't complain.

The Great Salt Lake is surrounded by the Rocky Mountains to the east and the desert to the west. The natural environment is extremely dry, and the scenery is very similar to the Dead Sea in Israel.

Driving on the road by the lake, looking around along the way, apart from the desert overgrown with cacti, there is a desolate canyon that can't be seen at a glance, even the ground is covered with jagged red rocks that do not grow, and even the Great Salt Lake is empty and deserted. It is a sense of vastness filled with silver light.

In this vast and desolate land, there are few densely populated big cities——the famous casino city of Las Vegas, which is still far away in the south, only one that looks very western style. Small towns dotted here and there among the desolate sandstone and red rock.

Taking the opportunity to house the victims of the Greyhound bus robbery, Megumi Akiyama drove around in her RV, visiting several towns.

——Many Americans often say: "New York is not America", "Los Angeles is not America", "San Francisco is not America"...

So in the eyes of these people, where is America?They usually point to the desolate majesty of the Rocky Mountains and the corn-filled central plains.Hidden there are many American towns that many people have never even heard of, and the culture of American small towns is bred-this is the root of Americans!

In the United States before the Civil War, the vast majority of the population lived scattered in such rural areas and small towns, and their daily life revolved around churches and markets.

Later, with the industrial revolution, big cities such as New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles rose rapidly.

There are also two main lines in the historical narrative of the United States, one revolves around the metropolis, and the other continues to center on the culture of small towns.The former has become the center of the country's economic power, gradually developed into an international metropolis, and has become a melting pot where foreign immigrants live together and a hodgepodge of nationalities and races.The latter perched deep in the interior, watching the unpredictable changes of the city with cold eyes, and working hard to maintain the original appearance of "American Civilization".

No matter how many rural American towns in today's globalized world can truly isolate themselves from the changing tide of the times, at least in the collective imagination of Americans, the holders and protectors of the so-called "American spirit" Or, still those small towns that never seem to change.

For example, according to the current film classification of Hollywood in the United States, western films are classified as "costume dramas".

Because, in the traditional thinking of Americans, their "fashion" is jeans.

In other words, the "ancient costume" of Americans is cowboy clothing, and the "orthodox" "American ancients" are western cowboys.

That is to say, those rednecks doing farm work under the scorching sun in those small rural towns are the real foundation of American civilization.

——Although this group of red-necked basic boards have been tossed by the white left international elite for decades, they are almost dead...

But despite this, the anthropomorphic image of the United States in the world is still a western cowboy with a visor, a pistol on his waist, vulgar speech, and a straightforward personality—just like the anthropomorphic image of Japan in the international community. It's the same as drawing a sword and beheading a samurai.

Therefore, just like the spiritual home of the British is always a country manor, and the big men like to live in seclusion in the manor after retirement; the spiritual home of the American is a small town in the Midwest. Many retired film and television and sports stars in modern America Likes to live in seclusion in a small town in Nevada.

In short, if the core of British culture is the manor, then the core of American culture is the small town.

Especially the various American towns that appear in Hollywood movies and popular American dramas, they can be called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

For example, the small towns in America in horror movies usually hide amazing secrets behind the calm and peaceful surface. Detective or deadly reporter ventures into town to uncover horrific truths.

The American town in the youth film is full of handsome men and beautiful women. Although the young people in the countryside still have to study, they don’t seem to have much class, let alone homework. The usual daily life is to fall in love in different arrangements. Sleep with each other, occasionally there is a murder or a supernatural creature haunts for a change, but the next day, everyone is like a normal person, continuing to eat, sleep, and party.

In American towns in crime movies, there is usually a gang leader who takes both black and white. This gang leader does all kinds of evil. The local sheriff and officials are bribed, and the residents of the town are miserable.Then, in the film, a righteous police detective who is not afraid of power and his black follower usually stand out, and then the righteous police detective shows his power and sleeps all the beauties in the town... By the way, he kills the gang in a casual manner boss.

As for the small towns in the United States in romantic movies, a middle-aged woman who has been away from home for many years is often the protagonist. The heroine returns to her hometown because she can’t get along in the big city. Yin Die rekindled old love with old acquaintances, destroyed one family after another, and plunged the whole town into a Mary Sue-style emotional entanglement... Finally, after several seasons of bloody love, the hero and heroine finally came together .

Of course, the small towns in the western United States visited by Megumi Akiyama along the way are not so strange, but the appearance is extremely old, and the infrastructure is surprisingly simple-no high-rise buildings, no overpasses, no neon lights, and the traffic lights are so careless hanging from tree stumps, swaying in the wind.

It's only eight o'clock in the evening, and it's generally dark in these small towns. Supermarkets and bars close early, and there is no nightlife to speak of.

If it is Sunday morning, the streets of the small town are even more deserted, and all places are closed, only the parking lot in front of the church is full. Men, women and children in formal attire go to the church to worship together with children. Some churches with good conditions will also have pipe organs.

There were uniform applause and high-pitched spiritual songs from the black church.White churches, which used to be quieter, are getting louder, too.

Of course, the current racial diversity in the United States has also been transmitted from the city to the countryside.So in a slightly larger town, there are occasional Chinese, Indian, Korean and Japanese immigrants from Asia, but they also have their own circles, and the distinction between black, white and yellow is very clear.

——As the black civil rights pioneer Martin Luther King Jr. famously said: "Sunday is the most serious day of racial segregation in the United States."

But when the whole country is facing the crisis of the end times, compared with those seemingly glamorous big cities, it is easier for small towns to survive, right?

——Due to the recent poor security, there are motorcycle robbers in every state. In order to protect themselves, many small towns in the Midwest have built barricades and dug trenches at the intersections of the towns.Some of these particularly safety-conscious towns have even started building walls around the entire town.

It has to be said that the construction speed of this city wall is really much faster than that of the US-Mexico border wall.In just such a short time, it has already begun to take shape.

Uh, maybe when the residents of the small town built the city wall, they didn't think about going through legal procedures from the beginning, and it was because of the illegal construction, right?

——When no one comes to seriously enforce the law, no matter how complicated and serious the law is, it will have no majesty in the hearts of the people.

In short, looking at the western country town surrounded by city walls and guard towers from a distance, it really feels like returning to the Middle Ages.

In addition, what makes Megumi Akiyama more like being in the middle ages is the outrageously expensive prices in these small towns.


"... Huh? Gasoline 87 (equivalent to 92 in China) sells for a hundred dollars a gallon now? Are you kidding me?"

At the gas station in the small town, the female RV driver hired by Megumi Akiyama stared at the rusty price display board with dumbfounded eyes, and spat at a chunky Mexican-looking employee, "... from San Francisco. Gas is only $25 a gallon! Why don't you grab it?"

——Although Megumi Akiyama's luxury car is spacious and comfortable, it is also a gas tiger when it burns oil.Not to mention that the air conditioner was turned on to the maximum along the way.Therefore, if you really want to refuel at a price of one hundred dollars a gallon, the cost is too exaggerated.

"...If you can't afford gasoline, don't drive a car! Ma'am! With such a luxurious RV, you shouldn't be short of gas money, right?"

Seeing some customers making trouble, a strong bearded man with a fierce face ran out of the cabin of the gas station, holding a double-barreled shotgun in his hand, and threatened the female driver, "...the price of gasoline in our town is this price." Boy! If you can't burn gasoline, then drive an electric car!"

Probably because he saw the machine gun turret installed on Megumi Akiyama's green leather car. Although the bearded man threatened, he said it politely.

Then, as if to confirm his statement, the owner of the hamburger shop next door to the gas station slowly drove a blue electric three bungee that was obviously imported from China, and transported a bunch of condiments packed in cardboard boxes, Paper cups, toilet paper and drinks, and came back with a small child.

Because the car body is too small and there are too many goods, the cartons and baskets in the three-jumper rear body are piled up high, which makes people worry that they will collapse at any time.

When the seriously overloaded electric three-jumper slowly drove into the parking space, it kept ringing "Please pay attention, reverse! Please pay attention, reverse!"

The small pickup truck parked outside the burger shop was covered with a thick layer of dust, and there were tumbleweeds in the trunk, obviously it hadn't been driven for a long time.

Uh, so it seems that the price of one hundred dollars a gallon is not maliciously ripping off customers at the gas station, but that the locals can't afford it?

But in this case, it will cost tens of thousands of dollars to fill up the gas tank in this small town... Isn't this price too outrageous?

Just when the female driver was hesitant, the little witch Akiyama Megumi came out of the hamburger restaurant carrying two large paper bags containing food. When she heard the female driver's complaint and looked at the price at the gas station, she waved her hand decisively. , "... Just pay the bill at this price, and swipe my credit card!

The hamburgers in this place are selling for thirty dollars each!Coca-Cola is also five dollars a glass!Gasoline is about $[-] a gallon. "

Seeing Hui Akiyama took out his credit card, the ferocious expression on the face of the bearded man disappeared immediately, and he immediately turned out a credit card machine, still muttering: "... Ladies, it's not me Old John wants to kill customers. It's really a bad time these days, and prices are going up like crazy.

Can you imagine cheese being sold for $85 a pound and bread for $[-] a loaf?Milk powder is simply no longer available!

The last time I went to Walmart, I nearly had a heart attack!

God knows how much banknotes those villains on Wall Street have printed, and the US dollars are about to be turned into Zimbabwean dollars!

Moreover, there are many robbers on the road, and the large trucks carrying goods are often robbed, so the goods in a small place like ours are even more expensive.

What's worse, there are many things that even if you have money, you can't buy them in this town!Because gas is too expensive these days, my son wants to buy a cheaper electric car, or a bike with a hanging bucket, but it is always out of stock.On the contrary, anesthetics are in sufficient supply after legalization, and they are plentiful and good.

But on the other hand, the cost cannot be reduced at all: everyone needs to pay for building the city wall, setting up checkpoints at intersections, and buying our own guns and bullets.However, there was another drought this year, and the crops basically failed, and the farmers owed a lot of debt.

As for my gas station, despite the fact that gasoline is sold for $[-] a gallon, it is still operating at a loss, and this year it has been a mess.

Hey, although the oil price can’t be discounted anymore, I won’t charge for the tap water, you can use the water anyway, the water quality in the town is pretty good…”

Indeed, in addition to refueling, adding water is also a top priority, so the female driver unscrewed the water tank cap of the RV, and immediately a puff of steam rushed upwards, while the bearded and strong man was refueling the RV, while still asking with great interest: "...lovely girls, are you going to Utah?"

"...No, we have to go further east. We are going to cross the Rocky Mountains, first to Kansas, then to Arkansas and Missouri, and finally to Louisiana and Texas." Hui Akiyama has nothing to hide , said it directly, " you have any suggestions?"

Chapter 215: Worshiping God is worse than Worshiping Succubus

" Louisiana? Uh, let me tell you the truth, Miss, this is not the time to travel and play!"

The bearded strong man at the gas station in the small town suddenly showed a complicated and delicate expression on his face, "...the law and order on the interstate highway has been very bad recently! Basically, only the towns still have a little order, and the countryside has become a mess. Anarchy, nobody cares about anything.

Even outside our town, there are a lot of robbers whizzing around on the road on motorcycles, even daring to snatch large trucks.

These days, the police cannot protect themselves. If you run into a robber who robs you, you can only consider yourself unlucky. "

"...Ah, about the motorcycle bandit group, we heard about it before we set off, so we have already prepared for firepower."

Megumi Akiyama pointed to the rear machine gun turret of the green leather car, "...on the way from California, we fought motorcycle robbers."

"...M2 machine gun? This thing is really good, but, girl, don't think that with this, you can drive the RV as a tank."

The bearded burly man at the gas station looked at the machine gun turret, curled his lips and said, "...with this kind of firepower, it is more than enough to deal with the little thieves in the countryside of California and Nevada. The order in Utah is so-so. , there are at most a few trail scissors robbing the bus.

But further east, in Colorado and Kansas, and in New Mexico to the south, the situation is very bad.

I heard that there have been a large bandit group of dozens of people over there, raiding state roads everywhere, these villains are a group of nomadic robbers driving pickups and motorcycles, and they also install machine guns and rocket launchers on pickups, not to mention on the highway If you stop a car, you dare to rob even a farm.

You can't drive an RV to shoot at armed pickups, can you?Even if you have a rear-seat heavy machine gun..."

"...Wow? The pickup trucks are all out? Is this the rhythm of the pickup truck war in the United States?"

Megumi Akiyama's eyes lit up when he heard that, "...that's cool! What brand of pickup truck are they using? Could it be Toyota, too?"

"...I don't know about that. Anyway, those gangsters driving pickup trucks are very cruel, just like the Mongols in the Middle Ages."

The bearded burly man at the gas station shrugged, "...Oh, yes, it is said that the most powerful gang in Colorado is called the Mongols!"

Eh?Mongol? !Mongols galloping on the American continent? !

Hearing this term, Akiyama Megumi's mind was twitched, thinking of many stalks in fiction, and he couldn't help it.

"...This gang of [Mongols]...could they be real Mongols, right? The ones riding horses and shooting arrows?"

"...I don't know about this, but today's robbers may not be able to ride a horse, and a good horse is much more expensive than a motorcycle.

But I heard that many gangsters have artillery, and even converted pesticide-spraying biplanes into bombers, and even had the guts to attack the police station. "

The bearded burly man curled his lips and talked about the half-truth and half-false horror rumors circulating in the town. According to him, the states in the midwestern United States are rapidly degenerating back to the chaotic state of the early nineteenth century. There is still some order in the town, but it is lawless in the wild.

Many criminals and homeless people who escaped from the city, as well as illegal immigrants who crossed the border, drug lords who have lost their business due to the full legalization of narcotics, have occupied abandoned villages and towns and military bases, forming a group of dozens of people. The bandit group is constantly looting the vehicles on the road.

Generally speaking, the robbers in the coastal areas are only looking for money rather than their lives, but the deeper they go inland, the bloodier and more brutal their methods will be.

In New Mexico to the south, there's even a famous Death Road, where rows of rotting corpses hang openly from abandoned streetlights...

However, although the man at the gas station spoke eloquently and horribly, the courageous Akiyama Megumi, who is a master of arts, is not afraid at all.

"...It's okay, if there are gangsters driving a pickup truck to rob me, then it's definitely not me who needs to be afraid, but them!"

Akiyama Hui took out the blue ball of [Tritium] from the sleeve of the witch's uniform, threw it up like a ball and caught it easily, "...I don't believe it, there are no thugs in this world." The firepower is greater than the equivalent of this thing! Even if they come with tanks, I can send them away!"

At first, the bearded strong man thought that Megumi Akiyama had found a doll, but he just smiled and didn't take it seriously.

But then, he saw 【Tritium】blinking his eyes at him, and making an incomprehensible "beep".

The bearded burly man was taken aback immediately, and was reminded of a not-so-distant memory... He quickly took out his smartphone, looked at a certain photo of a person with a mushroom cloud as the background, and then looked at the [ Akiyama Hui, the little witch from Tritium Treasure, couldn't help but tremblingly asked:

"...You, you, are you the Japanese witch who dropped the hydrogen bomb in Los Angeles?!! This is your magic nuclear bomb?"

Megumi Akiyama immediately nodded and said yes - she was too lazy to explain the difference between Japanese witches and European witches to Yankees.

So, in the next few minutes, the attitude of the bearded and strong man towards her suddenly became a lot more awed.

And from time to time, he used fearful eyes to secretly look at [Triium] like a blue slime, lest Akiyama Hui accidentally let [Tritium] fall to the ground—even if Akiyama Kei repeatedly emphasized that this "magic Nukes" are not as easy to detonate and are still useless.

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