After all, the campus of the University of Washington is next door, so you can't guard against it if you want to, and the students have always been quite aggressive in doing things, daring to break through the bottom line.

More importantly, why does the Melika Church have to rely on this place?It's as if the goddess is very rare about this piece of broken land.

Pooh!I don’t welcome this god, and I don’t want to be neighbors with this god, right?I don't want to stay with you insects yet!

The second reason is that the scale and area of ​​the Botanical Garden, in the long run, still cannot meet the development needs of the Forest and Ranger Goddess Church.

——Melika is the god of the forest, and she was originally a densely populated, noisy and bustling modern city.

Although the Washington Botanical Garden covers an area of ​​more than 200 hectares, after all, it is surrounded by downtown Seattle on three sides, and the remaining side is the sparkling Lake Washington. When you are in it, you may not feel any problem.But if you look down from the sky, you will find that this lush forest is still just a small green space surrounded by reinforced concrete forests isolated from the real nature.

And as we all know, sharks cannot be raised in small ponds, and ferocious animals cannot be raised in iron cages in zoos.

With such a small piece of bonsai-like artificial landscape forest in the botanical garden, how can it be worthy of the great identity of the forest and the Church of the Ranger Goddess?

Of course, the majestic sanctuary of the forest goddess must be settled in a vast forest with a radius of at least a thousand miles!

The third reason is the same as the reason for "Meng's mother moved three times" in ancient China. I feel that the atmosphere in Seattle is too depraved and it is easy to lead people into bad ways.

From Akiyama Yukie's point of view, today's Seattle is really smoky, full of drug addicts everywhere, not to mention, the government disbanded the police station, and at the same time took advantage of the legalization of anesthetics to distribute free powder and medicine as benefits... ...As a result, law and order are also very worrying.

In addition, the container terminal in Los Angeles has been completely destroyed, and the container terminal in Seattle is still unable to resume operation for a long time. In addition, the transportation difficulties and logistics paralysis caused by the great plague have caused the prices of the entire western United States to skyrocket, and the banknotes have changed. trend into waste paper.

Because Seattle is a "war zone", prices have risen especially sharply - fried chicken that used to cost $[-] has now risen to $[-] a piece; gasoline at gas stations has also doubled the national average price ; The prices of vegetables and fruits have generally increased by at least three to five times.

What's even more outrageous is that because many houses were destroyed in the Seattle riots, half of the city's power supply and running water have not yet been restored.According to the speed of infrastructure construction in the United States today, it should be thankful that it can be repaired before Thanksgiving. If you are unlucky, it will even be delayed until Christmas.

As a result, in the remaining half of the cities that still have water, electricity, and the Internet, housing prices have soared, and rents have soared-those tenants who can't stand the lack of water, electricity, and gas, and burn candles and firewood, have all moved to Communities with water and electricity have greatly pushed up housing prices and rents.

At the same time, many poor people were evicted from their residences because they could not afford the soaring rent, and they did not dare to be homeless for fear of being caught, so they could only hide in the ruins of those buildings that had been destroyed by fire. From the perspective of American soldiers, this style of painting has moved closer to the cities of Syria.

In addition, since entering July, food banks (relief stations) in Seattle have lost cans, cereals, cheese, bread, biscuits and pasta, only bags of flour and salt, and even And unprocessed corn kernels and wheat.

If you have a kitchen at home, you can go back with flour and corn from the food bank, and you can try to practice cooking by yourself.But if there is no kitchen in the place where you live, and you have even become a homeless person, what should you do with the flour?Eat it raw?

However, what is surprising is that there are all kinds of narcotics in the food bank, and the supply is sufficient, so that even the poorest people can have a good time. I don’t know that the Drug Enforcement Administration has become a narcotics promotion center. , or does the government want the poor to take more narcotics to maintain stability?

——Although over-the-top addicts are often violent, at least they lose their ability to organize and stop targeting the government.

What makes Ms. Akiyama Yukie even more outrageous is that after disbanding the police, Seattle seems to have plans to outsource law and order—electricity, railways, and tap water can all be privatized. Why can’t law and order be privatized?In the past, the small towns in the west used to collect money from the council to hire the sheriff!

However, if we really want to do this, it is estimated that Seattle will completely become a western movie style, and it will be a street shootout at every turn:

Now that even the "shared rifle" has been made in an open manner, will "beep beep headshot, Meituan Kuaigun, Uber kill" be far behind?

——Uh, although the United States has the world's number one level of gunshot wound treatment because of a lot of practice, there are often lucky people who can survive after being shot more than a dozen times... But now the United States has died too much due to the plague Doctors, the ability to treat gunshot wounds will inevitably degenerate.

At that time, the number of shooting deaths in Seattle may be more than the number of people infected with the "Corona" plague?

Seeing such a smoggy street scene, although Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, was very happy about it, the great demon Graz'zt, who had gone back and forth, also got along like a duck to water, and even the cat god Buster summoned hordes of them. Wild cats, turn this messy city into a playground.

But the goddess Melikai, who is in the chaotic and good camp, really can't bear to see such evil scenes, and she is unable to suppress them for a while, and the city is really not the home of the forest god... So, I can only see it out of sight, for now. The bucket ran away.

In this way, Akiyama Megumi's cheap mother, with her followers, started the third migration this summer.

Compared with the previous two relocations, this time the migration distance is much longer.

——The destination of her "three relocations" is the Olympic Peninsula, [-] kilometers west of Seattle, the densely forested Olympic National Park...

PS: I watched a few episodes of Shanghai-based TV series today, such as Ode to Joy and Thirty Only, and found that the arrogance of the locals is really comparable to that of Hong Kong——I suddenly remembered that I went to Shanghai for the first time when I was a child, and I reported that my family was from Hangzhou , but it is still said to be the feeling of a countryman.

Hey, in the eyes of Shanghainese, are Nanjing and Hangzhou, the former imperial capitals, also counted as countryside?

Chapter 187, Olympic National Park

In the northwest corner of Washington State, one hundred kilometers west of Seattle, Olympic National Park on the Olympic Peninsula

Anyone who has played "Fallout 4" knows that in Maine in the northeastern United States, there is Acadia National Park surrounded by mountains and sea, surrounded by mist, with overlapping mountains, dense vegetation, dense forests, and rich cultists , Synthetics, Mist Shrimp, and Mire Crab... Ah, in the game, of course.

Correspondingly, in Washington State in the northwest of the United States, there is also an Olympic National Park with mountains and seas and pleasant scenery.

This is a vast green field with an area of ​​400 square kilometers. The vast forest extends from the beach to the foothills. It is the largest temperate primary rainforest in the Western Hemisphere.Mount Olympus (with the same name as the sacred mountain in Greece) at an altitude of [-] meters dominates it, and the park is named after it.

Like Acadia National Park, Olympic National Park also has a humid climate, with an annual precipitation of more than [-] millimeters (ten times that of Beijing). Sufficient precipitation makes the vegetation here extremely dense, and the entire peninsula is a lush forest. .

Moreover, the topography and landforms here are also very rich, with rich and diverse ecosystems, colorful marine life growing on the rocky seaside, huge coniferous forests growing in the valley, American deer and brown bears wandering among them, and the rugged mountain tops It is covered with snow all year round and covered with more than 60 glaciers.

The terrain in the park varies greatly, and the mountains, canyons, rivers, and waterfalls that constantly come into view constitute a majestic and majestic scenery.

From the warm and humid seaside to the cold and snowy mountains, visitors can experience the four seasons of the year in one visit.

——The popular American vampire drama "Twilight", which was popular all over the world a few years ago, was filmed in this mountain forest.

Because, as the largest temperate rainforest in the United States, it is different from the tropical rainforest.No hot weather, no flying mosquitos, no rotting tropical fruit.

The air humidity in the forest is the same, the moss is dense, and it is matched with tall coniferous trees such as cedar and fir trees. Looking around, the eyes are full of lush greenery, and the fairy air blows towards the face—it just matches the gloomy temperament of the vampire to the extreme. .

For Megumi Akiyama, who visited this place for the first time, the feeling of Olympic National Park is similar to his hometown in Fukushima Prefecture - it is also a temperate forest located between the mountains and the sea, with the same clear sky, lush vegetation, and four distinct seasons .

It's just that the trees are taller, the natural scenery is more charming, and the air is cleaner.

Walking along the well-maintained park trails, in addition to the distant snow-capped mountains and dotted quiet lakes, there is an endless forest. This land seems to be an ocean of forests. You will never see the end of the forest. Where.

Towering ancient trees with a height of 60 meters, which are quite rare elsewhere, can be seen everywhere here, forming a rolling sea of ​​trees.

The cool wind blows through the crown of the tree, making the leaves rustle, like a rippling green ocean, full of wild charm.

The tall coniferous forest props up a huge green sky in a chaotic and orderly manner. There is no hot sunlight, but mottled tree shadows can be seen.

Since most of the trees are over a hundred years old, the thick trunk is enough for four or five people to circle around hand in hand.The branches are covered with thick moss, hanging down, and even new small mushrooms can be found on the trunk, which adds a bit of mystery to the place.

Blurred, magical, gloomy, and fairy-like.

Let the tourists in it feel as if they are adventurers in fantasy movies, embarking on a great adventure.

Walking in this vast jungle composed of tall maple, oak, beech, pine and fir trees, looking at the verdant mountains covered with trees, enjoying the clear water and the majestic waterfalls rushing down from the cliffs , the little witch Akiyama Hui was in a very happy mood.

Even in front of the ancient fox god Yuzao, facing this lush green mountain forest, feeling the moist breath of the forest, he was so happy to see the hunting, so that he couldn't help but show the original shape of the nine-tailed white fox, and ran on all fours. Roll and have fun in the mountains and forests, or try to stretch your paws into the stream.

This husky-like performance made Akiyama Hui who was following behind couldn't help but feel even more proud, almost wanting to put his hands on his hips and laugh out loud.

——Whahahaha, when others go outing, they are just walking their dogs, but I am walking my gods!

This decent, this forceful style, I really don't know how high it is!

Not to mention, the person being walked by me is not an ordinary god, but a confidante who is famous in history, the empress Daji who is all over the country!

Which emperor in the world can afford to walk a dog of this level?

Uh, if you think about it carefully, it may not be true. I heard that King Zhou had a good time with Empress Daji. Maybe she was really walked by King Zhou of Shang back then?

After all, the current king of Thailand likes to walk beautiful women like dogs, and he still walks in hotels outside...

However, although his mind is full of pictures of all kinds of bad thoughts, Akiyama Megumi doesn't show it at all on the surface. Instead, he casually said to her cheap mother:

"...The scenery along the way is really beautiful, the forest goddess should stay in this kind of place, don't suffer in the noisy city!"

"...Yeah, I was really aggrieved staying in the city before, but I feel at ease here."

Ms. Qiushan Xuee, the cheap old mother, nodded slightly. She said so, and the whole person looked refreshed-she was originally a beautiful woman with long legs and big breasts, but now she has divine power and looks more graceful. Looking at Megumi Akiyama His eyes became more and more intimate.

Although when they first reunited, the mother and daughter were somewhat separated, and the nose was not a nose, and the eyes were not eyes.

But fortunately, neither of them has acrimonious personality. After getting along for a while, recalling the "old days", they are somewhat nostalgic for each other.

After all, for Akiyama Megumi, this beautiful and powerful cheap mother in front of her is already her only relative with this body in the world.

Therefore, before leaving Seattle, Akiyama Megumi plans to spend a few days with the cheap mother, and I am afraid that he will not have so much time to spend together in the future.

But, why is there another irrelevant person added to this family trip?

Megumi Akiyama glanced back at Abby, a Thai transgender girl in a purple dress, and felt a little nervous, "...Sister Abby, my mother has already given up the whole of Seattle to you, and moved to such a remote place. Why are you still following me?"

——At the same time when the Church of the Goddess of the Forest and Rangers, Melika, was completely withdrawn from downtown Seattle, the Church of Talona, ​​the Goddess of Poison and Disease, was officially established in Seattle and expanded rapidly.

The church has received strong support from officials and investors from the very beginning, and the holy emblem of Talona has been hung on hospitals and medical schools.

So much so that the citizens of Seattle are complaining, saying that in the future even the white walls of the hospital will be turned into politically correct colors.

——Because Goddess Talona likes dark colors like purple and black, or at least gray.Therefore, although the local doctors and nurses have not changed into black coats and black clothes for the time being, the exterior walls of major hospitals in Seattle have already been repainted and blackened.

However, complaints belong to complaints, but because the Talona Church has mastered the magic of healing diseases, it is still very popular after all.

——When you are unfortunately infected with the COVID-19 virus, lying in bed feeling exhausted, having a fever, dizziness, and difficulty breathing, do you want a witch in black who can make you recover instantly?Or do you want an angel in white who can only give you disinfectant or help you die with medical insurance?

Therefore, despite their unattractive looks, Talona's holy emblems and statues have become local bestsellers—even if there are less than ten people in the Talona Church who can perform divine spells, it is far from enough to satisfy the vast number of patients. needs... But at least this is also a hope, isn't it?

However, since the Talona church is developing so smoothly in Seattle, why does Abby, the disease witch, follow her all the way into the forest?

Even planning to build a small temple of the Talona Church in the Olympic National Park, and continue to partner with the Melika Church as a neighbor?

"...Hey, Huihui, although we have different nationalities, we are both Asians in the United States, so we should get closer and help each other out!"

Abby, the disease witch, replied with a smile, as if she didn't notice the faint rejection of Akiyama Megumi just now, "...Besides, in this forest, there are also existences under the jurisdiction of our Lord. Naturally, we will continue to talk to the Forest Goddess Church here. Let's cooperate!"

She raised her finger and pointed to the shadow of a fallen rotten tree under some gloomy and damp tree roots.Qiu Shanhui took a closer look curiously, and found that under the rotten trees was a cluster of brightly colored mushrooms. Those mushrooms were colorful and beautiful, and looked very poisonous at first sight.

——It’s roughly similar to the kind of stuff like “red umbrellas, white poles, and boards after eating”.

And the two followers brought by Abby, the disease witch—a former nurse from an unknown hospital, immediately went up to pick poisonous mushrooms, and put them in a basket to be taken away... Well, in this big forest, there are indeed some Belonging to Talona's existence: After all, poisonous mushrooms are also a kind of poison.

As a voter of the Goddess of Poison and Disease, it seemed only natural that Abby would want to set up a place here.

But then, Akiyama Hui realized something was wrong—this poisonous mushroom didn't seem to be used to poison people or commit suicide.

On the contrary, it's a bit like... a thing used by those poisonous people in the city to enjoy themselves?

After thinking about it, she asked Abby directly, and Abby answered generously: Yes, this poisonous mushroom is for eating!

Moreover, all addictive narcotics in this world are strictly poisonous and belong to the jurisdiction of Goddess Talona.

Therefore, Talona is not only the goddess of poison, but also the goddess of anesthetics—she is not only the god of diseases and doctors, but also the god of pesticides and rat poison, and the god who protects all addicts in the United States... ...It would be strange not to rush to the powerful divine power in one breath!

Of course, since she has become the patron saint of drug addicts, Talona has to give her favor, so the Church of Talona is going to start a long-term cooperation with the Church of the Forest Goddess, asking the Church of the Forest Goddess to provide a large number of poisonous mushrooms and special leaves... For this reason Of course, a stronghold must be set up here to act as a purchasing station.

So, after listening to Abby's explanation, Akiyama Keisa was stunned to learn that her mother has become a drug lord?This is really explosive!

Although anesthetics have been completely legalized in the United States, the threshold for becoming a drug lord has become much lower...but it still makes Qiushan Huifeng messy.

Hey, after spending so many days in the United States, it seems that she, the pioneer, has had the worst time. Up to now, there is not even a shrine.

In contrast, the cat god Buster has occupied Disneyland in Los Angeles, the cheap mother has contracted thousands of square kilometers of national parks, and the transgender girls from Thailand are also becoming more and more popular, with countless minions...all of them are have a bright future.

This contrast is really big enough.

At the main hall of the Japanese shrine, it was said that it was going to send a witch to help him, but so far there is no sign of anyone.

Because she was in a bad mood, Akiyama Megumi muttered a few words, so the cheap mother looked at her with loving eyes, and suggested:

"...Since that's the case, Huihui, why don't you just stay? I can build an Inari Shrine for you next to the sacred tree.

Although there are no rice growers here, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a place for people to cultivate a rice field..."


——The latitude and climate of Washington State are about the same as Liaodong in China and Hokkaido in Japan.

If it was in ancient times before the nineteenth century, then rice would definitely not be grown in a "bitter cold place" like Washington State.

However, with the warming of the global climate and the advancement of agricultural technology, the planting range of rice has been greatly expanded to the north. Whether it is China, Japan, or even Russia and North Korea, there are already cold-resistant rice varieties, and The production is quite abundant.

——Northeast rice in China is an important commodity grain, and Hokkaido rice in Japan is also a daily staple food that sells well all over the country.

Therefore, if Megumi Akiyama wants to live with her cheap mother, then in the Olympic National Park on the outskirts of Seattle, find a valley with abundant water, warm climate and relatively flat terrain, and reclaim a paddy field of more than ten mu to tens of mu Come out and plant cold-resistant rice in Northeast Asia...

It seems that there is no problem?

Ok?Is it against the law to cultivate rice fields in national parks?

Please, are you out of your mind when you talk to the gods about the laws that humans need to abide by?

Change the law quickly, or issue a charter, so as not to commit blasphemy!

As for the manpower for growing rice, I don’t have to worry about it—Ihoda, next to Washington State, is the largest concentration of Japanese Americans in the United States, and there are quite a lot of Japanese residents there who work in agriculture.With the charismatic power of the true god and the super welfare that can cure all diseases, it is not easy to recruit a few farmers to grow rice?

——As for the Japanese who immigrated across the ocean to the United States, why did they actually gather in large numbers in Ihoda, an inland state that is neither close to the sea nor economically developed, and is still close to the bitter cold of the northern border of Canada? In this place, the little witch Akiyama Megumi is actually very puzzled.

Based on her thinking, because of the Japanese islander tradition, even if they immigrate to the United States, it seems that they should try their best to live by the sea!

Why don't the Chinese live in California and New York like the Chinese do, but instead gather together and run to the inland state of Idaho?

In a rural place like Ihoda, there are no big cities full of feasting and feasting. Is it worthy of Japanese yearning?

Later, after asking her cheap mother, Akiyama Megumi found out that although there is nothing eye-catching about this place in Ihoda, the concentration camp where the United States detained Japanese immigrants during World War II was arranged there—the earliest batch Japanese Americans were forcibly relocated there by the government.

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