"...cough, after the full legalization of narcotics in the United States last month, Canada and Mexico followed suit this month and announced the full legalization of all narcotics. Therefore, Mexicans complained on the Internet, saying that their anti-drugs in the past 20 years What is the war going on?"

The Russian girl Sonia interrupted while playing with her mobile phone, "... so many officials and policemen who were killed by drug lords died in vain!"

"...I'm going to kill myself! Just wait, the good days of the Mexicans are yet to come!"

Dolores from Louisiana curled her lips and said, "... Anyone who has watched "Breaking Bad" knows that as long as the law deregulates the production of anesthetics—especially synthetic anesthetics, there is not much technical difficulty. With its advantages in industry and agriculture, it can become a major producer of anesthetics.

In the past, we dumped corn and wheat to Mexico, and maybe we will dump various anesthetics to Mexico in the future..."

"...Uh, that is to say, the industrial chain of anesthetics will be reversed in the future? It will be sold from the United States to Mexico?"

After hearing this, Akiyama Megumi's cheap mother, Akiyama Yukie, suddenly thought of a serious problem, "...but the Mexicans don't have much money, what kind of goods can they come up with for transactions and payment? Crocodile Pear (avocado)? Oil? Banana? It doesn’t feel like enough!”

"...Indeed, once the anesthetic industry chain in the Americas is reversed, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble, which is much more serious than the turmoil caused by the United States changing from an oil importer to an exporter before—Mexico's drug lords may not If Ken transforms obediently, maybe he will become a real robber.

However, no matter how chaotic it is, it is a matter of borders and foreign countries. We little people, it is good to take care of ourselves.

What's more, there is enough chaos in the country now-it's unknown how many supernatural events will happen next. "

Megumi Akiyama's agent, former assistant to the mayor of Los Angeles, Freya, said with a faint sigh.

"...Ahem, I can understand the federal government's choice to coexist with narcotics. After all, in the cowboy era of the West 200 years ago, Washington never cared what tobacco was smoked in the people's pipes—this is a retro."

Akiyama Megumi interjected and changed the topic, "...But now even guns and ammunition have to coexist, isn't that a bit too much?"

She pointed to the newly completed "unmanned gun shop" on the street ahead with a huge double-barreled shotgun sign, and twitched at the corner of her mouth, "...in the past, shared bicycles, shared trams, shared charging treasures, Forget it. Why are you even starting to share rifles now?"

Chapter 185: Sharing Rifles, Enough Virtue

With the development of the Internet, the sharing economy has become a well-known popular concept and has been widely used since several years ago.

Today, colorful shared bicycles have already become a beautiful landscape that can be seen on the streets of major cities around the world.

With the popularization of smartphones, shared charging treasures have become standard equipment in the catering industry, and restaurants with a little bit of quality must have this thing.

——Otherwise, if the customer's mobile phone is out of battery, how can the waiter ask the customer to scan the code to order?

But the [Shared Rifle] seen on the streets of Seattle now still gives Megumi Akiyama the illusion of breaking through the three views and being messy in the wind.

——Although Megumi Akiyama has known for a long time that the American people have [-] million firearms, there is still a surplus for each person, and the firearms are sold casually in supermarkets.

She also knows that there are [-] gun stores in the United States, but there are only [-] McDonald's. It is more convenient for ordinary Americans to buy guns than hamburgers.

She also knew that the cheapest old-fashioned bolt-action rifle was only $100, which in theory even a schoolboy could afford.

However, the little witch Akiyama Hui still never imagined that in the United States today, guns can be shared and rented like bicycles?

This is really... what ample martial virtues, one can't help but be in awe!

As expected, a 12-year-old kid can rob a gas station with a gun, and an 80-year-old man in a wheelchair can draw a gun and die!

——At this moment, what appeared in front of Hui Akiyama was a [Shared Rifle Supply Station]. The layout and structure were similar to that of a [Shared Bicycle]. Famous saying: Firearms bring confidence to people!

Under the tin canopy are two rows of twenty metal fixed stakes, each with a rifle stuck on it, and an electronic safety lock on the top of the stakes.

It's just that mobile payment is not very common in the United States, so there is no function of swiping QR codes, and you can only swipe your card to get a gun like entering a subway station.

Akiyama Hui looked up and studied the announcement on the touch screen, and found that it seemed quite troublesome to apply for a card to join this [Shared Rifle].

——First of all, you must have a gun license and a certificate of no criminal record, and then you have to go to the police station to register, and then you have to pay a deposit of 900 US dollars and a card application fee.Of course, the deposit and card fees can be paid in installments, but there must be proof of housing and interest.

Moreover, these shared firearms are equipped with positioning devices and can only be used in the Seattle area and are prohibited from being carried to other cities.

More importantly, even minors like Megumi Akiyama who have little research on firearms can see that these [shared rifles] are cheap and cheap—there are no automatic rifles such as M4 and M16 in active service in the US military. , most of them are some semi-automatic 0.22LR rifles... According to the complaints of the red-necked girl Dolores, this kind of gun is basically for children to play in Texas, at most it can hit mice and rabbits .

The only two double-barreled shotguns are already considered high-quality goods, but if you look closely, they are not big brands from famous manufacturers, but small country brands from some corner—please, how can such a broken gun be worth 900 US dollars?Could it be that the person who runs the gun factory is related to the mayor or the governor?

On the stock of each rifle was fixed a nameplate which read: May safety be with you.

Uh, another stalk that I don't know how to complain about.

"...Well, how should I put it, at least they haven't shared the brown bass muskets of the British Redcoats during the Revolutionary War."

Akiyama Hui checked the styles and prices of these guns with his mobile phone, and couldn't help shaking his head, "...but even antique guns can kill people. Just let dozens of rifles stand taller than children, give Putting it directly on the street makes people feel a little unsafe after all."

"...You don't understand this! Miss Miko, the bigger the spear, the safer it is. On the contrary, the smaller pistol is more dangerous."

The Russian girl Sonia, who was standing beside her, blinked her eyes and complained, "...this is the experience of my motherland!"

——Although the United States, which cannot control guns, is famous for its rampant shootings, Russia, another former superpower, actually cannot control guns.

After all, Russia is more sparsely populated than the United States, and the environmental protection is too good. Many Russians have bears and wolves in their backyards, and foxes sneak into the kitchen to steal food... If you don’t have a gun at home to defend yourself, It always makes me feel like I can't sleep!

(A Russian minister once complained on Twitter that a certain fox had entered his kitchen and fought his nine-year-old daughter for [-] rounds.)

No way, even in Russia, warriors who drink too much vodka and slap bears are also uncommon.

But even though the law and order in modern Russia is not very good, shootings with real headshots and bloodshed are much rarer than in the United States.

In particular, school shootings of a bad nature are so rare in Russia that they seldom attract much attention in the international news.

So, why is the shooting problem in Russia far less serious than that in the United States, which is also a country with a large civilian population?

Because as early as the former Soviet Union, Russia had a very clever principle for civilian guns: "Only short guns are prohibited, not long guns."

The guns that ordinary people in Russia can buy are all long, big, powerful rifles, and the barrels are often more than one meter long.

——The pistol is small in size and easy to hide.If someone comes up to you with a pistol in their pocket and shoots it, it's really hard to guard against.

But the rifle is not good, it is too big, and it is not easy to hide, so it can only be taken out.

Then, if someone carries or carries a double-barreled spray gun on the street in a big way, it will immediately attract the vigilance and attention of others, either hiding far away, or paying close attention to the whole process, leaving the gunman basically unable to do anything Conduct a sneak attack - this greatly reduces the chances of a shooting homicide.

In addition, these [Shared Rifle Supply Stations] are separated from the bullets, and only supply rifles, without reserve bullets.

People who want to apply for a shared rifle card must bring their own ammunition - bullets are much smaller than guns and are theoretically easy to carry around.

In short, although the concept of this [Shared Rifle] sounds scary, it is actually the same as the soul prism that Abby, the disease witch, used to exorcise ghosts in the disguise of the [Amulet], and it is already within the scope of conditions. Inside, take precautions as much as possible...

But even so, putting guns on the streets like bicycles for "sharing" itself has proved the collapse of law and order.

When looking at the processing process of the shared rifle card, Akiyama Hui found that there was a line of graffiti engraved crookedly on it, and it was in simplified Chinese.

——Everyone holds a gun, the world is peaceful!Everyone takes drugs, the society is stable!Everyone is sick, medical treatment is advanced!

With such an advanced concept of social management, how can people make complaints about it?

"...I know that the law and order in the United States this year is very bad, and recently there have been shootings every day.

For a while, unemployed employees bloodbathed the company, for a while, violent students massacred the school, and even the police knew the law and broke the law.

From the beginning of June to now, the flag outside the White House has been flown at half-mast in mourning, and that flag has not been raised to the top for at least a month. "

Megumi Akiyama complained to the girls who were shopping together, "...American people feel that they are not safe, so it is normal to dig bunkers and store cans and bullets in the backyard; even if you overdraw your credit card to buy bulletproof vests, use armored steel to make bulletproof desks and bulletproof Podium, that is also understandable.

But despite this, launching a shared rifle like a shared bicycle, allowing people to pick it up on demand... seems a bit too much, right?

Is it true that in the United States today, have firearms become as indispensable a necessity of life as mobile phones? "

"... Huihui! It's hard to say about other places, but in Seattle, going out without a gun is definitely very dangerous."

Her cheap mother sighed, "...Who told that crazy mayor of Seattle to disband the police department last month?

Nowadays, the army patrols the streets to maintain order. When the army withdraws, the citizens can only defend themselves with guns—it is impossible to ban guns, right? "

Megumi Akiyama was silent when she heard the words—now she also knows that, given the current social situation in the United States, banning guns is tantamount to letting good people be pointed at guns...

"...Seattle citizens today have to learn to live with guns and strive to achieve herd immunity against bullets?"

After a long silence, Akiyama Hui smiled bitterly, "...Mom, it seems that your life in this city will be very exciting in the future."

"...No, I won't stay in Seattle any longer. This place is too exciting. And Washington State University has also recently protested that we have occupied the botanical garden it shares with the government." Qiu Shan Yuue said calmly, "... So, I'm moving again, Huihui..."

186 Chapter [-]

On July 7, Washington State announced the end of the state of emergency in Seattle and began to withdraw troops stationed in the urban area in batches.

At the same time, because the Seattle Police Department has been disbanded, various communities in Seattle are allowed to form militia organizations to maintain law and order in the community.

As a result, the defensive facilities such as barbed wire, city walls, barricades, and watchtowers in the urban area of ​​​​Seattle were not only not dismantled, but were instead reinforced.

Temporary checkpoints and roadblocks are generally set up at the entrances of those large companies, and there are also armored vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns on standby at any time.

Of course, there are also illegal tax cards that block roads and charge fees, and there are also "heavy security guards" who wear bulletproof vests and collect "protection fees" from residents...

how to say?The painting style and style of this street scene feel like the dark elf dungeon where family wars are often fought in DND games.

Anyway, those veterans of the U.S. Army are complaining, saying that they seem to have seen Baghdad’s Green Zone and Kabul’s airport in Seattle.The checkpoints and the isolation pier are exactly the same, but the firepower is a little bit short. For the time being, there are only bullets flying around, and the sky is full of RPG rockets.

I don't know if there will be "vigilantes", also known as "superheroes", adventurers and adventurer guilds who take on missions to fight monsters next?

Well, there are mysterious demon slayer guilds, Chinese Taoist priests who catch demons, combat priests who exorcise demons, and demon hunters with cat eyes?

After all, Seattle, now revived, is truly haunted, and it's expected to be haunted forever, without end.

At the same time, in the Washington Botanical Garden in the northeast suburb of Seattle, the nearby residents and the teachers and students of the University of Washington across the river were surprised to find the towering "world tree" standing in the botanical garden after waking up. ", actually disappeared again.

Because of the choice of the goddess of the forest and the ranger Merika, the cheap mother of the nuclear bomber Akiyama Megumin, Akiyama Yukie, took her church and moved again.

This is the third time she has moved in the past month - it can be called "the third move of benefiting the mother".

The first, and least important, reason for "benefiting the mother's three relocations" is the protest of the University of Washington.

——The land of the Washington Botanical Garden originally belonged to the University of Washington, and it is separated from the university by a canal.But the school found that it couldn't manage the land well, and couldn't exempt it from taxation, so it ran out of money every year, so the city government got involved in the joint management: this was an old thing before World War II.

Today, the property rights of botanical gardens have long been muddled, and are generally defaulted to be owned by the government, but universities also have the right to do something here.

As a result, a forest goddess church ran out of the game card and took over the botanical garden next to the university, which naturally made the school very unhappy.

——The government will provide some grants to the University of Washington, but Melika, the goddess of the forest and rangers, has not given anything!

Therefore, even though the government acquiesced in allowing the Sylvia Church to occupy land in the botanical garden and build a sanctuary, the University of Washington next door (across the river) was still very upset. University loss.

— The University of Washington has several nurseries and animal breeding facilities in the Arboretum, which were severely damaged in the Seattle riots.

Although Akiyama Megumi's cheap mother said that it was not done by her people, but the University of Washington obviously put this account on the head of the forest goddess.

In the past few days, the school has organized students to demonstrate on the street outside the gate of the Botanical Garden many times, and they are still blocking the gate and holding banners in protest.

If it weren't for the Forest Goddess Church, which evolved from the "Seattle Commune", it would also be very yin and yang, and if [-] to [-]% of the current members are women's soldiers, maybe the female boxing organization will attack—after all, the American University The campus has always been the stronghold of the white left forces!

Not to mention a dark blue state like Washington State, even a dark red state like Texas, the local universities are also prevalent in the white left.

At the same time, the school's board of directors also quietly found an introducer, and contacted Qiu Shanhui's cheap mother to discuss the issue of the botanical garden, but the truth was not speculative-the other party obviously had no fear of God, and asked for it as soon as he opened his mouth. The rent of the botanical garden also set an outrageously high price:

It is estimated that the "Corona" epidemic broke out, and there were even zombies on the west coast of the United States. Naturally, there were a lot fewer international students who came to send money (you can't go to Raccoon City to experience Resident Evil if you study gold-plated), let alone Seattle. It is better than the nuclear bombed Los Angeles.

As a result, the income of the University of Washington has also dropped sharply this year, and now is the time when it is short of money.

Coupled with the large-scale reform of online classes, a lot of equipment needs to be purchased, and the lecturers and professors who are sick and ask for leave cannot be dismissed immediately, but they must be replaced by someone else. After the epidemic, people were randomly arrested for posts, physical education teachers taught physics, cafeteria aunts taught mathematics jokes, so the finances of the University of Washington were naturally very difficult, so much so that they all beat God's head!

In addition to the rent of the botanical garden, the University of Washington also wants a large donation from the Church of the Goddess of the Forest!

What's even more outrageous is that the University of Washington, where the Lions opened their mouths, doesn't just want money.

They also hope to get a "holy tree" on the campus as a symbolic landscape, and let the Forest Goddess Church provide free magical treatment to cure those professors who cannot work normally due to the sequelae of "Corona", and some A student whose family is willing to pay a lot of money.

In the end, the school even wanted to send some "slow-selling" black liberal arts graduates to the Forest Goddess Church, so as to solve part of the employment problem.

——In the United States, because of the policy preference, black people who are slightly more motivated have a lot of bonus points and preferential treatment for admission to college.But this has led to too much water for black graduates, often substandard in actual knowledge and skills, very excluded in the job market, and hard to find a job...

The female assistant who came to negotiate said that if the Forest Goddess Church agrees to the above request, they can "forgive the past". Build a bronze statue.

If you don't agree, then don't blame them for mobilizing various groups to sit-in and demonstrate at the gate of the botanical garden, and by the way, there will be a cyber attack.

In this regard, Ms. Akiyama Yukie really did not tire of bothering her, and she was very irritable, while the goddess of the forest and the knight-errant, Merika, was almost shattered.

What kind of broken places are these where troublesome people come out of poor mountains and broken waters?

Such a kind goddess like her came to you, bless you, and relieve you of disasters. You are not grateful to Dade, kowtow, kneel down, and offer tribute, but you still want to collect rent from God because the goddess occupies your land?Even malicious price hikes, extortion?

To set up a statue of a god in one's own territory, not only do you kneel down and worship impiously, but you also have to ask the god for a thank you fee?

This is crazy, right?Even if it is an evil person who is blasphemous, it is not this kind of blasphemy!

Even the voters of Vol'jin, the goddess of wealth and trade, wouldn't get into money like this!

——Although with the influence of the DND pantheon and the newly established upper-level connections, even if the Sylvia Church continues to stay in the Washington Botanical Garden, the University of Washington will probably not be able to forcibly drive them away, but after all, there are ways to give the forest The goddess is disgusting.

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