She took out her smartphone, called up the teachings of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, and handed it to Megumi Akiyama.

Akiyama Megumi took the phone subconsciously, and then murmured out:

"... Pain and pleasure, like life and death, are relative existences.

However, the power of death is far greater than its relative life, and it should be held with greater respect and respect.

Death is the truly great balancing force, the fate that every human being must face sooner or later.

The mother of all plagues exists in every human body, and the weakening and corrosion from within is her great strength.

Whether you want to believe in or serve her or not, her breath is always with you.

Let all the beings in this world learn to respect Talona, ​​and contribute wealth to her fanatically and piously.

Just do that, and Talona won't (for now) take their lives.

To act in Talona's name—whether low-key or high-profile, so that mortals know it's all at Madam Sick's will..."

Reading the Talona teachings displayed on the screen of the smartphone, Akiyama Megumi frowned at first, but then suddenly realized, and then his face changed color in horror: Think carefully, the pharmaceutical industry in the United States is really in such a state. I hope that the patient will never recover!

——According to Akiyama Megumi's previous cognition, medical workers are called "white angels" in the society. Regardless of the specific income and welfare conditions, whether the work is very hard, at least the social image must be very positive , Wherever you go, you are respected.

So, Akiyama Megumi couldn't figure it out: why in the setting of DND, Talona, ​​the god of all doctors, turned out to be an evil god?

Moreover, He is even an evil god who is chaotic and evil, and he can't even follow the rules like a devil?

Until now, after seeing through the tip of the iceberg of the American medical industry hidden under the glamorous publicity, Megumi Akiyama finally realized it.

It turns out that art really comes from life—the medical industry in the United States really seems to be a chaotic and evil social image in the eyes of the public!

Chapter 179, North American Sick Man Project

As we all know, although the United States has the most powerful and advanced medical technology in the world, it also has the most terrible medical prices in the world.

According to the official report of the United States, before the "Corona" epidemic, Americans spent 9000 trillion U.S. dollars on medical expenses every year, and the per capita annual medical expenses were more than 1000 U.S. dollars, ranking first in the world.

Although the United States is very rich, the per capita annual income in the United States is only [-] U.S. dollars, and the per capita median income is [-] U.S. dollars.

Calculated in this way, the average American spends more than one-third of their annual income on medical treatment. Is this ratio too high?

For comparison, even after the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, China's annual per capita medical expenditure is only 2000 RMB.

Therefore, in American society in the 21st century, there are two cancers recognized by the people, namely the medical industry and Wall Street.

A president once said that every 30 seconds in the United States, an American goes bankrupt because of seeing a doctor.

Anyway, as long as you go to the hospital, the sky-high bill you receive will make your jaw drop.

For example, in the United States, no matter what ailment you have, the ambulance charges three thousand dollars for one trip-now this price is no longer enough, and it must be raised to at least five thousand dollars.If you accidentally call a helicopter and look at the $[-] to $[-] bill, you probably want to die.

Then, as long as you enter a hospital in the United States, you will be charged for every breath you take.

——Look for a doctor to prescribe a cold medicine, the starting price is 1000 U.S. dollars, and if you hang a salt water and get a fever-reducing injection, it will have to double to 2000 U.S. dollars.It costs at least 3000 U.S. dollars to simply bandage a broken wound; if you are seriously ill and need to be hospitalized, not to mention the rent and treatment fees, the food expenses alone will cost two to three hundred U.S. dollars a day. , and forced tying, had to buy, the patient had to pour out the hospital's food and ask his family to deliver it.

Even if there is nothing wrong with people, they have to pay thousands of dollars to enter the hospital. If there is something wrong, don't even think about leaving the hospital without ten thousand dollars!

Since the spread of the COVID-19 virus this year, many people just go to the hospital for a checkup, and they can receive tens of thousands of dollars in bills every few months.

Therefore, even if they have never been infected with the plague, there are not a few unlucky people in the United States who go bankrupt just because they went to the hospital for examination.

Finally, in case of a serious illness and being admitted to the ICU, the charge in China is about 2000 US dollars per day, and in the United States it is 3 US dollars per day.

And the vast majority of American families are debt-ridden and over-consumed, often unable to even pay $400 in emergencies...

To make matters worse, seeing a doctor in an American hospital is not only costly, but also time-consuming.

Doing various examinations in Chinese hospitals will already cause patients to break their legs, but at least they are running in the same hospital.

In the United States, the doctor often asks you to go to this hospital to check a certain item, and to another hospital to check the next item-no doubt, these are related accounts who let him get kickbacks... don't care what kind of scud you are , It is basically impossible to check it out in one day.

The most outrageous thing is that the patient was in Seattle for medical treatment, but the doctor asked him to go to a hospital in Irvine, Los Angeles for a physical examination.

In addition to the high hospital charges, the medicines sold in the United States are also ridiculously expensive-not that the prices of medicines in the United States have been so expensive from the beginning, but that they have skyrocketed after entering the 21st century. There has been a waterfall-like price gap in China.

For example, a bottle of insulin in Canada costs only $30.The price of insulin in the United States has increased sixfold in just a few years, and it is now sold for $320. At the same time, the price of raw materials for insulin production has dropped by 60%, and the production cost of a bottle of insulin is only $10.

What?R&D costs?

Come on, how many years have insulin been invented, just like penicillin and aspirin, where did the research and development costs come from?

There is also the life-saving drug "Daraprim" for the treatment of AIDS. In August 2015, the price soared more than 8 times overnight, from $50 per pill to $13.5 per pill. The reason is that the manufacturer changed. Boss, the new boss directly cut down the R&D department and made huge profits by relying on patent monopoly.

For patients, all of the above are necessities that need to be taken for life. Even if they are not satisfied, they have to pay for it, otherwise they will really die.

So even if the price of medicines skyrockets a hundred times, they still have to go bankrupt or even borrow usury to buy medicines—their lives are almost gone, and they are still afraid of debts?

In short, 20% of the current annual GDP of the United States is created by the medical industry, and hospitals and pharmaceutical companies have reaped too many excess profits from it.

As a price, the difficulty of seeing a doctor for more than 3 million people in the United States is extremely prominent in the world.

How difficult is it?

Many Chinese students and overseas Chinese would rather fly back to their motherland for treatment when they get sick. Even if air tickets and travel expenses are added, it is far cheaper than seeing a doctor in the United States.

Native Americans, on the other hand, slipped to Cuba in droves to see a doctor, or drove to Canada and Mexico to get cheap medicines.

Finally, every year, 5000 million Americans do not fill their prescriptions because they are too expensive to afford, so they just take painkillers to survive.

——Pharmaceutical giants plausibly stated: pharmaceutical companies have no responsibility to make medicines for the poor, and pharmaceutical companies only make medicines for the rich!

It's a shame on you that you can't afford the medicine, it's all because you didn't work hard to make money!

The poor deserve to die!

Therefore, medical insurance is a must for every American, otherwise a random trip to the hospital can lead to bankruptcy.

But the problem is, even if you buy medical insurance, it doesn't mean you can sit back and relax.

Because the insurance company is not for charity, but for profit-these financial vampires have a lot of tricks!

First of all, any medical insurance has a coverage. Many serious diseases and rare diseases are not covered by the insurance.

Although there is still a critical illness insurance, even if you buy critical illness insurance as a supplement, it still cannot cover all diseases, and there must be some omissions.

After all, no one knows what disease they will suffer from in the future until they actually fall ill.

Secondly, even if your illness or injury is covered by medical insurance, the insurance company can come up with various excuses to refuse compensation.

For example, an American woman called an ambulance after a car accident, but the insurance company announced that it would not pay the claim and let the injured woman pay the sky-high bill because she did not make an appointment in advance according to the regulations-but who in this world can predict and know in advance Are you going to be in a car accident?

Or should I call the insurance company after a car accident, go through the appointment process, and then call the ambulance?

But after such a toss, wouldn't the wounded have to bleed dry and die?

But there was no way, the rules were the rules, and the insurance company couldn't beat the lawsuit, so the unlucky woman had to declare bankruptcy.

In addition, the main job of the employees of the medical insurance company is to find excuses to refuse insurance, and try their best to pick thorns from the policyholders to avoid claims.

If there is really no fault, then the medical insurance company can turn over old accounts and come up with trivial things to mess with, such as the insured did not mention any symptoms before, used certain drugs that the medical insurance company thought were problematic, etc. ...

In the final analysis, there is one sentence: You, a patient, have problems yourself, please take care of the medical expenses yourself!

Anyway, as long as there is a lawsuit in court, the medical insurance company must win, and the wounded and patients must lose.

In short, American insurance companies, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies have formed a solid chain of interests.

——Hospitals are desperately prescribing high-priced drugs, setting high drug prices and medical expenses, so that ordinary Americans can only wait to die without medical insurance;

People are forced to buy high-priced medical insurance, but American insurance companies try their best to refuse insurance and bribe politicians to obtain umbrellas;

In the end, ordinary people pay a lot of insurance premiums, and the government also spends huge sums of money, but the medical services they receive are expensive and bad (only for civilians).

Pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and medical groups have made a lot of money, doctors barely get a hard-earned money, but patients are devastated and miserable.

Poor Americans without medical insurance can only try not to go to the hospital, and mainly rely on lying down for minor ailments-this naturally makes the pharmaceutical giants very dissatisfied.

You don’t see a doctor or take medicine anymore, so how can we make money?

Therefore, under the deliberate guidance of the pharmaceutical giants, hospitals in every state in the United States deliberately and unintentionally prescribe as many painkillers as possible to patients, and they all prescribe a large number of painkillers to relieve back pain and postoperative sequelae... As a result, the patients As you eat, you become addicted and can't quit...

For people who are addicted to abusing painkillers, they will not live within their means, but would rather go bankrupt, sell their children, and buy drugs.

How serious is this painkiller addiction epidemic?In West Virginia, there is a town of Williamson with a population of only 2000. More than [-] million copies of OxyContin painkillers have been sold in ten years. On average, each resident buys [-] copies of the medicine every year, three copies a day, basically for pain relief. The slices were eaten as a meal.

And in another small village with only 400 people, the pharmacy in the village sold 450 million painkillers within a year... In other words, the per capita consumption of painkillers is [-] copies per year!If there are no Erdao traffickers in there, it will make people wonder if the people living in the village are human beings!

In the end, with less than 5% of the world's population, the United States consumes 85% of the world's painkillers, with annual sales exceeding $200 billion.

So far, the American pharmaceutical group has successfully achieved the harvest of the whole people, and has become one of the two major cancers in the United States that keep pace with Wall Street.

——With so many incriminating crimes, it is no wonder that the American people think that all doctors are wicked and worship evil gods...

When Wang Wang came to power on the back of public opinion, he had ambitiously wanted to lower drug prices and curb the proliferation of painkillers in order to win the hearts of the people.Unexpectedly, Deputy Commander Pence is the big man behind the scenes of the pharmaceutical giant - as a result, he tossed around in a hurry, and in the end it was just lonely.

At first glance, such a pharmaceutical interest group seems unbreakable, able to fish forever in the swamp of American sustainability.

But the problem is, now that the "Corona" plague is sweeping across the United States, the American pharmaceutical group finds that its foundation is being hollowed out!

——Because, in the face of the rapidly mutating COVID-19 virus, the first batch of Americans who died were mainly the elderly with declining physical fitness, patients with various underlying diseases (AIDS, diabetes, etc.), and those who abused Narcotics emptied the body of an addict...

And these people who need to take medicine every two days are all high-quality customers and stable cash flow of the pharmaceutical group!

Now that these people are all dead, who should sell the pharmaceutical group's sky-high prices for insulin, daraprin, vitamins, etc.?

Although the public opinion media is still whitewashing the peace, claiming that the plague has wiped out a large number of "inferior populations" and can reduce the burden on society.

But in fact, whether this plague has reduced the burden on society is not mentioned for the time being, but what pharmaceutical companies see is that those cash cows that continue to provide themselves with profits (patients with chronic underlying diseases, the elderly, and addicts) have already made COVID The -19 virus has been cut down in pieces!

What this plague eliminates is not the "inferior population", but the stable customer group of the pharmaceutical group!

Therefore, since the outbreak of the "Corona" epidemic, American Pharmaceutical Group has painfully seen that its profits have plummeted, and many high-priced drugs have been seriously unsalable. Only the sales of painkillers have rebounded against the trend. After forced euthanasia for the elderly, the remaining elderly people who are still alive are afraid to see a doctor, preferring to hide at home and take drugs.

In addition, there are many people who did not take painkillers before, but now they are addicted to drugs because of the hardship of life.

But the problem is that the small profit from the increase in the sales of painkillers alone cannot withstand the loss of the cliff-like decline in the sales of other drugs.

Originally, the epidemic itself was a great boon for the pharmaceutical market, but because they could not produce vaccines and specific drugs, pharmaceutical groups could only watch with greedy eyes.

Although they have also launched several placebos disguised as special effects drugs, trying to defraud money through publicity, but after all, the disease cannot be cured, and the fakes cannot be turned into real ones.

So, seeing that the power of science was temporarily unreliable, these greedy guys turned their minds on supernatural power.


"...In fact, the pharmaceutical group and the CDC originally wanted to cooperate with the Forest Goddess. But after discovering the healing techniques of the Forest Goddess Church, they couldn't send and receive them freely, so they could only cure the patients to a state of full health. , they changed their minds..."

Abby, the disease witch, said so, and Akiyama Megumi, who understood this in seconds, immediately picked up the topic, "...Because the American medical industry, which is all about money, does not want the American people to be healthy and strong, but wants to be healthy and healthy. You get a bunch of patients who keep paying for lifelong treatment, right?"

"...Yes, according to the thinking of the major pharmaceutical companies in North America, the most ideal anti-epidemic goal for them is to let the people not die, but also suffer from various sequelae and diseases that need to be treated with medicine all the time. chronic diseases, only in this way can we ensure the long-term benefits of the pharmaceutical group.”

Abby curled her lips and said, "...After all, pharmaceutical companies rely on sick people, not healthy people—of course, they don't rely on dead people either!

Naturally, they hope that as many patients as possible, they also hope that the patients will not get better or die.

The problem with the Corona plague is that patients get better too quickly, and die too quickly, and there is no room for making money..."

"...This group of chaotic and evil human-skinned demons are fishing for a sustainable marsh!" Akiyama Hui sighed.

"...It's more than just fishing in a marsh! If they can do it, they will not only search for the patients to go bankrupt, but even hope that each patient will borrow hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to see a doctor, and then the debt will be wiped out after death, leaving the bad debt to the bank. Contribute profits to pharmaceutical companies."

Abby complained, "...When Lord Wu'an listened to their hearts with magic, he was taken aback by the greed of these guys, and even whispered to me that it was a shame to think of the hearts of these human elites." It's much darker than this big devil like him."

——This human being can be so evil that the devil thinks he is too kind, what kind of black heart would that be?

"...Then, now that the goddess of poison and disease has come, and you have the power to manipulate diseases, how do the American pharmaceutical giants plan to cooperate with you and your mistress, and use the name of epidemic prevention to treat the American people? What about sustainable fishing?"

Akiyama Megumi asked, "...I think, it shouldn't be as simple as asking patients to pay you for medical treatment, and then the government will distribute subsidies?"

"... Ah, of course these guys are not that kind. In order to maximize their interests, they have drawn up a very complicated plan."

Abby replied, "...according to their core purpose, I summarize it as the "Sick Man Project of North America"..."

Chapter 180, North American Sick Man Project

The so-called "Sick Man Project of North America" ​​is an "epidemic prevention" plan aimed at maximizing the interests of American pharmaceutical groups.

——Before, due to the recovery of spiritual energy, the COVID-19 virus mutated extremely rapidly in the western United States, resulting in the inability to produce any vaccines and specific medicines, which caused headaches for both the pharmaceutical group and the CDC. , Let the people spray disinfectant on their bodies as a placebo.

By the way, open the legalization of all anesthetics, let the common people rely on drugs to numb the fear of death, and eliminate those with poor physique by the way.

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