Jiang Huanong didn't say anything else, but the cooking skills he honed at his brother's house really had nothing to say.

The roasted whole lamb is golden and crispy, brushed with a secret sauce, and sprinkled with a lot of white sesame seeds, and it is still sizzling.

The pig-killing dishes stewed in the big pot next to it are also delicious. The big pig bones, pork belly and shredded sauerkraut are stewed in a big pot. Although the appearance is not good, the taste is definitely not worth mentioning.

The moonlight was like water, and everyone gathered around the roasted whole lamb and the cauldron, and what they ate was laughter.

The drone has really hit home. The angles it captures of people eating are all at the Chinese level on the tip of their tongues.

How many people can handle professional poisoning at night?

"Master Daoist, you are a monk, so it's not good to eat meat like this at night?"

"The host has already said, lose weight tomorrow, and eat with an open belly today."

"Master Dao, I'm a member of the Animal Protection Association. In the cycle of karma, you eat him in this life, and he eats you in the next life."

"Good guy, the Holy Mother really came to the Taoist priest's live broadcast room. After watching her barrage, my mobile phone became a Buddhist scripture, my clothes became cassocks, and the stones in my stomach became relics."

"Hahaha, my roommate has become a boy under the seat, the teacher has become a Tathagata, the fried chicken in front of me has become a vegetarian meal, the light has become a Buddha light, and the room has become a Daleiyin Temple."

"The female ghost under my bed has turned into a Bodhisattva. Let's not talk about it. See you tomorrow. I'm going to have a dream."

"Master Dao, can you send me the bone, my dog ​​said that he hasn't gnawed a bone for a long time [狗头]"

"Please remove the dog!"

"I can't tell the difference, is it a single dog or a dog born out of nothing?"

After Jiang Yun had eaten, he said goodbye to everyone with a smile, and then led Xiaobai and Xiaohei, who also ate with round bellies, back to the Taoist temple on a small path.

The moon and stars were sparse on the road, the mountain wind blew slightly, and the nearby woods kept shaking.

If it were a timid person, the appointment would break out in a cold sweat from fright.

With a fishing rod on his back and an incubator on his back, Jiang Yun picked up a one-meter-long branch on the road, and was pulling weeds to play with while walking.

After the water friends in the live broadcast room saw it, they began to encourage him to take a lightsaber transformation challenge.

Jiang Yun put the branch behind his back, jumped onto a bluestone, and looked up at the moon.

The mountain wind blew slowly, and his white Taoist robe fluttered slightly, with that kind of momentum, he went up with just a scratch.

"Ladies and gentlemen, is this the lightsaber challenge you are talking about?"


The branch wrapped in white sword energy was slowly pulled out, and with a shake of the branch, the white sword energy shot into the air, and then exploded in midair.

A green lotus composed of pure white sword energy slowly floated down from mid-air.

"The weather is turbulent, and the sun is prosperous!"

"Starting from tomorrow, the repair of the Taoist temple will not be completed in one day, and the poor Taoist will not leave Wudang Mountain in one day." Jiang Yun looked at the bright moon and made an oath.

The water friends in the live broadcast room all swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

On TikTok, everyone is just joking around. Why did the Taoist priest get serious when he arrived at Wudang Mountain?

"Housekeeper, is this something we can watch without paying?"

"Sword energy is very scientific, everyone should believe in science, but if you create a lotus flower, is this outrageous?"

"The Taoist master's sword practice has improved so fast, and now it has reached an unfathomable level."

"I want to go to Tianyuan Taoist Temple to learn from a teacher, but I'm worried that the account will say that I don't have enough qualifications, so I'm afraid of losing face."

After Jiang Yun returned to Tianyuan Taoist Temple, he downloaded the broadcast to wash up, and while he was sleeping, he took a look at today's harvest.

56 million reputation points.

Now the reputation growth has entered a bottleneck, and it will basically increase by about 50 per day.

Save up, and there will be a high-level lucky draw tomorrow night, hoping to win something good.

Early the next morning, frost fell and the temperature plummeted.

When Jiang Yun woke up in the morning, he was so angry.

After he had breakfast, he started the broadcast. After taking his friends to finish the morning class, he walked into the tool room and found a roll of plastic sheeting and four iron shelves.

"Every layman, it's been cold these days, let's build a greenhouse for the vegetables in the Taoist temple first, and then go to the Sanqing Hall."

"These vegetables have begun to bear fruit now. If we don't build a shed, they may be frozen one night." Jiang Yun sighed.

In the past, the roads of the Taoist temple had not been repaired, and it was not easy to buy supplies, so basically in winter, I always ate cabbage, radishes and potatoes.

Under Jiang Yun's strong protest, Chisong Daochang began to repair the greenhouse and plant some other vegetables in it.

The four iron shelves are custom-made for the four vegetable plots. You just need to buckle up the shelves, cover them with plastic sheets, and press the corners tightly.

The fans in the live broadcast room saw Jiang Yun within half an hour, and finished all the work, and then buckled 666 in the live broadcast room.

"The Taoist priest's life is really simple and full of energy."

"In the life I yearn for, it seems that there is a plot to build a greenhouse, but those stars are so slow in doing it."

"A Taoist leader who is famous all over the Internet and worth tens of millions, even builds a shed and grows vegetables by himself. Why don't we work hard?"

"It's so familiar. When I was young, my dad would build this kind of plastic shed in the yard every year, and grow some green leafy vegetables such as coriander and spinach in it."

After Jiang Yun finished the shed, he took out the drawings left by Taoist Chisong, and then went to Sanqing Hall for a field inspection.

The preservation of the main hall is not bad, there is no need for major construction, just minor repairs and repairs.

Several rafters on the roof were cracked and needed to be replaced, and about a dozen tiles were cracked. There are spare gray tiles in the Taoist temple.

The condition of the house is better than the roof.

In addition to repainting the wall and repainting the patterns on it, the biggest project is to repaint the statue of the Patriarch of the Three Qing Dynasty.

Taoism does not have as many rules as Buddhism. It needs to paint the statues with gold powder, and it only needs to be repaired with ordinary paint.

There are not many things needed, and most of the materials are available in Taoist temples.

The willow wood used to make the rafters is also found on the mountains near the Taoist temple.

The willow tree has been dead for more than two years, and it has been air-dried naturally. Just pull it out, drag it to the Taoist temple, and then check it briefly to use it.

Jiang Yun took a hemp rope, led the drone away from the Taoist temple, and said, "Every layman, we need to go up the mountain to pull up trees and make rafters."

"You don't need to call the police. That willow tree was planted by my master. It has been dead for many years. Now is the time to use it."

The water friends in the live broadcast room looked confused.

"Master Daoist, didn't we say that you are breaking the law or not? Are you going to pull up the tree alone?"

"In ancient times there was Lu Zhishen who plucked weeping willows upside down, and now there is Daoist Jiang Yun who plucks weeping willows upside down."

"[Cover your face] The key point is that Lu Zhishen is just making it up, the Taoist priest is really serious!"

"Master Dao, in today's technological society, it really doesn't cost much to hire a worker to pull up poplar trees with a machine!"

Jiang Yun walked on the road, shook his head with a smile and said, "You laymen, don't worry too much, that poplar tree is not big."

"Besides, the mountain road is not easy to walk. It takes too much time to find someone to drive the machine to pull up the tree. Pindao can solve the problem by himself, so don't bother them."

"Look, the poplar tree is there."

The drone flew over, and the water friends in the live broadcast room nodded silently when they saw the dead willow tree that was more than three meters high and almost hugged by one person.


Chapter 197 Water friends won't learn any lessons

When Jiang Yun came to the dry willow tree, he looked up and found a big bird's nest on it.

The drone flew over, and the camera shot was in the bird's nest. Fortunately, there were no eggs in it, it was just an abandoned bird's nest.

Jiang Yun began to do warm-up exercises, and the 10,000+ water friends in the live broadcast room began to discuss.

"The drone has turned around to make sure that there are no cranes around, it's not a fake."

"Even if it is a dead willow tree, the roots in the soil are dead, and it is difficult to pull it out without an excavator."

"Pulling such a thick willow tree is very unrealistic. It requires the human body's kneecaps, lumbar spine, shoulder shaft and other parts to bear huge pressure to complete."

"If you have to bear so much pressure, ordinary people may be paralyzed on the spot. We will wait and see later, but judging from the surrounding environment, there is no trace of fraud at the scene."

"Good guy, is this a criminal police expert or a forensic expert? Why does he look so knowledgeable?"

Jiang Yun stood under the willow tree, hugged the trunk and shook it tentatively. Even though the tree had been dead for two years, it only shook slightly.


He raised his left foot three inches, and then stomped his foot to the ground. This operation performed a full circle around the tree.

"Every layman, we must believe in science. If we want to uproot a tree, we cannot rely on brute force. In the Water Margin, what Lu Zhishen did is a wrong example."

"Although he managed to pull out the tree, he almost hurt himself. We can't learn that method. It's really stupid."

"The first step in uprooting a tree is to break the roots of the tree directly with an inch of strength. After most of the roots are broken, pulling up the tree is actually simple and not difficult at all."

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, he squatted down, hugged the willow tree with his backhand, gritted his teeth, pushed his waist with his legs, and lifted it up violently.

collapse... collapse... collapse...

There were several muffled sounds from under the willow tree, and the water friends in the live broadcast room were stunned when they saw the tree being pulled up slowly with soil and roots.

To be reasonable, to be honest, this is more or less unscientific, but it feels very scientific.

Because most of the willow roots that were pulled out were only [-] to [-] centimeters, they should have been broken in advance by Jiang Yun's Cunjin.

"Damn it, pulling a weeping willow with bare hands should be able to enter the Guinness Book of World Records, right?"

"Although the Taoist's behavior is very unscientific, after he said it in advance, I feel very scientific."

"Sure enough, reality is more magical than TV dramas [cover your face]"

"As long as I can learn to work hard and break the roots of the tree ahead of time, I feel like I can pull out the willow tree too."

"If I had the strength of Daoist Master, my boyfriend would cry for a long time if I punched him down, hahaha."

After Jiang Yun pulled out the willow tree, he tied one end of the hemp rope he brought to the tree and the other end to his waist, and then tried to drag it.

It's okay, it's not very heavy, it's about a ton, and if four or five grown men work together, it shouldn't be a problem to lift it up.

"Xiaobai, don't get in the way, be careful not to hurt you."

After Jiang Yun yelled, Xiao Bai jumped directly onto the willow tree and stood there with his head held high, looking quite majestic.

"One, two, three, let's go!"

Jiang Yun bowed his head, stretched his legs, and tensed his whole body. He began to drag the fallen willow tree towards the direction of the Taoist temple.

The willow tree moved slowly, the trunk and branches rubbed against the ground, making a loud clacking noise.

Jiang Yun walked very slowly at first, but after a while, he walked faster and faster, and soon he was walking normally.

The water friends in the live broadcast room all stared wide-eyed, feeling very incredible.

"The posture of the Taoist priest dragging the willow tree, why do I feel like a world-famous painting that appeared in a history book?"

"I thought I was the only one who felt like it, but I didn't expect there to be a party [cover face]"

"That world-famous painting, please hurry up and say, don't post 666, it's boring."

"The trackers on the Volga River, the Taoist dragging the tree, are exactly the same as those trackers."

"Xiaobai stands on a tree, a bit like a black-hearted capitalist, crazily oppressing poor people, it's really funny!"

"Xiaobai sleeps with Daochang every night, and now I take the express train, what's the matter? Is there a problem? I don't think there is a problem!"

After Jiang Yun walked about 300 meters, he stopped, untied the rope around his waist, and then sat on the bluestone beside him, sighing deeply.

Dragging the tree away takes too much energy.

Especially the huge canopy with vertical and horizontal branches, bumping into weeds, stones and other trees every step of the way, adding a lot of resistance invisibly.

You can't go on like this, otherwise, if you walk another 300 meters, your physical strength will be exhausted.

When doing heavy work, the emphasis is on finishing the work in one go, otherwise it will be difficult to take a break and continue to work.

Gotta figure out a way to fix things.

Jiang Yun was thinking of a way, and the water friends in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

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