The one who appeared in front of Miss Misaka and kicked Accelerator away was Masamune who had arrived here long ago.

8652... I remember that Misaka sister's code name at this moment in the original book is 10032, right?In other words, did you save some Misaka sisters more or less?

Sighing a little sadly, he shifted his gaze to sister Misaka.

"If you're flustered, change your expression at least..." Masamune complained, while smiling at Misaka No. 8652.

"Don't be afraid, your sister asked me to save you."

"I can't understand what you're saying. Misaka is an experiment in this plan and doesn't need anyone to save her. Misaka said so."

Miss Misaka replied without any change in expression.

"No, you...should be afraid?" Masamune's question made Misaka sister speechless.

In fact, Masamune didn't expect Misaka sister's change, until just now he found that the other party's pupils contracted suddenly.

This is a sign of fright or fear, so it can only explain one point, because of the butterfly effect, the Misaka sisters have feelings in advance.

Fear, darkness, death... In the Misaka network, the death of the last sister still deeply stimulated the nerves of Misaka No. 8652.

They who have already sprouted feelings can no longer face death calmly.

However, for the "clone" of Misaka sister, it is only necessary to add a "controller" at the top of the "Misaka Network".

Then control this existence similar to the 'commander tower', and all Misaka sisters will obey the instructions of the command tower, even if what they are ordered to do is 'suicide'.

So no matter how frightened it was, Misaka 8652 could not resist the request of the "commander tower", concealed its panic, and continued the experiment mechanically.

"What is this...?" Accelerator asked ferociously, covering his swollen face, "Why... can you touch me?"

"Cut..." Seeing that Accelerator was only slightly injured, Zhengzong couldn't help curling his lips.

"Failed to stun directly? Is it because the timing is not good enough... Or is there a problem with Kihara Shenquan itself.

Is it a trick that only Kihara Shuta, who has been helping Accelerator develop superpowers and understands its calculation formula, can use it? "

The technique that Masamune met with Accelerator just now is exactly the boxing technique used by Kihara Suta to beat up the opponent violently. The principle is to make small adjustments when punching.

When it reaches one of the "reflecting surfaces", it transforms into a state where it has no speed and accelerates towards Kihara.

According to the reflection, it will be converted into a state of no speed and acceleration towards one side, which is equivalent to directly hitting one side.

Although the actual damage is not higher than that of normal boxing, this is also the reason why one side's small body can resist so many punches from Kihara.

However, even if Masamune's kick was strong, it should be dozens of times stronger than Kihara Suta's.

It stands to reason that Fang Accelerator wouldn't be able to get up if he didn't stay in the hospital for a few months after receiving this punch.

But he was only slightly scratched.

Chapter 225 Chapter 33 Acting

It would be ridiculous to say that Masamune's skills are not as many as Kihara's number, so the real reason is still in the calculation formula.

It's not impossible for a scum like Kihara Kazuta to leave behind when helping people develop their abilities.

"Ah... I see, is it because I focused my attention on my hands and subconsciously turned off the reflexes of my whole body?" Accelerator's gloomy expression began to change, and he laughed maniacally.

"Hahaha... Isn't this very good, you gave the strongest me a kick, you should be grateful, and then die with this supreme glory!"

After the words fell, Accelerator raised his foot, lightly stepped on the ground, and stepped on it!

A violent wave!It was transmitted on the ground!With Yifangtong as the center, the ground within a radius of five meters collapsed to pieces in an instant!

Countless rubble floated up from the ground, and after a pause in the air, with a strong sonic boom, they crazily flocked towards Masamune and Miss Misaka behind him.

Regarding this, Zhengzong's face remained unchanged, and he also stood still, simply waving his arms to block all the gravel at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

"Oh? Is this also your ability?" Accelerator put away his contemptuous smile, looked at Zhengzong in disgust, and said maliciously:

"It should be the ability to strengthen the body, right? Tsk——another idiot who doesn't know how to challenge my position as the strongest!"

"Are you only going to use such dirty tricks?" Masamune glanced at Misaka sister behind him, "Why don't you let her find a place to hide first."

"Huh? Did I hear it right?" Accelerator plucked his ears as if he didn't hear clearly, and then laughed wildly: "You care so much about that puppet!"

Accelerator couldn't help but sneered, and said sarcastically, "It doesn't matter, anyway, after you die, I will send her to see you soon."

Hearing this, Masamune didn't reply, but his face became gloomy, then he picked up Misaka sister and walked towards the far corner.



"He's right. Misaka is a replica doll with a unit price of 18 yen. It has an artificial body and a borrowed heart. Why is it so desperate?... Misaka asked her own doubts."

"Baka, what nonsense are you talking about." Masamune put Misaka sister in this relatively safe place, lowered his eyes and said in a low voice. .

"No matter when, as long as you have your own consciousness, your own pursuit, your own feelings, your own thoughts, your own desire..."

"Then, they can no longer be called puppets, because they are already a living existence with feelings! And..."

"And? Misaka asked curiously."

Masamune said to Misaka 8652, and also to all the Misaka sisters: "And your sister is very worried about you, as sisters, you can't let your sister bother you all the time~"

At the end of the sentence, he saw an unprecedented shake on Misaka sister's face. At this moment, her expression was no different from that of an ordinary girl...

Also shaken, there was Accelerator who said he was upright.

Since Zhengzong said these words, he kept his head down, letting his hair hide the gloom on his face.

"A living existence? It's ridiculous, a doll is a doll, it's just a prop for me to become stronger!"

If they're not props, then what have I done so far, murderer?

No, they are just props, dolls!

This thought flashed through Accelerator's mind, and he said this sentence with a ferocious face, with imperceptible sadness in his tone, and then he laughed loudly, a very ugly laugh!

"It seems that you won't be bored anymore, you have to play with me for a longer time! Goofy!!"

Accelerator raised his foot again and stepped on the ground. There was a loud 'boom', and the ground shook again. The already devastated ground became even more miserable.

Moreover, the huge steel container was also thrown into the air and smashed in the authentic direction.

The shadow of the shipping container looms over the authentic figure, and it's safe to say that it carries a massive punch enough to crush a man into a patty!

However, Zhengzong just raised his eyelids, glanced lightly, and then a deep footprint was stepped on the ground under his feet, and his figure disappeared instantly.

But in the blink of an eye, he reappeared in front of Accelerator.

"So fast!"

Accelerator couldn't help being startled, the speed of the other party had already exceeded the range that his naked eyes could observe.

But he didn't feel flustered at all. With the reflex, what could the other party do?

"It's useless..." Yifang Accelerator smiled at Zhengzong, who was close at hand, and said arrogantly: "You can't hurt again..."

Before he finished speaking, Accelerator felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. He stared at Zhengzong in front of him with his eyes slightly protruding, and asked in disbelief while clutching his stomach.


"How could you hit me?!"

Accelerator couldn't understand what happened at all, he gritted his teeth and asked ferociously.

"Why did this happen? Your leg should break off when it touches me, you can't even touch a single hair of mine! Why am I knocked to the ground now?!"

Zhengzong remained silent and did not answer his question. The gauze made of night made it difficult for others to see his expression clearly.

One-way vector operations are really tricky abilities.

Whether it is kinetic energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, or even dark matter, as long as it has the definition of "direction", it can be freely transformed.

As long as a little force is applied, he can magnify it countless times, causing huge destructive power!

However, the ability of vector manipulation is not very rare in Academy City. What really makes Accelerator become LV5 No.1 in Academy City is his calculation ability that almost surpasses the limits of human beings!

The "reflection" of his own calculation made him not only not afraid of any attack, so the attack on him was doubled and returned to the enemy.

Therefore, apart from the number of Kihara, all scientists who know this firmly believe that Accelerator is the strongest and can reach Lv6.

So even though Masamune knew that the Kihara Shenquan had little effect, the real purpose of using his physical ability to fight Accelerator was to put on a show.

He wanted those researchers to mistakenly believe that Accelerator's ability would be restrained by a body-enhanced type of ability user!

Chapter 226 Personality Modification Fist

If Accelerator was beaten half to death by himself, a person with the ability to strengthen his body, and then was beaten violently with his fist by a passing person with no ability.

Then the invincible golden body of Accelerator in the hearts of the academy's senior management and researchers will definitely be shattered.

As for why Zhengzong beat Accelerator to half-death first, it was mainly because he was worried that the butterfly effect would have some unforeseen consequences.

Seeing the painful expression on Accelerator's face half kneeling on the ground, Zhengzong sighed silently from the bottom of his heart, and then resolutely increased his strength, hitting his face like a whip whip.

After a roar, Accelerator flew out in the air, smashing through several containers, and the white flour turned into dust, covering the entire battlefield.

"You...won? Is there something wrong with Misaka's eyes?" Misaka asked suspiciously.

Misaka No. 8652, who was hiding in the corner, looked at the scene in disbelief. At the same time, all the Misaka sisters started a heated discussion on Misaka Network.

After a long time, the dust dissipated slowly, his steps staggered, and Accelerator reappeared in front of everyone with a bit of a mess on his body.

"Tsk..." Zhengzong couldn't help but click his tongue a little. He promised to knock him down with a Friendship Breaking Fist. How can you resist so much now?

In fact, it cannot be said that the authentic method of imitating Kihara Shinken is completely useless, but the effect of the pirated version is much worse than the original version.

Since the original Kihara Shenquan itself needs to ensure that it can attack Accelerator, it must first apply force to him and change the direction in an instant.

In this case, most of the power will be canceled out and disintegrated.

Only a small amount of force can hit Accelerator through reflexes, but Kamijou Touma can definitely slap him to the end with his unicorn arm.

It is only natural that the effects of continuous weak blows are different from those of one-time strong blows.

At this moment, Accelerator staggered a few steps forward, his head lowered, his eyes full of bewilderment.

"Ah... palms... so hot?"

As if realizing something, Accelerator tremblingly put down his hand covering his nose, and slowly opened it in front of him.

When he saw a smear of bright red on it, his sharp pupils shrank suddenly, and he finally understood what the warmth on his palm was.

"Is this... blood?"

Accelerator stared blankly at his own blood, with an unusually bewildered expression, and murmured in disbelief, "I'm actually... bleeding?!"

"How can I repair it, it's really good, it's amazing, it can be called Saigao!"

"It's rare for me to feel so happy! You bastard!!!"

Feeling the pain coming from his body, Accelerator staggered and stood up straight.

"A living existence?"

Accelerator's hands began to tremble.

"Ordinary human?"

His expression became more ferocious, and he roared madly: "I need power, the power to shut this guy up! No, it is the supreme power that rules all principles and laws!!!"

...if they are all human? Then what am I?

... an executioner? ! !

No!I'm just not strong enough... If I'm strong enough, there won't be ants who are overwhelmed and come to be hurt by me...

With a burst of obscure voice.The wind in Academy City was all gathered together, and Accelerator was the center of it!

A large amount of wind formed a tornado, rolling up the containers on the ground, and the blades of the Academy City windmill were also swinging unnaturally.

Between Accelerator's hands, a plasma was condensing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Air, wind, atmosphere... As long as I control the flow direction of the air flow, as long as I control the movement of all the wind in the world, I can even kill the world!"

"...LV6 is no longer needed, the world is in my hands, I——is a god!"

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